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About this mod

Makes it so hair is visible under more pieces of head wear, where it makes sense and clipping isn't obnoxious.

Permissions and credits
Sorry about that! When I started losing interest in Bannerlord I lost all motivation to keep the mod updated, so I just kind of ghosted it... Hopefully now that I have some macros set up to make updating take a fraction of the time, I'll be more willing to put in the effort to maintain the mod in the future!

Here's a link to the awesome bshardy's continuation of the mod! Our two versions cover the same patches, so, yeah, pick your poison!

Compatible with 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 Beta

While using an old version isn't the end of the world, there can be more or less significant changes in some armor values between versions.


This mod edits the "hair_cover_type" value for many pieces of headwear that had been set to completely remove a character's hair.

The effect will be more noticeable for females, as many of the male helmet hair models are well hidden. Yet, some of the male helmet hair models can cause worse clipping than I've seen for the women. In addition, the dreadlock type styles for either sex are pretty bad for clipping.

As a sidenote, all of my example pictures above are taken with the hairstyle I found to have the worst clipping, so shorter styles will generally look better.

I currently have three versions of the mod, depending on your tolerance for clipping:

Light: 71 helmets that hair could be added to with minimal or zero clipping. The worst example of clipping can be found here.

Base: The previous 71 plus 33 additional helmets which had a level of clipping I was comfortable with. The worst example of clipping can be found here (I'm personally considering whether helmets like that example should be moved to Plus, let me know if you have any thoughts about it).

Plus: The previous 104 plus 22 additional helmets that I was less enthusiastic about. These are a bunch of Vlandian and Imperial helmets using mail coifs that clip more than I was comfortable with, but I found that they were decent for female characters if they wear a scarf or something. However, I found that a handful of the longer male hairstyles clip a bunch with the helmets here, so it may not be a good choice for you. An example on a female character can be found here. This is the version I personally use, because I haven't really noticed anything distracting in gameplay yet.

Please leave a comment if there are any changes you would like to see, or if there are any issues!


This mod will be incompatible with mods that change the stats of helmets that I have edited. With the load order you'll have to choose which changes you want. Place the mod you want to take priority below the other.

In addition, unless game updates change the IDs or stats of the helmets I've changed, this mod will be very compatible with new updates. At worst, using an outdated version of this mod will give you old stats for the helmets I've changed.

I will update as soon as I can after the game is updated, and I'll post separate versions for the Mainline and Beta branches if necessary.

Also, I suppose I ought to note that the file I'm providing as of v.1.2.0 is the entire head_armors file, unchanged helmets included, with these changes being to more than half of the head armors in the game. This is by virtue of the somewhat lazy process in which I copy the vanilla text and make the necessary changes from there, so I don't have to go in and fiddle with individual stat changes for my own text every time the game is updated.


If you would like to edit the helmet hair yourself, pasting your changes into my mod file might be a decent place to start. The file can be found in the mod's folder -> ModuleData -> spitems.xml

If you want to change a helmet I haven't touched, you'll have to go to Modules -> SandBoxCore -> ModuleData -> spitems.xml

When the file is open, CTRL+F search for the in-game name of the helmet you want to edit.

An example would be : name="{=Pv3YQMk1}Highland Wrapped Headcloth"

Now, you'll want to select and copy the 20 something lines between <Item and </Item> , which looks something like this:

  <Item id="wrapped_headcloth"
  name="{=Pv3YQMk1}Highland Wrapped Headcloth"
<Armor head_armor="4"
 material_type="Cloth" />
<Flags Civilian="true"
 UseTeamColor="true" />

If you past that at the end of my file, between the last </Item> line and final closing </Items> line, you'll be able to fiddle with the hair type without changing the vanilla files.

Below, within <ItemComponent>, you'll see the line hair_cover_type=

There are four possible values for this, as far as I know: "type1";"type2";"type3";"all"

"type1" is the least restrained, "type3" is the most restrained, and "all" gets rid of the hair entirely. 

