About this mod

This mod takes the great mod called Armies of Calradia and makes it a full unit overhaul and balance mod.

NOTE: THIS MOD IS VERY OUTDATED AND NO LONGER SUPPORTED. Check out my newer troop overhaul mod on my page.

Permissions and credits


Before going in to the mod I want to do the unusual and start with the credits and give them to; Ithrian. A big thanks and shout out to him, because he created, and allowed me to edit his mod "Armies of Calradia"

What my mod does:

It balances the whole of Calradia, the units to be exact(Bandits, Minor Faction Troops, Caravan Guards, and the Units from the main factions - most of these rebalances are to be found in the "replacer" version. The "adder" does only rebalance the faction troops).
Without destroying the feel of the original game.

I didn't like the balance in Bannerlord at all. Unlike M&B Warband where the balance was extremely good while still having uniqueness, in Bannerlord every group of unittype has the same set of skills. Which makes the units extremely boring and stale.
So I have decided to change that, first it started out as a personal balancing modification for the Armies of Calradia mod, later I have thought about, why not expand it and give the factions more specialities and share it as a mod... 
So I talked with Ithrian, the maker of Armies of Calradia. He agreed, so we made it happen.

But now lets delve into the factions and see what speciality each of them have.


The trade off that they can do everything and are an overall all rounder faction is that...
they are the slowest and most late game faction of all other 5 factions. They have the weakest early game units, but in exchange the stats of their units show a steady rise - together with the quality of their armor.
They don't necessarily focus on a single or multiple unit type(s), like the other 5 factions do. But offer every type of unit (except two-handers), especially in the late game where they perform as good as their enemy counterparts, if not even better, since they are more heavily armored.

They perform best in sieges and in rather narrow field battles against archer heavy armies, especially if they have Cavalry support available, then they are almost unbeatable.

They perform worst in open field battles, against fast and agile armies.

They are pretty close to the sturgians when it comes to their strengths and weaknesses, but instead of focusing on infantry they're much more focused on archery. But still, a mix of both. With a big lack in strong cavalry units.
Just like the sturgians their strengths lay in early to mid-game, but for the Battanians the fade off of the stats of their Infantry is much more drastic in their highest tier, and they end up with a more balanced build like the Vlandians would have.
Although they get access to archers just after tier 3, they have the best early game archers in the mod, even in the highest tier. They also have shields to their disposal unlike many of the other faction's archers.
The Battanians also have the option to field two-hander units, the 'Wildling', even if they may not be as strong as the Sturgian counterparts, they're far stronger than the Aserai 'Mameluke Palace Guards', who also wield two handers.
As for their cavalry, they're pretty close to the sturgian ones aswell. Altough they have much later access to those, they are overall stronger than of the Sturgian's 'Rider Vikingrs'.
Their Noble tree fields the best archers in the game, who also wield two handers. Which can come in quite handy, especially in siege battles.

They perform best in sieges and tight forests where there is a possibility to "entrench". It makes them perfect combatants especially in siege battles, and are almost on par with the sturgians in melee aswell.

They perform worst against heavy cavalry, in open field battles. They also have a little weakness against archers, as their shields are a tide bit smaller in comparison, for example the sturgians who form the best shieldwalls.

The Strugians, they are more of a "early game" type of faction as they get access to strong, what am I talking... VERY strong Infantry pretty early. But the rise in their stats later stops increasing that fast, as their units get to the highest tier.
Unlike many of the other factions they have the option to field "Two-hander" units which deal devastating damage.
As for their Cavalry its the opposite, unlike on their noble tree with the Druzhinniks, in their main tree they have rather "rubbish" cavalry especially in the early game.
For their ranged it is a bit different here we have, like in Warband with the Nords, the option to just upgrade till tier 4, to the 'Veteran Archer'.
Though on their noble tree, they have a new option and can upgrade the "Warrior Sons" to "Luchniks" a ranged unit which may reminds you of the strong marksmen the Vaegirs had in Warband.
And as we know it they have the "Druzhinniks" as their Cavalry in their noble tree. I tried to keep the balance and didn't want to make the faction too Cavalry heavy, since it would make them OP.
So I have made the Druzhinniks a mix between Cavalry and Infantry, and gave them the ability to dismount and still fight as good as on horse. 
They now outperform any other cavalry during Sieges.

They perform extremely well in sieges and in open field battles against other infantry, tough against cavalry they have to rely on map advantage.

They perform worst in open field battles, especially against light cavalry, since the Sturgians lack fast cavalry which could chase those down.

