About this mod

A whole package of Singleplayer Content based off the old Guns & Powder Mod that was previously shutdown due to copyright issues. With full Kingdom Replacements etc. Can be used as a Modders Pack to create a MP mod out of it, if desired.

Permissions and credits
Welcome back Soldier, it's been a while.

While this is technically not the next rendition of the big content that you might've expected based on what was already available before by the Upload made by Florian. This is atleast an attempt to catch up on what has been voided due to the issues with the old content that was used with "issues" related to copyright claims and the eventual takedown of the previous mod. 

With this installment we offer a stable foundation that can be built upon in the future
While there are still large errors, huge stretches of bad quality uniforms/hats/pants or any other equipment, the aim is to give this in the hands of anyone who wants to build upon it to just do it. 

Unlike the previous versions this one does not include a stable Multiplayer Variant as any direct conflict with the mod Sword & Musket is undesired. Especially since most of the provided content comes from developer(s) from that mod now.

- All Core Nations replaced with important Napoleonic Factions including France, UK, Austria, Prussia, Russia and the Ottomans.
- Uniforms stretching from the entire Napoleonic Era (with no Historical Consistency or Accuracy to be promised)
- Loosely based quality to atleast have a somewhat close NTW Quality level of Uniforms while having 4K textures to somewhat carry those uniforms.
- Simplified Assets that don't use too many polygons with only few exceptions
- Authentic but not realistic Animations for Musket Warfare
- Pistols, Muskets, Rifles, Swords, Sabres based off the Napoleonic Era (loose resemblances)
- Different Cavalry, Infantry, Guard and Skirmisher Classes for each Nation
- Full Source .fbx and .png files accessible for selective importing in other mods, just credit us and make sure to check out our credits for some assets.
- Huge Variation of 4K Texture Assets with varying Quality.

Specific Notations:
- Do a fresh Campaign start or you will have the worst experience of your life!
- To avoid problematic interactions, all Mercenary Clans are removed from the Campaign Modification
- The Level System of Troops, their wages and especially Automatic Resolve resulting from these are very misrepresentative of the actual battles resolution. (Especially due to Cavalry Interaction)
- Not all Unit Variants are covered (Lancers were skipped completely for example)
- Not all Factions have separate Militia (Garrison) Troop Trees.
- Mercenaries have also been replaced with the Local Basic Recruit Tier since there weren't many examples of Mercenaries that would fit otherwise.
- There is some leftover Multiplayer Code that wasn't finished with the current stages and was intentionally left behind so that we don't compete with S&M. However anyone who wants to do this themselves can simply try and "adapt" the existing formula.
- Item Market takes a long time to fill nation specific gear in every Town. However it should be easy to grab the necessities from raiding a few Bandits.
- If you are a really advanced modder and you take the ages of time to properly deal with this, you can also try and replace the assets by copying the S&M mod folder out of your Steam Workshop Folder, rename it, mark it as singleplayer and activate it additionally, while making sure that most of the problematic stuff gets removed. Then you can manually figure out to replace some Units/regiments with more realistic/accurate uniforms. I do however note on this, that these should not be shared by any means and there are foundational differences in how the uniforms in S&M and Napoleonic Warfare are assembled (backpacks are completely separate in the latter for example).

Killer(Florian) - Owner
DarthKiller454 - Animations, Models, Textures, help with teaching Killer in various ways
Engel/Wuestenkrieger - Previous Coding help (now deprecated for SP Version)
CC Attribution:
Mutik - Cuirassier Sword Model
leeeck - Various Napoleonic Sword Templates that were modified
Tidvis - Flintlock Pistol Model
Various Free Web Sound Pages - Musket Sounds

Known Issues:
- Some Animations can get stuck.
- Sounds are inconsistent.
- Smoke is very ugly and might look very buggy the first time in a scene (yes that's an issue).
- Some Uniforms have horrible rigs that were just quickly assembled without any quality control)
- Most Uniforms are not historically accurate or sometimes even authentic. This will likely not be addressed given that this kind of stuff would delay the modification by like 20 years when the entire gaming community is dead like some other mod ;)
- Some Nations lack a complete roster.
- There are some remnants of Native Troops that might pop in from Peasant Upgrades.
- Sometimes, new Lords run around in Native Gear.
- Reloading is a bit buggy
- AI Firearms are not directly supported for the Player. (They use a different system so bots switch quicker to melee when engaged by enemies)
- AI Behaviour is largely unchanged. Therefore the Cavalry will often mass-suicide into the deadly Musket "Archers" due to Native AI Coding.
- Troop Trees are very scuffed.
- Consistent high troop counts + corpses/ragdolls can lead to freezing of the game. (Based off VRAM Probably)

Harmony (for the other Dependency)
XML Melee Damage Fix (for having proper melee damage for all new weapons)

Recommended Mods: 
Change Settlement Culture
Recruit Your Own Culture

Customizable Troop Wages
very recommended to use in Combination with each other to keep the armies more uniform. Also recommended to set the troop wages for the lower classes to be lower so armies get bigger by default and you can also keep up with the high casualties.