About this mod

Looking for a guide on how to mod Fallout New Vegas beyond any reasonable limit? One focused on content? Or do you want to just snag a bunch of patches we made in the process? Feel free; there's plenty.

Permissions and credits
Disclaimer: Following this guide will break your game. We'd just argue that it will be so worth it in the end. This guide and these patches will NOT receive support from the mods they patch, so please don't harass mod authors if something goes wrong. Mod at your own risk. If you are trying to pull off half the stunts we did, you likely waive your ability to ask for technical support from any but the most patient of people. ALL issues with this guide should be directed to this page. Nowhere else. And even we might only be of so much help.


Fallout New Vegas is largely considered one of the best games ever made because of its expansive take on choice-driven storytelling and worldbuilding. However, it has many shortcomings that originate from the fact that Obsidian (the original makers of Fallout) was only given a single year by Bethesda (the owners of Fallout) to make the game, in addition to the fact that every year a game made in 2010 looks more and more dated, even with its amazing narrative. Fortunately, on sites such as this, hundreds of talented people have endeavored to make it a better game over the past decade.

We sought out to make a guide on how to cram as many good mods into Fallout New Vegas as possible, to make one of the best games into THE best game ever, with hundreds of hours of rich, story-driven content. It’s a complicated process, but the resulting game is worth the effort for us. With this guide, perhaps it will be for you.

Note: We originally made this guide using Tale of Two Wastelands as the foundation, but we have moved beyond the need for Fallout 3 content since the release of Fallout - The Frontier. We have a new version of the guide that uses the Frontier as the foundation instead of TTW, which also updates the guide in other ways as well. We definitely recommend using the newer version, but you can still find the link to the old one at the bottom of the page. You can have both TTW and the Frontier at the same time, but we don't recommending doing both with Cinemodded Fallout due to game limitations with TTW.


Arcs and Episodes So Far: 
[PM - Puce Moose]

Vault 101: #001-005
Vault 18: #006-012
Fallout New California: #013-036
Fallout 3: #037-181
PM1: A Note Easily Missed: #044-045, 048
Alton, IL: #060-064
Operation Anchorage: #077-078
PM2: An Evening with Manchester: #074, 082-085, 102, 113, 115, 126
Cube Experimental: #108-111
PM3: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream: #133-135, 155-156
The Pitt: #138-142
Point Lookout: #155-168
PM4: In the Shadow of the Swamp: #157-170
PM5: The Mantis Imperative: #171-180
Broken Steel: #182-187. 190-192
Washington's Malevolence: #193-201
Mothership Zeta: #202-210
Mothership Zeta Crew: #210-223
The Librarian - Orion's Gate: #224-226
Fallout New Vegas: #228-ongoing
Rockwell Descent: #246-247
Slave Town II: #250-254
NCR CF: #258-263
Autumn Leaves: #296-302
Boom to the Moon: #305-310, ongoing
Tales from the Burning Sands: Chapter 1: #293, 311, 313, 315
Tales from the Burning Sands: Chapter 2: #326, 331-332
The Deterrent: #333-335
Dead Money: #338-350

Mission Statement
When it comes to modding a game, the discretion is ultimately left to the individual aggregating mods. Therefore, some modded copies of New Vegas look very different. We had to decide up-front how we envisioned an ideally-modded New Vegas game. Thus we created our mission statement for this guide.

Rule 1:
We will always prioritize story-driven content, especially lore-friendly content. Any mods that add content to the game, whether in the form of quests, characters, worlds, or worldbuilding, are the most desired mods of all. We consider anything that adds stuff to do, stuff to see, or stuff to talk about, as long as they’re worth it. If you’re looking for a guide that makes New Vegas like a Call of Duty game, with the focus only on killing things and little else, look elsewhere.

Rule 2:
We desire mods that make New Vegas considerably more mature. Video games are a form of art, although they aren’t often recognized as such. In-depth discussion or exploration of taboo themes like nudity, sex, prostitution, drugs, abuse, rape, and children have been largely sanitized in modern Fallout games, with the obvious exception of wanton murder. We want to add those themes back into the game. Taboo subjects don’t cease to exist just because we don’t talk about them, both in Fallout and reality.

Rule 3:
We want to ensure that New Vegas is a forward-thinking and progressive game. We want mature content, but we want to also handle it as responsibly as we can. That means NOT encouraging heinous deeds, like rape, for example, or portraying them as good deeds. It also means ensuring that the game is not whitewashed, one of the biggest flaws in this very white game. However, without new voice actors, there are limitations on what we can do in this regard. We will always prioritize diverse representation of fictional characters OVER making sure the people of color characters aren’t voiced by white actors, even though we’d prefer to accomplish both when possible.

Rule 4:
We embrace nudity but must stop short of full nudity. Despite the desire for maturity and progressiveness (like pro-nude body positivity), we make the exception when it comes to depicting nudity. This is entirely done to conform to social media (like YouTube) rules about nudity, and it ensures you’ll be able to record footage or take screenshots of your modded game. Partial nudity will still be very common and encouraged for consideration. Please note that you can simply ignore this rule when you’re following this guide and instead use fully nude versions of any mods we include, as fully nude mods are quite common.

Rule 5:
If it is broken, fix it. We aren’t making the gameplay of New Vegas into a different type of game. It is still an RPG. However, whenever there is something in the game that can be improved or fixed, without compromising the previous rules, we aim to fix it, whether it be fixing bugs, making the guns work more intuitively, or adding gameplay features that make the game more fun. In addition, we want to improve the graphics as much as the game engine possibly allows.

Lore Friendliness
The term “lore-friendly” was mentioned in the Mission Statement, and you’ll see the term quite often. We need to define this term to know how to follow Rule 1. Lore-friendly content is commonly defined as content added to the game that does not violate the established lore, story, or background narrative, of the game world, the Fallout universe, in this case.

However, this definition is murky and subjective due to the fact that every content mod adds or changes Fallout lore to some degree. Also, many mods may not overtly violate lore of the Fallout universe itself but may still contradict with each other. New Vegas, even without any mods at all, calls the concept of canon itself into question with its inclusion of its Wild Wasteland feature. This feature to include or not include “wacky” events effectively establishes the true concept of lore-friendliness at its core: canon is what you make of it.

For these reasons, we will be employing a very loose interpretation of the word “lore-friendly”. Any content that alters the lore of Fallout can be considered for the sake of Rule 1, as long as the lore within our new modified game of New Vegas can be logically considered self-consistent. For example, Fallout 2 had a special encounter with a police box time machine. So, if we use the Fallout Who Vegas mod to incorporate Doctor Who lore into the Fallout universe (where you pilot a police box time machine), that is logically self-consistent and doesn’t violate Fallout lore.

After all, nowhere in Fallout does it say that the Doctor doesn’t fly around in their strange time machine. This logic can be used for any real-world brand that is incorporated into Fallout, albeit more loosely, since, for example, Coca-Cola did not appear in Fallout 2.

We would just make this Cinemodded Fallout game for you and distribute them, but of course, we cannot do that, due to United States and International Copyright Law. Because of that, you have to assemble this game yourself. But, since U.S. Copyright Law lasts until death of the author plus 70 years, and since the average life expectancy of a U.S. citizen is 79 years, and since mod authors almost always tend to be over 15 years old, we can estimate, under current Copyright Law, that Cinemodded Fallout will be free for redistribution by 2155, not long after the setting of Fallout 2.

All of that is ridiculous of course, but it gets worse. Copyright also protects something that we loathe and call the Right to Destroy. It is the concept behind catch-and-kill journalism and patent trolling that allows companies to hide scandals or demand concessions by purchasing intellectual property and choosing to do nothing with them. This same concept is what allows mod authors to delete all trace of their work in what usually amounts to acts of spite upon what they’ve experienced as an ungrateful community, which may well be their experience.

When this happens, there is no legal way to acquire the work, which we believe is fundamentally against what copyright is meant to do, even if Copyright Law does not agree. It is the Right to Destroy. There are many mods in this guide that we intend to use, but their authors spitefully deleted their work. In such cases, we are not legally allowed to provide any alternative sources on where you can find those mods, if there even are any. You would have to search yourself in dubious locations or with Google Search, and we are literally obligated to advise against that. The only alternative is to simply skip steps in this guide where we install them.

[Truncated, you can read the rest on the guide document.]

