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About this mod

Furthering making pacifistic stealth a viable way to play in Morrowind, this mod allows you to do stealthy takedowns along with means of dealing with your adversaries that aren't murder.

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( _ __)                                                ( _ __)
(__  _)       The Non-Lethal Stealh Takedowns Mod      (__  _)
(_ ___)                 for Pacifists!                 (_ ___)
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.o0o. Description .o0o.

Whether you're the enterprising sneak-thief, the wizened fatigue-draining mage, or the lout with the hammer, Bonk has features for any vocation that would rather not bloody their hands with murder most foul.

In addition, this mod page also serves as a guide to further enhance your gameplay experience. So, that said, what can Bonk offer you?

.o0o. Features .o0o.

> Bonk!

The namesake of the mod. Sidle up sneakily behind a blithely unsuspecting foe and you can knock them out with a strike, be it unarmed or with a blunt weapon. This works on all humanoids and animals, though not daedra. undead, or dwmeeri automatons as it's unlikely you'd be able to fell them so easily.

While down, they'll stay that way for a while. The length of time they're out for can be configured, along with how much your luck factors into your success, and the degree to which your opponent's headwear impedes your chances of success.

the defaults chances for success regarding helms is:

• No helm:     A guaranteed knockout;
• Light helm:  75% success chance;
• Medium helm: 50% success chance;
• Heavy helm:  25% success chance.

What of the bodies you leave in your wake? That's where Bonk's next feature comes into play.

> Gains

If you like, you can enable an option to gain a configurable amount of hand-to-hand/blunt weapon (whichever you used to knock your foe out) skill upon a successful knockout. I'd advise it even as levelling up as a pacifist can be painful otherwise!

> Clean-Up

Whether you've knocked someone out with a fatigue spell, a blunt weapon, or a stout nerve pinch, you're going to have an unconscious soul who might draw unwanted attention. Thankfully, with Bonk, you can dismiss these troubles by tying them up and hauling them off to some dark corner. A tap of a configurable key and you'll be free of your burden.

For now, this is a fade-to-black and you'll hear your erstwhile adversary being tied up, but I have plans in the future to greatly expand this feature. Regardless, using this option will also mark any quests involving cleaned-up critters of persons as dealt with. So you'll be able to complete quests this way without committing mass genocide, which is nice!

> Wake-Up

"What's that? Some surly vagabond got the drop on you? You don't say, here, let me help you to your feet."

If you knocked out someone you didn't intend to, or you simply knocked out someone to take all of their hard earned goods, you can now get them back on their feet with a keypress (which is configurable). There's little more to be said about this as it's fairly self-explanitory!

> Stay Down

You've just persevered at a bout of fisticuffs and you've come out of it the victor, a paragon of pugilistic perfection. What's this? No! Your foe stands again. And again. And again. Somehow, a two-second nap on the ground is enough for them to get their second wind? No longer!

With this option enabled, if you hit a foe when they're down, it knocks them out. The amount of time they'll stay knocked out for is the same as what you've set for Bonk. Another bonus is that this will remove this vagabond from combat. Indeed, if you have no other conscious foes around, it'll remove you from combat too. No longer will you have to scamper away like a lily-livered coward just because you're stuck in combat.

> Fatigue Damage Only

It's disappointing that there's no means of combat to do only fatigue damage. You can do it through magic, though a character less adept in the erudite arcane arts might find their options lacking... Or, well, non-existent.

I hope to add a ranged option in the form of knock-out darts eventually, but for now the noble art of pugilism and the use of blunt weapons will do only fatigue damage if this option is enabled. So now you can engage in martial combat without the intent to kill. The choice is yours, in that you actually have one now.

If you feel that the fatigue damage done isn't potent enough, you can find a fatigue damage multiplier in the options that should help. If enemy regen is posing a problem, as health tends to not regen in combat like fatigue does, then you can also find an option for disabling enemy fatigue regeneration in combat. You can use these options to balance the Fatigue Damage Only feature as you see fit. Make it as difficult or easy as you like!

Finally, if you're having difficulties, there's a Claim Damage Event option at the bottom of the options page. This is only to be used if Fatigue Damage Only isn't working quite right for you. You shouldn't have any issues beyond that.

> Spellbinder

This is a preliminary inclusion of a new feature.

Spellbinder allows you to do fatigue knockouts with spells that damage fatigue. Just sneak up behind a foe as you would with a physical attack, and cast your fatigue spell. If their will can't overcome yours then... down the go! Indeed, it is quite the battle of wills, literally. With how much of a battle being configurable in the options. Player and foe alike compete with willpower, with a configurable random buffer sitting on top.

Right now, the notification messages can't be disabled. There's a reason for that and I'm looking into what I can do about it. I'm also not quite happy with the handling of whether the player enters into combat after a successful knockout (the same configurable element that the knockout feature has). It works, but these two caveats stand.

