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Have you or a loved one ever suffered from Ataxia? Was it not fuCKING DEADLY ENOUGH? DOWNLOAD THIS if you're a REAL MAN (or Mer) and want a REAL CHALLENGE. Download this if you want DEADLY DISEASES.

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Welcome to Deadly Diseases (or Pearly Diseases, as Alice L. read it, on account of the poorly-designed title graphics I threw together)

Have you ever gotten a disease in Morrowind, not had a potion, spell, or scroll to cure it--even a dreaded Blight Disease!--and then gone, "eh, it's not so bad?" Then this is the mod for you! Regardless of whether or not you dislike the fact that you can ignore diseases! That's right, I'm forcing this mod upon you! Download it, n'wah!

In the base game, most diseases drain around ten points of an attribute, and usually just the one or two attributes. Blight Disease tended to drain forty points, which is much more like it, in my not-so-humble opinion, but that's still not good enough for me. Apparently, I hate myself, so I spent a couple hours sitting in the spellmaking tab of the CS going "hmm," and "humm," doing my best impression of a bad businessman-looking-at-a-computer-screen-thoughtfully stock image impression, going back and forth between the CS and UESP and reading lore and dialogue about the various diseases in the game, all so you don't have to, and all because a few months back I was shocked to find that my searches for a deadly disease mod turned up nil. Zilch. Nada. Nuttin'. Makes me feel good.

(this mod does not touch lycanthropy, vampirism, or corprus, btw)

And I ended up with this. Every common disease in the game (and I mean actually in the game--there are some that are in the files but not used, and these have not been touched) has been overhauled to be much more potent and, dare I say, deadly--and every Blight Disease has been overhauled to be completely and utterly devastating to contract.I have still preserved the "tiers" of common diseases, so to speak; Dialogue refers to them in increasing severity as "mild," "acute," "serious," and "extremely dangerous." While every one of them is now a parasite or strain of bacteria you very much do not want bouncing around inside your veins, the mild ones are still mild compared to the extremely dangerous ones. Ataxia, for example, is still a "mild" disease. It is buffed far beyond the original game, but in comparison to Chills, an extremely dangerous disease, it's almost nothing.

Across the board, attribute drains were practically doubled and additional effects were added. Most have had a sensible new attribute drain added based on descriptions about the disease, some have had skill drains added, and some have even had minimal Blind or Sound effects added, an additional way to really make the disease get on your nerve by making even moments when you're not actively trying to use a skill hampered by the disease, as any disease would in real life. Diseases don't take a back seat when you relax and then come out to haunt you when you're trying to hit something. To really make the Sound part mean something, you should download and install Sound Spell Sound Effect, which uses an unused vanilla game sound effect to give the Sound spell . . . well, a sound effect. Like it should have had, because otherwise being hit with Sound does nothing to the player.

Additionally, across the board (I like this phrase), Common Diseases have had Weakness to Common Disease added to them as an effect, and Blight Diseases have had Weakness to Blight Disease added to them as an effect. Because once you get a disease, your immune system is compromised and you become even more likely to get another disease. True to life. Facks. Muh Immersion! All Blight Diseases have also had Drain Willpower added to them, if they didn't before, as Blight Disease is a tool of Dagoth Ur, one he uses to slowly whittle down the defenses and fortitude of Morrowind and her People, making slaves of the Ash creatures afflicted by it. So I considered it a welcome addition to make those afflicted with Blight Disease lose some mental fortitude, so as to become more susceptible to Dagoth Ur's trickery. It's a nice little feature for muh immersion, and won't even affect most characters, even some mages very much, unless they have such excellent mods as Putting the Power in Willpower, which makes Willpower less of a shitty stat, or other various MWSE mods that add or tweak effects to scale with willpower.

Oh, what's this? It's time for an example! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

"Collywobbles" is described as a serious common disease. In the vanilla game, these are its effects:
Drain Strength, Endurance, & Willpower by 10 points
Not that serious, is it? Here's the dialogue about it:
"Collywobbles is a serious common disease affecting a victim's strength, endurance, and mobility. Symptoms include uncontrollable shaking and chronic weariness."
Uncontrollable shaking? Chronic weariness? 10 points of Strength, Endurance and Willpower? Nay good sir.

Too lame. Try this on for size:
Drain Strength 20-30 points
Endurance 20-30 points
Drain Speed 20-30 points
Drain Willpower 10 points
Drain Agility 10 points
Drain Luck 10 points
Weakness to Common Disease 10-20 points

Instead of diseases putting you down perhaps a 20th of your total power, diseases will now be seriously debilitating forces to be reckoned with, and forces to be seriously avoided, like diseases should be. Several diseases have had luck drains added, and this is because dialogue will indicate these diseases make the afflicted clumsy. This is my simple representation of that. The Sound effect can be very annoying with the Sound Spell Sound Effect mod, and this is intentional. Diseases are not supposed to be easy to deal with. Additionally, the Sound effect is primarily placed on diseases described as confusing the mind, causing hallucinations, etc. The Blind can be much less noticeable, but watch out for when you get infected with multiple diseases, because the blind effect stacks and may completely blind you. I consider this a feature, as many diseases mention swelling, and I figure the swelling from having 3-4 diseases or even fewer Blight Diseases must be absolutely brutal, thus swelling your eyes completely shut.

