New in 9.25
Armor Causes Sinking - sink while swimming with heavy armor
Container Quantity Menu Shows Weight - show transfer weight in the quantity menu
Repair All Confirmation - add a confirmation when repairing all items
Reputation Shows Fame/Infamy - show fame and infamy in the reputation menu

Keep Roulette Bet Amount - remember the max *placed* bet from the last spin.
Lockpick Keyboard Support - add support for arrow keys.

Autosave Manager - properly exclude time in the pause menu.
Custom Crafted Health Percentage - fix crash if item is empty.
Custom Num Special Points - also affect ShowChargenMenuParams.
Fire While Aiming - fix firing too early in VATS.
Fire While Aiming - fix grenade minigun being spammable.
Less Frequent Player Sounds - fix player sounds never playing.
Map Selectable Companions - fix dependency on other tweaks.
No Disarm Companions - add additional check when actors stagger.
Quest Sorting - fix alpha+alphabetical sorting.
Show Mod Name In Perk Descriptions - address NVAC conflict.
Spin Weapon Fix - ignore the Sprtel-Wood 9700 (workaround)

Fix the pause menu 'help' not working in the gambling minigames.
Reset companion location triangles when reopening the map menu.
Use left stick to move cursor in console, and activate to click.

New in 9.21
Jump Swims Upwards - add jump/crouch to swim up/down

Improved Hacking - mark guessed special characters as duds.
Sort Perk Menu - option to reverse sort available perks by required level.
No Place Map Marker Popup - option to only reset if hovering an existing marker.
Armor Condition Label - move label up if no weapon is equipped.
Anim Debugging - keep debugging the selected actors when the console is closed if using Keep Selected Console Ref.

Map Selectable Companions - fix click detection.
Attack Toggles Controller/Keyboard - workaround button label issues when swapping to controller at the main menu.
Weapon Visible During Dialog - hide weapon if aiming when entering dialog.
VATS Dequeue Weapon Shots On Disarm - fix null crash on actor disarm.
Show 'Disarm' instead of 'Take' on armed mines (regression in 7.85).

Fix vanilla issue where refs didn't attach their sounds when loaded.

New in 9.15
Endurance Scales Min Fall Height - allow longer falls before taking damage with higher endurance
Engine Optimizations - fix bMisc bug that caused C6025 error popups in FNC and potentially other rare crashes.

New in 9.10
Map Selectable Companions - summon hired companions by clicking on them on the map
Water Sources Show H2O - show H2O restored by water sources
Explosion Radius Buff - add option to exclude player.
Notes Use Book Menu - fix tile not greying out.
Add missing file check to ConsoleBackground xml.
Fix TAB in pipboy XML closing the menu.
Fix vanilla crash when EquipItem Ammo is called on a ref with no base process.

New in 9.06
Unequip Weapon Mods - fix crash while crafting using full durability items.
Manual Reload - fix looping reload autofilling with bReloadWhenFiringWithEmptyClip and prevent reloading if you're already in a reload anim.
Smooth True Ironsights - remove dependency on ViewModelShakeFix 1.2.

Fix vanilla bug where the recipe menu would not refresh properly when RemoveItem was called on the player.

New in 9.05
Auto Unlock Terminals - automatically skip the hacking minigame if your science skill is over the terminal's science requirement
Terminal Password Note Rewards XP - gain XP when using notes to unlock terminals
No Hotkey Equip Sounds - prevent equip/unequip sounds when using weapon hotkeys
No Companion Item Damage - prevent companion items taking damage
Reloading Prevents Weapon Hotkeys - prevent using weapon hotkeys while reloading
Timescale Affects Minigames - make the SGTM command affect minigames

Make 'Tab Closes Pipboy in Key/Limb Menus' optional.
Using Keys Rewards XP - add option to require meeting the lock skill.
Skip Very Easy Locks At Max Skill - make skill delta configurable and apply to all lock levels.
Pickpocket Overhaul - add option to always succeed when picking free items.
Unequip Weapon Mods - return weapon mods when a weapon is used as a crafting component.
WASD Menus - make control backspace clear the quantity menu value
Quick Use - show HP and FOD/H2O when shift-viewing chems

Engine Optimizations - fix issue which could break the trait menu display.
Map Marker Reputations - fix crash when viewing the map with some custom reputations.
HUD Armor Condition Label - fix crash if a mod has removed the Action Points tile in the VATS UI.

Fix very rare crash when resolving teleport doors for pathing.
Enable godmode when activating TestAllCells.
When crafting using weapons or armor, use the lowest condition weapon first.
Roulette - fix rare random crash after closing the menu, and ensure 0 counts as a win when bet on.
Fix the 0 slot never counting as a win in Roulette.
Fix HUD showing source weapon name instead of projectile name (excludes thrown weapons).
Fix vanity camera flipping upside down when looking up/down too far.
Fix rare crash when processing dialogue activate packages.

Make JIP's RefreshItemsList command also refresh the weapon modding menu.

