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About this mod

This mod aims to merge some of the best weapon mods out there which are EVE, WMX, IMPACT, WRP and WMR. It also merges PN compatibility patches for those mods. Now with AWOP and AWSO versions!

Permissions and credits

One plugin to rule them all..


One thing that bothered me about the modding of F:NV in general, there are a lot of good mods and there is a plugin limit that corrupts the game if you pass it. Also a lot of compatibility patches needed in order to mods to play nice with each other. Of course this clutters the load order and plugin count and when I looked my load order and saw that a lot of the plugins come from weapon mods and their compatibility patches. So I decided to solve this problem thus WCP was born. I made the plugin a long time ago but I didn't post it because I'm lazy :)

Short Description

This mod aims to merge some of the best weapon mods out there which are EVE, WMX, IMPACT, WRP and WMR. It also merges PN compatibility patches for those mods.

Long Description (Detailed Info and Process)

It merges 25+ plugins into one plugin to reduce the load order clutter and problems arise from load order of these mods. I merged the weapon mods that I personally use and also most of the people on nexus use like EVE, WMX, IMPACT, WRP and PN patches. I also liked the I idea of crafting weapon mods so I also added WMR to the mix. I used LOOT to sort my load order to reduce the possible conflicts and also corrected the order manually by looking the records on FNVEdit to minimize the conflicts. Then I made some patches for these mods the further solve the conflicts. I used Merge Plugins Standalone to merge these plugins into WCP. Then I manually gone through all of the records and made necessary edits and fixes in FNVEdit and GECK to make WCP work without errors. Lastly I added Bash Tags for people using Wrye Flash to WCP correctly overrides and records in Bashed Patch.


Installation Process

Using NMM or Mod Organizer is highly recomended. Manual installation instructions will not be provided. For mods use the links in the Prerequisities part. In each step select yes to all when NMM asks to overwrite files. You don't need to overwrite in Mod Organizer since files are overwritten in order just like plugins. If you download and install in this order there will be no problem. However I added a correct order screenshot in the images section.

  • First download and install Project Nevada. Core and the Equipment modules are needed for WCP.
  • Go to EVE page and download the EVE 1.17 version of your choice, one is for NMM and one is for Mod Organizer. Download it using all DLC option. Then download the 1.17.3 update and install it using all DLC option again. 
  • Go to IMPACT page and download the Gaming rig version and install.
  • Go to WMX page and download the main file and install it.
  • In the same page download and install WMX - DLC using DLCMerged and POPMerged option.
  • In the same page download and install WMX - EVE using WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged option.
  • Go to Recipes for Weapon Mods page and install the Weapon_Mod_Recipes_Original_1_02 file.
  • Go to WRP page and install the Main file. Then install the New 12.7 mm SMG file.
  • Go to this page and install .357 Revolver Re-retexture.
  • Go to this page and install Single Shotgun Re-retexture.
  • Go to this page and install Bozar Retexture 2K version.
  • Go to GRA WRP Unofficial Patch V2 page and install.
  • Return to the WMX page and install the WMX - WRP file.
  • Go to Project Nevada Patches page and install the Project Nevada - EVE file.
  • In the same page install the Project Nevada - WMX file.
  • Delete or disable any .esps came from these mods except WMR.esm. You don't need to disable any .esm's or .esp's form Project Nevada or Project Nevada Extra Options. Just disable PN - WMX and PN - EVE .esps. You can see example load orders in the images section.
  • Install the WCP version of your choice and activate the WCP.esp.

Existing saves should detach all weapon mods from weapons before activating WCP.esp. There shouldn't be any problems but the weapon mods probably be gone but luckily you can craft them at the workbench. If you don't remove weapons weapons should have mods attached as "Mod 1, Mod 2 and Mod 3" and weapon will be bugged. You can't also remove them with weapon mod menu.

There are 2 main files for to choose. The difference between them is just the other version has Varmint Rifle and its unique counterpart Ratslayer uses .22LR ammunition. I made this change because some gameplay changing mods like Yukichigai Gameplay Tweaks changes these weapons to use .22LR ammunition. This solves the incosistencies between WCP and these mods since these mods alter the loot that NPCs which use Varmint Rifle and in the beginning Sunny Smiles gives you .22LR ammo.

Compatibility and Load Order

WCP is incompatible with mods that alter weapon records. Also WCP is incompatible with mods that changes textures of weapons. WRP and WRP-WMX patch use different meshes for weapons to fit high resolution textures so if you use a mod that edits those textures it won't fit on that mesh and look wonky in game. WMX or EVE compatible texture mods should be OK but try at own risk.

WMR.esm's load order is irrevelant. However load WCP.esp after all Project Nevada .esps and mods that alter weapons. If you want any other change for some weapons load that plugin after WCP.esp.

Future Plans

I personally don't play with Weapons of the New Millenia but many of you out there play with them so I may include a version with that. Also I play with All Weapon Sounds Overhaul but I thout it is not well known and used mod so I may or may not include it in the future.

- All Weapon Sounds Overhaul versions added.
- A World of Pain versions added.

Also I'm open to any suggestions for mods to include in WCP to enhance user experience.

Suggested Mods

Mods that goes well with WCP

Mods that should be downloaded in every playthrough

Credits and Legal Stuff

  • Bethesda and Obsidian for Fallout: New Vegas
  • Bethesda for GECK
  • ElminsterEU, Sharlikran, and Zilav for FNVEdit(xEdit)
  • Mator for Merge Plugins and Generate Bash Tags xEdit Plugin
  • Project Nevada Team for Project Nevada and Project Nevada Patches
  • Weijiesen for EVE and IMPACT
  • Antistar for Weapon Mods Expanded
  • DSoG_Sergeon for Recipes for Weapon Mods
  • Millenia for WRP and individual weapon retextures
  • Micalov for GRA WRP Unofficial Patch V2
  • Speedspaz(me) for WCP
  • And YOU for downloading :)

This file cannot be used, edited or published individually or in a project without my permission.