I'll let you discover the joys of Blight Disease for yourself.

But Raven, these are too deadly!
They really might be. I have not extensively tested this mod. It is clean and contains no dirty edits so there will be no issues with this mod alone from a technical standpoint, but it may well be unbalanced and/or extremely difficult. I totally get it. Let me know and I might upload a toned down version, or you can tweak it yourself easily in the spellmaking tab of the CS, and even send your edit my way. I also recognize that, best as I tried to preserve the uniqueness of each disease, the amount of new effects I added may have made several feel very similar to each other. I'm open to fixing that and making them more unique from each other again. There's only so much I can do though. Regardless, I wanted to really make Cure and Resist Disease much more useful than they originally were, and make diseases much more impactful than they were, and I think I've achieved that. A clear issue, of course, is that in vanilla a 10 point attribute drain isn't significant enough to knock you down or heavily ruin your skills and abilities, whereas the values in this mod might. This exacerbates the issue whereupon a single bite from a diseased creature, you suddenly suffer the full symptoms of the disease. This is a vanilla issue simple exacerbated by this mod. The talented Merlord, however, might be alleviating this issue eventually, as he just today started tinkering on a mod to make disease effects scale from 0-100% over time, instead of instantly as you acquire them, along with a host of other conceptual and awesome features. Download and endorse his mods, he's a wizard.

The base game and the two primary expansions. An eye, a hand, a slight amount of literacy and at least 1 (one) braincell and a minor amount of electrical charge in your nerves with which to send the signal to your finger to click. If you do not have these, you can easily open up the mod in the Construction Set and remove the dependencies and the few diseases from Tribunal this touches. It doesn't touch anything in Bloodmoon, it just has it as a master. Oh, as for the others, if you don't have those . . . either you're an inhuman form beyond our understanding, in which case, hello, strange that I'm making first contact, or you're dead. In which case . . . well you're dead. you're not reading this anyway.

This changes the effects of every Common and Blight Disease in the vanilla game and a couple in Tribunal. Anything that does this too will be overwritten by or overwrite this mod, depending on load order. Even name changes to the diseases might overwrite the effects of this mod, so do not expect this to be compatible with anything directly editing the diseases themselves. It IS compatible with Synthesis Series - Creatures and Diseases by half11 which I actually use myself. All "new" diseases in that mod are simply ones in the game files that are unused. My mod by default contains those diseases as well, and they have been given the same treatment as the other diseases, so I actually highly recommend this mod for a more satisfying experience with more diseases and more animals giving you diseases. It is also compatible with PoodleSandwich's FMI - Disease Descriptions, which is a simpler, less intrusive approach to fixing the disease inconsistencies Synthesis Series does.

If you like stick shift, download the mod, unzip it, and stuff it in your Morrowind install. If you're an automatic kinda guy like myself, use a Mod Manager and just install like normal and place below anything else touching diseases directly unless you want them to overwrite this mod. Use Mod Organizer 2 unless you wanna get shanked.

My recommendations for good mods to go with this one are the same as in the last mod I uploaded. For a more hardcore Morrowind experience with a focus on taking care of your health, preparing for battle, and battling disease:

Ashfall - A Camping, Survival, & Needs Mod by Merlord
An absolutely stellar mod and the best of its kind. Simple, configurable, elegant. There are new diseases added by this mod that are brought about by poorly taking care of your hunger, thirst, and sleep needs. Additionally, I recommend the mods Ashfall recommends--the new foodstuffs, the new wells, the weather mods, The Guar Whisperer, etc.

Infected Wounds by RamblingMonk
An excellent mod that makes it possible to gain a disease simply from having low health, and higher chances the lower your health and fatigue are. A wonderful complement to this mod.

Synthesis Series - Creatures and Diseases by half11
A fantastic mod and a more complex solution than PoodleSandwich's FMI - Disease Descriptions to the inconsistencies regarding what creatures carry what diseases and what the people of Vvardenfell conversely say about those beasties. New diseases, more disease-carrying beasties, and more variants of existing creatures. My mod covers all diseases this mod has by default, but does not require it, because all the diseases are in the game files already, just unused.

shameless plug by me - Strength & Weakness
Using code stolen from Stripes, it's am mod that buffs and debuffs your character with resistances and weaknesses depending on your health percentage--a healthy character will have a strong immune system. Great in tandem with this, as keeping yourself at high health will help prevent you from getting one of the absolutely nasty diseases made nasty by this mod.