Here are some vanilla examples of the hair types:
type1: Northern Nasal Helmet
type2: Northern Roughhide Cap
type3: Tall Helmet

I've found that "type3" will fit in many helmets that were previously labeled as "all".

In addition, changing the beard_cover_type looks like it can be done in much the same way as hair, but I haven't played with it at all, so I can't help here.

Happy editing!

What items did I change?

The IDs for all the headwear I edited are below, including what hair_cover_type they were changed to:


"aserai_civil_e_hscarf" type2
"aserai_civil_hscarf_a" type2
"aserai_lord_helmet_a" type3
"aserai_villager_female_headdress" type2
"battania_battle_crown" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_a" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_a_brnz" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_b" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_b_brnz" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_c" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_c_brnz" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_c_cpr" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_d" type3
"battania_earmuff_helmet_d_brnz" type3
"battania_fur_helmet" type2
"battanian_crowned_helmet" type3
"bearhead" type2
"desert_headdress" type2
"desert_helmet_with_mail" type3
"empire_battle_crown_north" type3
"empire_battle_crown_west" type3
"full_helm_over_padded_cap" type3
"full_helm_over_padded_cloth" type3
"goggled_helmet_over_mail" type3
"heavy_nasalhelm_over_imperial_leather" type3
"heavy_nasalhelm_over_laced_cloth" type3
"imperial_cloth_coif" type3
"imperial_leather_coif" type3
"imperial_nasal_helm" type3
"ironlame_feathered_spangenhelm" type3
"ironlame_feathered_spangenhelm_over_leather" type3
"ironlame_nasalhelm_over_imperial_cloth" type3
"ironlame_roundkettle_over_imperial_leather" type3
"kettle_hat_over_padded_cloth" type3
"kettle_helmet_over_padded_cloth" type3
"kettle_helmet_with_leather" type3
"khuzait_battle_crown" type3
"laced_cloth_coif" type3
"leather_studdedhelm_over_headcloth" type2
"leather_studdedhelm_over_roughscale" type3
"leather_studdedhelm_over_thinhide" type3
"leatherlame_feathered_spangenhelm_over_leather" type3
"leatherlame_nasalhelm_over_imperial_leather" type3
"leatherlame_roundkettle_over_imperial_leather" type3
"lendman_helmet_over_mail" type3
"nasal_helmet_over_padded_cloth" type3
"nasal_helmet_with_mail" type3
"nasalhelm_over_mail" type3
"nomad_helmet" type2
"northern_goggled_helmet" type3
"open_padded_coif" type3
"peaked_helmet_over_padded_cloth" type3
"roughscale_helmet" type2
"roundkettle_over_imperial_cloth" type3
"roundkettle_over_imperial_leather" type3
"segmented_cervelliere_over_padded_cloth" type3
"segmented_skullcap_over_padded_cloth" type3
"sturgia_heavy_cavalary_helmet" type3
"sturgian_battle_crown" type3
"sturgian_helmet_b_open" type3
"sturgian_helmet_open" type3
"sturgian_lord_helmet_a" type3
"sturgian_lord_helmet_b" type3
"thinhide_coif" type3
"turban" type3
"visored_helmet_over_padded_cloth" type3
"vlandia_lord_helmet_b2" type2
"vlandian_faceguard_helmet_a" type3
"vlandian_faceguard_helmet_b" type3
"wolfhead" type2
"wrapped_headcloth" type2


