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Deutsche Übersetzung für UI Expansion 1.2 -- translations file with German translation for UI Expansion 1.2

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Kopiere den MWSE Ordner nach Data Files und überschreibe alles ggfls. Die Übersetzungsdatei enthält nun zwei String-Sets: Originalsprache Englisch (eng) und Deutsch (deu).

Falls es nicht im Spiel auftaucht, dann gibt es immer noch ein Problem mit dem MWSE Kommando tes3. getLanguage(). Jetzt gehst du entweder ins common.lua in UI Expansion und bringst es in Ordnung (siehe unten), oder du nutzt den MWSE Ordner im override Ordner des zip-Archivs und überschreibst nochmal alles. Falls du nur Deutsch brauchst, dann ist das sicherlich einfacher, aber evtl. nicht kompatibel mit zukünftigen Updates.


Install by copying the MWSE folder to Data Files and override all. This adds a German translation as a second string set next to the englisch set.

If it doesn't show up ingame, then UI Expansion isn't reading the language code of your game correctly due to some MWSE issue in tes3. getLanguage(). Now either you go and edit the common.lua in UI Expansion with the code below, or you use the file MWSE folder under the override folder. The file at the end of that will pretend to be English, but will have German strings. It also prefers hot, black coffee over tea — but it may not be compatible with future updates of UI Expansion that add translation strings.

UI Expansion translation bugfix (thanks to qqqbbb!)

in MWSE/mods/UI Expansion/common.lua, find the lines that read:
function common.loadTranslation()
    -- Get the ISO language code.
    local language = tes3.getLanguage()

and replace them with:
-- adopted from qqqbbbs Not-Clairvoyant-Nerevarine
local function GetLanguage()
    local file = io.open("Morrowind.ini","r");
    local lines = file:read("*all")

    if string.find(lines, 'Language=French', 1, true) then
        return 'fra';
    elseif string.find(lines, 'Language=Russian', 1, true) then
        return 'rus';
    elseif string.find(lines, 'Language=German', 1, true) then
        return 'deu';

    return 'eng';

function common.loadTranslation()
    -- Get the ISO language code.
    local language = GetLanguage()

Considering that tes3.getLanguage() also returns "deu" on my german installation, I really don't get why it doesn't work. But this seems to fix it for me. As one can see, it reads the ini. This should also work for French and Russian versions with the translations included in UI Expansion 1.2.

(Correction: the script above is from Not Clairvoyant Nerevarine, made not by abot, but by qqqbbb! Credits to him!)