Weather Effects by Stripes
Another great mod and its as easily--if not more easily--customizable than Physical Wellness, which I made Strength & Weakness from, and it further augments your character with small effects based on the weather, such as Weakness to Shock in a thunderstorm, or Fortify Attack on a clear day. I don't really have any
intention of tweaking this one, but I might after playing with it more. Alternatively, use Bad Weather Matters by RacerPlume. RacerPlume also has a number of other mods you might be interested in, like a small needs mod and an injuries mod.

Realistic Healing and Injuries by Aracelliy
An excellent MWSE-lua implementation of bodily injuries that drain your attributes, configurable by MCM, and including an optional health regen overhaul. Also lets you choose for the chance of gaining an injury to be higher the less health and fatigue you have! Complementary to this mod! Muh immersion! I also recommend the mods recommended by Aracelliy: Bed Buddies, which lets you crash on a friend's couch to heal up if you need, and No Rest Without Beds (do not use this one with Ashfall, as Ashfall implements its own version of this), which forces you to find a bed to lick your wounds. And ligma.


The Blight by Greatness7 and OperatorJack
A great mod that applies dynamic Blight decals to people and things infected with Blight, adds a configurable chance of catching a Blight Disease in Blight Storms, adds dynamic face coverings to NPCs during Blightstorms, and adds passive transmission of diseases between PC, NPCs, and things, as well as disease progression mechanics for Blight Diseases. This uses MWSE and is completely compatible with this mod, but the progression can be a little lackluster if using my mod in tandem with it, as it adds a mere five extra points of attribute drain when it progresses. I have uploaded a "compatibility" file for use with it, for your convenience. It is the "blight-progression.lua" file from that mod, with two lines changed, bringing the attribute drain from five points to a chance between twenty and thirty points, more in line with the severity of the diseases in this mod. Overwrite the file in The Blight with this one. Or you can change it yourself by opening blight-progression.lua with Notepad++ and modifying "mineffect" and "maxeffect." Thanks greatly to G7 and OJ for letting me upload this, per the permissions in their readme, which has been included in this optional file per their instructions. Keep in mind that this mod unfortunately does not take into account Blight Immunity when its functions infect you with Blight Disease. This is a known issue with their mod but is not currently being fixed. Additionally, if you encounter an issue where your disease does not progress more than once despite messages saying it has, this is not a problem with my mod nor does it seem to be a problem with their mod. I do not know what is causing this, and they assure me they tested multiple progression stages and they worked fine. I am investigating this to the best of my abilities.

and finally,
Clear Sight by tewlwolow
Both this mod and Strength & Weakness will  add a loooot of active effects to the bottom right of your HUD bar. This mod will turn the HUD off automatically when you don't need it, and also allows you to configure a key to manually switch it on and off.

Also, in regards to Future Plans, I will support this mod as long as people care for it, and intend to update it. I'd like to add more diseases to the game, give them to some existing creatures. That will likely be a separate mod. I'd also like to add some new drugs into the game, I think that could be fun. Drugs are fun. I'd like to make a mod that slowly gives you resistance to Blight Disease the longer you're on Vvardenfell, and the longer you spend in the Ashlands, Molag Amur, on Red Mountain, and in Ash Storms and Blight Storms. I'd also like to make a mod that lets you garner some resistance to disease the more times you catch them, the way real life immunity works. These would go great with this mod, but they require me learning MWSE, which will take some time--and I'm a busy fella.

i am a budding modder, but nothing more. I am a writer, actor, graphic designer, and teacher, first, and my modding skills are extremely limited. My ability to fix bugs will be extremely restricted, but this mod only deals in spell effects, so no bugs should arise.

, 6/1/2021 - Initial release. "Compatibility patch" for Synthesis Series en route.
1.1, 6/3/2021 - Minor tweaks to disease effects for consistency among tiers of severity and accuracy to descriptions of diseases. Now covers all diseases in the game files that are unused so that ANY MOD adding them back into the game will work with this one out of the box, such as Synthesis Series, recommended above. Blind effects have been increased across the board as the existing 0-10 values were pretty much unnoticeable. Sound effects have been decreased on some common diseases as they were too intrusive and mainly didn't make sense with some diseases. Added a "compatibility" file for use with OperatorJack and Greatness7's "The Blight."

babby's-first-mod-that-doesn't-require-or-use-assets-from-another-modder-but-is-still-super-simple-and-barely-a-mod-and-only-edits-some-disease-effects-in-the-spellmaking-tab-of-the-CS-using-arguably-the-easiest-and simplest-CS-section-just-to-make-some-minor-tweaks-to-numbers-and-change-some-vanilla-records-and-that's-it-nothing-new-added-at-all . . . OUT!