Hate is antithetical to our Mission Statement, but we need to take a moment to talk about toxicity. The Fallout modding community is full of many considerate people, but at times the considerate people may seem to be overshadowed immensely by extremely toxic people. They are usually men, because the male-dominated modding community is a subset of the male-dominated AAA game-playing community, which is a subset of the male-dominated tech industry, which is a subset of patriarchal America. Toxic nonetheless.

Please be aware that toxicity found within the Fallout modding community often includes anti-progressive hate, something not tolerated by this guide. Mods that sexualize women are freely encouraged, but mods that do the same with men are much rarer. Mods that rectify the gender ratio or try to introduce non-white characters often receive hate with sexist and racist undertones, as we can testify with our mods. LGBTQIA+ representation tends to only be tolerated if it caters to the male audience. As such, bisexual women make up the majority of the LGBTQIA+ characters throughout the modding scene. There are very few transgender characters throughout all mods.

We mention this to warn any users of this guide that you may encounter this toxicity, but by using this guide, hopefully you can avoid most of it. We’ve worked to try to carefully avoid mods that promote racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, anarcho-capitalism, fascism, antisemitism, pedophilia, hate, and regressive themes. This does NOT mean that characters or stories within the mods won’t have such prejudices. There is a clear distinction between depicting hate versus propagating it or encouraging it. There is also a matter of protecting the integrity of this guide, as not long ago another guide in this community was relentlessly harassed with another type of unjustifiable toxicity. We want to get in front of that now by issuing a disclaimer to any toxic people who dare to do the same to this guide. Fellow mod authors:

You do not own your mods. Bethesda does. But, Bethesda is a mod-friendly corporation that allows mod authors to claim mods as if they did own them. Along with that pseudo-ownership is the gift of copyright and everything that entails. We have already made it clear that we believe that copyright has swung much too far in the favor of corporations under the guise of artists, as opposed to the users and remixers of art. So everyone can be absolutely certain that we will not be granting any extra rights beyond copyright. You’re entitled to nothing more than copyright, and even that is a bit much in our opinion.

This means we will respect the legality of Copyright Law by NOT posting dubious links to content that was destroyed or removed publicly. We will still mention it, as copyright does NOT protect revisionist history. We will NOT post links or even mention content that plagiarized, violated copyright, or otherwise ripped content from other sources illegitimately. If a mod author does not want their work mentioned in this guide, we will NOT remove it unless we desire to do so. Their work has been published for free, and they CANNOT control how users use it NOR can they censor our discussion about it legitimately, with the sole exception of their copyrights as already discussed. If a mod author does not want a link to their publicly available work in this guide, they are within their legal rights to delete their mod, even if we dislike that outcome.

We must also warn you that some mod authors may obfuscate their toxicity under the guise of compatibility. As illustrated in the Mission Statement, we aim to cram as many mods into New Vegas as possible. This naturally can create stability and compatibility concerns. Some people might assert that some of the mods we want to use are inherently incompatible. Our Mission Statement assures that some people may voice those concerns, as we will not be content with building our game around just any single mod.

It is true that this guide will make a pretty unstable game, one we’re still finding little bugs with here and there. These concerns, however, are often exaggerated. Often people treat compatibility as a binary, when in reality it is a spectrum ranging from not-at-all usable to essentially fine. Very few mods are on the former end of the spectrum, and compatibility patches will be employed to push more mods to the latter end of the spectrum.

We feel the need to explain this, because you may often see mods listed as incompatible when they partially override each other. But what we’re aiming for is a sort of homeostasis with overlapping mods, where unique features from each can shine through, even if some parts are overwritten. For that reason, we will recommend multiple overhaul mods.

[Truncated, you can read the rest on the guide document.]



Please, even if you aren't interested in the guide itself, consider looking through the library of patches we created to make it possible! Maybe you'll find something worth using, maybe not.

TTW Compatibility Note: All TTW patches were made for TTW 3.2. While they probably work with newer versions of TTW, we have not tested them and cannot say for certain.

13th Doctor Explained

Requirements: Thirteenth Doctor Jacket and Shirt

  • Adds a note to the 13th Doctor's body that explains what she was doing there. This is particularly important for lore purposes if you are playing Fallout Who Vegas - Complete.

61 Flavors Tweak
Requirements: 61 Flavors

  • Removes a vending machine in the Big Horn Saloon. Only use this if you have it conflicting with a mod that adds a Nuka-Cola vending machine in the same spot.

Actually America
Requirements: Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Adds a room to the Museum of History that gives a real rundown of the Fallout world's history. If you're roleplaying a character, it can be really difficult to explain how your character could separate all of the Pre-War American propaganda from the actual facts. Now you can.
  • Adds historical podiums that explain different events, wars, and genocides in American history, ranging from the Revolutionary War to the Sino-American War.
  • Adds three holy books on display: the Bible, Torah, and Quran. There is a Perk you can get for reading each: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim.
  • Adds a special Perk for those that read all three holy books.

Amanda Patch
Requirements: Ties That Bind - TTW, Tale of Two Wastelands, Fallout New Vegas Redesigned 3, and FNVEdit

  • Ties that Bind adds your sister to the game, and her name is Amanda. She’s a great character and companion, but it literally makes no sense that she appears white. In the Fallout 3 storyline, your father’s race matches your chosen one for your character, but your mother’s is fixed. Your mother is black. Perhaps this mistake can be pinned upon Bethesda. They chose to make her black and kill her off in the first seconds of the game, and in the original game, with all of the effects, it could be hard to tell the race of your mother.
  • However, if you're using graphic mods, you can tell your mother is black, and that you are being born between the legs and out of the womb of a black woman. This is perfectly fine, but then Amanda should not be white. If you chose to play as a white character, this isn’t so much of an issue. She’d be biracial, white, and black all at the same time. However, if you choose to play as any other race (i.e. one with brown skin), then both of your parents will be people of color, neither being white. It would be quite improbable for your sister to be white.
  • Your character’s backstory could be complicated if you use the New California sci-fi origin, and you could assume Amanda was similarly adopted. However, we think a better, more fitting solution is in order. We are going to change Amanda to be black, so that she looks like her mother. You will just happen to look more like your father while she just happens to look more like your mother. That seems significantly more plausible.
  • Amanda will still have had a white voice actress, which is unfortunate, but in that she will also be much like her mother, sadly. She also has a British accent, which is hard to explain no matter what, but perhaps she picked that up in the vault.
  • Also note that, for this patch to work, the original mod must be marked as an ESM (even if it is technically an ESP). You can do that simply with a checkbox in FNVEdit. Mods that aren't masters don't support non-white characters.
  • Yes, Amanda has since been removed from the Nexus. It is unfortunate.

Apollo No Aid Item
Requirements: Project APOLLO Playable Androids Race

  • Removes the aid item that lets you change into the APOLLO android race mid-game.

B6RK Less Annoying
Requirements: Fallout - New California

Baja Optimized Lore Patch
Requirements: Baja Island Home Version 6 (Modders Resource)

  • Adds the Baja Resort into the game's lore by actually explaining it.
  • Modifies the plane to have a speaker, where you have to get permission to board the plane.
  • Adds the requirement that you pay a ton of caps to get a wonderful island paradise home.
  • Adds dialogue and notes to the three NPCs in the Baja Resort to give them some actual backstory.
  • Adds a second plane near Cottonwood Cove, requiring the player to have to deduce which one is a trap. This one is the fake.
  • If you pay the money for the fake plane, you end up in a pit with dead bodies and have to fight your way out.
  • Also optimizes the Baja Resort, removing unnecessary plants and moving objects that just made the home much more laggy than necessary, even on high-end computers.

BigRescue TreeRock Patch
Requirements: The Big Rescue

  • Removes a tree that clips through the main building in this quest mod. This is
    useful when using mods that alter tree meshes, like Wasteland Flora Overhaul.
  • Adds mountain rocks in an attempt to fix an issue where the player could fall off a cliff at the end of the quest.

Bioshock Imports - Non-Replacer Patch
Requirements: Bioshock Imports Remastered FNV

  • This patch adds entries that reference the meshes in this mod to make the Bioshock items as non-replacer variants. This means that, with this patch, no longer will every Fallout iteration of a given item will be turned into a Bioshock item. Instead, the Bioshock items are separate items with separate meshes and stats.
  • Adds notes detailing a story between House and Ryan, which is particularly tantalizing since they are both based on the same person and have similar ideas. The cross-dimensional traversal is explained via Elizabeth, and we think it ties in well with other trans-dimensional mods in the Lucky 38 like Dan's Presidential Upgrade and Bridge to the Outer Worlds.
  • INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS!: To install this mod, you must first install the requirement. Go inside its meshes folder and move the clutter, furniture, and nvdlc01 folders into the xGeorge folder to consolidate them and prevent replacement. THEN install this patch.
  • This mod is just a patch and includes no assets from the required mod.

