To the Users

There are three things you need to know about my mods: First and foremost, some of them are based on ideas of other modders, and if that is the case, and you like my mod, please make sure you endorse both mine and the original author's mods. Second, I am a big supporter of non-profit organizations, and although I never had the funding to support them myself, I decided to do so by making the mods I publish here. As of the moment of this writing, any donations are split between the Doctors Without Borders (MSF), and Red Cross in Ukraine. This might change in the future, but I'll let you know if it does and I'll make sure that a big part of the donations is dedicated to such organizations. Finally, I'd like to let you know how my version scheming works. When I first publish a mod it will always be in its alpha version indicated by the suffix "-alpha" in its version number. This mod is currently going under alpha-testing, which means I am extensively using this mod in my playthrough making sure I toggle all its options and go through a lot of possibly unstable points in the game to make sure that the most crucial bugs are ironed out. Because of the nature of this phase, you can expect many updates during that period, which for most mods will be around a week, but for bigger mods, it might last longer. After this phase, there is going to be one update with the same version number that will move the mod to its beta phase indicated by suffix  "-beta" in its version number. During that time I am mostly and foremost relying on you guys to find out bugs and propose enhancements, which I am going to implement if I believe that they are a nice and lore-friendly addition to the game. Other than that, my focus would be to document and re-write parts of the code to be easier for other modders to understand. If no problems are detected for a sufficient amount of time depending on the size of the mod, I am going to upload the first official version, which other than being well-tested will also be well-documented.

To the Modders

Modding is not my primary occupation. Neither is programming; at least not directly. However, I am programming for nearly 20 years as of the day of this writing. I enjoy The Elder Scrolls series and a lot of the plentiful mods for these games. Many of those mods, however, although they carry interesting ideas, are not made from people experienced with programming and more specifically with the concept of debugging; and that's OK. Although some of my current and hopefully future mods introduce new ideas, I am mostly interested in maintaining mods that either fall to the aforementioned category, or their creators, even though they have the required knowledge, they simply don't have the time or the interest anymore to maintain them themselves. As I already mentioned, when it comes to modding I can only contribute as a hobbyist programmer. I do not have the skillset, or the talent to work with textures, or writing, and there are definitely more creative people out there with ideas to improve existing mods, but they simply lack the skillset to do it. If you put yourself among them, then feel free to let me know, and maybe we can work on creating/re-creating an interesting idea you might have.

To the Original Authors

As I mentioned in the previous section, many of my mods are based on the ideas of other modders. So, if you are the original author of a mod that my mod is based upon, and you believe I don't have the right to use this mod the way I do, please let me know and I'll comply with your request to modify/remove it. However, I'd like you to know that before publishing such a mod I always make sure to have the original author's permission by reading through the permissions that are specified in the original mod's page, and even try to reach out to the original author in case they want to add my mod in their page instead. The code I am using is always original, but if my mod is based on your idea it is my belief that you still have at least partial--if not complete--rights over it, and you can claim them any time.

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