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About this mod

A mod to make Perception more immersive, useful, and spider-man like.

Permissions and credits
I'm a fan of Perception in Action by Demorome as their mod makes the Perception stat more interesting and useful. Thanks to him giving me permission I made this based off his mod. (His mod does cool things with footstep volume that this mod doesn't do.) 

[Longer explanations below, but what you see in game is simple. Watch the videos to see Spidey Sense Perception in game.]

Perception should be the most important survival stat in a world like fallout, yet in vanilla high perception gives you red ticks on your compass from further away and that's basically it (outside of perks and dialogue). Considering you're going to be warned of danger by the combat music or by your sneak meter anyway it can be a really unexciting SPECIAL. Then again, when the compass is useful, it's TOO useful. Why should I be able to perfectly track enemies through walls? Where is the tension?

I wanted high perception to work similar to spider-man's spidey sense. Heightened senses that let you know, something isn't right, but they don't draw you a map. Anyway, that's what I'm calling it because everyone knows what spidey sense is.  (I know, I know, it's officially called "spider sense".)

For every point of Perception you should have a 10% chance of having your spidey senses warn you that a nearby enemy has begun searching for you or is moving to attack you. At 10 Perception you should get danger tingles 100% of the time. At 1 Perception, you will be even look up from picking broc flowers 90% of the time while a cazador is closing on your back--if you also follow settings below.  That's what you get for being so unobservant.

-The hud element tingle will match your hud color.
-Yes, it would be proper spider-man if it was located around the players head in 3rd person. Maybe eventually.

I recommend using lStewieAl's to turn off: enemies on the compass, combat music, the sneak label, and having your crosshair turn red on enemies. Keep you on your toes.

bHideEnemyMarkers = 1
bNoRedCrosshairOnEnemies = 1
bDisableCombatMusic = 1
bRemoveSneakLabel = 1

If you need combat music try something like: Passive Combat Music Tweaked.

FUTURE PLANS if I can figure them out.
More options for audio.
Hud element placement over player's head in 3rd person. 
Hud element indicating direction of danger.

Thank you to the brains who helped me make this:
Demorome  for the script that makes this thing do anything at all.
c6dev's  is really smart at xml and scripting!
confused - from nvse discord. Basically wrote the entire xml.

if mod works well it's because of these guys. If it has problems it's my fault.