New in 9.00
Display Item Effect Totals - show item effect totals in the Pip-Boy e.g. HP +26(3s) -> HP +78 (26x3s)
Planting Live Grenades Requires Weapon Skill - prevent reverse pickpocketing live explosives if you don't meet the weapon skill requirements
Disable Inventory Right Click Drop - prevents right clicking dropping items in the PipBoy

Stats Menu Effect Duration - add option to display in minutes/hours.
Repair Items Preview - add optional button label while alt is held.
Reload While Firing - now cancels the queued attack.
Jumping Costs AP - add option for only requiring AP during combat.
Save Manager - add option to highlight the active save in the Save/Load list.

Engine Optimizations - remove some save/load inlines due to rare crashes caused by an unknown conflict.
Using Keys Rewards XP - fix fLockRewardXPScale only accepting integer values.
Play Jams While Firing - prevent jams for recharger weapons.
Add compatibility for JIP's SetRefName for various tweaks.

ToggleNavMesh - fix interior cells disappearing (thanks WallSoGB).
Fix vanilla bug where inventory items would occasionally be invisible.
Scale HUD compass element alphas based on the alpha of CompassWindow.

New in 8.95
Allow Exploding Unplayable Explosives - allows fragging NPC equipped weapons marked as unplayable such as Dead Money's Gas Bombs

Hitting Weapons Doesn't Damage Them - ignore thrown weapons to not prevent fragging held explosives.
Bloody Mess Targeted Limbs Only - affect player only.

Fix issue where fragged explosives didn't have a source weapon set, causing them to ignore resistances.
Fix inventory DAM display using equipped ammo instead of hovered ammo.
Make reverse pickpocketing live grenades ignore projectiles that don't have a timed explosion.

New in 8.90
Weapon Modding Skill Requirement - prevent modding weapons if you don't meet the weapon's skill requirements
No Environment Radiation In Power Armor - prevent environmental radiation when wearing full power armor
Haptic PipBoy - vibrate controllers when changing pipboy tabs

Anim Debugging - print anim weights and state.
Weapon Mod Menu - show 'View Mods' if you don't have mods.
VATS Uses Weapon Range - also cap based on projectile range (e.g. for sonic emitter).

No Casino Bans - make GetCasinoWinningsLevel never return 'banned' to support scripted bans (not retroactive).
Engine Optimizations - fix invalid pathing inline that caused crashes when using certain mods that add navmeshes e.g. 'Better New Vegas' (regression in 8.70).
Engine Optimizations - fix rare invisible meshes when in cells with multiple multibounds (e.g. in TTW).
Remember Last Item - fix conflict with ShowOff NVSE.
Weapon Repair Kits in Menu - prevent clicking weapons that don't affect item health.

Print error to console when BipedAnims are missing their item.
Skip the last page of the computer notes if there are no visible characters.

New in 8.85
Subtitles Show Actor Names - show actor name above their subtitles
Show Mod Name In Perk Descriptions - show the source mod of perks in the perk menu
Lockpick Remembers Bobby Pin Angle - keep the bobby pin angle when a pin breaks
NPCs Take Limb Fall Damage - allows NPCs to take damage to their legs when falling
Fall Deaths Cause Dismemberment - causes leg dismemberment or explosion upon death by fall damage
Extend Lockpick Sweet Spot Range - makes lockpick harder by allowing the unlock spot to be on the edges of the screen
Controller Trigger Deadzones - add a deadzone to LT/RT for attack controls
Container Encumbrance Indicator - show container weight in red if the item stack would overencumber the player
Prevent Companion Footstep Sounds - silences teammate footsteps for the player

Repair Requires Workbench - check if player is near a workbench instead of looking directly at one.
Modify Attack Speed Affects Fists - only affect the actor who has the perks.

Show a warning/confirmation popup if the game rewards 20k+ XP at once.
Fix not being able to change ammo types from the PipBoy if weapon is hotkeyed.
Fix MAT_SHOPPING_CART to use MetalSheet instead of Wood footstep sounds.
Fix various missing or extra commas in perk requirement descriptions and show OR and NOT for perks.
Fix crash if holotapes have 'Sound' type.
Fix rare crash related to quickly equipping items in the PipBoy.
Fix rare crash where teammates could be called to speak after being unloaded.

New in 8.81
Power Armor Scales Limb Damage - fix iMode's category. If updating from 8.80 you can delete 'iMode' under [Power Armor Limb Damage].

New in 8.80
VATS Dequeue Weapon Shots On Disarm - remove queued VATS attacks on NPC weapons if they get disarmed
Show Caravan Cards In Misc Tabs - show caravan cards in the misc tab for containers and barter
Semi Auto Queue - queue the next shot for semi-automatic weapons if the trigger is pulled before the current shot is completed

Power Armor Limb Damage Scaling - option to only affect player/NPCs.
Map Location Display Distance - add distance multiplier and show distance in KM.
Engine Optimizations - optimizations for rendering tiles (thanks WallSoGB)
Pipboy Repair Menu Sorting - add value/weight sorting mode, and option for putting the target first.
Show Non-DR/DT and Quest Items in Repair Menus - allow repairing items with no value.