Book Menu Sheet Paper
Requirements: Book Menu Restored and lStewieAl's Tweaks

  • Changes the menu that appears whenever you grab a note to instead display a piece of old paper instead of a Vault-Tec blueprint. We find this more realistic, since most notes are on simple paper.
  • The lStewieAl's Tweaks mod is needed to adequately activate the Book Menu Restored mod's features. You'll need to make sure to edit the INI settings in this mod to turn this feature on. This patch simply changes its appearance.
  • This mod does include a menu file from Book Menu Restored. According to the permissions page, "You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me". We credit this file to lStewieAl. You still need the required files for this patch to do anything. Install this patch over those mods.

Chicken Sandwiches
Requirements: Only New Vegas (and perhaps DLCs)

  • Adds a recipe in Doc Mitchell's house that explains how to make chicken sandwiches.
  • Adds a limited number of supposed pieces of chicken throughout the wasteland.
  • Adds a challenge for actually making the chicken sandwich.

Cinapparel Patches
Blackjack Requirements: The BLACKJACK pack - Tons of armors for VANILLA bodys
Bunny Girl Requirements: Bunny Outfit - TYPE4
Fiona Armor Requirements: R18PN 11 - Fiona Armor Type 3
Kristinas Requirements: Kristinas Closet for Type 3 Breeze and Roberts and Tale of Two Wastelands
Lady Khan Requirements: Overhaul Lady Outfit
Lancer Uniform Requirements: Brotherhood Lancer Uniforms and Tale of Two Wastelands
Leather Jacket Requirements: BT Leather Jacket K2 Type3 D C Cup Roberts Breeze Male
Lily Sorceress Requirements: Dragon Lilly - Type 4 and Robert S
Naked Fatigues Requirements: Metal Gear Solid V - Naked Fatigues
Nuka Break Requirements: Fallout Nuka Break and Tale of Two Wastelands
Park Ranger Requirements: US Park Ranger Uniform and Tale of Two Wastelands
Police Uniform Requirements: NHP Police Uniform Pack and Tale of Two Wastelands
Professional Requirements: The Professional Attire Type 3
Rogue Outfit Requirements: Animated Rogue Outfit and Tale of Two Wastelands
T-60 Armor Requirements: T-60 Prototype and Tale of Two Wastelands
Tera Swimwear Requirements: Acies TERA Swimwear Pack
Tribal Outfit Requirements: Fallout 2 Tribal Outfit - TYPE4
Vegas Outfit Requirements: Vegas Girl Outfit Type 3

  • These are a whole bunch of plugins that add outfits to NPCs across both the Mojave Wasteland and the Capital Wasteland. There are many interesting outfits on the Nexus, and we just thought it'd be cooler if others were wearing them, not just you. Use whichever plugins that correspond to what mods you want.

CL4P-TR4P Patch
Requirements: Custom Robot Followers 2

  • Changes Claptrap's name to the more accurate name, CL4P-TR4P.

Colored Outlined Map Icons
Requirements: Only New Vegas (and perhaps DLCs)

  • Revises the icons on the world map to simply be better. We were not satisfied with anyone else's attempts at this.
  • Each type of icon is colored differently to make them distinct.
  • Each icon is outlined, which is necessary for anyone using colored world map mods.
  • UPDATE: Frontier-specific icons have been added. Will still work regardless if player is using TTW or Frontier or neither.

Currencies of New California Fix
Requirements: Currencies of the Mojave and Fallout - New California

  • Patches COM to work with FNC. Yes, COM already had a FNC patch, but it was broken and didn't work, so we created a new one from the ground-up, employing a different solution than the original author tried.
  • Instead of trying to script a conversion of FNC's NCR dollars into FNV's NCR dollars, this patch just modifies FNC's NCR dollars to instead be called NCR Bank Notes that are worth dollars.
  • Union City vendors only take NCR dollars. Doctors still only take the bank notes. You can exchange NCR dollars for bank notes or vice versa at various NCR vendors.

Daddy's Little Helpers
Requirements: Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Adds an alternative way to leave Vault 101, a way that doesn't require you murdering dozens of cops.
  • Adds a limited amount of tranquilizer ammo for the BB Gun, along with a note from your father about them.

Death to Fascists
Requirements: For the Enclave

  • Adds an alternative way to complete the quests for the New Enclave in the Mojave.
  • Adds a terminal in the NCR Embassy that gives a quest to kill war criminals within the Enclave.
  • We recommend doing this quest late in the game, after doing other Enclave quests, to get the maximum amount of content, and to ensure you encounter all of the war criminals.
  • Enclave Radio ceases to work upon completion of the quest.

Dogmeat Explained
Requirements: Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Adds a note to Scrapyard to explain why your character happens to know the random dumb dog you meet happens to be called the iconic Fallout name "Dogmeat".

Doll Companion Haruhi
Requirements: DollHouse and NCCS - NosCo Companion System

  • Adds a NCCS Companion named Haruhi who uses the Doll android race. She's in the reward area of the Dollhouse.

Dollhouse Patch
Requirements: DollHouse

  • Fixes several issues in Dollhouse, including a dialogue bug with the Gift Shop.
  • Translates the notes into English. Google Translate couldn't make sense of the Japanese text, so we rewrote the backstory of the Dollhouse to make sense in the context it is presented.
  • Makes the cheat weapons into joke weapons to not break the game.
  • Some names were changed for lore reasons, like with the Mandroid.

Door Patch Alice-Inheritance
Requirements: Alice in Wasteland - The Rabid Hole and The Inheritance

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place on the outskirts of Westside. This patch moves the Jalapeno store door to an adjacent building so that both are accessible.

Door Patch Alice-TTW
Requirements: Alice in Wasteland - The Rabid Hole and Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place on the train station in Freeside. This patch moves Union Station to align with the other train station doors so that both are accessible. We like to think they're on different floors.

Door Patch ATTTB-Ghoul
Requirements: A Trip to The Bank and Ghoul Bounties

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place near the Gun Runners. This patch moves the cellar door a bit so that both are accessible. This patch is for the very few people who want to use both of these mods, like us.

Door Patch AWOP-Eliza
Requirements: A World of Pain and Eliza

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place in the same mountainside. This patch moves the NCR bunker away from New Rockwell so that both are accessible.

Requirements: FOOK - New Vegas and Interesting NPCs: Fallout New Vegas (Blue Note)

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place on a building in Freeside. This patch moves the Blue Note to an adjacent building away from the Radiation King store so that both are accessible.

Door Patch FOOK-Rockwell
Requirements: FOOK - New Vegas and The Rockwell Pursuit

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place on a building in Freeside. This patch favors the Radiation King store over that unfinished building Rockwell added.

Door Patch FTE-DLW
Requirements: For the Enclave and Death's Last Whisper - Hugs AND Death

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place in the same mountainside. This patch moves the mine tunnel entrance away from the bunker entrance so that both are accessible.

Door Patch FTE-Inheritance
Requirements: For the Enclave and The Inheritance

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place in the same mountainside. This patch moves the Enclave bunker away from the mine shack so that both are accessible.

Door Patch Lunette-Horrors
Requirements: Lunette (Voiced) and House of Horrors

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place in the outskirts of Fiend Territory. This patch moves the House of Horrors away from Lunette's home so that both are accessible.

Door Patch NVEC-TSC
Requirements: NVEC - New Vegas Enhanced Content and TSC Vegas

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • NVEC adds a wall that prevents access to the TSC Embassy. This patch removes that wall.

Door Patch NVFR-Eliza
Requirements: New Vegas Freeside Restoration - NVFR and Eliza

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • NVFR changes the building that the Abatoir was on. This patch moves the Abatoir door to another building.

Door Patch NVFR-Riches
Requirements: New Vegas Freeside Restoration - NVFR and Rags to Riches (Treasures of the Wastes)

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place on a building in Freeside. This patch moves the Freeside Bank to an adjacent building away from A Cuppa Joe so that both are accessible.

