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About this mod

This mod adds a race, and 3 variants, for player use. HGEC, Roberts Male, Roberts Female, and UFF are supported.

Permissions and credits
Name: Hidden Elves
Version: 1.2
Date: 10/19/2010
Category: Races
Requirements: Oblivion Patch, Custom Race Fix, Body Mods, optional hair pack (See requirements section below)
Author(s): Korana


This mod adds a race, and 3 variants, for player use. HGEC, Roberts Male, Roberts Female, and UFF are supported.

The race uses Ren's head mesh, modified to some degree with a brand new texture. There are 20 brand new eyes (which glow and glimmer),
and each of the 3 variants of the race has it's own unique eyes in addition to the base eyes of the race in general. The rac has white
teeth and eyelashes.

Also known as "Haldmer" to the people of the Summerset Isles. In the years that followed The Summerset Isles joining the Empire,
piracy and trade from High Rock increased. It is believed that many Breton men took Altmer women as their mistresses. The children
of these illegal matches were considered impure to the tradition-bound Psijic Order, who sought to remove any trace of such impurities
from history. Any child of half blood was put to death before the sun set on their first day. The few that remained hidden from the
watches of the Order remained in exile for hundreds of years.

On occasion, Knights of the Order would hunt down and capture the Haldmer. These prisoners proved themselves as useful laborers and
militia, and the Altmer adopted the process of secretly trading and enslaving the children instead, it is even rumored that slaves
began to be intentionally bred. Only in the recent years with the cultural unrest in the Summerset Isles have the Elves become to be
released from the bonds of servitude.

Hidden Elf
Hundreds of years of hiding have caused the Haldmer to develop a natural ability to turn themselves invisible (a talent which remains
suppressed by slavers and masters). They excel in the arts of security as well as blades and light armor. They share their ancestors
knowledge of the arcane arts, as well as the ability to resist disease.


Str 40
Int 40
Wil 50
Agi 30
Spd 40
End 30
Luc 50
Pers 40


Str 40
Int 40
Wil 50
Agi 30
Spd 30
End 30
Luc 50
Pers 40

Skill Bonus

Illusion 5
Light Armor 5
Blade 5
Security 10
Sneak 10

Hidden Shadow- Invisibility for 60 seconds on self (Power)
Disease Resistance - Resist Disease 75 points (Ability)
Enhanced Magicka- Fortify Magicka 100 points (Ability)
Shattering Blow - Weakness to Normal Weapons 5 points (Ability)

High Elf -5

Hidden Elf Courtesan
Some Haldmer have developed the ability to charm others, and were put to work as courtesans. Pigments were pressed around the eyes for
both visual aesthetics and identification.


Str 40
Int 40
Wil 45
Agi 30
Spd 30
End 30
Luc 50
Pers 45


Str 40
Int 40
Wil 45
Agi 30
Spd 40
End 40
Luc 50
Pers 45

Skill Bonus

Illusion 5
Light Armor 5
Security 10
Sneak 10
Speechcraft 5

Hidden Shadow- Invisibility for 60 seconds on self (Power)
Silver Tongue- Charm on Target 30 points for 30 seconds (Power)
Disease Resistance - Resist Disease 75 points (Ability)
Enhanced Magicka- Fortify Magicka 100 points (Ability)
Shattering Blow - Weakness to Normal Weapons 5 points (Ability)

High Elf -5

Hidden Elf Bloodmage
Some Haldmer have dveloped a mastery of destructive necromantic magic. The blood magic within them causes red pigmentation to deepen
on the lips. They have the ability to summon a skeleton in battle.


