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Marnah93 and Philozoraptor

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  1. Philozoraptor
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Possible solution to crashes some people experience:

    1: always delete our mods before you install new versions
    2: install manually
    3: use Fixed Launcher (link in mod description)
    4: unlock all DLLs via DLL unlocker, if the newest version does not work for you install the older one which needs to be manually activated every time you install new mod with DLL (I personally use the manual version)
    5: load our mod last in the fixed launcher
    6: try loading the game only with our mods
    7: if the game still crashed, look into the crashlog and look up what caused it, if we do not know what is causing the trouble we cannot help.

    8: If you have this problem: "Could not load merged xml file correctly; Items Error; object reference not set to an instance of an object" try putting RBM higher in your mod list (right under native modules).
  2. Marnah93
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    If anyone is having problem with ridiculous archer or crossbow damage, you most probably have some other mod activated which changes bows or arrows. My best advice is to use Fixed Launcher and move Realistic battle mod to the bottom of mod load order. Also even mods that modify armors and melee weapons might unintentionally modify ranged weapons and ammo and therefore conflict with our mod.
  3. Philozoraptor
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    If your game crashes and none of the advices here help, try following the guide here. Also if you want to report crash, we recommend using our discord server (see mod description page), we react the fastest there.
  4. Hegris
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why every battle have same tactic ? Two cava on sides and infantry just clashes infront. In mod description there is said about better AI tactics in battles but it’s all repetitive from battle to battle 
    1. ExpertShip64358
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I've definitely seen other tactics, at least for me i play with vlandia and fighting sturgia they tend to divide their infantry by 3 flanks and send horse archers to skirmish before the main infantry clash

      empire sends cataphracts in front of their infantry to clash with opposing infantry 

      aserai is similar to vlandia but they use skirmisher cavalry and have more ranged infantry

      battania makes pike walls when they can and they use a lot of throwing weapons to support their archers
    2. KTV
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      combat ai is their troop hudling in a corner of the map on top of a mountain every single fight. 

      Even if i attack 1800 with my 600
    3. dontmakemeregistereee
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Combat AI is ass, only cool thing is that cavalry does charges. Same formula every fight, enemy outnumbers me 3-1 and camps on a hill. I wish they'd use some formations at least
  5. AnnoDomini1250
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone know a way to disable only the shoulder shields for the content module? I like the new armor stats and such but I’m also using realistic practical holsters mod. I like the shields being passively active, but I don’t really like them dangling about on one’s shoulder (especially if they’re huge). I get that they’re supposed to passively protect people like Banner Knights and crossbow men, but I think they look rather silly anyway. Anyone know a fix?
    • member
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    Чистая версия игры.

    Нанесено 9 урона
    Нанесено 5 урона
    Нанесено 7 урона
    Нанесено 212 урона

    (в голову без шлема)
  7. GYRATEnexus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how to fix crashing whenever i enter a town i crash and whenever i go recruit new troops theyre wearing different armour??
  8. Reactive4080
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    jeez man let us know if you are going to reset all the configurations
    1. Restartitius
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Yeah, I had most of the modules disabled, but after saving with the latest version without realising all the configs had changed back, I can no longer load my save games if I disable the combat module (I get a craftedweapon crash). Which probably means I can't remove RBM at all and keep my save files.
    2. JulioClaudian
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Damn, so that's why I can't load
    3. JulioClaudian
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Is there actually no way around that? The campaign is gone?
  9. Royalitee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the arrows are in very bad shape, seriously, the damage they do is only 4-5-6.
    it would be great if you made an additional settings package.
  10. DarkTr1xs
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Game version 1.2.10 (RBM+WB) initially everything worked fine, but then I reinstalled the game and the mods stopped working. For some reason unknown to me, the game crashes every time on the second day. With what it can be connected?
  11. GaladAras
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would it be possible to release the spear / pike tactic as a standalone mod ? fucking hate that "spearmen" wont use their spears or units with spears that can brace wont use them like that and there arent any mods to fix that. 
  12. Sebdur91i
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Bonjour, J'adore ce mod et sans celui-ci, le jeu ne serait pas aussi bien.

     Cependant, le système de posture doit changer, en effet, un cavalier qui tombe doit remonter sur sa monture, celui-ci (gérer par l'IA) rejoint la bataille en tant qu'infanterie et ne remonte pas comme un vrai cavalier. Et je n'aime pas. Car ça casse le jeu au niveau de la cavalerie. Pourriez-vous ajouter une option pour l'activer/désactiver ? 
  13. alex51623
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The lord retinue uptier is causing crash right after character creation 1.2.10
    1. Ulfkarl
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      same here but on 1.2.9