Keep Fall Height On Load - potential crash fix.
Pick Locks With Key - fix bInvert setting preventing NPCs activating locked doors.
Double Jump - ensure jump sound doesn't loop.
Scope Visibility Delay - Address NVAC conflict.
Using Keys Rewards XP - don't reward XP on locks that can't be picked (since some can reset for infinite XP)
Companions Don't Use Ammo - address JIP conflict which broke the tweak.
Melee Impact Effects Follow Target - fix crash when hit by melee traps.
Save Manager - add option to not reset the autosave timer on manual saves.
Save Manager - prevent explosions occuring cross-saves if the reload or QuickLoad keys are pressed the same frame they would explode.

Allow equipping power armor if in godmode.
Prevent loading with 255 plugins as it causes instability.
Continuous Beam Projectiles - fix ammo not being used if projectile made no impact (e.g. firing at sky) and stop firing when weapon is holstered.
Fix mine disarmed light not resetting when loading a save.
Prevent sCantQuickSave/sCantQuickLoad showing when pressing QuickLoad/QuickSave buttons with console open.

New in 8.74
Recurring Challenge Indicator - made text configurable.
Engine Optimizations - fix crashes related to bAudio for some users.
Weapon Mod Menu - fix rare crash when repairing weapons.

Address NVAC conflicts for Prevent Gib Sound When Entering Cells, Hide Caps Added Messages, Using Keys Rewards XP, Custom Barter Price Multipliers, Barter Show Caps Change, BlackJack Total Display, Save Manager, StatsMenu Shows Effect Time Remaining, VATS Stops Burst If Target Dead, Less Restrictive VATS Menu, Show Active Quest Notes Shows All Started Quests, Toggleable Night Vision, Entering VATS Doesn't Unholster Weapon, Better Flycam.

New in 8.73
Engine Optimizations - fix crashes related to bPathing, bMisc for GOG users when gaining achivements, and restore fix for weapon mods with destructible objects.

New in 8.70
Melee Impact Effects Follow Targets - make melee blood decals follow the target instead of floating in midair
Console Print New Mods On Load - print which mods are new when loading a save created without them
Menu Key Repeat Acceleration - scroll faster after holding the key for some time
Blackjack Total Display - show a display of your hand values in BlackJack
Perks Affect Fist Weapon Speed - allow weapon attack speed perks to affect the unarmed fists weapon
Custom Location Discovered Sound - customize the sound played when discovering a location
Allow Targeting Player Projectiles in VATS - allow targeting projectiles created by the player in VATS
Capitalize Recipe Menu Categories - show recipe menu categories in full caps

Separate config for various features:
Manual Reload + Remember Weapon Ammos
Smooth True IronSights
Faster Start Menu
Jump While Aiming
Compass Height Indicator
Save Manager
Faster Sleep Wait
Double Jump
WASD Menus
Menu Search
Cookable Grenades
Inlines Vanilla Functions - the new DLL is required

Inline Vanilla Functions:
- minor improvements to audio, cell loading, pathfinding, rendering, script expression+variable evaluation and initial loading
- significant improvements to saving/loading (~30% faster)
- ensure is only ever loaded once
- precache various loading anims
- prevent the world map texture being unloaded when loading a save
- add options to disable various inlines
Colored HUD Bars - add VATS support.
Double Jump - add optional power armor and perk requirements.
Movement Penalties - add speed multiplier while reload/jam anims play.
Map Recenter Hotkey - go to the player's placed marker if already hovering over the player tile, and add Shift-Enter to click on the suggested marker instead of recentering.
Container Respawns Message - add option to hide on NPCs.
No Food Worn Off Message - add option to remove message for chems too.
Armor Condition Label - make offset configurable.
Sortable Quests - add option to sort active quests to top.
HUD Weapon Label - add option to show when readying weapon.
Map Markers Show Distance - add options to show game/real time to the hovered marker.
Barter Buy/Sell Flags - add perk for ignoring flags.
Alternate Sighting Node Hotkey - add option to ignore hotkey unless aiming.

Hide Equipped/Hotkeyed Items in Barter + Repair Lists - address missing null check highlighted by JIP 56.90+.
WASD Menus - remove bOldMenuWASD because it can conflict when opening the item mod menu… (E to open menu will also click on the inventory item, breaking the menu).
Prevent XP Popup - add support for tweaks that reward XP.
Quick Use - prevent equipping while anims are in progress.
Holdable Throwables - prevent NPCs commenting as if you're throwing a grenade.
Skill Matched Repairs - prevent repair kit tweak.
Separate Horizontal Sensitivity - fix crash when clicking on slider.
Workaround bug that caused falling through the Frontier's Howitzers.
Console Text Shadow - fix conflict with console autocomplete.
Hotkeying Equipped Items Holsters Them - fix holstering on non-weapons.
Remember Weapon Ammos - don't prevent EquipItem commands for ammo.
Weapon Mod Menu - don't decrease weapons modded stat lower than the value when the menu was opened.

Fix crashes when TestAllCells speaks to an actor before their node has loaded, checking cell imposters before the player has entered the cell, and when companions end up in an unloaded worldspace.
TestAllCells - skip wasteful FileIO reading the INI's [BudgetCaps] settings when loading a new cell.
Fix crash when calling SetActorRefEssential without a ref.
Fix crash if movement anims have no controlled blocks (and show a warning).
Help prevent multithreading crash when Console_Print is called outside of the main thread.
Fix VATS player HP display being empty at low health.
Fix teammates persisting when returning to main menu and starting a new game.
Allow exiting VATS by right clicking while a controller is connected.
Show sUnluckyLossText when losing due to low luck when playing Slots.
Print 'Error: Failed to resolve file' with filename when UI fails to load at the start menu.
Show warning if globals.xml fails to load.