The Vlandians are overall a very balanced and a rather straight forward faction which does a bit of everything, while they aren't "early game" neither are they "late game" heavy.
In their main troop tree they are mainly focused on Crossbowmen and have lethal Sharpshooters in the last tier.
Their Infantry line is more of a balance, with different types of Infantry; Axemen, Pikemen, and Sergeants.
I tried to keep the balance and mixed the Sergeants off of the Rhodok and Swadian Sergeants in Warband. Whereas the Axemen and Pikemen, they have pretty balanced stats, and nothing out of the ordinary.
Their Cavalry in their main tree is more like a "filler", Light Cavalry/Vanguard, though they are still one of the strongest Cavalries of all factions.
And their Noble tree, thats where they're the strongest, which probably makes the Vlandians have the best heavy Cavalry in the mod.

They perform best in both, open field battles aswell as siege, though since they're good at both they're not "perfect" at even one of them. 

Even if you would think that they'd also perform good in forests or other closed areas such as villages. They are not, their slow crossbows which have slower rate of fire in comparison to their archer counterparts, perform rather weakly. Also their heavy cavalry isn't performing any better in forests either, which makes it a great weakness for the Vlandians.

The Khuzaits are a good "early game" faction as they can field pretty strong and speedy cavalry early in the game.
They are not so good with their Infantry line as they lack good Infantry in the early game.
Though as they get higher tier they can be quite useful, especially in sieges where they are a must. As their cavalry is pretty weak in hand to hand combat.
They are overall extremely focused on Light Cavalry and use hit and run tactics to shock their enemies, be it the Lancer or the Horse Archer. Their tactic is almost the same.

They perform best in open field battles where there is a chance of performing hit and run maneuvers, and they are known to be the best ones at that, since they have the fastest and most skilled horse archers in the game.

They perform worst in closed areas such as sieges and forests, since they lack heavy Infantry units to keep a solid line.

They are also a more overall balanced faction like the Vlandians are. Although here you see much more "early game" strengths, especially for their cavalry branch, which may remind you a bit like of those of the Khuzaits in my mod.
Although their Infantry has the same strength in the early game as their Cavalry, their early stat-rise slows down rather quickly through the upgrade tiers. Though they shouldn't be underestimated since their Mameluke branch has the option to field two hander units, even if they aren't the strongest, they are your best bet in sieges. 
The stats of their Cavalry has a steady rise, until tier 5, where they end up with a more balanced stat-build though.
They're faring much much better on the ranged side, altough their stats don't rise early they get extremely strong in the late game. They become the best archers from the "main" troop trees in the game, when it comes to Archery.
As for their Noble tree, there they have one of the best Cavalry of the game, be it skirmishing or charging down footsoldiers, they can do both.

They perform best in open field battles where there is a chance of performing hit and run maneuvers, and their marksmen can provide perfect cover fire to back it up.

They perform worst in closed areas such as sieges and forests, even if their archers are capable of performing ambushing attacks, they're lacking strong infantry support to back it up.

There is a replacer version, an "adder" version
            and the "Keep it Sturgian" version

The replacer version replaces all the units in the game with the ones from this mod which makes it possible for the AI to generate the units from this mod instead of only being able to recruit them from villages or towns. So no longer vanilla units in the game which occasionally seemed to appear, in the "standard" 'Armies of Calradia' mod!
This also makes sure that the battles are always more balanced.

The "adder" version just adds the units from my mod to the existing ones. This keeps the vanilla troops in the game and does make the AI still generate them through the partytemplates. This can negatively affect the AI, and make them weaker during battles as the Vanilla units have slightly weaker stats.

The "Keep it Sturgian"(KIS) version, is basically the replacer version but it keeps the Sturgian theme for the Sturgians instead of transforming them into Nords. I got bored of everyone transforming the Sturgians into Nords, to what they are not. So I have decided to create this option, and expanded/changed the original Troop tree of the Sturgians and gave them a more Kievan Rus feel, like the Vaegirs had in M&B Warband. They're also similar to the Vaegirs in terms of balancing.

        Also the troop trees do vary between these versions(as shown in the screenshots)
  #1Note: There is no balancing/stat or any other change to the Bandits, in the "adder" version
(For more screenshots visit 'Armies of Calradia' to get an idea how the units look)


  • The replacer version requires you to start a new game. (if first time installation)
  • Newest version is tested and made on gameversion 1.5.2.
  • More screenshots coming soon.

Download and install using Vortex, or extract the contents of the ZIP into your steamapps/common/Mount & Blade II Bannerlord/Modules folder.
(the replacer version does require a manual install)

If you downloaded the replacer version overwrite the existing files when being asked.

NOTE: BACKUP your original Bannerlord files before extracting the replacer version!

Interesting Companions
Interesting Clans
Less Damage for longer Battles (only recommended to use "standalone" without Health Rebalance or any mod that changes the "damage-system")
Health Rebalance
Equipment in Encyclopedia
Fix your damn banners (fixes the ugly banners of the original game)

If you don't mind changing the game too much these mods are good too:
Realistic Battle
Drastic Battle


  • Why do the Sturgians still have the Ulfhednar and other troops from the Vanilla game, in the replacer version?
I have decided to keep them since the game had some crashes when I removed them. They won't show up in your game anyway other than in the encyclopedia.