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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

David Brasher

Uploaded by

David Brasher

Virus scan

Safe to use

About this mod

This mod adds a better icon for the Goblin Totem Staffs.

Permissions and credits
Mod: Goblin Totem Staff Icon 1_0
Game: TES IV: Oblivion
Author: David Brasher
Date: 11/17/11
1. Information on the Mod
2. Installation
3. Version History
4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting
5. Copy Status and Credits
This mod adds a better icon for the Goblin Totem Staffs. Vanilla Oblivion just uses the
icon with a wooden staff with twisted roots at the end. That icon looks nothing at all like the
staff with the Goblin head on the end. So this mod fixes that issue.
2. Installation
Extract (decompress) the .esp, and texture, to your Oblivion directory.
The default is:
C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\
If asked if it is okay to merge folders, say yes. Mark the box next to the "Goblin Totem Staff Icon"

Alternately, extract someplace else. Then move the .esp and textures to Oblivion\Data.
If asked if it is okay to merge folders, say yes. Mark the box next to the plugin.
3. Version History
V 1.0 11/17/11Initial release.
4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting
This will conflict with mods that edit Goblin Totem Staffs.

This will not change the icon for Goblin Totem Staffs added by mods.
5. Copy Status and Credits
Bethesda for making Oblivion in an open format anyone can mod.

Copy Status:
Modders resource. Feel free to modify this, distribute this, or use it in another mod. No
need to ask permission.