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About this mod

Some fixes to obvious and reported bugs and some other fixes for things I think are bugs.

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This mod fixes some annoying bugs

Obvious bugs this mod fixes:
  • Fixes AI taking on too much food and becoming overburdened (1.0.1 +)
  • Fixes AI being stuck going to a settlement they can't recruit from (1.0.1 +)
  • Fixes some caravan parties being unable to find a town to trade with (1.0.2 +)
  • Fixes incorrect formation projection when the captain of a formation is mounted, but the formation is not (1.0.3 +)
  • Fixes incorrect unit spacing on deployment (1.0.3 +)
  • Fixes loose formation being incorrectly resized when units start dying (1.0.4 +)
  • Fixes formation file being reset when changing formations (1.0.4 +)
  • Fixes family feud quest failure when player falls unconscious for any reason (1.0.4 +)
  • Fixes not getting money for selling lord with the tavern's "Sell all prisoners" option (1.0.4 +)
  • Fixes the bouncing troops list in the party screen (1.0.5 +)

Things that I consider to be bugs this mod fixes:
  • Fixes troops walking to formation when that formation wants them to raise their shields (1.0.4 +)
  • Fixes troops raising shields when moving into formation, thus slowing them down (1.0.4 +)
  • Fixes inability to draw formations with a small number of columns (1.0.5 +)

How To Configure

See settings.xml file in ModuleData to set whether any of these fixes take effect. Settings are only applied when the game is launched. If this becomes too much of an inconvenience I'll consider using the Mod Configuration Menu.

How To Report A Vanilla Bug You'd Like Me To Fix

Leave a comment in the posts section giving an explanation of what's wrong, and link to relevant videos or screenshots showing the bug.

How To Report A Bug With This Mod

Please use the bug report tool and do not comment in the post section. It'll help to keep things organized.

The Long Version:

Infinite Food Fix

As reported here

AI Parties will take on way too much grain and fish after looting enemy parties and they become overburdened to the point that their speed is reduced to the absolute minimum. Obviously this kills gameplay as victorious parties are reduced to a crawl while fresh parties are unaffected. The fix discards excess food immediately after loot is transferred to an AI party to the point that the party is no longer overburdened. For parties that have already become overburdened, the fix discards the excess food they carry as well, so it should correct saved games. If an AI party is overburdened for some reason other than food, it won't be affected. Two other mods already fix the problem if this one doesn't do it for you :) : Slow Armies Fix and You really gonna eat all of that (Parties sell food)

Bugged Recruiting Fix

AI parties will sometimes become stuck recruiting from the same settlement (mostly villages from what I've seen) even though there aren't any troops there for them to recruit. This is because the native find-a-settlement-to-recruit-from logic doesn't take into account the relation between the AI party and the notables. The fix makes AI consider relation with the notables when considering traveling to a settlement to recruit so that the probability of them doing so is lowered.

Stuck Caravan Fix

Caravans will sometimes become stuck, unable to find a town to trade with. This is because there is a list of settlements which keeps track of the towns that the caravan can't travel to and sometimes this list grows to include all possible towns the caravan can trade with. So the caravan bugs out and won't move unless chased. The problem is fixed by clearing the list when it grows to this size.

Bad Formation Logics

Bad Deploy Formation Logic Fix

When deploying units some formations will have incorrect spacing for their unit type (on foot or cavalry). Basically when a formation is over a certain proportion of cavalry, it will start to space all units in it as if they were cavalry. This is fine, except that the logic that initializes this flag counts all units of all previously initialized formations as well. So if you have an infantry formation for formation 5, but a cavalry formation for formation 3, then formation 5 has a good chance of being made to use cavalry spacing instead of infantry and this error carries forward after deployment is over. The fix resets the spacing to be correct at the start of deployment.

Bad Infantry Formation Logic Fix

When the the captain of an infantry formation is mounted, the projected formation placement is wrong. Basically the same as previous problem with the formation projection being flagged as being a cavalry formation when it shouldn't. This is fixed by setting an 'is mounted' flag that marks the formation as being cavalry before the projection is made. I needed to Harmony patch in order to do this, so starting on 1.0.3 Harmony will be a requirement.

Formations Change File (Width) Fix

As reported here

When changing formations, the file (width) of the previous formation is not always considered when making the new one. I've mostly seen this happen when switching from loose formation to shield wall. This can be quite annoying when you want to make a formation keep the same number of ranks between formations. The fix makes it so that, say,  if your loose formation has 5 rows, then when you that formation to shield wall, it too will have 5 rows. Changing formations now feels more like how it does in the Total War games (imo).

Annoying Resize of Loose Formation (and Maybe Oher Formations) When Units Start Dying Fix

As reported here

When a loose formation (and maybe others too) takes enough casualties, the formation will resize to a much smaller width than expected. This causes the units to run to their new position while still getting killed by enemies, which sucks. Also it has been reported that the formation then becomes stuck, unable to take a new formation. The fix makes it so that the formation keeps its width for as long as possible, basically until there aren't enough troops to fill out a single row.

Inconvenient Formation Logics
At leas they're bugs to me

Units Don't Run When Getting Into Formations With Raised Shields

When units are getting into a formation with raised shields, they will walk, allowing enemy archers to have a longer time to shoot them. The fix makes a unit run until it is in position.

Units Move With Raised Shields When Getting Into Formations With Raised Shields

When units are getting into a formation with raised shields, then will move to position with their shields raised, thus slowing  them down. The fix makes a unit wait to raise its shield until it is in position.

Lower Limit On Formation File (Width)

For line formations there is a lower limit on the file (width). This makes it impossible to make a line formation that stretches back very far. Maybe I'm the only one who considers this a problem, but it's annoying that I cant make the formation the dimensions I want so here's the fix.

No Gold For Selling Lord With The Tavern's "Sell all prisoners" Option Fix

As reported here

When a lord is sold along with all other prisoners from the Tavern's "Sell all prisoners" option, no gold is received for the lord. The fix makes it so the player gets the lord's ransom value when the lord is sold this way.

Family Feud Quest Bug Fix

As reported here

When the player falls unconscious for any reason while the family feud quest is active, the player will fail the quest. This is because the quest always checks the end of every mission to see if the player is still active. If he is not, then fail. The fix makes the quest logic check that the player is in the mission settlement before considering whether he has been knocked out.

Bouncing Troops List Bug Fix

As reported here

When doing things like upgrading or even just selecting troops in the troops list on the party screen, the list will sometimes bounce around to an unexpected place in the list. This is because the position scroll bar is adjusted incorrectly when the dropdown for the troop is opening or closing. The fix prevents this from happening by disabling the scrollbar being repositioned for this and other similar lists. From my testing I haven't seen any problems caused by messing with this part of the code, but if you see other lists behaving weirdly, let me know.

If there are any other bugs you know of (or if my "fixes" have caused even more problems), let me know by leaving a comment and I'll see about fixing them.