Str 40
Int 50
Wil 50
Agi 30
Spd 40
End 30
Luc 50
Pers 30


Str 40
Int 50
Wil 50
Agi 30
Spd 30
End 40
Luc 50
Pers 30

Skill Bonus

Illusion 5
Conjuration 5
Destruction 10
Security 10
Sneak 10

Hidden Shadow- Invisibility for 60 seconds on self (Power)
Summon Skeleton - Summon Skeleton for 60 seconds on Self (Power)
Disease Resistance - Resist Disease 75 points (Ability)
Enhanced Magicka- Fortify Magicka 100 points (Ability)
Shattering Blow - Weakness to Normal Weapons 5 points (Ability)

High Elf -5

Hidden Elf Tribal
The Haldmer which have remained hidden in exile amongst the wilds of the Summerset Isles formed tribal societies, tattooing and painting
markings on their faces to proudly display their rank and tribal alignment. The Wild Haldmer excel in the magical arts and are deadly
archers. They posses the ability to command creatures as well as turn invisible, thus avoiding capture by the Knights Of The Order for
so many years. The Wild Haldmer are natural healers with deep knowledge of alchemy.


Str 40
Int 40
Wil 45
Agi 35
Spd 40
End 40
Luc 50
Pers 40


Str 40
Int 40
Wil 45
Agi 35
Spd 30
End 30
Luc 50
Pers 40

Skill Bonus

Illusion 5
Restoration 5
Marksman 5
Security 10
Sneak 10

Hidden Shadow- Invisibility for 60 seconds on self (Power)
Command Creature- Command Creature 8 points for 30 seconds on Target (Power)
Disease Resistance - Resist Disease 75 points (Ability)
Enhanced Magicka- Fortify Magicka 100 points (Ability)
Heal Minor Wounds - Restore Health 10 points on self (Spell)
Shattering Blow - Weakness to Normal Weapons 5 points (Ability)

High Elf -5


- Oblivion Patch
- Custom Race Fix (Unless you are using an alternate start mod) to allow proper dialogue in tutorial dungeon
and thus proper starting to the main quest. I recommend the following:
- Roberts Male (versions 3 - 5 will function, but 5 is perferred to have proper texture alignment)

ONE of the following:

- TeamFF Fantasy Figures Base
- Roberts Female Body v12


- Moonshadow Elves (SP Hair Pack Beta Ver 1_0 ONLY)

You do not need to download and install that race unless you want to. You just need the meshes and textures from
SP Hair Pack Beta Ver 1_0, located under optional files.


In order for best results with texture seams, I recommend Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer. The face egt included in this race uses one
based off Luchaires, as it provided the smoothest texture result around the mouth.While all bodies for all races share the same egt,
installing the Seam Reducer will help manage seams on all races, especially this one.

1. Extract this archive to your Oblivion directory, or extract to a temporary directory and manually copy
over files if you prefer.
2. Start Oblivion Launcher (Or Mod Manager if preferred), click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside

The race by default is HGEC and Roberts Male. If you use Fantasy Figures or Roberts Female, please install the files located within
the optional folder.

To change an existing characters race, you can open up the console by hitting the ~ key and entering in the console: showracemenu
Please be advised that on occasion this has been known to reset your characters stats so if you choose to use this method PLEASE

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck Hidden_Elves.esp (I don't advise removing while your character uses the race)
2. CAREFULLY delete the following folders:
3. Delete Hidden_Elves.esp


- When viewed at a certain angle, one might notice the eyelashes have a bit of a gap. This was a problem noted by the original eye lash
authors. While I had success on creating a set of eyelashes that fit Ren's head perfectly, they however lost the abilty to blink when
I did so. Untill I sort that issue out, the eyelashes will simply have a gap. I am not sure if you can adjust the facial sliders to
accomidate this, as I hardly adjust my characters eyes.

- Some hairs clip with the ears, however I chose to include them.

- The races were designed for MY female characters, and therefore might not look to fantastic on male characters.

- While I did my best to remove body seams, my eyesight isn't what it used to be! With HGEC, my character has very minimal if any neck seam.
Keep in mind neckseam can change with body shading variants in outfits and in lighting.If you are having issues with the neck seam please
try one or all of the following:

1) Install Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer (no need to rename and move face egt file, I've already done this for you!)

2) RESET the face before adjusting facial sliders.

