About this mod

An extensive troop overhaul that reworks and adds more troops & custom equipment.

Permissions and credits
I made a discord server. Join with this link for more direct news, updating and discussion regarding the mod.

Before you continue, I want to thanks these peeps for their contributions:

Adonnay for continually updating his troop changer mod, without which this mod would not be possible to use.

 for being my template upon which this mod was built on. But also for letting me use a particular asset, which was helped by the Calradia Awakens Team. Have a guess at which one. 

PersonalityX for helping me out with a crash issue. Check out his troop tree mod as well!

ADamnSexyName (leopoldtwo) for their amazing Helmets! To use with my mod, download the optional Vlandian modules.

Diakonus for his Solar Helmets mod. Couldn't have found a cooler helmets for the Embers of the Flame.

Apolon21 for his awesome assets in the Armor Pack mod.

Areldir for letting me use his awesome Calradian Reforms- The Armoury mod.

TheWanderingKhajiit for their many suggestions, screenshots and CBU compatibility pack.

And finally a big thanks to the awesome new helmets made and generously donated to me from Jamie.

By the way, if you want serious historical accuracy, you have to download DrunkenFrenchman's Blood Shit and Iron. Even if you use my mod, you better go and endorse his mod too. Seriously. Without it, many of the ideas in this mod would have never come about.

But anyway, about my mod.

Have you ever wanted Sturgian Noble Infantry? Maybe Battanian Common Archers? Perhaps better vanilla troops? Auxiliary troop trees? Recruitable minor troops? Or maybe you just to see troops inspired by my Warband headcannon.

...then perhaps you'll enjoy this mod.

About the mod
I really like the variety of troops in Bannerlord, however there are some obvious best troops. At the same time, skills don't seem to vary wildly enough, so troops end up feeling a bit samey. So I learned some XML, made a mediocre Battania mod. Because an archer faction with few archers is complete nonsense.

Then I saw other issues. The Imperials and Khuzait powercreeping everyone. Weak Vlandian Cavalry. Sad Sturgians. Average Aserai. Unrecruitable minor faction troops. Stupid armour values. There was so much work to be done, and so I decided to try fix everything else. And I will continue to do so until there is nothing left, or Prophesy of Pendor Bannerlord comes out.

A few things to note about my design process
  • At its root, I am trying to maintain the feel of the vanilla game, while taking some liberties with headcannon or equipment here and there. 
  • Historical accuracy is a plus, but not a priority. I don't know if the Huns or Mongols used javelins for sure, but I decided to give it to them anyway. On the other hand, I will avoid zweihanders and plate armour at all costs.
  • I strive to make each and every soldier unique in purpose. To that end, I've made charts, pitted them against each other in the Enhanced Battle Test and even looked through every single skill template to find a pattern for their skills. I've even gone through the trouble of creating an excel spreadsheet for this mod.
  • More is better, but if its more shit then that's not better. When I thought about adding extra troops to each troop tree, I gave some serious thought about what each and every faction actually needs. So do not expect Battanian super heavy infantry, Khuzait Samurai or Sturgian Valkyries.
  • STURGIA ARE NOT NORDS. But I do think they should look like a super early Kievan Rus, so no kite shields either. I hope the balance between the two works.
  • NO VLANDIAN LONGBOWS. The Vlandians are the ancestors of the Rhodoks and Swadians, guys who use crossbows. They are absolutely not the 14th century English. And it makes no sense for them to have longbows anyway. So forget it. If you want them that badly, hire some Brotherhood of the Woods archers.
  • On a side note, I am disappointed with Vlandia as a faction. They are supposed to be Norman-esque, and yet TW has decided to make them into copy paste Swadians without cool shit like great helms. If someone releases some cool 10th century armour for the Normans, I'll be doing everything I can to implement them into my own vision of Vlandia.

If you feel like there is an issue with my mod, don't be afraid to say so! Even if you want to tell me how derivative this mod is in the sea of Troop Overhauls, go ahead! At the end of the day, I made this for myself and thought I'd share this with everyone else. 

Technical stuff
To install, extract the contents of the ZIP and put the modules you want into the Modules folder of Bannerlord.

The changes are all in modular format, sorted by factions. That way, you could always choose which faction tree you'd rather you, or not although I would highly recommend using all of them.

I will emphasise this: this mod is made up of several module folders. Treat them each as though they are different mods.

I can no longer recommend using pre existing saves for this mod, due to crashes that may result around the 4th of Winter 1084. Besides my lack of knowledge on fixing it, I do believe this mod is best appreciated with a fresh playthrough, after playing the game vanilla.

I love the Realistic Battle Mod as much as the next guy... which is why I made an optional mod just for it. I love the Swadian Armoury too, so I made patches for that as well. That being said, I advise caution when using this mod with anything that changes troops around.