New in 8.65
Race Menu Allow Female Facial Hair - allow selecting facial hair on female characters
Inline Vanilla Functions - fix gradual memory leak.
Save Manager - fix Reload Current Save key triggering twice when in the pause menu.
Mod Console Prints Include Script Name - prevent printing empty strings.
NPCs Use High Res Weapon Models - ignore embedded weapons.
Quick Use - prevent if Pipboy is disabled.
Prevent another few crashes related to textures failing to load.

New in 8.60
Keep Voice Acting Notes In Dialogue - display the voice acting notes e.g. {afterthought} in dialogue
Easing functions - add OutCubic.
Pause Holotapes - add option to pause them when the dialog menu is opened.
Pickpocket Overhaul - Add option to not lose karma when pickpocketing hostile NPCs.
Power Attacks Cost AP - add option to normal attack if not enough AP.
Robotic Companions Heal With Scrap Metal - translate 'Use Scrap Metal' automatically.
Show Book Effects/No Skill Message If Increase Is Zero - display fractional skill book increases to two decimal places
Inline Vanilla Functions
- add more inlines for rendering, bush detection, explosions and updating actor lists.
- significant improvements to evaluating perk modifiers (e.g. GetPerkModifier).

Flycam Improved - increase timer resolution to fix stuttery camera.
Flycam Improved - scale rotation speed with the fUFOCamSpeedMult gamesetting.
Manual Reload - reload when firing with empty clip add demigod support.
No Lock Encounter Zone Levels - fix rare crash when loading a different save.
Use Weapon Repair Kits In Repair Menu - fix weapons without repair lists not showing 'Use Repair Kit'.
Weightless Items - fix carry weight problems when using the Rock-It-Launcher.

Improve chargen quest error message if vanilla quest is missing.
Fix rare crash related to reloadLoop weapons.
Fix vanilla lag when adding/removing perks if player has a lot of perks.
Fix vanilla rare bodypart data null node crash.
Fix vanilla weapon handgrip anim resetting when getting up after being knocked down.

New in 8.55
Quantity Menu Respects Companion Carry Limit - limit the quantity menu max count when transferring items that would overburden a companion
Barter Affects Repair Cost - fix crash if player has barter perks.
Revive Unconscious Companions - use scrap metal if using the 'Heal robots with scrap metal' tweak and add creature support.
Fix crash when iSkillPointsTagSkillMult is zero (regression in 7.26).
Improve vanilla error when settings (controls etc.) fail to save - mention if file is missing or read-only.
Fix vanilla companion carry limit being off by one.

New in 8.50
Barter Affects Repair Costs - adjust repair prices based on barter skill and perks
Containers Show Equipped Ammo - show an equipped square beside equipped ammo in containers/barter
Menu Search - make caret movable in PipBoy menus.
Remember Weapon Ammos - fix bAmmo = 0 causing weapons to reload when changing cells.
Save Manager - fix Continue button replacer option (regression in 8.45).
Implement vanilla ToggleHDRDebug command (thanks Wall_SoGB).
Fix vanilla bug where closing the quantity menu without selecting any items counted as a pickpocket attempt.
Fix rare crash related to pathfinding.

New in 8.45
Map Recenter Hotkey - Y button or R key centers on player, Enter centers on MenuSearch location
Map Remembers Position - remember the last viewed position in the Map Menu
Map Markers Show Distance - show the distance to the hovered location marker in the Map Menu
HUD Location Marker Names - add option to hide names for undiscovered locations.
Better Flycam - allow controller movement while console is open.
Improved Hacking - add option to make 'Allowance Replenished' give bonus guesses instead of replenishing guesses (so if you click on it with 3 guesses remaining you could have 6 left for example, instead of it being a waste of two extra guesses).
Inline Vanilla Functions - add minor script inline.
Save Manager - add save on crafting items.
Ignore movement speed modifiers if collision is disabled.
Better Map Zoom - zoom into center when using WASD Menus map movement.
Reallocate Skills On Levelup - fix reset button resetting everything to 1.
Fix vanilla bug where map menu reticle was offset when a controller connected.
Fix vanilla bug where weapon condition label was hidden for thrown weapons in VATS.

New in 8.40
Reallocate Skill Points On LevelUp - allow reassigning all skills when levelling up
Use Weapon Repair Kits In Repair Menu - show repair kits in the weapon repair menu
Strength Affects All Throwable Distances - make the fThrowingStrengthPenalty gamesetting also affect grenades and mines
Barter Show Transaction Caps - add option to change brightness and show final caps amount instead of current -> final.
Barter Uses Buy/Sell Flags - add option to only sell ammo if they sell weapons.
Inline Vanilla Functions - minor improvements.
Companions Don't Use Ammo - fix weapons with the NPCs use ammo flag.
Fix vanilla bug where strength > 10 affected throwing velocity.