3) Open up your ini and change bFaceGenTexturing=1 to bFaceGenTexturing=0
This will disable the skin texture sliders!

- While I've included textures for Fantasy Figures and Roberts Female, I have NOT tested them. If you're having issues please let me know!

- On some characters, Ren's pony tail with bangs may clip with your head. While I've conformulated the hairs to Ren's Head 02, this
particular hair would not fit properly when conformulated and remains uncomformulated.

- I did not conformulate the new hairs added in version 1.2, for two reasons: 1) The SP Hair Pack is not mine to mess with, nor can I include
any files for it in this download and 2) The hair that I converted by Mandamus seems to want to break each time I conformulate it. You may
have clipping with your characters head or face, and will need to adjust the sliders to accommidate. Also, the SP Hairs clip with the ears.

3/4/2010 - Version 1
3/10/2010 - Version 1.1, Balanced

Version 1.1, Balanced - Adjusted all stats to raise the luck on the races, which allows for better looting as well as not causing the player
to loose every match bet upon at the arena. Changed Athletics to Acrobatics upon request. Added a weakness to normal
weapons, as the races had no weakness of any kind and were considered by some to be a bit unbalanced.Readme adjustments.
Added optional folder to main archive for easier downloading (since I forgot to last time!)

To update, copy or extract the esp from your archive to your data files. Allow to overwrite when prompted. Overwritting
the esp should not cause any damage to your saved game, but I recommend you back up first. Your character's appearance will
not be modified by updating.
10/19/2010 - Version 1.2 Added compatibility with SP Hair Pack Beta Ver 1_0, since it's become so popular. I also converted the hair by Mandamus that
I had shown in the screenshot for the Tribal Elf (screenshot is on the download page.)


You can find me under "Korana" at ORE, nexus, or or
You can email me at the following address: [email protected] but due to some recent
mis-adventures I'd prefer contact via one of the above forums. Thanks for understanding!


Thanks to Ren for several hairs, the head mesh, eye meshes, and original eye texture (also thanks to Capucine,
Daeger, and Ranma-Chan for assisting Ren!)

Thanks to Throttlekitty and Jclyde6108 for the eyelashes

Thanks to Luchaire for the eyelash texture, and the face egt

Thanks to Navetsea for the HGEC body and hand textures I modified.

Thanks to Scanti for the conformulator, and the merged mouth mesh

Thanks to KafeiDotour for the ears (with another thank you to Scanti for the assistance to KafeiDotour!)

Thanks to idkrrr for the many wonderful hairs from the Sulhwa, Corean, and Saram races

Thanks to Fallen20 for the peggy sims hair conversion

Thanks to PeggySims for the original hair:

Thanks to Exnem, RAIAR & MadCat221 for HGEC

Thanks to Team Fantasy Figures: AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, SickleYield

Thanks to Robert for his male and female bodies

Thanks to Kendo2 for the invaluable information about the luck, and for playtesting version 1.1!

Thanks to Slygothmog for the idea of weakness to normal weapons!

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded, endorsed, and shared screenshots of their characters! I truely appreciate it!

Thanks to LHammonds for the readme generator.

Thanks to Mandamus for the Alienor hair

Tools Used
7-Zip -
NIFSkope -
The Conformulator -
Readme Generator -


You may not modify or distribute this mod as a whole.

You may not modify the race in any way and release an esp without prior consent.

You may not use the HGEC body textures without consent of Navatsea.

You may not use my face textures without prior consent (I hardly say no, but I'm not nice when my wishes are not met!)

However, you *CAN* use the eye textures by me for any race mod or project you wish too, as long as credit to Ren and myself is given.
I originally intended to release only them as a resource, and then decided to go ahead and share the entire project.

Any mesh and texture not mentioned above can be used as per the original terms of their creators. However, I ask that you download them
from their original locations and use the original files as many egts have been modified for this project.


To update, simply overwrite your esp. I suggest backing up your latest save and previous esp, especially if it involves a Hidden Elf.
You may find your character's hair may have changed.