If you don't like seeing loads and loads of extra troops in the Encyclopedia, then this mod won't be for you. There seems to be no known way of dealing with that issue.

General Changes
  • Modified equipment loadouts and stats to rebalance troops and add variety to appearance
  • Modified armour stats to better represent their appearance 
  • Added new weapons
  • Added new armour using existing meshes
  • Adjusted party templates to include my new troops
  • Vanilla unit spawns have been completely replaced by my troops
  • Added supplementary troop trees that spawn in settlements
  • Changed existing weapons to better match flavour
  • Enabled Armed traders to turn into minor faction troops
  • Disabled Vanilla Bandits from becoming noble troops
  • Added new bandit 'desperados' that can turn into noble troops

Faction Information
Be on the lookout for articles on each and every faction in the game. If not... well, learn about the troops yourself.

Main Factions

The Aserai boasts a well rounded offence, but in exchange their defence is more lacking. Used with finesse, and they can easily overwhelm foes. Used conventionally, and they will struggle.


  • Removed Aserai Footmen. Infantry and archers now come from Skirmishers.
  • Added Elite Javelineers. Great throwing skill and jareeds, but lightly armoured.
  • Added Mameluke Heavy Lancers. Fast, heavily armoured shock cavalry, but no throwing weapons and a small shield.
  • Added the 'Mubarizun' line to the noble troop tree. Best one handed and throwing skills, heavy armour and jareeds, but a small shield.
  • Added the Nahasan supplementary line. Because camels. African longbowmen are alright too I guess.

  • Generally well rounded equipment and skills
  • Fast, powerful Cavalry

  • Poorer low tier troops
  • Poor access to dependable line infantry

Battania is now the foot faction of Calradia, at the cost of a cavalry deficit. To achieve victory, a Chieftain must choose their battlefield well and fight on their terms, not the enemy's.

  • Added Thunderers to replace the underwhelming Horseman. Can't couch lance, but they carry javelins and decent armour.
  • Removed Battanian Scout cavalry and Battanian Raiders.
  • Falxman line has been placed into the Clan Warrior branch.
  • Oathsworn have a throwing spear instead of javelins, while Wildlings gain a second case of javelins. This makes them more distinct from one another.
  • Added the Saethwyr line. Terrible armour, but they use longbows and can spawn with two handed axes.
  • Added the Momaer line to the noble troop tree. Very capable heavy cavalry that spawn with a variety of weapons.
  • Added the Lowland supplementary line. Battanian crossbows and pikemen, for a Scot/Pict flair.

  • Powerful longbow archers
  • Varied and versatile foot troops

  • Poor access to cavalry
  • Most wildly inconsistent equipment

Although the Empire is now at its weakest, their troops are not to blame. They are the bulwark that will defend the legacy of Calradios the Great, backed by worthy allied auxila from all over the continent.

  • Added Equite. Heavy armour and a single pila, however they cannot couch lance.
  • Added Skoutatii. Heavy spearmen, but they lack a pila.
  • Removed crossbowmen from the common tree.
  • Added the Echerian Guard to the noble troop tree. A nod to the hero Echerion, elite heavy spearmen with pila.
  • Added five Auxilia lines as supplements. Longbows, shock troops, horse archers, skirmishers and crossbowmen. Now the Empire has it all.

  • Most well armoured troops all round
  • Most well rounded troop tree

  • Dependent on auxilia for their specialist troops
  • Somewhat slower troops

With this sea of horses, the Khuzait shall trample the west. Or better yet, take advantage of their superior mobility to outmaneuver and overcome their slower foes.

  • Added Mounted Marauders. Javelin cavalry to combat enemy horses and lances to deliver the killing blow, but lack shields to defend themselves.
  • Nerfed the Tribal Warrior and changed them to the Tribal Rider by replacing their bows with javelins. These guys were WAY TOO STRONG, by far the best tier 2 cavalry. They should be more reasonable now.
  • Separated the Noble line into two cavalry troops. Khorchin for the absolute finest horse archers and Bagatuur for versatile shock cavalry horse archers
  • Added the Grand Route supplementary line. Exotic Crossbow infantry from the Far East, so they aren't as cool as cavalry. 

  • The best access to cavalry
  • Superb range of cavalry options

  • Lack of accessible shock infantry
  • Narrow troop tree

Close combat is where Sturgia excels. And unlike the Nords, they boast excellent cavalry too. Although weak at range, their great round shields will keep them safe.