Door Patch TBS-FWV
Requirements: Tales from the Burning Sands Complete All Three Chapters and Fallout Who Vegas - Complete

  • Fixes a conflict between the two mods regarding doors.
  • Both mods added things in the same place in Gibson's Scrap Yard. This patch moves the Gear Lizard machine away from the TARDIS's initial location so that both are accessible

Door Patch TTWI-ETC
Requirements: The TTW Interiors Project and Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Fixes a conflict regarding doors.
  • There's a door TTWI adds to a building outside Tenpenny Tower that is used by some Fallout 3 mods. This patch removes that door. Only use this if you need to do so.

Door Patch TTWI-FTE
Requirements: The TTW Interiors Project, Tale of Two Wastelands, and For the Enclave

  • Fixes a conflict between TTWI and FTE regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place at the Searchlight Airport. This patch favors the Enclave base over the destroyed casino, and the door for the latter was removed.

Door Patch TTWI-FWV
Requirements: The TTW Interiors Project, Tale of Two Wastelands, and Fallout Who Vegas - Complete

  • Fixes a conflict between TTWI and FWV regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place at the Emergency Train Station. This patch favors the Silurian base over the train station, and the door for the latter was removed.

Door Patch TTWI-TammerVlad
Requirements: The TTW Interiors Project, Tale of Two Wastelands, and Tammer's Standalone Weapons Mega-Pack (Vlad's Emporium)

  • Fixes a conflict between TTWI and FWV regarding doors.
  • Both mods added doors in the same place on a building in Freeside. This patch moves Vlad's Weapon Emporium to an adjacent building away from Cherry Liquor so that both are accessible.
  • Intended for version 3.2. Apparently there have been some new ones since then. Don't know if current version is compatible. Maybe, maybe not.

Faction Costumes for FNV
Requirements: Only New Vegas and Courier's Stash DLC

  • Wearing raider outfits will disguise you as a raider.
  • This is a non-TTW version of Faction Costumes for TTW, whose mod page grants modification permission. Credit belongs to AciesGecko.

Faction Costumes Patch for Ares
Requirements: Daughters of Ares and Faction Costumes for FNV

  • Patches raider disguises for Ares bodies.

FCO-Deondre Patch
Requirements: Fallout Character Overhaul and Deondre Companion

  • Gives Deondre a realistic African American face.

Fix Pepper Patch
Requirements: Pepper Companion - Fully voiced with quest

  • Fixes Pepper to make her a usable companion.
  • To use this mod, you must first install Pepper's 1.2 file. Then get the 1.4 file and rename the plugin to PepperCompanionPatch.esp. Install both 1.2 and 1.4, so you'll have both a PepperCompanion.esp and a PepperCompanionPatch.esp. Then you can install this patch to make them all work properly.
  • Fixes her voice to play properly.
  • Changes her hair to a mesh that loads properly.

Flashlight-Asurah Patch
Requirements: Flashlight NVSE and Asurah Reanimation Pack

  • Fixes the flashlight mesh to not completely bug out when using the new animations. It's a rough fix, but it's better than nothing.
  • The flashlight mesh had to be repositioned. The mod page states "You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me." So, we credit vivanto for this file. You still need the whole mod. Install this patch afterwards.

Flashlight-FNC Patch
Requirements: Flashlight NVSE and Fallout - New California

  • Adds a handheld flashlight early in the game in Fallout New California so you needn't wait until getting to New Vegas to pick up a flashlight.
  • The flashlight is located in two places in Vault 18: in the cistern for the Scientist, or in Bragg's office for the Warrior.

Flashlight-TTW Patch
Requirements: Flashlight NVSE and Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Adds a handheld flashlight early in the game in Fallout 3 so you needn't wait until getting to New Vegas to pick up a flashlight.
  • The flashlight is located in the tunnel entrance on your way out from Vault 101.

Goodsprings Plaque
Requirements: Only New Vegas (and perhaps DLCs)

  • Adds a plaque to the Goodsprings Saloon that explains why so many companions and weapons can be found in Goodsprings as a whole but especially the saloon, just to have some kind of lore explanation for why they're all there.

Guns Are Loud
Requirements: New Vegas Script Extender and JIP LN NVSE Plugin

  • If you regularly shoot guns without wearing any type of hearing protection, you will experience immense pain and lose your hearing, given enough time. So few games reflect this accurately, but we felt Fallout New Vegas didn't have to be one of them.
  • Now a script triggers every time that you shoot a weapon. It goes through several checks to decide whether the sound was loud enough to your character to do damage to their head.
  • Because it is scripted, it is compatible with nearly any modded weapons!
  • In general, most bullet or explosive weapons can hurt you when fired without protection. In general, energy weapons won't hurt you. The idea is the energy weapons can be loud, but they're not like combustion pistols with a huge burst of sound in one localized area. Energy weapons theoretically could experience recoil differently, even with sound.
  • Here are the following checks the script uses. It has to get through every check to deal damage:
  • If a weapon is silenced, you won't be hurt.
  • If a weapon's volume is NOT set to "Normal" or "Loud", you won't be hurt.
  • If a weapon is using any variant of .22LR, BB, APC, ACHII, SEC, MFC, ECP, Flamer Fuel, Breeder, Nail, or Mini Nuke ammo, you won't be hurt. We felt guns using these rounds wouldn't damage your hearing considerably.
  • If weapon is a melee weapon or thrown weapon, you won't be hurt.
  • If you are wearing Vault-Tec Ear Plugs, you won't be hurt.
  • If you are wearing a helmet, you won't be hurt.
  • If you are wearing a mask, you won't be hurt.
  • If you are wearing any type of headwear that covers the "hat" and "headband" slots, you won't be hurt.
  • Otherwise, you will be hurt. You will take 1 damage out of 100 to your head. 100 shots like this will break your head from full health.
  • Vault-Tec Ear Plugs are added as a rare but useful alternative to standard headwear. They're not visible upon your character, but they fill the "earring" slot so they can be worn with nearly anything else. They can be bought at Chet's store in Goodsprings.
  • Usually, when people mod in new weapons and ammo, they are some type of bullet weapon that will work accordingly to this mod. The only modded weapons/ammo that might be problematic are new types of energy ammo or joke ammo that aren't silent by default. Sorry, that's just the limit of what we were able to do.

Guns Are Loud FNC Patch
Requirements: Fallout - New California and Guns Are Loud

  • Adds Vault-Tec Ear Plugs to the Black Bear Lodge so that they are accessible in a New California game.

Guns Are Loud TTW Patch
Requirements: Tale of Two Wastelands and Guns Are Loud

  • Adds Vault-Tec Ear Plugs to Craterside Supply so that they are accessible in the Capital Wasteland.
  • Also adds the APM, Dart, and Railway Spike ammo to the ammo exception list.

High Roller Suite TTW Patch
Requirements: Lucky 38 High Roller Suite and Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Removes the Fallout 3 armors that were just given to the player in the revamped suite.
  • Swaps the models of the Necronomicon and the Krivbeknih so that the living Lovecraftian one is the relevant one during the spooky quest in Point Lookout, while the bland book is in the Suite.

House Securitron AI
Requirements: House's Securitron - Voiced Companion-Questgiver

  • Presents House's Securitron not as a vessel he is controlling personally but instead as an AI copy of himself. This is useful particularly if you are using the version of the mod that lets you keep the companion even after killing House.
  • Renames the companion to House Securitron.
  • Adds a note that explains the AI situation to House's Penthouse in the Lucky 38.

Identity Traits
Requirements: Only New Vegas (and perhaps DLCs)

  • Adds a bunch of Traits so that you can actively pick your character's identity at the start of the game. It is best to use this mod with Unlimited Traits Remade.
  • Identity Traits are marked with hearts and included the following options: Gay, Lesbian, Asexual, Straight, Bisexual, Polysexual, Pansexual, Cisgender, Agender, Transgender, Non-Binary, Intersex, Queer, Genderfluid, and Autistic.
  • Some Traits have gameplay effects or stat changes. Some are purely for roleplay.
  • Changes the Perks Black Widow, Lady Killer, Cherchez La Femme, and Confirmed Bachelor to only be accessible if your character's identity aligns with the Perk in terms of gender and sexuality.
  • The Genderfluid Trait adds a script that changes your character's sex twice a day, making you one gender during the day and another during the night.
  • Keep in mind that we were unable to change the sex binary that New Vegas was built around. So, for example, if you wanted to play as a trans-woman who was assigned male at birth or in the past, you want to select Female and then check <3 Transgender.

