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  1. nimege9340
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Greate mod idea! Would love to see an update for version 1.5.9 :)
  2. Maifailun
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Much needed mod for limiting movement speed of light caused by high athletics skill. 

    Too bad it causes CTD on 1.5.6 for me. I do hope you update your mods eventually mylittltetantan, especially this one (or the other version that handles perks as well) and the tournemant mod!
  3. Modbrowse
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    Does this mod still work? I don't know for sure if it does, but its hard to say. This sort of thing is subtle, to say the least.
  4. DJK2006
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, I'm not sure if I'm totally misunderstanding how this works, or if it isn't working correctly in 1.4.2, but nothing I modify in the skills.txt file seems to produce any noticeable changes. I know the mod is doing something because my party's morale is no longer locked at 100 as the "personal" bonus based on leadership skill is completely gone. But, for example, I wanted to increase everyone's base athletics while reducing the effect of the athletics skill so troops with higher skill wouldn't be absurdly fast, so I changed it to "EffectAthleticsSpeed_true_0.06_(100 + level*bonus*1/2)" but I didn't notice any change. Then I tried changing the 100 to 1000 as a test, but there still didn't seem to be any effect. I also tried to get some of the leadership skill effects back, but nothing I did had any effect there either, so I'm completely stumped.
    1. mylittltetantan
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Athletics is handled differently than other skills so changes to it might not work.

      Most likely the expression couldn't be evaluated for leadership. The variables are not case sensitive but have to be enclosed in brackets in version 1.3 [level] [BONUS] should work.

      Just realized the skillsDEFAULT.txt is from 1.2 and needs to be updated since it's missing brackets. Copy the skills.txt from the mod and delete the *Log([level], 2.71828)/3 and all skills should be back to default.

      Sorry for the inconvenience. Currently the mod simply aborts when the calculation fails which is why the skill effect disappeared, I'll make an updated version that prints in the game log when something isn't working (and why if possible).
    2. DJK2006
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Wait, I'm still confused. In the skills.txt the brackets are already there, I simply changed false to true so it's EffectLeadershipMoraleBonus_true_0.01_[level]*[bonus] but my leadership skill still isn't having any effect. Also, for the other skills, I'm not looking to reset them to default, I just want a way to confirm they're increasing the skill effect but I'm not sure I understand which numbers to change. For example, which number would I change for the one handed damage in order to see a massive increase in skill effect?
  5. Modbrowse
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    I like to think that I'm partly responsible for bringing this mod about.

    On a serious note, I'm going to check this out when I can. I'll let you know if I run into any issues.
    1. mylittltetantan
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Partly, someone else also mentioned they would like skill difference to have a higher impact.