  • Completely rearranged their infantry tree. Spear Guard act as sturdy and versatile spearmen, while Vityaz Guard gain varied weapons to devastate in close combat.
  • Veteran Bowmen are now Luchniks. They gain better armour and a shield to differentiate themselves from other archers.
  • Made the 'Ulfhednar' into noble troops. The absolute pinnacle of close combat monsters. Beastly warriors encased in heavy armour and armed with axes, axes and axes.
  • Added the Northern Refugee supplementary line. Now you can have either Vaegir archers, or fake Cuman horse archers.

  • Powerful range of heavy infantry
  • Strong complementary cavalry

  • Inferior at a range
  • Narrow troop tree

In Vlandia, crossbowmen loose bolts, cavalry charge in and infantry hold the line. Vlandia depends on combined arms- only by working together to cover weaknesses and amplify strengths will Vlandia prevail.

  • Adjusted the troop tree to allow better access to cavalry and remove Voulgiers.
  • Added mounted crossbowmen. A mounted infantry, probably more trouble than they're worth, but perhaps someone will enjoy the challenge.
  • Added Foot Men-at-Arms. Dedicated melee warriors that will give Sturgians a run for their money.
  • Added the 'Hunt Marshal' line to the noble tree. The finest crossbowmen in all of Calradia, armed with boar hunting pikes to repel cavalry.
  • Added the Rhodok supplementary line. These uppity hillmen are only good for hiding behind shields and swinging inelegant plough blades.

  • Superb shock cavalry
  • The only source of common crossbowmen

  • Inflexible troops incapable of filling multiple roles
  • Lack of real skirmish cavalry

Minor Factions

Beni Zilal
Supplement your host with these secretive warriors. Whether it be hard hitting cavalry men, great sword assassins or literal bombs, the Beni Zilal are all about offence. Used as a regular army however, and their lack of staying power becomes obvious.

  • Added shock infantry units to the tree. Think of them as assassins- quick troops with big swords and throwing knives.
  • Added Nafta bombs and mailed pilgrim hoods.
  • Royal Guard and the cavalry line are essentially the same- only buffed.

  • Versatile shock cavalry
  • Deadly shock infantry with bombs

  • Weak helmets
  • Small shields

Dandy and dangerous defines these warriors. As a swift, fast moving cavalry force, the Ghilman are a force to be reckoned with on open battlefields. To use them in sieges however is a complete waste.

  • Added horse archers to the tree. I found it weird that their description talks up their status as elite horse archers, yet they have none.
  • Added a heavy camel saddle to act as a placeholder until TW adds real camel armour. Either that, or someone else makes it.

  • Heavily armoured shock cavalry
  • Extremely skilled

  • Frail until late tiers
  • Small shields

I'll be honest when I say that I regard these guys the same way most regard Hidden Hand- a good source of early game renown farming that may occasionally give you camels. Treat them as such, and be happy they can become something useful.

  • A general update to their stats.
  • Promotion paths into the Nahasa Troop Tree. I honestly do not know what to do with these guys.
  • Big shields
  • Fast on foot and on camel
  • Terrible armour
  • Subpar fighting skills

They come naked too, so expect interesting results if you have a certain mod. That aside though, the Wolfskins are specialised in skirmishing and movement, and a few can even become Fian Champions.

  • Added a skirmisher line. They fight like the old wildlings- hybrid spear and javelin medium infantry.
  • Added 'Direwolf Head' armour.
  • Changed culture to Forest bandit to work with the Disciplinarian perk.

  • Fast, versatile troops
  • Can become another source of Fian Champions

  • Terrible armour
  • Small shields

Embers of the Flame
You can't expect the heavens to do all the work, or at least the Embers certainly don't. Though they are not a conventional military force, they can grow to become deadly shock infantry. Until then, they must pave the way for the rest of Calradia.

  • Longer troop tree, ending with the Exemplar of Darusos. Quick, fanatical glass cannon infantry with warhammers!
  • Added special chainmail robes.

  • Fast
  • Powerful as tier 5 shock infantry

  • Terrible armour
  • Tactically limited

Hidden Hand
The rain of knives that these crooks can mete out is a sight to behold. Coupled with their skill at the blade, it isn't hard to see why they have been able to form such a criminal empire. Almost enough to be a threat as a military force.

  • Longer troop tree.

  • Lots of throwing knives
  • High skill

  • Lack of shields
  • Lack of armour piercing ability

Legion of the Betrayed
The Legion is a throwback to the pre Pendraic military might of the empire. Although antiquated in their methods and no longer the world conquering force they once were, the Legion is never the less an elite force- an asset to any warband.

  • Added Velite and Equite. Velite are light skirmishers, while equite act as versatile javelin cavalry.
  • Added plumbata (placeholder).
  • Added a new helmet for Triarii.

  • Well armoured
  • Highly skilled, versatile troops

  • Lack of armour piercing weapons
  • Low javelin count

These rugged free folk of the frontiers are superb in their role as a border force. And although poorly armoured, their skills have impressed Imperial lords enough that it isn't uncommon for them to be offered positions as Imperial elites.