New in 8.35
Barter Show Caps Change - show the final caps after a transaction beside player/merchant caps
Companions Don't Consume Ammo - don't remove ammo from companions when they fire weapons
Ammo Burst Case Count Fix - give a chance to earn multiple ammo casings from weapons that use more than 1 ammo per shot

Inline Vanilla Functions
- improve initial game loading, reloading a save and walking near many NPCs
- decrease actor detection frequency if there's more than 50 NPCs present to improve performance

Prevent levelling up while using TestAllCells.
Add support for custom tree atlas files per WorldSpace (Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\{{WorldSpaceEditorID}}\

New in 8.30
Disable Invisibility In PipBoy - disable stealth boy/armor invisibility when opening the PipBoy
Embolden Tagged Skills in Stats Menu - show tagged skills in bold in the Stats menu
Pick Locks Without Skill - add option to scale difficulty based on skill deficit.
Two Hotkey Restored - add option to show hotkey names instead of 1/2/3.
Weightless Worn Power Armor - add compatibility with Weightless Worn Armor.
Inline Vanilla Functions - add minor loading inline.
Missing Script Opcode Warning - add dialog option to continue anyway.
Compare Weapon Stats - take equipped ammo type into account.
Fix rare VATS ghosting when switching from NPC to throwing projectiles (regression in 5.90).
Smooth True Ironsights - fix hand lagging behind when plugins use the DOF effect.
Fix vanilla crash when refs have a null cell when saving.
Fix vanilla motion blur IMAD direction being inverted.
Make arrow buttons behave like the WASD keys in VATS.

New in 8.26
Revive Unconscious Companions - fix crash when using Loot Unconscious NPCs and prevent using multiple stimpaks if activate key is spammed.
Grabbing Items Is A Crime - only affect take-able items.
Per Bullet Looping Reloads - prevent in VATS.

New in 8.25
Revive Unconscious Companions - use stimpaks to revive unconscious companions
Heartbeat Sounds Fade - fade heartbeat sounds shortly after taking damage
Play Armor Sounds In 3D - play armor foley sounds in 3D when in 3rd person
Sort Pipboy Repair Menu - sort the pipboy repair menu
Armor HUD Label - add visibility threshold
XP Reducer - add option to not ceil earned XP
Exit game hotkey - add support in menus
Hide HUD by default - fix inverting behaviour when loading a save
Weapon Requirements Matter - threshold actor values so weapons can be used with negative strength/skill
2 Hotkey Restored - fix crash when using mods which break the hotkey wheel
Multithreaded Hacking Menu - fix rare crash when opening the console while the menu loads while using a controller
Fix vanilla anisotropic filtering 'MaxAniso' setting (thanks Wall_SoGB).
Fix NPCs reloading loop weapons infinitely if they don't have a full clip worth of rounds.
Fix Message Menu wrapping breaking when using custom fonts.
Fix Roulette Menu bet display when hovering between 0/00.
Fix companion names clipping the pipboy in the Map Menu.
Fix instant crash when using the ToggleNavMesh debug function.
Show an error when loading if a condition script requires an opcode from a missing NVSE plugin.

New in 8.20
Sleep On Chairs - sleep when waiting while sat down
Crippling Doesn't Disarm - don't disarm NPCs when crippling their arm
Sleep Wait Slider Shows Wake Time - show the wake time on the sleep/wait slider
Keep Fall Height When Loading Saves - don't reset fall damage when loading a save
Combat Sound Cooldown Fix - force the last player targeted NPC to shut up for 1-2.5 seconds between sounds (TTW).
Double Jump - add option to not reset fall height when jumping in mid-air.
Print General Errors - prevent 'OCCLUDED SetTarget...' message in VATS.
Hacking Improved - add LB/RB/PageUp/PageDown to move columns left/right.
Hide Misc Quest Items - don't hide the Pitt's steel ingots.
Container Respawns Message - hide on living NPCs.
Place Map Marker At Hovered Location - fix placing on doors in cells with altered north angle.
Steal Worn Items - fix non-worn items being hidden on children.
Save Manager - move pre-levelup save to when the levelup hud prompt shows.
Fix armor condition sometimes resetting when reaching 0 (regression in 8.05).
Multithreaded Hacking Menu - fix picking the same word every time for long word lengths...
Combat Sound Cooldown Fix - address conflict with JIP .
Fix vanilla crash if an actor has an inventory weight of -1.
Fix oversight where controllers couldn't place map markers while moving.
Fix small memory leak when using ammos with multiple effects.
Allow waiting on midair furniture.

New in 8.15
Move Ammo Type Label - move the ammo type label to under the ammo count
Armor Prevents Blood Decals - prevent blood decals for attacks that don't penetrate target DT
Enemy Healthbar Show Buffed HP - include health modifiers in enemy healthbars (e.g. buffout)
Place Map Marker At Player Position Hotkey - adds a hotkey to place the map marker at your current position
Armor Condition Label:
- add VATS support
- fix label turning red when equipping armor with 100% condition.
- make label + background obey HUD opacity setting.
Fix vanilla bug where VATS weapon condition label ignored health mods.