Immediate Faction Bias
Requirements: Only New Vegas (and perhaps DLCs)

  • Adds a slight faction reputation bias at the beginning of the game upon exiting Doc Mitchell's house based on your innate characteristics.
  • This was just a small thing we whipped up when we were thinking about how odd it is that none of the factions make hasty generalizations about the player upon meeting them, especially when many of them are openly bigoted. So we added a thing to fix that.
  • Upon trying to exit Doc Mitchell's house, a dialogue box will prompt you to select which description best matches your character. To keep it compatible, it's basically subject to user entry, which we think is good because it accounts for more roleplaying, like being a non-binary or synth character, for example.
  • Being a normal human has no effect. Being a "pure" human from a vault will make fascists take more of an interest in you. Being a mutant or a robot will make Legion and Brotherhood like you less. Not being a man will make misogynist factions like you less on top of that. We tried to balance it, with each choice having a benefit to offset the negative, but the negative always outweighs the positive. Bigotry be like that.
  • None of the reputations shifts mentioned are major enough to make you go into a new reputation rank. We didn't want to punish new players with unwelcome hostility. But you will be at a disadvantage going into faction quests with a little bit of infamy (or alternatively fame).
  • There's also a joke Wild Wasteland option.

James Garret Must Die
Requirements: Only New Vegas (and perhaps DLCs)

  • Adds a dead body in the bathroom of the Atomic Wrangler with notes and a backstory.
  • This mod is just a humorous reference to an old video,  Yungtown's Untold Story - New Vegas.

Lobotomite Roleplay
Requirements: Only New Vegas and Old World Blues

  • The OWB DLC significantly alters the player's physicality and raises serious questions regarding consciousness with the brain being scooped out plot. However, it doesn't really engage with these questions until briefly at the end of the DLC, instead focusing on being some of the wackiest sci-fi content in all of Fallout. That is fine, but we wanted to lean into the seriousness of it, to have the player seriously have to grapple with living without a brain.
  • In the Think Tank, you can find a Big MT Brain Interface, which will start a quest, Re: Your Brains, to learn about the non-human brains of Big MT to come to terms with your current existence as a lobotomite that has miraculously retained your sense of self. You also find a Big MT Manual Debrainer to do the job, as well as the Broken Artificial Personality Chip that figured out how to extract your brain safely, which functions as the first "brain" you can interface with.
  • Interfacing with brains will give you an empathetic insight into the plight of those you're forced to kill. If you do most of them by the time you speak to your specific brain, you complete the quest and gain 1 Intelligence point.
  • The brains with which you can interface are as follows: Broken Artificial Personality Chip, Big MT Tesla Coils (what's in lobotomites), Spore Carrier Brain, Cyberdog Brain, Nightstalker Brain, Cazador Brain, Protectron CPU, Sentry Bot CPU, Big MT Securitron CPU, Crazed Mister Handy CPU, Mister Gutsy CPU, Mister Orderly CPU, Robobrain Brain, Robo-Scorpion CPU, and Y-17 CPU. You can only get each one once.
  • Our interpretation of the player's situation is that the player's consciousness is split between two identities. Who you used to be went with the brain when it was extracted, and by the time you find it, it's had a personality shift due to mentats and its brain tank. Meanwhile, you play the role of the body, with a fledgling identity developing within the tesla coils that act as both a substitute brain and a router for your real brain. It's as if you split a worm into "brain" and "body" sections, and each section regrew a fledgling body and brain to make two fresh worms, but they're still connected telepathically due to science.
  • Also, lobotomites are canonically cannibals because they are just cast aside to survive with almost nothing. While the player still has a connection to their brain and is thus capable of sapient thought, the player is nevertheless a lobotomite. So we added Lobotomite Flesh to leveled lists for lobotomites, letting the player engage in the consumption as well. Choosing to eat any will grant the player the Cannibal perk, which we thought would be an interesting alternative way of acquiring the perk through their strange experiences in Big MT rather than just selecting it upon level up.

Lunette-FCO-Lore Patch
Requirements: Fallout Character Overhaul and Lunette (Voiced) and Stable 2 - Vault 2 Jumpsuit

  • Gives Lunette a realistic Caucasian face.
  • Changes a line of dialogue that the player gives to Lunette. Normally she freaks out if you "cheat" on her, even though you never claimed to be monoamorous (and not polyamorous). You're now given a chance to be honest about having no intention of being monoamorous. Doing so will prevent romance with her, as she is purely monoamorous, but she'll stay your friend.
  • Changes the vault where the GECK is retrieved to actually have a number, Vault 2.
  • Replaces the vault jumpsuits in Vault 2 with Vault 2 Jumpsuits.
  • Yes, Lunette has since been removed from the Nexus. It is unfortunate.

Mature Mothership Zeta
Requirements: Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Revamps Mothership Zeta to be a more mature experience.
  • Removes clothing from most of the abducted survivors for a sort of "naked and on the run from aliens" experience. Some characters had to still wear clothing, like Somah and Sally, so they just get some rags instead. Characters do, however, retain their hats to help distinguish between them.
  • Adds the characters' unique outfits to a chest in the Bridge as a reward at the end of Mothership Zeta.
  • Adds an Alien Captive Recording Log from an NCR politician who mentions that the aliens haphazardly take your clothes.
  • When you are first abducted, you lose all of your equipment. This mod changes where you find it again later. Instead of retrieving your equipment 5 minutes into the quest, you'll discover that that chest is empty, that your things were moved.
  • Adds a quest called Guns and Ships that tells you to be on the lookout for your equipment, but you won't find it until you get to the Bridge. You get to retrieve your things as a reward at the end of Mothership Zeta. This forces your player to be resourceful until then. Given the alien weaponry, you'll probably be fine.
  • Changes the breakout sequence from the holding cells to be significantly more plausible. It's unrealistic that two humans just managed to overpower two aliens with Shock Batons. When the fight begins, a message box explains that Somah smuggled a knife that she gives you and is meant to give you an edge against the aliens.
  • Adds a unique starting weapon called Somah's Special Switchblade.
  • Adds dead human bodies in a few places on the ship to make the aliens look even more callous about disregarding human life. They are naked, but each one comes from a different time and faction. Each has a name.
  • Adds dead robot bodies in a few places on the ship to make the aliens look like they were investigating human technology.
  • Adds dead mutant bodies in one place on the ship to imply the aliens used them for their Abominations.
  • The dead humans, robots, and aliens include specimens from across New Vegas, Fallout 3, and all of the DLCs.
  • Changes a few of the alien weapons, like the Alien Disintegrator, to have semi-plausible reload animations, unlike their original animations, which were broken, half-finished smacks that made no sense.
  • Adds a new type of alien ammunition. TTW makes most if not all alien weapons capable of firing both Alien Power Cells (APC) and Alien Power Modules (APM). But now, in addition to those two ammo types, they can fire Alien Probing Modules (XXX).
  • Alien Probing Modules do very little damage, as their purpose is to instead disintegrate clothing. Yes, it is a kind of nude-ray, but a lore-based one made by aliens. If you shoot a human with one of these rounds, their outfit disappears and is replaced with a crystal in their inventory.
  • Alien Probing Modules have a green effect instead of the normal alien one, and this is meant to help you identify when probing rounds are being fired at you, to give you a split second chance at avoiding them.
  • Alien Probing Modules are limited in number, but they could be useful to the player after Mothership Zeta, as you could save them to zap particularly difficult human bosses later in the game.
  • Since aliens will fire Alien Probing Modules at you from time to time, it may be difficult to remain clothed during Mothership Zeta. That is intended to keep the "naked and on the run" motif. We recommend just searching for the few outfits that remain, donning them for protection, and cycling them out when they get destroyed.
  • Do not wear the Spacesuit until you need to do so for the quest. Do not disintegrate it. We didn't put in an exception for quest-related outfits. As long as you're smart about not destroying it or wearing it needlessly, you'll be fine.
  • There's also a version without the nudity here if that's what you're looking for.

Mature Mothership Zeta MZC Patch
Requirements: TTW Mothership Zeta Crew, Tale of Two Wastelands, and Mature Mothership Zeta

  • Patches Mature Mothership Zeta to work with the TTW version of Mothership Zeta Crew.
  • Simply adds scripts to remove the dead bodies when the TSC clean up the ship and scripts to dress the survivors in TSC uniforms like the rest of them.

