Updated on 11/8/2022 by Designer225

Hello, and thank you for your interest in Detailed Character Creation.

We're going to give you a detailed instruction guide on how to set up the mod for complete beginners!

The first thing you should do is download Vortex.

After installing Vortex, you need to set Mount & Blade II Bannerlords as your target game.

Once that is done, navigate to the mods tab. This is where all of your downloaded mods will appear when clicking

Proceed to download the main file of the mod:
Note 9/22/2021: Since v1.2.4.0 the main file now contains the sliders as well, and uses the FOMOD format. Continue below if you use Vortex.

Once it is finished downloading, it will appear in the mods section of your Vortex mod manager.
Install the mod. If you haven't install it before, clicking on "Never Installed" will do. Vortex may also prompt you to install the downloaded package.

Since v1.2.4.0, downloaded files are in FOMOD format. Which means when you install via Vortex you will be able to select what to install. Select what you want to install (Vanilla+ for almost vanilla sliders and Additional Sliders for the additional sliders) and install.

Note: MO2 appears to be using the Modules folder as its "root" data folder. This can cause issues after installation. Simply move DCC's modules to the root. (Verification needed)

Then Activate the mod. If you haven't installed it, clicking on "Disable" will do. You may be prompted to install it as well. If you are updating the mod, you may be prompted to choose whether to update your current profile or all profiles. Either is fine and depends on if you play with profile-specific mod set.

The mod is installed and ready to go when you see:

Now install Harmony standalone. The steps to install are the same up to this point.

Recommended: Install Mod Configuration Menu so that the settings menu work properly in the latest update. The steps to install are the same up to this point. If you have other mods that require MCM, you must install it. If you install MCM, you also have to install ButterLib and UIExtenderEx, in that order.

Well done! Now onto the final steps. Launch the game launcher and enable the mod.

Recommended: Download BannerLord Mod Launcher, and place it in your ../Mount & Blade II Bannerlord/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/

You can create a desktop shortcut to this by right clicking and selecting: Send to > Desktop.

Now open the launcher and configure it to match your setup.

Option 2: Download Fixed Launcher, and install it as any Nexus Mods (the instructions are above). Warning: Fixed Launcher does not work with Harmony v2.0.4 and above. Use it only for sorting, then disable before launching the game! Fixed Launcher is outdated. Do not use.

Now that you are in the launcher of your choice, you need to check the box for Detailed Character Creation if you haven't already.

Afterwards you need to sort the load order (this is to prevent crashing and proper installation of the mod).

You might have to manually adjust the mod load order. Harmony should be the very first, followed by ButterLib (if installed) and UIExtenderEx (if installed). MCM Standalone and its submods (if installed) should load right after.

Your mod order should look like this (as of 10/15/2010):

Note: A previous version of installation instructions used to require DCC to be loaded at the bottom of the list. This is no longer required and it is unknown if there is any benefit in loading this mod last.

If you have any more questions that aren't answered by this document, please comment below and I will add them! Thanks!

Q: I want to install this mod manually!
A: Extract the "Modules" folder to Bannerlord game directory. Then, go to Addons, go to whichever addons you want to install, and extract "Modules" folders from the addon folders to Bannerlord game directory. As of v1.4.0.10/11, you are done; both the core mod and the addons will be installed and you can select whether to enable either or both or neither. Don't worry about FOMOD; it's used only for installer and can be safely ignored.

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  1. Dawoodur
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I cannot find DCC anywhere; where can I find them?
  2. Bear4400
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    im on 1.1.5 so I am using the 1.1.5 pre-release version. when i drop the modules folder into my main modules folder, nothing even shows up in my mod manager
    1. Shamin631
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      drop the folders you get in the modules folder after unziping into modules folder of the game,,Don't drop modules folder into modules folder,,,it will work
  3. arthurfom
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i'm having deployment failure, even though it's linked to the right folder
  4. ARAVAAA3321
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Need Help, please tell me what harmony version is reqd. for MOUNT & BLADE II: BANNERLORD – V1.0.0.3624
  5. SaintWarrior
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How to install for MO2:
    Install with manager on Nexus
    Go into MO2 and install
    Right click on the file and click reinstall mod, then in the grey box click 'manual' then right click modules and click 'set as directory'
  6. tinyclawx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've done it all manually, followed the load order, unblocked all the files, and it doesn't work. What's so strange is that I get instructions from you to load order as shown, but if I don't put Butterlib first I get a warning the mod won't work and it crashes. If I load order above the main modules it automatically crashes anyway.

    Originally I just wanted to use your detailed character creation mod. It then states I need to another mod to use your mod, then three more mods to use the mod needed to use your mod. Then I have to faff about with unblocking all the files. Then I have to faff about with load order. All this for one mod. I've just spent over an hour of my life ****ing about for nothing. Why does it have to be blood, sweat and tears? I'm happy to blame TaleWorlds though; they've done nothing to endear me to them.
    1. wakatepe
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i had the same issue, but fixed :
      i tried to run the game without bannerlord mod launcher but the vanilla launcher on steam, place the mods in the good order, and run the game, it works for me
    2. poninkie666
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      hi. can u give right order, mine is crushing all the time
  7. Ladaa
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    and while everyones getting all of the issues i was getting i decided to say fck it and made my own file to force the stuff to run without crashing my game xD or any of its annoying dependencies which honestly 1 mod shouldnt need 3 or 4 dependencies anyway cuz thats a bit much
    1. volkyWB
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    2. junoncross
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I would definitely like to see your version. 
    3. MrChrisAnderson89
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how did you do this? please help us
  8. dinor99
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    MANUAL install doesnt work. fix it
    1. Esukanoru
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      lmao it does work 
    2. rdmoriarty
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      what a shitty way to ask for something
    3. mateo1023
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      especially when it's a FREE mod! xD
    4. Ozryael
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It doesn't work because I can't follow instruction. FIX THIS.
  9. CloroxWiper9
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you use this on other characters besides yourself?
  10. Coconutsales
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    lmao I love this long super detailed and unnecessary installation guide, then the simple solution is to just install manually by doing the sane thing of just downloading the mod and dragging the file into your Bannerlord mods folder.

    I'll stick to the manual installations.
    1. DonarAesir
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah but manual install is always better if you know how, unless the game has MO2 support (then you're shooting yourself in the foot.)