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About this mod

Recursively searches and Unblocks all other non-native Modules files'

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This is just a script to search and Unblock all the files of other Modules, to save you from having to right-click on each one, go to properties, and Unblock.  In my experience, on WIndows 10, any mods not being built from source on your machine need to have their .dll files Unblock.  This should make life easier for anyone using multiple mods (at least on Windows 10).

That being said, you WILL have to Unblock this script file before you can run it.

It excludes CustomBattle, Native, SandBox, SandBoxCore, and StoryMode.  I don't believe those should be getting modified, but if you really want to use mods that overwrite the native files, then I have included a second script that will run against all Modules folders.

To install and use, place the ModuleUnblocker folder in the Modules folder for Bannerlord.
It should be on a path similar to:
Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\ModuleUnblocker\ModuleUnblocker.bat
Unblock the ModuleUnblocker.bat file, then run it anytime you add or update other mods.

- malafein

Thanks to @brandonm37211 for suggesting I upload this for others.  I've been using his Tournaments XPanded, which I strongly recommend.  :)