MorePerks TTW Patch
Requirements: More Perks Merged and Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Removes or alters some Perks and Traits by More Perks that would break TTW, particularly because of the Vault 101 starting sequence.
  • Yes, More Perks Merged has since been removed from the Nexus. It is unfortunate. You could probably just use another version of More Perks like More Perks Fixed. You'll just need to rename the plugin to More Perks Merged.esp.

Requirements: TTW Mothership Zeta Crew, TSC Vegas, and Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Fixes broken things in the TTW version of Mothership Zeta Crew, making it work with the newest version of TTW 3.2.
  • Removes part of the teleport sequence where the player is dropped from above. This resulted in crashing on heavily-modded games.
  • Fixed Harkin's initial dialogue once the TSC is formed to proceed properly.
  • Fixed game-breaking bark dialogues by just removing them when they were overriding quest dialogue.
  • Edited the Lead Technician to try to fix his clothing issues. (Didn't seem to work. Oh well. He's a nudist then.)
  • Tries to make the TSC into not just a bunch of white cis-men by changing Dr. Plishkin into an African German trans-man.
  • When you first go to your office after Mothership Zeta is remade into the Olympus, Harkin leaves a note to you, saying that as the Commander, the current military structure of the TSC is temporary. We feel this is important, as the TSC could easily be read as a proto-fascist organization, and so we re-framed it as a militia with the hopes of legitimizing itself.
  • Harkin's note comes in three versions, based on your Karma. If you're playing an evil character, your character probably won't mind the fascist tendencies. Regardless, Harkin does ask you to pick a successor.
  • Adds an intercom onto your office terminal that lets you announce your choice as successor. Your choice in successor will determine the government structure of the TSC in the future. Your choices are Harkin, Elliot, Toshiro, Somah, and Sally.
  • The choice to pick a successor will not be available until you conclude Mothership Zeta Crew, i.e. finish all your work there.
  • When you eventually make it to Vegas after retiring from Commander, you can encounter the TSC again and see what became of it. The TSC is still pretty militaristic but they have more of an armed U.N. vibe to them now. You'll find a history book on the front desk that will fill you in on how your choice went. It's just for backstory or roleplay.
  • The idea is that the TSC in Vegas won't recognize you because they didn't keep good records of their first Commander.

Naked Without Pockets
Requirements: Only New Vegas (and perhaps DLCs)

  • Adds a special script that makes it so that, when you are naked, you have a dramatic reduction in carrying capacity.
  • The idea is that walking around naked should have some practical drawback, and that drawback is that you don't have pockets to carry anything. You can still be naked, but then you'll only be able to hold a few things.
  • This mod also functions as an extra penalty for any situation where you are robbed of your equipment. Until you find new clothes, you can only carry so much.
  • The exact amount that you can carry varies based on your Strength stat. You can also get other carry weight buffs via Perks or whatnot to offset the drawback.
  • Wearing hats or glasses are not enough to remove the naked drawback.

Nuka-Cola Patch
Requirements: TTW Nuka-Cola Expansion, Nuka-Cola Wild, Nuka-Cola Dark, Nuka-Cola Enhanced, Collectible Nuka Colas, Actual Home-Brewed Nuka-Cola, and Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Patches all of these Nuka-Cola mods to work together.
  • Removes redundancy between the mods and overlapping drinks between them.
  • This mod will let you find Nuka-Cola Cherry, Nuka-Cola Grape, Nuka-Cola Orange, Nuka-Cola Dark, and the Nuka-World Nuka-Mixes from TTW Nuka-Cola Expansion.
  • This mod retains Nuka-Cola Wild from the mod that does it best.
  • This mod retains Nuka-Cola Dark from the mod that does it best.
  • This mod will let you find Nuka-Cola Fusion, Nuka-Cola Clear, Nuka-Cola Burst, Nuka-Cola Black, Nuka-Cola Frost, and Nuka-Cola Heat from Nuka-Cola Enhanced.
  • This mod will let you find Nuka-Cola Apollo, Nuka-Cola Hex, Nuka-Cola Dusk, Nuka-Cola Inferno, Nuka-Cola Renew, and Nuka-Cola Spring from Collectible Nuka-Colas.
  • This mod retains Homemade Nuka-Cola and Homemade Sunset Sarsaparilla from the mod that does it best.
  • Adds a lot of information to a terminal in the Nuka-Cola Factory in the Capital Wasteland that breaks down the different categories for flavors and explains each one. This will give you the backstory to why there are so many flavors, revealing that most of them are failed ones that the Nuka-Cola Corporation tried to sweep under the rug.
  • The racist backstory for Nuka-Cola Black was changed to not be racist.

Nurse Decay Lore
Requirements: MD Nurse D StandAlone Companion or Preset

  • Adds a few notes to the irradiated shack where the nurse can be found to explain her backstory, in an effort to actually incorporate her backstory into the game itself.
  • Renames the nurse to say Nurse Decay.
  • She's a survivor and probably the most corpse-like Ghoul-like being out there.

NVBIII Randall Fix
Requirements: New Vegas Bounties III

  • Fixes a bug where Randall wouldn't sit in his chair upon meeting him. He'd just stand there. Now he zips away immediately into his chair.
  • This fix is probably only necessary if you plan on merging the Bounties series. The bug originates from the fact that many of Randall's assets (like his chair) are duplicates of his original appearance, and the game gets confused. If you merge the three Bounties mods, just merge this with it.

NVEC-Clinic Patch
Requirements: NVEC - New Vegas Enhanced Content and Medical Clinic Expanded

  • Fixes a conflict regarding Lauren's Bathroom Poetry as included within NVEC and the expanded clinic.

Requirements: NVEC - New Vegas Enhanced Content

  • Made in the same vein as Someguy Series Worldspace Ambient Noise but makes the same fix to NVBII as included within NVEC.
  • Adds ambient noise to the New Vegas Bounties II worldspaces within NVEC.

Overseer R-Scrubber
Requirements: Th3Overseer's Core ESM, The North Road Remastered, The Initiation, Eliza, Headhunting, The Depths of Depravity, and The High Desert

  • Scrubs the R slur from Th3Overseer quest series in dialogue lines and notes.
  • Replaces the word with "jerk". Of course this word is not an adequate replacement, for there is none.
  • All of the quest mods released thus far are required, because the author uses the word frequently throughout.
  • Audio files are not altered as that is beyond our ability, so the R slur will still be said by NPCs of all kinds.
  • We made this patch because the R slur is one of the few words we have a hard-line stance on censoring in our video series. So far, we've only come across it once (used by a slaver in Fallout 3). Upon reviewing this quest series a bit further, we realized we'd have a massive chore editing the number of times this word came up in this particular series of quests, and so we made a patch to save us time in the future. 20 minutes now saved us a few hours later, and we might as well upload it.

Patriot Renamed
Requirements: Fallout - New California and Slooty Patriot Uniform

  • Renames the unique outfit to something less objectifying and more in the lore of the Enclave.

Pinup Switcheroo
Requirements: NV Compatibility Skeleton, Mannequin Races, VK's Pin-Up Series - Julie Farkas Replacer, VK's Pin-Up Series - Doctor Usanagi Replacer, and VK's Pin-Up Series - Gloria Van Graff (no jacket version)

  • Switches around who gets which pinup makeover.
  • VK's pinup series employs some talented work that makes for some alluring character designs, but we felt some of their earlier work didn't really nail the personalities of the existing characters. So we wanted to make a patch that shifts them around so the art can still be appreciated.
  • The bimbo nurse design we really didn't feel fit Julie Farkas, who is one of the few non-raider women to have the punk mohawk aesthetic, in line with the anarchist principles of the Followers of the Apocalypse. So we moved this design to Doctor Angela Williams of the NCR, who we think can fit the design much more.
  • The cyberpunk design we didn't feel fit Gloria Van Graff, in part because the Van Graff crime family from Reno is meant to be black. So we moved this design to Julie Farkas, who we felt deserved the punk aesthetic more. Just make sure to not have the Silver Rush jacket.
  • The Japanese model design we didn't feel fit Doctor Usanagi, a doctor of the Followers of the Apocalypse that seems pretty emotionally beat down through her altruistic or cybernetic services and just happens to be Japanese. But this design was really specific and couldn't really be moved to another character, and so we just made a new one called "Usanagi's Hot Wife". Maybe Usanagi is too busy helping people to look good, but perhaps she married someone that she keeps around as eye candy lol.
  • We didn't include any other pinup makeovers because we thought they are/will be fine.