  • Added the Akritii line. Think of them as skirmishers that can help fill out both Imperial and Khuzait armies.
  • Equipment and name changes.
  • Changed culture to steppe bandit to work with the Disciplinarian perk.

  • Strong lances and all armed with maces
  • Can become Imperial Noble troops

  • Terrible armour
  • Tactically limited

As much as the Khuzait would hate to admit it, their nomadic brethren do have their uses as expert horsemen. Their heroes in particular have been deemed worthy of becoming the guards of a khan.

  • Equipment and name changes.
  • Changed culture to steppe bandit to work with the Disciplinarian perk.

  • Effective combination of glaive and bow on horse
  • Can become Khuzait noble troops

  • Low arrow quivers
  • Poor defence

Forest People
Though unwarlike compared to the other residents of the North, one mustn't underestimate these nomadic farmers. Indeed, some say the shield wall came about specifically to combat the Vakken, along with the Vaeg peoples.

  • Longer troop tree.
  • Equipment and name changes.

  • High athletics and bow skill
  • Armed with longbows and plenty of arrows

  • Poor defence
  • Subpar melee capabilities

Lake Rats
The power of a Nordic shield wall plus a rain of javelins makes for a terrifying proposition- that along with mauls and mighty axes. Not bad for a band of mere scavengers. 

  • Added Lakerat Rekkrs. Two hander infantry with lots of javelins to soften their enemies with.
  • Equipment and name changes.

  • Lots of javelins
  • Above average skills

  • Mediocre armour
  • Inconsistent equipment loadouts

Perhaps the strongest minor faction. Their dour demeanours and lack of pillaging aside, the Skolderbrotva are the epitome of Nordic might. It is for this reason however that they are very difficult to get- they are not common mercenaries after all.

  • Added the 'Huscarl' line. Think of them as Nord Huscarls and you've captured their essence.
  • Equipment and name changes

  • Tier 6 strength
  • Amazingly durability and offence

  • Very difficult to acquire (can only be upgraded from bandits or capture)

Brotherhood of the Woods
Steal from the rich and gaslight the poor! Perhaps one day you can lift up the peasant class with the power of the longbow. Their Acorns are budget horse archers- both in cost and skill.

  • Added the Acorn. Cheap, cost effective horse archers if you don't want to fork out for war horses.
  • Equipment and name changes.

  • Skilled Longbowmen
  • Well armoured and well armed

  • Lower tiers are poor in melee
  • Horse archers are probably the worst

Company of the Golden Boar
The finest band of thieves and whores, now with added Catelan Company influences. Enjoy elite crossbowmen and the only source of Vlandian skirmishers, but do not expect to thrive in prolonged skirmishes.

  • Added the Almogavar line. Vlandian Skirmishers, as odd as that might sound.
  • Equipment and name changes.

  • Heavy armour
  • Versatile equipment and weapons

  • Lower quiver sizes
  • Atrocious lower tier troops

Future Plans
  • More interesting bandits. They work as they are, but I can go further with them. Same with caravan troops and militia.
  • Implementing roaming parties. One thing that I feel Bannerlord SEVERELY lacks is deserter parties. Here's hoping I work out how to do it.
  • Higher tier troops? I have thought about it myself and I'm not too sure about how to implement them. But it sounds like fun, so I'll try.
  • Cooler screenshots. My PC isn't crazy good, and I'm too lazy to shoop them. When I'm bothered, I'll be sure to try though.
  • Writing up some articles on different troops. Some lore and some tips will help to get you understand how my troops work.

A few mods I like to use with More Troops
  • Mixed Gender Troops (Fixed) because you really want to spice up those Captivity events. To be serious, it actually works in tandem with my mod and I don't like weird female exclusive troops anyway. Who needs Valkyries when you can just have female Varyag Berserkers? Note that this mod is being redeveloped. If you really want some ladies, The Daimyo has you covered.
  • Distinguished Service is an absolutely brilliant mod and I can't recommend it enough. No issues using it with my mod what so ever.
  • Skill Effect Formula if you want your elites to actually feel more elite. I'll be honest though, I don't know if this mod even works anymore. But so far, its caused no issues. So maybe it does? On another note...
  • Equipment in Encyclopaedia absolutely works. If you want to really see some of the variety in the loadouts, this is a must have.
  • Bear my Banner. Ran this with zero issues. Really puts the banner in Bannerlord.
  • Realistic Battle Mod with no catches, except maybe heavy infantry might be a little too strong.
  • CA - Eagle Rising - A Roman Themed Empire Overhaul. If you love Romans, you have to get this. To use with my mod, simply turn off the More Troops- Empire module and enjoy.