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About this mod

Making Charisma (CHA) more useful by scaling all reputation gains: Low CHA will make it near impossible to be "Idolized" with a faction but very easy to be "Vilified", and vice-versa for high CHA! Easily configurable via INI: Faction reputation balancing, Charisma mode, Infamy mode, Vanilla baseline, and more.

Permissions and credits
  • Spanish
Charisma Affects Reputation
Also works with mod-added or restored factions and TTW!


A successor to Hardcore Charisma (ShowOff NVSE) by PlatinumShad0w - a great mod that has since been discontinued - this mod also aims to make everyone's favourite dump stat, Charisma, into something worth putting points into.

Every individual fame or infamy gain is multiplied by your permanent Charisma stat, not including effects from traits, clothing, chems, or alcohol, but including the Charisma implant! At 1 CHA, you will get 50% of the fame you'd normally get, while receiving 150% of the infamy. At 11 CHA*, you will get 150% of the fame, and only 50% of the infamy! 6 CHA is the mid-point, the vanilla equivalent, where you will get 100% fame and infamy.

All the above values can be customized in the INI.

All this is done solely with scripts, no values are permanently changed,
no records altered
, and nothing is baked into your save!

To facilitate the operation of this mod, lStewieAl's fantastic Tweaks and Engine Fixes mod is required, and the setting "No Reputation Messages" is disabled while "Delay Post Combat Reputation Popup" is enabled using an override INI. Do not change these values using the "Tweaks" menu or this mod will stop working!

* To get to permanent 11 CHA, you will need to raise Charisma to 10 using your starting SPECIAL or the Intense Training perk and then purchase the implant from Doctor Usanagi.

Balancing and Infamy Mode

Balancing: bIsBalanced

Vanilla factions (including Primm if using a restoration mod) have their reputation gains balanced based on the available sources of fame using the baseline. Factions with lots of reputation-changing quests like the NCR will now require an almost perfect results in all of these quests, while factions with repeatable collection quests like the Boomers or the Followers will require you to actually do those collection quests!

Charisma Mode selection: iCharismaMode

  • 0 (Default) only starting Charisma, points added by Intense Training, and the Charisma implant are counted, with a natural maximum of 11
  • 1 (Too easy) all CHA effects from clothing, alcohol, chems, etc., but capped to 11
  • 2 (Far too easy to abuse) all CHA effects, completely uncapped (will still not allow you to remove infamy)

Infamy Mode selection: iInfamyMode

  • 0 (Easy) infamy multiplied by MULTS, usually resulting in less infamy per heinous act committed
  • 1 (Default) no change to the infamy multiplier
  • 2 (Hardcore) infamy multiplied by the reciprocal of MULTS, increasing infamy gains substantially for some factions

Fame and Infamy baselines: fFameBase and fInfamyBase

For the fame base multiplier: CHA/10 will be added to this value. The default of 0.4 means at 1 CHA your fame multiplier will be 50% and at 11 CHA it will be 150%. The infamy base multiplier works similarly, only CHA/10 will be subtracted, e.g. the default of 1.6 means at 1 CHA your infamy multiplier will be 150%, and at 11 CHA it will be 50%.

Multiplier edits. fRep... values under [MULTS] heading:

  • fRepNVBrotherhood = 0.4 when using Better Brotherhood
    That is about half the current version's multiplier. I returned eight BoS holotags, and I sold a few restricted items (Power Armor is best) to Knight Torres and I am close to being idolized. Stopping the launch of the missiles at the end of Lonesome Road gives a large reputation increase, so maybe 0.3 is warranted, or even 0.2 since that would require collecting and selling lots of restricted items.
  • fRepNVCaesarsLegion = 0.4 when using The Living Desert
    Playing with TLD means many more fights between NCR and Caesar's Legion, resulting in a lot more NCR dogtags available for collection. Playing with the Tweaks option "Fast Travel Requires Nuka Cola" means a lot of running around and actually witnessing a lot of these fights.

If you have a mod that adds reputation, either by modifying Vanilla quests, or adding new (collection) quests, please write a post with the mod and your recommended multiplier, and I will add it to the list!

Known Issues

Sometimes you will see a message box even though your reputation level with the faction did not change. That happens when the mod removes a portion of your gained reputation because of low CHA or balancing multiplier. It is a purely cosmetic issue and can be ignored.

When completing a quest that gives reputation for two or more factions which should result in two message boxes appearing, only one will appear. This is a Vanilla engine limitation and is not caused by this mod.

Due to the fact that the player's reputation value is capped for each faction, the mod cannot accurately calculate fame or infamy increases when you are close to being Idolized or Vilified, in which case the mod will default to give you the higher increase instead, resulting in a slightly easier progression for low CHA characters when close to being Idolized, and slightly harsher progression for high CHA characters when close to being Vilified.

There is an issue with the quest "Suits You, Sarah" and Yukichigai's Unofficial Patch mod which uses a different reputation script function. Make sure you do not turn in more than 12 vault or boomer suits at once to be on the safe side. (Fixed in 0.7)

Installation and Load Order

Look at the requirements, then download and use MO2 to install. Load order is only relevant if you have mods that change Usanagi or Julie Farkas dialogue records, use FNVEdit to check for conflicts.


Incompatible with Charisma Tweaks (NVSE) if using the INI preset or manually enabling the reputation mode. And while there will be no issues with crashing or suchlike, using both mods with activated reputation mode will mean both will change the fame and infamy increases, resulting in unwanted compound effects.

Incompatible with any other mods that have a similar mechanic to Hardcore Charisma. If there are mods relying on the reputation threshold message boes there might be issues when the boxes appear multiple times for the same reputation level, but that is about it.

Although untested, this mod *should* be compatible with other languages besides English, as it takes both the message strings as well as the faction names from game settings and records, respectively.


The mod can be removed at any time and will not leave anything behind in your save file except a record of its .esp, which will be removed the next time the save file is overwritten.

All fame and infamy changes are final. If you have played with this mod active and received fame/infamy gains scaled by your Charisma these will obviously persist, but once the mod is removed Charisma will no longer be a factor in reputation gains.


The xNVSE team
lStewieAl for Tweaks and Engine Fixes
jazzisparis for the JIP LN NVSE Plugin including the Script Runner
Demorome and Trooper for the ShowOff xNVSE Plugin without which this mod would not exist
c6 and carxt for JohnnyGuitar NVSE
All the helpful people on the xNVSE Zoomer IRC