Pip-Flicks Fallout Media
Requirements: Pip-Flicks 3000 (Pip-Boy Video Player)

Raid My Stuff
Requirements: Fallout - New California

  • When playing Fallout New California, if you are captured by the Raider Alliance, you have 1 chance to get your stuff back with an intelligence check immediately after you're stunned and captured. This was annoying because our character was severely injured at the time. We figured we could get it back later. Turns out you can't! The only way to get your stuff from there on is to help the Raider Alliance nearly the whole way through the game!
  • This changes that, by moving your stuff to the appropriate container in the barracks regardless, like it ought to have been. It is locked though, and you'll have to lockpick it. Now slave characters in the Raider Alliance can get their stuff back without selling their souls to slavery.

Realistic Slavery FNC
Requirements: Fallout - New California

  • This is an expansion of Realistic Slavery FO3, but it affects New California instead. Read the one on FO3 to know why this patch exists.
  • New California falls into many of the same traps as Fallout 3 with its depiction of race, but its situation is a bit different. Instead of making the slaver leader black, they made him Mexican. He is also the ONLY Mexican leader in the game. Wow. Most of the slavers that work for him are also slaves, in a hierarchical system of slaves running other slaves. Even his top warlords are slaves and can be convinced to rebel against him. This means you replace the one Mexican man with a bunch of white people.
  • Changes warlord slaves Wilson Bravo and Jarl Hrafnkel Corvis to be Latin and black, respectively.
  • Changes Mevil the Voiceless, the lowest-ranked but named slave, to be black.
  • Now you get to overthrow a Mexican slaver to be replaced by a diverse group of warlords from different backgrounds.

Realistic Slavery FO3
Requirements: Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Makes changes in Fallout 3 to make the depiction of slavery less racist.
  • The United States of America has the most brutal and recent history of institutionalized, chattel slavery that focused racially on African American and black people. Even when slavery was abolished (except for prisoners, read the 13th Amendment), that gave way to the Jim Crow era. When Civil Rights were underway, that gave way to things like redlining. Racism has never disappeared from American politics. Just look at the percentages of our leaders and that tells you enough.
  • Post-apocalyptic slavery in America may not be exclusive to any race, but it is therefore downright racist for Bethesda to pretend that America's history of racism simply does not exist anymore. If so much of Pre-War culture can survive in robots, posters, propaganda, and just attitudes among survivors, then racism will too unless pruned.
  • Given the alternate timeline of the Fallout world after World War II, races that would be more likely to be targeted by bigoted slavers would most likely be black people, Chinese people, and Ghouls. Instead, Bethesda made nearly every notable slaver leader in the game a black person. That is racist. Slavers tend not to be a diverse bunch.
  • Changes Leroy Walker, Pronto, Richter, Silas, Sister, and Grouse to be the same race as their voice actors: white.
  • Unfortunately, Ashur and Eulogy Jones actually were voiced by black voice actors, so changing their races to more realistic ones would be noticeably incongruous.

Redundant Perks Patch
Requirements: More Perks Merged,  NVEC - New Vegas Enhanced Content, BR -- Traits and PerksThe Blind CourierDa Wrecka's Perks, ST Traits and Perks, New and Improved Perks, Revised Perks, Way of the Wasteland Warrior - Melee Perks for Fallout NV, and Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2

  • Patches many different Perk mods to remove redundancy.
  • When multiple mods added similar Perks, all but one of those were removed.
  • When different Perks had similar names, the Perks had their names changed.
  • Yes, More Perks Merged has since been removed from the Nexus. It is unfortunate. You could probably just use another version of More Perks like More Perks Fixed. You'll just need to rename the plugin to More Perks Merged.esp.

Russell Female Fix
Requirements: Russell

  • Fixes a game-breaking error that prevented the player from having dialogue with Titus while female, thus preventing the mod from being completed when playing as a woman. Now you can play the mod as a woman.

Sensible Reputation Titles
Requirements: Only New Vegas

  • Renames the Reputation Titles. We are NOT talking about Faction Reputations like Goodsprings, NCR, Legion, Novac, etc. We're talking about the titles you have with them as a product of your fame and infamy.
  • The titles previous were arranged as follows:
  • Neutral -> Accepted -> Liked -> Idolized
  • Shunned -> Mixed -> Smiling Troublemaker -> Good-Natured Rascal
  • Hated -> Sneering Punk -> Unpredictable -> Dark Hero
  • Vilified -> Merciful Thug -> Soft-Hearted Devil -> Wild Child
  • We never liked these titles. They're silly and not informative about your reputation, nor do they make sense in the world. They are the weakest part of the Reputation system in our opinion. It's annoying to usually help the NCR but occasionally defy them and be called a "Good-Natured Rascal". It's annoying to kill the Legion on sight, but you helped them once or twice, so you're called a "Merciful Thug". These titles just do not reflect your actual status at all. We wanted them to be more descriptive of their combo of fame and infamy, and we wanted them to be consistent nouns (unlike how the pure fame/infamy are adjectives???) that don't belittle the player.
  • Here's what we came up with:
  • Drifter -> Ally -> Friend -> Savior
  • Pariah -> Free Agent -> Vigilante -> Hero
  • Enemy -> Outlaw -> Enigma -> Anti-Hero
  • Terrorist -> Villain -> Anti-Villain -> Wild Card
  • Thanks to madmongo for helping us figure out to make this one.

Shake Down the House
Requirements: Only New Vegas

  • If you play the game like how we do, you'll notice that Mr. House cleverly refuses to speak with you or show his hand until you've already given him what he wants. So, if you want to crush House utterly and not give him anything he wants (Platinum Chip nor Securitron Vault), you will miss the vast majority of his dialogue. This means your character won't really know anything about him, which gives your character little justification, even if we as the players know what House's aims are.
  • This patch solves that. Now, even if you are going to be completely hostile to House, you have an opportunity to threaten him into giving his pitch for New Vegas. Your character makes it clear that caps aren't enough and that he needs to answer your questions or else.
  • A new dialogue option pops up when you speak to House in his Securitron Vault. If you threaten to blow up the vault, you can further threaten him into pitching you his vision for New Vegas. You must then decide how to act. The new dialogue requires the Terrifying Presence Perk.

Skimpy Armor Non-Replacer
Requirements: NV Compatibility Skeleton - CBBE version, TED's Amazing Wasteland of Skimpy Armor - Volume of NCR (Bodyslide Compatible), TED's Amazing Wasteland of Skimpy Armor - Volume of Caesar (Bodyslide Compatible), TED's Super Skimpy Sheriff Duster Replacer (Bodyslide Compatible), and TED's Amazing Wasteland of Skimpy Armor - Metal Armors (Bodyslide Compatible)

  • Makes TED's skimpy faction armors not replacers and instead separate skimpy versions of outfits for people that want both the sexy and normal variants. The skimpy ones can be found in what used to be Pretty Sarah's apartment in Westside, with a few simple characters practicing a lewd, political play.
  • The CBBE version of the compatibility skeleton is necessary for this to work.
  • INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS!: To install this mod, you must first install the requirements. Go inside the meshes folder and move the troupers, legion, lucassimms. metalarmor, and metalarmormkii folders into a new skimpy folder to consolidate them and prevent replacement. THEN install this patch.
  • This mod is just a patch and includes no assets from the required mods.

Sonic Emitter Sounds
Requirements: New Vegas and Old World Blues

  • Replaces the firing sound of the Sonic Emitter to better represent the audio sample put into it.
  • By default, the sounds are heavily altered and sped up versions of the audio they represent. They aren't really intelligible by most people.
  • This mod remixes the audio of their firing sounds to actually sound somewhat like their samples each time you fire.
  • Gabriel's Bark sounds like a dog's bark.
  • Opera Singer sounds like Vera Keyes.
  • Revelation sounds like elevator music.
  • Robo-Scorpion sounds like Doctor Mobius.
  • Tarantula sounds like a Cazador.

Storyteller No EDNA
Requirements: The Storyteller Companion - Official Mod of The ShoddyCast

  • Removes ED-NA entirely.
  • The Storyteller has a sidekick companion Eyebot called ED-NA, but her implementation is extremely buggy, often resulting in her appearing, following, or not following when inconvenient. The only reliable way we had to deal with these issues was to remove her entirely, unfortunately.

