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About this mod

Weight unit conversion and level-based gold value uncertainty. Lots of options to make the UI a bit more nuanced and contextual. This mod runs independently of UI Expansion 1.2. It needs MGE XE with a recent MWSE version.

Permissions and credits
I always wondered how one could swing swords weighing 80 or carry packs weighing 700 kilogram or pounds. I am sure I am not alone. Then by pure stroke of genius I figured the vanilla weight unit is neither in kilograms, nor pounds, but actually in hectogram. Hectogram is 1kg / 10, so 100g. Don't believe me? See for yourself:

a player characters carry weight of let's say 400 x 100g  =>  40 kilogram
a two-handed sword, weight 60 x 100g  =>  6 kilogram
an alchemy ingredient with weight 0,01 x 100g  =>  0,001 kilogram  =>  1 gram

Sounds much more reasonable, doesn't it?

I'd wager the devs had decided on this, because it enabled a universal (unitless) unit, for both small and big items, that didn't have too many zeros before or after the comma, keeping it simple. And that was good enough until now ...

This mod allows you to enable unit conversion for Metric and Imperial units, or omit the numbers for Roleplay purposes.

With the 0.9.8 update, there are now options to display gold values as obscure numbers, or vague Roleplay labels, or both in concert.

Changelog v. 0.9.8 (Feb 11th, 2021)

- added Gold Value Uncertainty as the second major feature (see Features section below)
- added more controls to the MCM, f.i. a way to disable the Value/Weight-Ratio element
- reworked the MCM with dropdowns and descriptions, etc
- reworked wording on some Roleplay labels, added new ones for small values
- small tweaks here and there

Changelog v. 0.9.5 (Jan 28th, 2021)

- mod is now a standalone, independent from UI Expansion
- kept support for UI Expansion capacity bar
- expanded conversion to small units to all values below 1kg or 1lb, with the aim of avoiding decimal points (850g is more readable than 0.85kg on first glance)
- introduced stack weight on items outside the inventory
- introduced option for stack gold alongside stack weight
- made the translation read out the morrowind.ini instead of tes3.getLanguage(), which wasn't working (took the function from abots qqqbbbs Non Clairvoyant Nerevarine)

Changelog v. 0.9.1

- fixed MCM not working
- included keys in weight display (they were excluded in original UI Expansion), because at least one key in main quest has a weight of 5.0 in Vanilla units


This mod is now independent of UI Expansion.
You will of course need MGE XE and MWSE 2.1b or later.

Copy MWSE and Icon folders from the downloaded "Units and Vagueness"-zip archive into Data Files and override all.

When updating from 0.9.5:
Delete the folder: ..MWSE/mods/"Weight Unit Conversion" and config file: ..MWSE/config/"Weight Unit Conversion.json". The mod has been renamed (again) to reflect the new major 'Gold Value Uncertainty' feature. I apologize for the hassle!

When updating from 0.9.1:
Reinstall UI Expansion, or better yet, upgrade to UI Expansion 1.2.

German translation:
The German translation should work out of the box, but for UI Expansion you should download the German translation here.


- none known so far; should work fine with UI Expansion, Talking Matters, Silver Tongue, and tooltip description mods

Features and Config Options

Unit Conversion System:
    - all item tooltips
    - inventory encumbrance bar
    - with UI Expansion: container capacity bar
    0. Vanilla - keep Vanilla unitless weight, but prettified (no trailing zeros after decimal point)
    1. Metric Unit System - convert to Metric System (kg)
    2. Imperial Unit System - convert to (British) Imperial System (lb)
    3. Vague Roleplay labels - drop numbers completely and use vague Roleplay labels (see Labels section below)

Petty Weight Units:
    0. No - use only kg/lb
    1. Yes - use g/ml/oz, while below 1kg or 1lb respectively
    2. Hide - no weight display below 200 grams (2.0 in Vanilla units), including Roleplay labels

Fluid Weight Units:
    - in Metric System: l (liters) and if low-weight values are enabled: ml (milliliters)
    - switch weight icon for flask icon on drinks/alchemy consumables

Stack Weight and Stack Gold:
    - disclaimer: not working in Barter or Container menus
    0. No
    1. Yes - weight only
    2. Yes - weight and gold

Gold Value Uncertainty:
    - based on PCs mercantile and character level
    - logarithmic growth of certainty
    0. No - keep it straight
    1. Yes - obscure values by rounding them to some estimable number of digits; uncertain values are marked with '?'
    2. Yes - use vague labels; they will shift downwards with advanced mercantile and character level (see Labels section below)
    3. Yes - use obscure numbers on estimable values, use labels on the rest

Remember Prices from Bartering:
    - remember item values whenever one is selecting an item to buy in a Barter menu
    - known values are preferred only when no better estimate can be made
    - Values that are below 98 % of real value remain uncertain (marked with '?')

