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About this mod

Adds Wands to Morrowind. Fully functional wands enchanted as normal, cast-on-strike weapons. Staves also can shoot projectiles now, too!

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By OperatorJack

This mod adds fully functional wands to Morrowind, as well as makes staves able to shoot projectiles like in later games! For those familiar with my mod Cast-On-Swing Enchantments, this is the same functionality. The main difference is that now it is limited to wands and staves, and there are new wands models to work with it.

These new wands are available: bonemold, wooden, ash, mabrigash, telvanni, iron, steel, nordic, dwemer (3 variants), ebony (3 variants), orcish, daedric, silver, and stalhrim.

For each model, there is an unenchanted version and 1 or more enchanted versions, except for the daedric wand. All wands are added via levelled lists, so make sure to merge levelled lists before playing your game. Wand distribution is based on player level. There are also some low level start wands for sell in Seyda Neen, at Arrille's Tradehouse.

Use the MCM to enable / disable treating staves as wands, as well as make other weapons work as wands. Other mods can register their models as wands easily to expand the wand selection.

Note: Wands are not intended to be primary weapons. You'll find that they don't last long before needing to be recharged. This is intentional. They're meant to save you when in a pinch - nothing more.