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Melchior Dahrk

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About this mod

Adds a Better Bodies compatible lich robe with male and female versions which is based on the lich creature's outfit from Tribunal.

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Adds a Better Bodies compatible lich robe with male and female versions which is based on the lich creature's outfit from Tribunal. You can find the robe in Samarys Ancestral Tomb near Seyda Neen.

There are 4 robe variants and 2 hoods included:
  • Tattered Garment, Hooded : The original lich outfit (complete with gaps in robe) - set up as Pants in the CS, replacing the Groin & Hair slots
  • Tattered Garment : Same as Hooded Tattered Garment, but without the hood - set up as Pants in the CS, replacing the Groin slot
  • Tattered Robe, Hooded : Adds a layer of wrap to the chest and arms, allowing the lich outfit to be worn as a true robe - set up as Robe in the CS and replaces the Hair slot
  • Tattered Robe : Same as Hooded Tattered Robe but without the hood
  • Tattered Hood : Just the hood from the lich outfit
  • Tattered Hood, Cowled : Includes the cowl from the lich robe - fits over most armor

Feel free to use this model in your own mod projects freely.