Hide Petty Values:
    - hide gold values < 20, except in barter menu

Gold/Weight Ratio:
    - option to enable only if the item is worth less than 2000 gold and weighs more than 400 grams, or 4.0 in Vanilla units
    - can't remember what it was before, but now it's the higher the better (so gold/weight, not weight/gold)

- some layout tweeks to make it look good enough for my taste (compared to UI Expansion)
    - elements are hidden when 0
    - centered the weight/gold icon bar
    - changed padding very slightly

- German translation included


These are the Roleplay labels for weights and gold values. They can be tweaked by modifying the translations.lua in ..MWSE/mods/Units and Vagueness

vague weight labels:
airy, light, moderate, heavy, massive

encumbrance bar:
unhindered, stocked, packed, burdened, immobile

container capacity:
empty, sparse, stuffed, bulging, full

vague gold value labels:
cheap, common, prized, precious, immense, mythic, legendary, invaluable
    - a 'prized' item may become 'common' with advanced mercantile and character level, and so on
    - likewise, 'invaluable' will give way to 'precious', 'immense', etc

Known Issues

Lua is not my first language. Also the MWSE doc is a bit confusing at times. Aaaand I am not a good programmer.

I still need help to fix these:

By user SpaceDevo
After some testing, it appears that Visually Filled Soul Gems is causing containers to display only vanilla weight measurements instead of vague labels. I have no idea why, since that mod doesn't affect containers.

Without the soul gem mod, container weight will still revert back to vanilla measurements when nearly full. Exiting and reopening the menu corrects this until a new item is selected.

A similar issue happens when transferring items between the player and a corpse's inventory, causing the player's encumbrance to revert back to vanilla measurements. However, this only happens while an item is being moved.

When used with the latest edition of Graphic Herbalism, plant tooltips will display their vanilla weight and value.

- Container and Barter menu tooltips will not display stack weight and stack gold. I have tried many things, but I faced multiple issues, such as:
    - the engine not properly updating offered item tiles in the Barter menu
    - "itemTileUpdated" events seemingly not being triggered consistently
    - "mouseOver" events being called on the image, instead of the tile
    - CTDs on accessing tileData that I got via the "help" event

- The weight and capacity bars may both not update in all cases. The capacity bar moreso than the weight bar. This has to do with the game being selective with updating menu windows, and me still not quite grasping when and where to put my event listeners.

- There is an issue with item filters not being reset when opening the inventory after bartering. Likely this is due to some menu update overriding UI Expansions filters.

- As far as I know, there is no way to change text in a fillbar, only the current/max values. Therefore the weightbar does not have units. I tried adding a tooltip for that, which is not working as intended yet. But maybe there is another way?
- Changing the text in a fillbar is in fact possible and easy, as SilverTongue by VitruvianGuar has shown me.

Planned Features

Suggestions welcome!

- fix stack-count feature to work inside Barter and Container menus as well (bump to v1.0)
- fix other issues
- add option to convert certain magic effect weights: "Burden: 16.3kg" (minor addition)


Programming, Flask Icon: Insicht (insicht#3725 on Discord) (Monsterzeichner on the Nexus)

Credits for UI Expansion, on which bones this mod has been created:

Programming: NullCascade, Hrnchamd
Additional Programming: Petethegoat, Jiopsi
Colored Magic School Icons: R-Zero
Inventory Filter Icons: Remiros
Concepts and Testing: Morrowind Modding Community Discord

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Hrnchamd, NullCascade, Greatness7, qqqbbb, abot, VitruvianGuar, for any of their work
Thanks to Bethesda for their game
Thanks to the community
Thank you for reading

Additional Notes

I didn't get to playtest the mod too thoroughly, because I don't have time for playing myself. If you notice anything that isn't on the list of known issues, please tell me.

Some Notable Mods that enabled or inspired this

UI Expansion (which this mod is based on and includes for the most part)
UI Inspector (a great help when attempting to edit ui elements)
Not Clairvoyant Nerevarine (inspiration for the roleplay options)