Fun with mgeXE Shaders and Palettes

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 331 kudos
    I'm absolutely amazed and is pleasure pure for me, to visit you here in the Morrowind reminds me, what I will do, but I'm a little bit to lazy....
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      Oh I understand... once you start then it will happen. I have been procrastinating with my Skyrim re-installation
  2. Farvat
    • premium
    • 302 kudos
    Incredible... Morrowind seems impressive in this shots!
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      Farvat! I'm so glad you think so. Morrowind is an impressive game. My current build is also impressive. I have never played Tamriel Rebuilt or Morrowind Rebirth. They are truly awesome overhauls. Right now I have got four overhauls working together and I'm loving it. ^^
  3. evillicious
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    Is that really Morrowind?:>

    Doesn't look like it has been all these years at all after you got a hold of your copy;p
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      If you get the XE version of MGE then the game really becomes visually stunning. I mean you have to upgrade almost every single texture and mesh and then install a hundred mechanical and bug fixes, correct many exe errors... and so on and so on. My first play through it took me a full year to mod and get working correctly.

      Then I found MGSO 3.0 which fixes everything & updates the graphics in 15 minutes O_____O
    2. evillicious
      • member
      • 59 kudos
      I remember I needed two years to discover most of vanilla game when it was released, had all the dlcs but never kinda played it (as most of the games including skyrim lol)

      All this trips to steal whole balmora, fraid to get cancer from these ones in the middle of the map n stuff

      But the although the game had its magic, your version is super awesome
      I should send you my gaming msi to tinker my games haha

  4. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Just Brilliant As always from you
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      Thanks gucky2010. When you are finished in FO4 Morrowind will be waiting for you!
  5. raccoondance
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Absolutely grand experimental set Psi!

    Not really in a position to be wordy, but this made for a really nice treat, since I have been feeling like a sick sack of potatoes lately.

    Are those ENB palettes btw?
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      Nice of you to cross over raccoondance. You catch a winter cold or something? Chicken soup, lots of liquids and sleep and some extra cuddles always does the trick for me.

      No enb but just some mgeXE settings manipulation and using a specific shader called the enbpalette.fx shader that allows you to use a palette like an enb. I could use an enb if I want but there really is no reason to as you can see.

      What I will be doing very soon is adding SweetFX but I still have some other palettes and shaders to play with. Experimenting with mgeXE is always fun.

      You know you want to come back to MW and visit ^^

      Hope you feel better soon!