"battanian_plated_noble_helmet" type3
"cervelliere_over_laced_coif" type3
"emirs_helmet" type3
"empire_guarded_lord_helmet" type3
"full_helm_over_laced_coif" type3
"guards_kettle_over_laced_coif" type3
"guards_kettle_over_padded_coif" type3
"heavy_nasalhelm_over_imperial_padding" type3
"imperial_padded_coif" type3
"ironlame_nasalhelm_over_imperial_padding" type3
"kettle_hat_over_padded_coif" type3
"kettle_helmet_over_laced_coif" type3
"kettle_helmet_over_padded_coif" type3
"khuzait_noble_helmet_with_neckguard" type3
"laced_coif" type3
"nasal_cervelliere_over_laced_coif" type3
"nasal_cervelliere_over_padded_coif" type3
"nasal_helmet_over_laced_coif" type3
"nasal_helmet_over_padded_coif" type3
"nasal_helmet_with_leather" type3
"padded_coif" type3
"peaked_helmet_over_laced_coif" type3
"pointed_skullcap_over_laced_coif" type3
"pointed_skullcap_over_mail" type3
"roundkettle_over_imperial_padding" type3
"roundkettle_over_laced_cloth" type3
"segmented_cervelliere_over_laced_coif" type3
"segmented_skullcap_over_laced_coif" type3
"segmented_skullcap_over_padded_coif" type3
"spangenhelm_with_leather" type3
"spiked_kettle_over_imperial_padding" type3
"visored_helmet_over_laced_coif" type3
"visored_helmet_over_padded_coif" type3

"aserai_crown" type3
"feathered_spangenhelm_over_imperial_coif" type3
"heavy_nasalhelm_over_imperial_mail" type3
"imperial_mail_coif" type3
"imperial_open_mail_coif" type3
"ironlame_feathered_spangenhelm_over_mail" type3
"ironlame_nasalhelm_over_imperial_coif" type3
"ironlame_nasalhelm_over_imperial_mail" type3
"ironlame_roundkettle_over_imperial_mail" type3
"ironlame_spiked_kettle_over_mail" type3
"kettle_helmet_over_mail" type3
"leatherlame_feathered_spangenhelm_over_mail" type3
"leatherlame_nasalhelm_over_imperial_mail" type3
"leatherlame_roundkettle_over_imperial_mail" type3
"nasal_helmet_over_mail" type3
"open_mail_coif" type3
"peaked_helmet_over_mail" type3
"pointed_skullcap_with_mail" type3
"roundkettle_over_imperial_mail" type3
"segmented_cervelliere_over_laced_coif" type3
"segmented_cervelliere_over_mail" type3
"spiked_kettle_over_imperial_mail" type3

Patch Notes

21 November 2020

updated armor:
roundkettle_over_imperial_mail to 32
v.1.0.4 Beta
updated beard cover type:
kettle_hat_over_padded_coif to type3

26 December 2020
v.1.0.5 for 1.5.6 Beta
updated armor:
pointed_skullcap_with_mail to 28
removed empire_crown as 1.5.6 beta now uses type2 hair cover for it.

16 January 2021
 for 1.5.6
updated aserai_lord_helmet_a name to {=*}Southern Crowned Lord Helmet
v.1.0.6 for 1.5.7 Beta
updated beard cover type:
nasal_cervelliere_over_mail_coif to type1
updated all instances of Type="headArmor" to Type="HeadArmor"

18 January 2021
v.1.1.0 (I'm basically winging it when it comes to these version numbers, but it seemed like a substantial enough update to go up to 1.1!)
Added to Plus. I wasn't too sure about these ones for a while, but I finally thought I might put them in.
Added back to Plus. It turns out that in 1.0.5 I accidentally removed this one from the mod. Whoops!
Added to Base.
Removed from Plus. Seemed a bit unnecessary, so I just cut it.
Fixed the Dependencies issue by removing the depended modules.
As soon as I'm able after Bannerlord is updated I'll update the mod, or let y'all know if the current versions are compatible!

4 January 2022
v.1.2.0    Alright, the patch notes really don't need to be as detailed as I was doing them lol 
Made compatible with 1.6.5 and 1.7.0 Beta (12/29/2021), stats brought in line and new helmets have been re-haired.