1. <Blah>Value</Blah>You can write true, false, or a number for the 'Value' inside.
2. Both true and false must be entered in lowercase letters, and there must be no spacing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- [1] WarHorn -->

Minimum number of people for horn to sound.

<!-- [2] PopUp -->

If Frequency is set to 1, there is always a pop-up, and the probability decreases as the number increases.
Onlyhero is whether sergeant shows a pop-up only when a wanderer or hero is assigned.

<!-- [3] etc -->

FormationSelectVoice - Whether the formation name is shouted whenever a formation is selected.
ChargeShout - Whether to shout at the time of an charge order.
HeyJustDismount -  Whether the sergeant dismounts the horse automatically when riding, in the case of infantry or infantry archer formation.

<!-- [4] Enemy WarHorn -->

Minimum number of people for enemy's horn to sound.
The DisableRange option means that it does not apply to the charge of the range unit (set to true is recommended)


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