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About this mod

This is a submod for the wonderful Adonnay's Troop Changer, which aims to add a series of sub-ethnic troop types which can be found around Calradia, seeing as historically a great number and variety of smaller ethnic groups and subcultures would occupy the region. These Troops DO NOT REPLACE EXISTING TREES, but are instead recruited alongside them.

Permissions and credits
This mod adds ethnic subtypes to the various regions of Calradia using Addonay's Troop Changer which can be found here

To install simply drop this folder into your Bannerlord Modules folder with the other mod installed, then hit replace files.

Listed below are the currently implemented subcultures.

First, The Tin Hanin, a Naharan nomadic people based off of the real life Tuaregs whose roster consists of camel cavalry. They are a wandering people with strong ranged and melee cavalry, but a lack of true shock cavalry due to camels not being well suited for such.

The Cathan people from the far east, enslaved by the tribes of the grass sea and brought across that wide expanse with the khuzaits, these slave soldiers lack the professionalism of their Aserai Mamluke counterparts and are banned by their khuzait masters from riding horses. Still, their presence as an infantry and foot archer core in Khuzait armies makes them useful for the horse-lords, especially in sieges. 

The Seax, a mixed people born of the conflicts in Northen Vlandia. They are an infantry focused military, influenced heavily by the hated Nords, and their fearsome Huscarls match those of the sea raiders that clash against them. Unlike the Nords however, they are culturally Vlandian, and can be found wandering as mercenaries throughout that kingdom.

The Nords, who we all know and love from Warband. While the most prominent of these Northern Immigrants to Calradia are the fearsome Skolderbroddern, rare pockets and settlements of Nords are still present in Calradia, whether they be sea-raiders that have settled down and chosen to stay, or men who have fled the feuding clans of their frozen homeland, they still fight with the ferocity expected of their brutal raiding culture.

The Belejic, a Northern Battanian tribe driven from their homeland by Vlandian and Sturgian invasions along the Northern coast of Battania. These men excel as light cavalry, wielding polearms and mighty two handed blades to devastating effect, but in their traditional "Screamer" style of fighting they eschew heavy armor for themselves, preferring to go into battle almost nude as a display of bravery and intimidation. Needless to say it takes a very brave man to be a screamer, and while they are quite vulnerable to archers, their prowess speaks for itself.

The Palaic Auxillia forces of the Empire, and the probable origin of our good friend Arzagos. These Subjugated Hill Tribesmen used to serve as Auxillia forces to the Imperial Legions across the Empire, wielding the Falx's and Longbows that they share with their Battanian Kin. While they have lost much of the savagery and skill of their ancestors under decades of imperial subjugation, their access to the massive Imperial Supply chains means that they are often far better armored than any of their still barbarous kinsmen could hope to be.

The Goeth tribes have experienced much in the previous centuries, originally subjugated by the Empire at it's greatest extent, today they have a somewhat more friendly relationship with the Vlandians. Dwelling mostly in the south, with much of their territory ruled by the De' Corbeyn clan, they make for excellent mid-tier melee infantry, and especially effective crossbowmen. Furthermore, their lightly armored Muntator' cavalry serves well as scouts and light skirmishers in the tight mountain passes of Southern Vlandia.

The Geroia are an island people, calling the Perasos sea home and comfort. A Tributary state of the Empire, Geroia provides skirmishers and Peltasts, as well as more standard auxiliary fare to the imperial military. Most famed are their slingers (who unfortunately make do with throwing stones for now) which are easily amongst the most deadly light skirmishers in Calradia.

Hailing from the mountains south of Husn Fulq, and west of Darshi, the Hill Kingdoms of Eublis are a wealthy but primitive collection of small states. With little metal working of their own, but prosperous gold mines, they are a fractious and warring people. The Local Aserai and Khuzait merchants are quite happy to deal with these warrior kings, selling them better armor and weapons than they can manufacture. Many warriors from these lands hire themselves out as mercenaries, as their legendary athleticism and sharp skill with bows makes them excellent skirmishers and light infantry.

Because of the mod framework Adonnays made, they do not replace regular recruits, but rather have a percentage chance of appearing when you recruit in an appropriate township.

The AI should recruit all of them as well.

More ethnic groups will be added in future, and in keeping with the existing world and pseudo-historical nature of Calradia. Feel free to suggest them or their lore. Right now I believe I can add up to two varieties per culture.