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About this mod

Reworks the overencumbrance mechanic into a dynamic speed penalty based on your encumbrance rate.

Permissions and credits
=== Foreword ===

This mod may theoretically already be outdated. A quick skimming of changelogs as of June 14th, 2022 didn't reveal any potential hazards - please see the Afterword section for more information. (And maybe check the Comments to see if that "theoretical" is now a "practical.")

=== Description ===

Have you ever had this happen to you? You picked up a tiny, feather-weight thingumajig, and... OOPS! Now you can't run anymore! I guess you have to live with moving at a snail's pace if you want to keep it!

Not anymore! This mod turns the speed penalty from a binary run/walk to a progressive, dynamic Run Speed penalty that is highly configurable.

You set when the penalty begins and ends, and all of its behavior within and without. AP Regen penalty optional.

=== Configuration ===

Below are the descriptions for the settings of the mod. Sanity checks will prevent you from dividing by 0. This Desmos graphing calculator will help provide a visual for your settings. 


; Max Carry Weight Modifier (will not affect Encumbrance Rate calculation)
fMaxCarryWeightMod = 1.0500

; Speed Penalty is; 0 - Off, 1 - Linear, 2 - Parabolic
;If the player's Speed Penalty would make them just as slow or slower than walking speed, they will be forced to walk instead, even if Stewie's Tweaks' "bOverencumberedTweak" is enabled
iSpeedOffLinBola = 2

; Exponent used in Parabolic functions; 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
;The higher the exponent, the "sharper" the parabolic curve, providing more "room" where the penalty isn't as strong
iSpeedExponent = 2.0000

; Run Speed Penalty range, based on Encumbrance Rate (Carry Weight / Max Carry Weight)
fSpeedPenaltyBEGIN = 1.0000
fSpeedPenaltyEND = 1.0500

; Run Speed Penalty domain, determines Run Speed
fSpeedPenaltyCEILING = 1.0000
fSpeedPenaltyFLOOR = 0.2500

; 0 - Off: Use fSpeedPenaltyFLOOR
; 1 - On: Use fWalkSpeed instead, which is auto-calculated: fWalkSpeed = ( iWalkSpeedMult / (iRunSpeedMult * fGSMoveRunMult * fPerkRunModifiers) )
bSpeedWalkIsFloor = 1

; AP Regen Penalty is; 0 - Off, 1 - Linear, 2 - Parabolic
iAPROffLinBola = 0

; Exponent used in Parabolic functions; 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
;The higher the exponent, the "sharper" the parabolic curve, providing more "room" where the penalty isn't as strong
iAPRExponent = 2.0000

; AP Regen Penalty range, based on Encumbrance Rate (Carry Weight / Max Carry Weight)
fAPRPenaltyBEGIN = 1.0000
fAPRPenaltyEND = 1.0500

; AP Regen Penalty domain, determines AP Regen
fAPRPenaltyCEILING = 1.0000
fAPRPenaltyFLOOR = 0.2500

=== Compatibility ===

Stewie's Tweaks
  • Integrated compatibility. Directly augments this mod's functionality.

SpeedMult, Run Speed, Walk Speed, etc.
  • Mods and perks that modify player speed in any way should be compatible, though the effects may be unintended in terms of game balance and design.

Walking v. Running
  • This mod directly controls the player's ability to walk or run. Mods that interact with this base game function will most likely have their intended effect overridden.
  • The implementation is intentionally self-checking and self-resetting due to its fickle nature - if another mod has a similar implementation and/or repeatedly changes this setting, it may lead to crashes.

=== Installation ===

1. Install the required mods.
2. Use a mod manager (Preferably Mod Organizer 2) or manually install into the Data folder of your F:NV installation.
2a. The INIs must be in specific filename structures to work: "\Data\Config" and "\Data\NVSE\Plugins\Tweaks\INIs" for AltOverencumbrance.ini and nvse_stewie_tweaks.ini, respectively. Mod managers should automatically replicate the "\Data" folder.
3. Check the mod for conflicts (Preferably in FNVEdit) - though I sincerely doubt there will be any.
4. Make sure the .esp is active and that you have INIs properly stored when you start the game.
5. If your INI preset does not appear to have automatically loaded; go to the pause menu, look in MCM for Alt Overencumbrance, and set "Load From INI" to "LOAD." When you go back to the game-world, your settings should have loaded, and "Load From INI" should be "DONE."

=== Special Thanks ===

• To the folks over at the xNVSE discord who helped with troubleshooting. Especial thanks to c6 who told me how to replicate force-walk.

=== Afterword ===

The files for this mod have been sitting on my desktop for more than half a year now since Fall 2021. (So, if you're trying to figure out which versions of the requirements are necessary, that's the only clue I can give you, sorry.) During the ≈40+ hours I was playing with this version, I never experienced an issue, so consider it "stable." I'm not going to say "bug-free," because that would be inviting Murphy into my house like some kind of causal vampire, so "stable" it is. 

This "stable" version which is uploaded was intended to be the original working version before I hyped myself up to try and fix the curvature feature so you could set decimal values as the exponents. If that doesn't make sense: basically, it would have enhanced the customization far more.

I almost finished with that and some more optimization of the code, but dropped New Vegas after school took over my life fall 2021, and never had the energy or heart to come back to it. The reason I'm uploading it now is because the main feature - being "gradual speed reduction relative to encumbrance" - has been repeatedly discussed by fans of Bethesda RPG titles, but despite that still hasn't been realized as a mod for any title. (That I could find.)

It might have to something to do with how difficult the math and implementation is. My value judgement on the feature as a game element is in the "Encumbrance in Games (An Informal Mini-Essay)" article. My dev log describes the over-arching issues I encountered while creating this mod, and the "experimental" file is available for those who may find it useful - I have a habit of putting comments everywhere when I program, so it should be possible to follow my train of thought.

I lost that train (you know, the one with all my thoughts?), so there will not be any support on my part if bugs are found. If Stewie - that absolute madlad - or any of the other wonderful people working with FNV's script extenders have modified foundational components used by this mod, then I simply don't have the wherewithal to try and fix what's broken with this mod. 

I'm sorry. Good luck, and have fun.