aragonit wrote some instructions here on how to run Landscape LOD generator tes4ll-v5 in Mod Organizer 2. I have copied his post here for better visibility and to make a dedicated article for the matter where this can topic can be discussed in:

As I am a convert to the cult of MO2, I'll try to share my procedure to get it to work flawlessly:

Download the program with MO2.

Create a new empty mod named Landscape LOD, create the directory structure Meshes\Landscape\Lod and Textures\LandscapeLOD\Generated in it.

Install the Landscape LOD generator just as you would with any mod, disregarding any warnings about invalid files, make sure you either merge the mod or create a new mod with it, by renaming the directory it is installed in.

Install Multi Purpose GUI and in MO2 create a new executable from a file, pointing to the installation directory of Multi Purpose GUI. Select mpgui.exe as executable.

Run Multi Purpose GUI click File -> Open batch... -> open the ... Oblivion\data\ini\tes4ll\tes4ll_all.mpb (the virtual file system is online. You could also use the local one from the MO2 mods folder).

From the excellent advice of malautomedonte here, I have created a MO2 specific version:

MPGUI will open, then:
  • Click on Plugins, then on plugins.txt.
  • Click File -> save batch -> Save your settings in a .mpb file. Repeat that before finally creating the meshes!
  • Then go to Worldspace and click on Read Worldspaces -> the program will scan all the mods and main files you have installed. It might crash sometimes during the scanning process, if it does, try again (that's why you need to save your batch file) until it finally works.
  • Then click on LOD Meshes, select all options, choose Fine grid and Ultimate resolution from the menus.
  • Click on Normal Maps, select Make normal maps, choose 2048 res, tick Fake shadows.
  • Click on Color Maps, select Regenerate texture cache and Make color maps - the resolution is up to you, the higher the res, the blockier the distant landscape will appear (you might have to edit the dds files with gimp or Photoshop to add some blur that blends the color maps together, when you choose 2k or 4k resolution. It takes a lot of time to do this, it's up to you).
  • Click also on layer blending, apply rocky filter and choose 0.5/0.4. (I selected also Create full map of worldspace).
  • Finally click on the start process tab, don't click on overwrite the original files, set your MO2\mods\Landscape LOD\Textures\LandscapeLOD\Generated as temporary directory and choose DXT1 compression (more on DXT compression here). If you want to use another tool (for example TexA-DDS) for DXT compression, you can select <None>.

The output of MPGUI goes directly to the intended folder. The *.nif files need to go to the Meshes\Landscape\Lod.

This gives you more options and a (potentially) better output.

You also should investigate these pages, if the above does not work:

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  1. flutok
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Followed your tutorial, but only the textures files are generated (.bmp). I looked at the log and it can't find the original meshe/bsa files. Eg:

    293 [Command] BsaIterator -regex="textures\\landscape\\.*\.dds" -bsafile="C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\DLCBattlehornCastle.bsa"

    294 [Info] No file found which matches the pattern

    Obviously, the files are there, it would make sense if it couldn't see the mod files, it having to due with MO2, but the basegame files are there.
  2. HadToRegister
    • premium
    • 196 kudos
    Create a new empty mod named Landscape LOD, create the directory structure Meshes\Landscape\Lod and Textures\LandscapeLOD\Generated in it.

    Install the Landscape LOD generator just as you would with any mod, disregarding any warnings about invalid files, make sure you either merge the mod or create a new mod with it, by renaming the directory it is installed in.

    OK, HOW do you create a new "Empty Mod", are you creating it using MO2? are you just manually making a new folder and naming it Landscape LOD, and then creating the folder structure "Meshes\Landscape\Lod and Textures\LandscapeLOD\Generated" inside that?

    Are you installing the Landscape LOD generator using MO2 and MERGING that mod with the Empty Directories?

    Quite some detail left out of those two steps
  3. Slesar1338
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    1. ajc0502
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you so much for this, spent weeks trying to figure this out then I found this guide, but something you missed out was that also you need to set the Start In for the mpgui executable as ...steamapps/common/Oblivion/ in order for it to detect your plugins list