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About this mod

Follow Necrolesian's excellent liquor "Potion Renamer" with this tasty chaser and all your potions will magically have "Potion of" appended in front of them where they didn't before! It's magic!
Actually, it's a simple text edit of the wonderful coding done in MWSE-lua by the talented Necro.

Permissions and credits
EDIT: Old description remains for posterity--check out my bottom (my eyes are up here!) for changes. It's not quite as advertised.


Created for the Morrowind May Modathon Month 2021!
. . . not really. I didn't really do anything.

Necrolesian just posted a wonderful mod, "Potion Renamer," which uses the crazy awesome coding language of lua available in MWSE as of version 2.1 to rename the potions in your game at runtime for better sorting and a less cluttered, confusing mess of an inventory--all without any ESP conflict garbage that would arise from implementing the same changes as an ESP file. This means any mods you have changing the effects of potions will not be overwritten by the naming ESP, or vice versa.

It's a great mod, and I have one single simple tweak to it I would like to offer you, the weary masses of NexusMods: Putting "Potion of" in front of the names of all these potions. You see, Necrolesian's naming scheme is excellent (as he said himself--themself?--he borrowed it from the legendary BTB), but you end up hovering over a potion in your inventory and it's simply called "Restore Magicka, Normal." But "Restore Magicka" isn't an item! So my anal brain and anal ass slaved away for ten whole minutes in Notepad++ copy-pasting "Potion of" in front of every potion that it made sense to (so all but, like, two) so you don't have to! Rejoice at the wonders of the internet!


Necro's Potion Renamer. The file here will do nothing without this first being installed.
You will also need the latest nightly dev build of MWSE.



Download the .zip archive to download with a mod manager (Mod Organizer 2 recommended) or for a really easy manual install by unzipping and dragging and dropping into your Morrowind install directory. File folder structure should be set up correctly, just plug and play. 

Download the manual file to (manually) download just the data.lua file and manually place it into your existing Potion Renamer install. Manually.

Both downloads contain only the data.lua file, so this mod will do absolutely nothing without first downloading and installing Necrolesian's Potion Renamer, linked above. I also suggest his excellent Soulgem Renamer, posted recently as well.

Make sure, whatever method you use, that my data.lua file is overwriting Necro's--if it isn't, there'll have been no point downloading this mod, you won't get the benefits of the oh-so-vital "Potion of" prefix to every potion, and you'll have to suffer through Necro's awful easy alphabetical sorting. The horror!

The exact same as Necro's. You can use anything in here you want, I don't really care. In fact, Necro, if you want my fancy image (minus the "potion of," of course) you're free to use it. DM me and I can get you a higher quality version without the "Potion of." Anyway.

I am not a modder. I am a writer and actor and graphic designer and teacher (no title of which contributed to the making of this "mod") with specific tastes and slightly-above-average levels of computer skills (of which only amateur computer skills was even required to make this "mod" I'm hosting here). I cannot and will not help you with any bugs that you (are unlikely to) encounter in Necro's mod. Do not come to me asking for help. If you want a small tweak with the naming scheme . . . do it yourself lol. Open up data.lua with Notepad, Notepad++ or some other text editing application (Notepad++ is the least likely to screw with formatting and mess up the original file, so use that) and just spend five minutes tweaking what you want to tweak. Put on your favorite song. Or two. It'll be over before you know it. Or do it with one hand, set aside twice the time, and jerk off--or jill off--while you do it, if text-based erotica is your thing (you'll be finished halfway before you're done with the renaming, anyway, zing!). I don't know, do what you want. I'm not the boss of you. Download this! Or don't. I don't really care.

This file is provided as-is. If there are for some reason further updates to Necro's mod that change the data.lua file for whatever reason, I will consider updating the file hosted here. I will also fix any errors in my version of the file, if any are found--there shouldn't be any, but hey, it took me ten minutes. I've spent more time writing this description. God knows why I'm bothering to do this anyway.

Drink responsibly, kids.



1.0, 5/26/2021 - Release.

2.0, 5/27/2021 -K, so I neglected to take into account the 31-character limit on Morrowind's item names. Well, less "neglected," and more "I never knew about that limit in the first place." The original data.lua uploaded here containing only the change of "Potion of" put at the start of every potion is my ideal scenario, but unfortunately that 31-character limit is biting me in the ass. So that this "mod" is not completely dead on arrival, I've uploaded new versions (the old ones will remain in case anyone wants them still--perhaps someone doesn't care about the cases where the item name gets all fucky because it's too long). These new versions should actually work now! There's now a much greater difference from Necro's original. "Restore Magicka, Bargain," will now become "Potion, Restore Magicka I." Bargain, Cheap, Normal, Quality, and Special now becomes I, II, III, IV, and V. This, along with removing the "of" and just keeping "Potion," was necessary to meet the character limit. I'm keeping the mod's name the same though, because fuck you, that's why.

JK, I love you, thanks for being here. I just like the name. One final change was made: All instances of "Restore Intelligence" and "Fortify Intelligence" have been changed to "Restore Intellect" and "Fortify Intellect." I didn't want to do this, but a dated video game engine forced my hand, because "Intelligence" is a bitch of a word and every third-tier potion was literally one character too long. Infuriating. At least intellect is a synonym for intelligence that sounds cool and similar enough. Oh look, my "writer" skill came in handy! (If you can't stand this, you can easily change it in a text editor. Just don't do a find and replace all, you'll break the ID codes the mod uses to find the potions. I suggest reverting Intellect back to Intelligence and then changing I, II, III, IV, and V to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This should fit under the character limit. I'd also change all the others to be consistent with using numbers instead of Roman numerals, but hey, that's just me and my aforementioned anal brain and anal ass--an anal ass which you're checking out right now, like I told you! Good for you! How's the view?). Anywho, that should be the only further update to this file I'm hosting, unless Necro makes updates or there's an error in my file. It should work fine now, but I'll be honest, even I'm not using this edit of mine lol.

Why is the new manual file 2kb when it used to be 3kb? I'm pretty sure it's literally just because I commented out the line for the Heroism Potion because in Vanilla it was called the Potion of Heroism so it's just not needed to be in the data table. Or it's just slightly different qualities of compression. I dunno, we're talking text compression here, and numbers as small as kilobytes. Kilobytes in the single digits. Anyways, don't worry, nothing has gone wrong, they're both the same file, just one is a couple layers deep in some file folders. The .zip archive version was actually 4kb earlier because it was accidentally nested real deep like a fuckin' Russian doll earlier because I fucked up XD and CrimstonHunter got his wish. It was "Potion of Potion Renamer.zip." And inside was a folder called "Potion of Potion Renamer." And inside that was a folder called "Potion of Potion Renamer." Only inside that was the actual "Data Files" folder. Lol.


Babby's first "mod:" over and out.


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