New in 8.10
Armor Condition Label - add an armor condition label to the HUD
Color Weapon Low Condition Label - allow coloring the weapon low condition label
Quest Text Visible In Menus - make quest update text visible in the PipBoy and Hacking menus
Skip Load Game Confirmation Prompt - skip the confirmation prompt when loading a save
Chance Based Killcams - give a chance the cinematic/player view killcam won't play when killing the last of a combat group
Disable Interior Fog - make it work like Qolore's 'Simple Interior Fog Remover'.
No Loading DLC Popup at Start Menu - enable by default.
No Interior Black Post-Loading Screen - prevent objects fading in when loading interior cells.
No Interior Black Post-Loading Screen - prevent NPCs blending into their sit/sleep anims when loading a cell.
Debug Anims - print anim states of the selected console ref.
Container Respawns Warning - hide while pickpocketing.
Living Anatomy Shows DR - fix potential crash when targeting damaged projectiles.
Contact Mines - fix crash when using bNPCs with projectiles present.
Sort Misc Stats - fix crash when using misc stat sort mode 'Vanilla First'.
Fix crash when equipping a PipBoy item in NVSE events.
Fix vanilla bug where NPCs continued using Power Armor idle anims when non-power armor with a backpack was unequipped.
Prevent message menu popups closing when the game starts.
Fix vanilla HUD low weapon condition label blinking scaling with framerate.
Show a warning if the 4gb patcher is in the game folder but hasn't been ran.

New in 8.05
Contact Mines - instantly detonate mines when they are stood on
Auto Weapons Jam While Firing - allow firing anim jams to play while firing an automatic weapon
Load Screens Click To Continue - require clicking to exit load screens
Hide Cursor In Message Menu - hide the cursor in the message popup windows
Quick Use - add support for equipping armors in containers.
Per Bullet Looping Reload - add option for rounds per reload press.
Pick Locks Even With Key - add option to invert behaviour.
Disable Fast Travel - allow fast travel in godmode.
Unequip Weapon Mods - add debug option (lets you equip weapon mods even if you don't have them).
Sort Misc Stats - add sorting modes: alphabetical (supports JG's extra stats), by value, zeros last.
Stew Menu - add keyboard/controller support for clicking on setting slider input field.
Menu Search - fix crash when searching misc stats with JG extra stats.

Fix game bugs:
- Fix NPCs using AttackThrow instead of AttackThrow2/3... for molotovs etc.
- Fix NPCs still using crippled limb animations when limbs are restored.
- Fix automatic weapons firing after playing a fire jam animation.
- Fix VATS fatal hit slow-mo camera inconsistently working if difficulty is not 'Normal' (credits to yvileapsis).
- Prevent rare crash related to queued texture loading.
- Fix rare animation crash if an actor has no weapon sequence but is firing.
- Fix weapon health sometimes resetting when firing with durability increasing weapon mods.

New in 8.00
HUD Marker Name Indicator - show the name of the nearest location marker you're looking towards on the compass
Target Projectiles In VATS - give grenades more than 0% chance to hit in VATS (does not take visibility into account)
Pause Holotapes - add ability to pause/reset a holotape
Changing Cells Shows Quest Reminders - show quest objectives when changing cells
Scale Ashpile Size - scale the size of ashpiles depending on actor size
Fast Travel Doesn't Reset Weather - prevent weather changes when fast travelling short distances
QuickLoad from Start/Pause Menu - add support for the QuickLoad key in the Main/Pause menus
Shoot Through Weapons - add option to ignore VATS.
Toggle Controller If Attack Pressed - add option to prevent controller connected popup.
Tweaks menu - improve error warning if JIP/UIO aren't loaded.
Fix rare mod crash if you alt-tabbed exactly on the frame the game starts loading.
Fix vanilla bug where sun light rays were offset (thanks Wall_SoGB).
Address vanilla issue where the game could infinite load from the start screen.
Fix RecipeMenu category not resetting when opening the menu.
Prevent the 'No Activate' sound playing when activating a workbench.

New in 7.95
Right Click Marks Notes Unread - add right click to mark a note as unread
Prevent Gib Sound When Entering Cells - prevent body part explosion sounds when entering cells
Local Map Separate Interior/Exterior Door Icon - use a separate icon for local map doors which lead to an exterior
Pipboy Challenge Icons - use challenge icons in the pipboy challenges menu
Custom Popup Icons - add configurable icons to popup messages
Multithreaded Hacking Menu - queue clicks when loading.
No Exit Hacking - add controller support.
Hacking Improved - single line prints - only print number of matching characters for answers >= 10 characters to avoid clipping.
Custom Popup Icons - don't change icons if its setting is empty.
Remove Queued Cripple/Critical Messages For Dead NPCs - fix rare issue where messages could get stuck on screen.
Custom Popup Icons - fix addiction message not showing.

