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grasscid and seancdaug

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About this mod

Mirroring Skyrim's "Legendary" system for breaking the leveling softcap, this mod allows you to individually reset any skills that you've mastered to 15 by visiting the Pool of Forgetfulness in Sharapli.

This is a modified version of grasscid's original, adding support for uncapped skills (>100) and adding a back/cancel option to the

Permissions and credits
This a modification and slight reworking of grasscid's Pool of Forgetfulness- Legendary Skillsmod, which added a small script to the Pool of Forgetfulness in Sharapli that allows you to reset any of your skills back to level 15, similar to the way Skyrim's "legendary skill" system worked. For balance purposes, this can only be done with skills that have reached level 100. However, this introduces a problem with anyone using a skill uncapping mod, like the one available in the Morrowind Code Patch. The way grasscid's script is written checks if the selected skill is at 100 exactly. In other words, if the skill is at (say) 110, it's not accepted you will be unable to reset.

What this edited version does is modify those checks, changing them from "equals" to "equal to or greater than," which should allow this to work with uncappers. In addition, I've made some minor aesthetic and quality-of-life changes to the original menu. The original mod would present you with a generic "skill forgotten" message. I've changed it so that it will explicitly state the name of the skill being forgotten ("Alchemy skill forgotten," etc.). I've also added the ability to cancel out of the menu entirely. Unfortunately, Morrowind's MessageBox script only supports 9 buttons at a time, and to add the "cancel" option, I had to nest some of the existing menus into two, with a next/previous menu option to switch between them. Shouldn't be too cumbersome, I hope, even if it's not what I would have liked.

I would ask that you go and endorse grasscid's original mod. The idea and the bulk of the implementation aren't my work, after all. I'm just riding on the coattails.


I've also added a version compatible with Charles J DeVito's Illuminated Order. Both mods attach a script to the Pool of Forgetfulness (furn_lavacave_pool00_forget): Illuminated Order requires you to collect a sample of the pool's water. Depending on your load order, one would necessarily override the other. If Illuminated Order had priority, it's quest would work properly but the skill reset functions of this mod would not, and if this mod has priority, the skill resets would work but you'd be unable to progress in the Illuminated Order quest. This incompatibility is present in both the original and my revised version of the mod.

To fix this, I merged the content of the appropriate Illuminated Order script (order_pool) into this mod. Now, if you activate the pool with the appropriate empty flask from Illuminated Order in your inventory, you will get the water-filled equivalent and the journal will be updated accordingly, all while the normal skill reset functionality works as it should.

The original description from grasscid follows. Keep in mind that the last two FAQ entries are no longer applicable to this edited version.

This is a redo of my previous Pool of Forgetfulness mod. The previous version was functional, but not very
practical because it reset ALL your skills at once to 15 and could only
be used a single time. Well since then, I've had this itch to expand
upon the mod and really shape it into something more than just a proof
of concept. With that, I set out back into the Construction Kit in order
to bring this mod back up to my standards.

If you've ever explored the Ghostfence region in Morrowind, then you may have stumbled upon the Pool of Forgetfulness within Sharapli.
It might have invoked your curiosity but the fact is that it does literally nothing. It's not part of any quest, you can't interact with it, you can only stare at in wonder (as in, wonder why the developers bothered putting it in the game at all.)
But I myself thought, surely such an interesting pool can be given meaning?
Then I thought, what hasn't been done in Morrowind yet?
Then it hit me like a pool of water.

This mod allows you to lower any skills that you've reached maximum
proficiency in (i.e. they're at 100) back to 15 (thus allowing them to
be leveled up once more) by visiting the Pool of Forgetfulness,
similarly to the legendary system from Skyrim. Simply interact with the
pool and a menu will appear, from which you can select the skill that
you wish to lower. There is no limit to how often you can do this and
you can even lower the same skill multiple times, provided of course
that you reach max proficiency once more before revisiting the PoF. Now
you may be asking, why would anyone want to willingly handicap
themselves like this?
The answer is simple: leveling.
In vanilla Morrowind, as you should already know, leveling up is possible only
through the advancement of your character's major and minor skills. Once
all ten of them hit 100, you're unable to level up further. Because of
this, there's a strong min-max meta in Morrowind, and people often forget to just enjoy the game without
worrying about being the best. With this mod installed, you'll not only
NOT have to worry about min-maxing, but you can now theoretically level
up your character an infinite number of times to boot, hassle free,
simply by resetting any of your your major and minor skills again and
Simply put the .esp inside you Morrowind Data Files folder.


Where do I find the Pool of Forgetfulness?
Well in case you've missed the link, it's in Sharapli, which is just
northwest of Ghostgate. You can see a picture of the map with a red X
over Sharapli in the images for this mod.

Does this/can this reset all my skills at once?

Nope, unlike the old version of this mod, you can select the individual
skill(s) that you want to reset one by one instead of having everything
lowered simultaneously.

Why can't I reset a skill that isn't at 100?

Balancing. Going from level 15 to 16 in any skill is much quicker than going from
75 to 76, or from 99 to 100, or even just from 16 to 17. This would be
problematic obviously because it would allow people to quickly train a
skill a level or two, "forget" it, and then retrain it again for quick

What's the point of asking about the skill's specialization? Isn't it kinda superfluous?
There's a 9 button limit in the dialogue boxes of Morrowind (the CS will tell
you it's 10 but it's actually 9), so I had to break the skills up into
smaller lists somehow. This is also the same reason there's no "exit" or
"back" button on the skill lists. Which brings me to the next

There's no "back" button in the skill lists! How am I supposed to exit the menu?
To exit any one of the skills menus without resetting any skills, just
click on a skill you don't have at 100 yet and that'll take you back to
the game.

mod has been cleaned of GMST contamination.