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About this mod

Seven pluginless animated background for your main menu. One for each day! Works with both MGE XE builds and OpenMW builds of Morrowind.
(Bundle also available for MWSE)

Permissions and credits

*Part of the Morrowind May Modathon Month 2020*

inom – Main menu replacers
Works with both MGE-builds and OpenMW builds of Morrowind. (The bundle-version requires MWSE)

– Features

A pluginless graphical overhaul of the animated main menu background of Morrowind for both HD and 4k.

Each video is a 20 second short video loop. There are 7 videos total to choose from. (and two alternates)

This works with both MGE versions and OpenMW versions of the game, but the bundle relies on a radomizer script which only works in MWSE.

Note:  If your game plays the Bethesda logo and the fading Morrowind logo at the beginning every time, you may also like the "Intro remover" file, which replaces these logos with a black video frame. Making the game instantly start at the menu. The "Intro remover" can be found under "update files" in the files section. (The bundle already includes these files)

– Installation

MGE XE v0.10.1 or later



Pick your preferred version, and place the contents of the zip file into your "Data Files" folder, there is no .esp-file to activate.

– Versions

1: Morndas sunrise at the residential district of Balmora
Just as the sun rises over the residental districts, the plebs, paupers and patricians go about their day.

2: Tirdas morning along the Odai
Originally a screenshot I did, decided to load the game from that day and make a video loop.

3: Middas lunch outside Vivec
Ate at my desk one day while looking onto Vivec from the shoreline. Seemed the people and seagulls in Vivec were having lunch too.

4: Turdas fishing near Azura's Shrine
I really like how calm the western seaside can be. But as I was shooting this video this gondolier fisherman paddled into my shot. I cursed at him, and it seemed he heard me, as he turned his boat in a sharp 90 degree turn and shouted some profanities at me as he left the shot. Decided to keep that take.

5: Fredas strolling through the exuberant Bitter Coast
 Bitter coast can be so beautiful. Also if you look very closely you can see the corpse of Fjol the Outlaw to the right of the other side of the bridge.

6: Loredas soaking by the tower of Tel Vos
Had to have at least one loop with rain, it is Morrowind after all.

7: Sundas morning at the Balmora temple
Probably the most intricate shot, as the banner outside the temple needed much TLC to not stutter as the video was looping.

As for the two alternates, I really enjoyed the shots, and I loved the color of the night sky in those photos, but I still felt the sky-transition (as the video was looping) was a bit jagged. If you don't mind that, you might like them. If you do mind, pick one of the main seven instead.

Also added the .psd file with the logo, in case anyone wants to do something with it. Have fun.

Recommended mods
Shameless plug of my other user interface mods:
inom - User interface hider
inom - Splash screen replacers
inom - Inventory mouse wheel

– Compatibility

Each main menus come with texture files for the main menu buttons as well.
Make sure to load this after anything that changes those buttons. (Like the continue mod)

– Background

I am a big fan of backgrounds where it looks like the game has loaded already, even if I know it hasn't and it's just a video loop. These videos were created in-game using the modding guide Morrowind 2020: Thastus edition. Some mods were added on top of the guide, most notably seen in the videos: Epic Balmora, Tower of Vos and Where are all birds going. Then some extra shaders were added too.

Most of the shaders are from MGE XE, with a few additions downloaded from the Shaders room in the Morrowind Modding Community's Discord channel.

Thanks to Bethesda for making Morrowind, probably the most intricate RPG-sandbox ever.
Thanks to Hrnchamd for MGE XE, which without this would have been impossible to make.
Thanks to the Morrowind Modding Community for all those amazing mods that went into this game-build.
Thanks to Melchior Dahrk for Tower of Vos.
Thanks to Mikeandike for Epic Balmora.
Thanks to abot for Where are all birds going.