New in 7.90
Multithreaded Hacking Menu - improve hacking menu speed by loading words in background when opening the menu
Light Step Affects Companions - make player light step affect companions
Skip Very Easy Locks At Max Skill - automatically open very easy locks if at max lockpick
VATS AP Display Includes Reload Cost - include the reload AP cost when queueing a VATS attack that will cause a reload
Compass Quest/Placed Marker Height Indicator - use if it exists.
Custom Terminal Fade - affect hacking.
Equip Last Weapon Hotkey - add option to ignore non-melee weapons that have no projectiles (e.g. binoculars).
Inline Vanilla Functions - improve HackingMenu speed.
Manual Reload - scale clip size threshold by weapon ammo use per shot.
Prevent hitting holstered weapons - add option to prevent hitting all weapons.
Entering VATS Costs AP - bNoVATSIfNotEnoughAP now includes reload AP cost.
Movement penalties - fix controller not functioning (regression in 6.85).
Quick Use - fix container right click equipping ammos a weapon can't usually equip.
Fix vanilla bug where AP was charged for reloading in VATS even if you don't have enough ammo to reload.

New in 7.85
Clear Nearby Player Marker - remove player placed marker when nearby
Free Wild Wasteland - allow selecting wild wasteland without using a trait slot
Invert Camera X - invert the camera X movement
Sort Repair Services Menu - enable by default.
Print model path in 'Invalid BSFadeNode' error.
Reloading With No Ammo Swaps Ammo Types - fix crash when loading with the Rock-It-Launcher.
Terminal Grey Read Notes - fix crash if menu scripts free tiles (e.g. ForceTerminalBack).
NPCs Use High Res Weapon Models - add JIP 56.62 compatibility.
End controller rumble when loading a save.
Show pickup prompt for pickable grenades (e.g. baseballs from pitching traps).

New in 7.80
Grey Read Terminal Notes - grey out terminal entries after reading them
Sort Usable Ammos To Top - sort equipable ammo to the top of the inventory
Hide Caps Added Messages - hide item added messages for caps
Splash Damage Affects Bloody Mess Gibbing - give projectile splash damage a chance to trigger bloody mess torso explosions
Running Costs AP - add option to only charge AP in combat and add AP regen multiplier.
Terminal Instant Display Hotkeys - add controller support.
Stats Effects Menu Show Time Remaining - hide durations longer than 10 hours.
Toggleable Night Vision - play sound when toggling.
Custom Armor Condition Penalty - add support for JIP 56.60+.
Remove Weapon Damage Buffer - add support for JIP 56.60+.
Skip Deathcam Hotkey - fix triggering of ALT-F4 if F4 was pressed recently.
Quick Use - mark holotapes as played.
WASD Menus - fix hacking menu crash if using 'shift scales movement' without using overscroll tweak.
Fix vanilla crash when clicking through the credits if no save was active
Fix vanilla crash related to NPC patrol packages.

New in 7.75
Main Menu Continue Save Icon - show the image of the save to load when 'Continue' is hovered at the main menu
Prevent Hitting Holstered Weapons - make projectiles pass through NPC holstered weapons
Entering VATS Doesn't Unholster Weapon - allow entering VATS without unholstering your weapon
NPCs Hear Mines Explode - make NPCs react to mine explosions
Hide PipBoy Quest Item Weight And Value - hide the weight and value of quest items and keys in the PipBoy
Crippled Limbs Play Pain Sound When Landing - play the pain sound when landing with crippled limbs
Inline Vanilla Functions - significantly improve menu speed, minor improvements to main menu load time.
Combat Dialogue Cooldown Fix - enable by default and remove hardcoded cooldown if fDialogHitSoundCooldownMax is zero.
Quick Use - restore holotape support.
Select Unavailable Radios - allow deselecting unavailable radios.
Remember Ammo Count - fix ammo count of hotkeyed weapons.
Workaround rare vanilla crash related to freeing weapons when actors die.
Prevent NPCs holstering their weapons if their aggro radius is breached.
Don't show 'Radio discovered' popup if the radio is marked as hidden on the PipBoy.

New in 7.70
Reloading With No Ammo Swaps Types - swap ammo types when reloading with no rounds of the current type
Power Armor Prevents Screen Blood - prevent screen blood effects if you are hit on your power armor
Power Armor Scales Limb Damage - scale limb damage for hits on power armor
Custom Close Terminal Fade Time - adjust the time the terminal menu fades for when closed with keyboard/controller
Crippled Legs Scale Jump Height - scale jump height when legs are crippled
Save Manager - decrease post-combat delay to 0-3 seconds (from 0-8).
Mousewheel Scrolls Weapon Hotkeys - add option to invert scroll direction.
WASD Menus - overscroll - add support to the stats menu status, perks and reputation tabs.
Inventory Sort Button - allow configuring which buttons are visible.
Smooth Camera - add option to disable while aiming.
Charged Attacks Cost AP - account for HeavyWeight Perk.
Fix vanilla bug where 'Save failed.' message didn't show when saving failed.
Fix vanilla bug where spectators incorrectly assessed weapon threat levels.