> Configurable

It was my goal with this mod to put as much power into your hands as possible, that way you can tailor your experience. If you want it to be more difficult to knockout those in helms, if you want to change the distance required for a knockout, or if you just want to change what the notifications say (or turn off the notifications/sounds)? It's all doable via the MCM menu.

> Modular

If you don't like a feature? You can delete it. No, really. You can head into the modules folder and just delete it.

.o0o. Installation and Uninstallation .o0o.

I recommend the use of Mod Organizer for all mods as it's an absolute doddle to install and uninstall mods that way.

You can also drop these files into your DAta Files directory if you like. That'll work just fine. If you want to remove it at some later date, head into the MWSE folder, then into the mods folder, and delete the Bonk folder therein.

All of the mods within the below guide are lua mods, much as Bonk is, so they can be installed and uninstalled with the same ease and they won't cause any compatibility problems.

.o0o. Recommendations .o0o.

First up, itsWHISPERn7 has a recommendation for users of Next Generation Combat: "I would strongly recommend that if anyone intends on using both Bonk and NGC that you increase the Bonk slider named max range from target from 120 (default) to a minimum of 250 (I set mine to 300 fyi) simply because the hit box on hand to hand is much shorter than clubs/staves." A handy tip, thank you!

With that said, I have some recommendations for the sneak-thief first, then followed by some more generally applicable mods.

First of all, for the perfect experience, I would strongly recommend partnering Bonk with Mort's feat of engineering, the exemplary Stealth Improvement mod. It makes sneaking a viable playstyle in Morrowind. Can you imagine?

Now, I would normally recommend avoiding the option for light-based sneaking as it'll fill your MWSE.log with errors which mar its function. However, I managed to patch it and it seems to work amicably now. If you decide to get this mod (and you should), then I'd also nudge you in the direction of my patch within teh files section too.

Stealth Enhanced
> www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49614

I would pair the light-based sneaking of the above with a mod that can remove staticless light sources. My recommendation for this is RedFurryDemon's superlative Let There be Darkness mod. It does the business and without any muss or fuss.

Let There be Darkness
> www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47912

Since Stealth Improved's light-based sneaking is now functional I'd also like to point you toward OperatorJack's nifty Douse the Lights. You can use throwables/ammo to douse flames, dropping the pall of darkness over your foes. You'd better have some capacity for seeing in the dark though or you'll be just as vulnerable as they! For the clever thief, though, this provides a means to go truly unseen.

Douse the Lights
> www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47980

Alright, so you're sneaking around but there's this one really stubborn guard or smuggler standing on patrol and they. Just. Won't. Move. It makes the life of the opportunistic thief a living hell. And this is where Mort's brilliant Distraction mod shines. You can use throwables or ammo as a means to distract them, as is the mod's namesake.

> www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49680

I'm going to say that Mort's impeccable Pickpocket Overhaul mod is a necessity. I mean, not only does it make picking pockets actually viable, but I have a patch for it in the files section that allows the player to loot the unconscious,  which is pretty rad. So if you've knocked out a foe via any means, you can grab everything they own. Even as its own mod, though, it amplifies the pacifist experience as there are a number of quests that can be completed with pickpocketing.

Just remember to install my patch if you use it.

> www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47581

In other games, one thing I've especially enjoyed as a thief is the ability to clamber. It's brilliant. Sadly, Bethesda games didn't really have clambering mechanics... Until now! Mantle of Ascension changes all that and it has a clever name to boot. It even takes into account your skill and how encumbered you are to dictate just how well you can clamber, and clambering can boost your experience in skills. Thus, being an agile thief who gets about is more rewarding than ever.

Mantle of Ascension
> www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49870

The next mod I'd like to point you toward is GMST menu. Why? Well, Morrowind doesn't really cater to those who wish to opt for hand-to-hand and unarmoured as well as it should, but we can tweak it to improve this unfortunate oversight.

These are the values I would recommend changing:

• fUnarmoredBase1    to 0.100000
• fUnarmoredBase2    to 0.095000
• fMinHandToHandMult to 0.250000
• fMaxHandToHandMult to 0.700000

If you're using Bonk's Fatigue Damage Only option, I'd also like to suggest the following addition too:

fHandtoHandHealthPer to 1.3000000

And here's the mod which will enable you to make these changes.

> www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46428

Finally, for thsoe who enjoy our four-, six-, or however many-legged friends, who'd rather not murder an animal for just being hungry? I'd like to point you towards Feedbag. I'm plugging one of my own mods, here, but I think it's applicable! This mod gives the various creatures of Tamriel a diet, along with the ability to feed them. You can find out more over on the mod's page!

> www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/50340

.o0o. Compatibility .o0o.

My own mod and all the mods I've recommended here are lua mods, which means they can be dropped in and removed at any time sans any worries of breaking your save. Furthermore, the ones I've chosen are especially good at being compatible with other mods, so you shouldn't have any difficulty running all of these togehter with whatever you already use!

No worries, no muss, no fuss, no esp files to merge, no load order or leveled lists to have to worry about. Set and forget.