Suicide Booth Patch
Requirements: Suicide Booth - FNV - TTW

  • Patches the the Suicide Booth to appear only in Freeside. The Suicide Booth from Futurama was meant to be a parody of unchecked capitalism, perfect for Freeside and less so anywhere else.

Transition NVBIII-TBA Patch
Requirements: New Vegas Bounties III and The Better Angels

  • Makes New Vegas Bounties III transition to The Better Angels upon completion.
  • The quest that starts TBA won't actually begin until the final quest in NVBIII is completed. This allows you to load both mods simultaneously.

Transition NVEC-NVBIII Patch
Requirements: NVEC - New Vegas Enhanced Content, The Inheritance, and New Vegas Bounties III

  • Makes New Vegas Bounties II (as contained within NVEC) transition to New Vegas Bounties III upon completion.
  • The quest that starts NVBIII won't actually begin until Enemy of My Enemy is completed. This allows you to load these mods simultaneously. Note that the enemy quest is the final crossover quest between NVBII and The Inheritance.
  • Essentially the order is as follows: Complete NVEC's version of NVB > NVEC's version of NVBII > The Inheritance > the final Enemy of My Enemy quest > NVBIII.
  • Make sure that you are using the Someguy Series and the patch NVEC made for the Someguy Series.
  • Yes, this patch only works for NVEC. We like NVEC and use it all the time. We did not make separate transition patches for the non-NVEC versions of NVB or NVBII. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • However, CYBERNINJAZERO DID make a NVBII-NVBIII transition patch that doesn't require NVEC!

Transition Rockwell Patch
Requirements: The Rockwell Descent and The Rockwell Pursuit

  • Makes The Rockwell Descent transition to The Rockwell Pursuit upon completion, sorta.
  • The quest that starts the latter won't actually begin until the former is completed. This allows you to load both mods simultaneously.
  • However, there is a catch. The intro video to the second mod in this series explains that it has been a year since completing the first mod. Therefore, the second mod, which starts upon going to the Goodsprings Saloon, will only begin once a year has passed since doing the first mod.
  • The year passing can be worked around. If you completed the quests for The Rockwell Descent on December 31, 2281, you should be able to start the quests for The Rockwell Pursuit on January 1, 2282.
  • Keep in mind that Rockwell Descent is preeeeeetty buggy.

Trip to the Bank Fixes
Requirements: A Trip to The Bank

  • Fixes the reward loot in this mod to not be completely game-breaking. This limits it to a more reasonable level, like in Dead Money, but without all the weight.
  • Fixes spelling errors.

Unique Description Info FNV
Requirements: Only New Vegas (and DLCs)

  • Inspired by games like Dark Souls and The Outer Worlds, we wanted to add item descriptions to the game that give backstory and info to the things you can find in the world. However, we limited our scope to be more realistically achievable, and so this mod adds descriptive information for each unique weapon!
  • You must have the Weapon Analysis Program to unlock this feature in the game. It can be found in the Mojave Express in Primm.
  • When in the Pip-Boy menu, press the "I" key on your keyboard for "Info". A pop-up will tell you a brief history of the weapon. Of course, this only works on unique weapons in New Vegas and its DLCs.
  • Pre-Order weapons and companion weapons are not included.

Unique Description Info TTW
Requirements: Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Same as the FNV version, but also does unique weapons for Fallout 3 and its DLCs.
  • The Weapon Analysis Program can be found in the Vault-Tec Headquarters in D.C.

Vault 76 Retcon
Requirements: Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Fixes the inaccurate information in the Pentagon about Vault 76. The terminal now reads what Vault 76's experiment actually was.
  • Part of the text is REDACTED, which should be a red flag, considering this terminal is at the Pentagon. Was there something Vault-Tec didn't want the US Government to know? Play Fallout 76 to find out! Kidding. Don't.

Vault-Tec Playing Cards
Requirements: The Caravan Tournament

  • Retextures the added "Vault-Tec" caravan cards to look like they were issued by the Vault-Tec Corporation.
  • Previously, they resembled the promotional caravan cards with Fallout characters on them, which felt out of place and difficult to explain.
  • This can be useful if you're also using FOOK - New Vegas, which also adds a deck inspired by the promotional caravan cards. If you use both mods at the same time, you'll have access to 8 decks: Standard, Tops, Gomorrah, Ultra-Luxe, Lucky 38, Sierra Madre, Vault 21 (the casino), and Vault-Tec (the pre-war company).

Washington Trans Tweak
Requirements: -TTW 3.2- Washington's Malevolence and Tale of Two Wastelands

  • Big Albert Young seems to be a transgender character, and that's cool! However, with the outfit he is wearing, you wouldn't really know this. So we swapped out the outfit with something less bulky so that you could see his feminine physique solely for the purposes of more visible trans representation.

Willow-Megaton-FCO Patch
Requirements: Fallout Character Overhaul (w/ Willow patch), Willow - A Better Companion Experience, and Megaton Hairs - Vegas Edition by zzjay

  • Makes changes to Willow's hair and face for practical reasons.
  • Willow's hair does not work well with some ENBs. Even when other hair works fine in your ENB, you might find yourself unable to get Willow's hair to work. We did. Upon examination, our theory is that her hair was just made in a really jury-rigged sort of way and is pretty dated. She has a special thing of changing her hair to a hair and hat combo so you can see her hair under her hat.
  • This mod changes Willow's hair to be an interesting and lively one from Megaton Hairs. We also changed her hair to act like any other hat. This removed Willow's old hair that didn't work well.
  • We liked the FCO patch that gave Willow a realistic Caucasian face, and so we made this patch combine all of these things: her new face, her new hair, and her hat alterations. We think the result makes her look much more realistic and with no ENB issues.
  • Unfortunately, a side-effect naturally was that she no longer has hair when donning a hat. So we just don't give her hats much unless you want her to hide all of her hair underneath it.

Yes Man Back Off
Requirements: Only New Vegas

  • If you side with Yes Man to aim for an Independent Vegas, you can blow up the Securitron Vault to minimize his power and influence for a truer anarchic game. However, if you do that, the game railroads you into ALSO blowing up the Hoover Dam, presuming that if you blow up one, you also are going to blow up the other. This is contradictory, because we like blowing up the Securitron Vault, a weapon of mass destruction, but not the Hoover Dam, a factory of energy production.
  • Yes Man argues that the Hoover Dam must be blown up if this happens because he says the NCR will come back for it in the future. This is a presumption, IF he is even telling the truth. The NCR may come back, with or without the Hoover Dam; they may not. Sure, it might increase the likelihood, but is that worth the quality of life that the people of the Mojave will lose due to the destruction of what may be the wasteland's best energy source? It also ignores that we blew up the Securitron Vault because we didn't need a robot army; we'd rather believe that the people of the Mojave can rally together after all that friend-faction-making Yes Man had us do.
  • More to the point, Yes Man is supposed to obey you. Clearly he has his own agenda, but this choice is forced upon you unnecessarily. You should be able to override this decision, as you are the one who makes it possible. Yes Man does decide to try to become more "assertive" but that isn't until the very end of the game, after you take control. You should be able to choose to keep the Hoover Dam despite Yes Man's wishes.
  • This mod changes the dialogue with Yes Man slightly within Hoover Dam. He will suggest you reroute power to the Fort, even if you blew it up. Since the alternative is blowing up Hoover Dam, you can choose the Fort to spare the Dam.
  • Your dialogue responding to Yes Man changes if you blew up the Securitron Vault to clearly specify that you are overriding Yes Man's decision.
  • The Fort's on fire no matter what after the decision. If you had blown up the Securitron Vault, perhaps sending the energy there just sparked things and caught the camp on fire.
  • Also, the NCR won't automatically be hostile towards you due to blowing up the dam.

Zion Autumn Estate Patch
Requirements: Zion Autumn Estate

  • Removes the portal from Goodsprings that took you straight to the Zion Autumn Estate.

If you'd like to support us, perhaps consider watching Cinemodded Fallout. As promised, here is the link to the old TTW version of the guide document. And here is the supplemental info for it. Also, if you're wondering why we didn't make this into a Nexus Collection, the answer is twofold. One, that didn't exist when we started this. Two, even if we tried to turn it into one, there's merging that's required for this guide that Collections don't support. Yes, there's a mod to overcome the plugin limit; trust us, even that isn't sufficient to avoid merging with THIS many mods lol.