New in 7.65
Detached Beams - prevent beam projectiles sticking to the weapon barrel when turning
Explosion Radius Buff - make inner 30% of explosion radius deal full damage and cap minimum damage at radius to 20%
Combat Dialogue Cooldown Fix - fix the combat sound cooldown timer being set even if a sound didn't play
Pipboy Tab Hotkeys Don't Close The Menu - prevent the pipboy tab hotkeys (F1/F2/F3 by default) closing the pipboy
Double Jump - allow scaling double jump sound volume.
VATS Exit Key - add LT to exit for controllers.
Save Manager - add option to prevent timed autosaves if godmode is active.
Debug Anim Prints - add toggling with /debugAnims in console.
WASD Menus - add option to highlight 'Continue' by default at the main menu.
Controller Deadzone - limit the minimum deadzone to 10% in menus to prevent stick drift (it was already 10% for non-menus).
Living Anatomy Shows DR - correct value for actors with perks affecting their DR.
Fix vanilla bug where bumping into companions caused nearby NPCs to detect you.

New in 7.60
Radio Keeps Song Position When Loading Saves - don't rewind current song when loading a save if the same song is playing
More Responsive Controller Aiming - improves responsiveness of looking around with a controller
Allow Duplicate Control Binds - allow binding multiple controls to the same key
Disable Weapon Hotkeys - ignore DPAD and 1-9 weapon keys outside the pipboy
More Detailed Stats Menu - show the value modifier amount in the (+) and (-) for skills/SPECIAL, and show them above their min/max
Lethal Hits Increase Limb Challenges - increase limb cripple/knockback challenges even if the attack killed the target
Dialog Number Keys - restore clicking through dialogue using number keys (changed in 7.35).
Save Character Selector - move to above the saves list.
No Alt Tab Pause - add option to not mute sounds.
Cycle Weapon Hotkeys/Rebind 1-9 Hotkeys - allow rebinding the DPAD.
Cycle Weapon Hotkeys - add option to skip empty weapons.
Godmode Needs No Ammo - add support for continuous beam projectiles.
Save Manager - allow clicking on Quicksave Button before the start menu has faded in.
Fast Travel Costs Nuka - add option to specify editor ID of which item to remove.
Attacking Switches Controller/Mouse - don't swap to mouse when clicking in console.
No Alt-Tab Pause - fix controller pipboy key not functioning while alt-tabbed.
Separate Sensitivity Sliders - address incompatibility with mods that alter the fMouseSensitivity gamesetting (e.g. JIP Fast Travel Anywhere).
Allow fast travel when enemies are nearby in godmode.
Fix the 'reputation' field of map markers forms being ignored for non-vanilla esp/esms.

New in 7.56
Fix crash when refs use continuous beam projectiles (regression in 7.55)
Fix vanilla crash when loading with a mod that places weapon mods in cells.

New in 7.55
Double Jump - allow jumping in mid-air
Weapon Impact Effects - spawn sparks and play impact sounds when equipped/holstered weapons are hit
Disarm Requires Weapon Skill - add a chance for mines to not disarm, or instantly explode based on explosion skill
Toggle 1st Person When Unholstering Weapon - toggle 1st person when reading a weapon, and 3rd when holstering
Faster Main Menu - add option to skip delay till last load screen has faded out.
Manual Reload - click to reload now queues a reload if an anim is playing instead of doing nothing.
Prevent XP Popups - add option to hide the popup when disarming mines.
Near/Far Sound Fix - also use the fWeaponInteriorFarAttenuationMod ini setting for far sounds in interiors.
Inline Vanilla Functions - various improvements.

Recipe Sorting - fix sort by alpha.
Remember Weapon Ammos - fix pipboy ammo selection for hotkeyed weapons.
StewMenu - fix right arrow not working for integer sliders with low max values.
Menu Search - fix keyboard inventory selection being lost when filtering.
NPCs Drop Live Grenades - prevent dropping non-timed explosives.
Unequip Weapon Mods - fix potential crash when removing weapon mods from an undamaged weapon.
Unequip Weapon Mods - fix vanilla issue where the scroll position reset when clicking on a weapon mod.

Add error at startup if the HUD fails to create.
Fix crash when using Continuous Beam Projectiles.
Fix crash related to changing NPC packages during dialogue.
Fix crash related to 'SCRIPTS: Nested call to ScriptRunner::Run'.
Prevent sCantRemoveWornItem corner message showing when NPCs use the last of their force equipped throwables.

New in 7.50
Select Unavailable Radios - allow selecting unavailable radios to use when back in range
Power Attack If Blocking - remove the melee power attack delay while blocking
Signal Strength Affects Radio Song Volume - make songs quieter when static is playing near the edge of a radio's range
Open To Inventory By Default - add option to configure which pipboy tab is opened.
Reloading With Full Clip Changes Ammo Type - also change types if you have no rounds left.
Tweaks Menu - add option to show subsetting paths when viewing their description and error if xNVSE isn't installed.
Tweaks Menu - show error if xNVSE isn't installed.
Unvisited Cell Indicator - 'hide unvisited cell names' now affects the local map.
Manual Reload - click to reload now obeys 'Reload While Firing' and doesn't trigger in godmode.
Max Character Level - clamp highest level if required XP is greater than the max possible XP (level 5350 with vanilla values for iXPBase and iXPBumpBase).
WASD Menus - fix Tab to exit bringing up the PipBoy when closing the Caravan menu.
Minimize NV window when showing missing masters error.
Fix vanilla crash when crafting using the default ammo for your equipped weapon with no ammo equipped.
Fix rare vanilla crash when NPCs try using alternate ammo types with explosive ammo.

New in 7.46-

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