About this mod

There's so much great hidden thing in Oblivion that you never know before.... This mod will change your adventuring style and view completely, you'll realize there's so many you've missed ... Also, yield system revamped with ransom (the FIRST in Oblivion) and smarter AI real watcher guard

Permissions and credits

I am The Amulet of Greed (AoG) -- born 2015 October

and I'll make sure your Oblivion experiences
- guaranteed - a  F E A S T !!

Thank You for your Vote (File of the month) 
 Really appreciated !

I really Love this mod, if you like AoG too I suggest you  
 track down 
this mod because I frequently update it
I am going to slow down/semi-hiatus for awhile, but I can still answer questions or receive inputs~ Thank you for all of your supports !!

::::: PROLOGUE :::::
This mod is registered in BOSS masterlist -
There's so much great hidden thing in Oblivion that you never know before....
This mod will change your adventuring style and view completely, you'll realize there's so many you've missed ...
(Vanilla quest Jensine about Thoronir, did you know there's Magical mace hide in mausoleum? Its well hidden, I am shocked)
You'll be surprised, trust me :)

Why this mod is similar to 'DZ auto harvest' or 'Reeners Guard Overhaul' and others? Because I utilized GetFirstRef function for efficient reasons, many mod abuse using GetFirstRef syntax and load it so fast make cpu works hard. I just happen to combine and optimize it, also for user that don't want this merged can turn off BY SPECIFIC FEATURE using Greed Setting given. I try my best to make my script compact and lightweight, because myself need good fps & rich game feature

Thankfully I have a good teacher Master Forli, frequently consult some script & code with him. Also, in the past I have vocabulary support from Tsuroshi (not for the newer feature since Jan 2016). I am really grateful.

"I found the right words why I think AoG is far better mod than MOO or OOO. Both MOO and OOO are great MODS, but they change too much, they add too much, they change the game so much it hardly feels like Oblivion anymore... With AoG it is not like that, AoG feels more like a 2.0 Version of Oblivion. Every features added feels like they are part of the original game, does not tarnish the original vision of Bethesda. I think that is why I am so in love with AoG and so passionate about it. So there it is, my opinion why I think AoG is the best mod ever made for Oblivion, at least it is for me. :)"
~testimonial from user Seferoth

 or Kudos are really hard to comes by, If you think my work here deserve thanks please do that. I'll gladly accept & really appreciate it, cheer up my life more. Making script & logic is hard u know :p
This mod is so Easy to install, can be configured by INI or in-game too !
if you have any Cool or Funny screenshoots for AoG upload it here !! Thx b4  !

[  What is AoG ?  ]
~ please CLICK spoiler button ~
A very rich features mod that 100% fps Friendly!

From the first player will have item Amulet of Greed, when you equip it ... Voila! (Works with loaded save game)
and you'll be given Misc item 'Greed Setting' to customize this mod too
AoG effect is like detect life but different. Applied to items, dead body & plant (configurable)
when player is in combat or in dialog menu, detection effect will disappear temporarily

if you don't like detect item feature because it is Cheat?
Just turn it off already & enjoy the rest great features. Done :)

List features that can be customized :

Greed Curse : make this mod amuletless, so you can use more free slot for any other useful amulet. The amulet only useful for hi-light detect item feature

Greed Force : can disrobe NPC clothes on hit by random chance. Spice up combat realism about clothes can torn apart.

- Actor Climb : PC & NPC have ability to climb the obstacle, this will fix several NPCs out there that is stuck and can't get out!

Greed Vision : now actors will be more 'real human like' have better eyesight & better precognitive, this feature default is ON. Calculation based on weather, light amount, distance and player current invisible chameleon. been tested carefully by myself. All ghosts will have Detect life applied, and all Khajiits will use Night eye ability, all vampires will have Night Eye and Detect Life ability. Actors that have Detect life or Night eye ability is more dangerous than before because they can bypass light or line of sight. Definitely G-Vision will increase your performance Greatly !! Vanilla Oblivion HEAVY detection algorithm that tend to bog down your CPU now is reduced by FIVE FOLDS !! (with this feature toggled ON you got huge boost in performance) Also this feature is needed for other AoG features. I repeat !! Many AoG features is Greed Vision reliant, they will not working properly as intended if G-Vision turned off. Added detect life to wraith, wisp, ghost, lich, all NPC in ICPalace faction, all NPCs that have Illusion skill 75 or more, NPC Class that have major skill Illusion, all NPCs class & name contain 'mage', all NPCs name contain 'wizard'. So chameleon exploit NO MORE! This will make Ultimate Heist Quest and many other Thieves guild quests become more thrilling than ever before!!

- Greed Quest : random repeatable quest for NPC, evaluated by day. Disposition bonus +5 when player completed Greed Quest but if npc dispo is less than 40 it will be increased to 45, dispo penalty 2 when reject npc offer, and dispo penalty 10 when player accept offer but ignore the NPC in days. This is one of the teaser for my grand scheme -The TRUE INFINITE RE~peatable quest- to enhance & spice up your Oblivion gameplay, let's talk to ALL that useless NPCs out there shall we? You can also gain the Fame after completed a bunch of Greed Quest. This feature is still in prototype stage, topic 'Offer Help' will appear in any dialog with NPCs.

- Greed Transform : ever got confused which race you should choose? want to change name in-game easily? modify your face in your mid gameplay? or something like styling your hair colors & shape? Surprise !! YOU CAN DO ALL of THAT!! use spell 'Transformation' in your spell book to start. When changing appearance REST ASSURED this nifty feature will keep & retain all of your attributes and skills !

Greed Ransom : THE FIRST MOD that TWEAK original YIELD SYSTEMDefault is set ON, not everyone know this vanilla feature. When fight with fair NPC, hold Rightmouse. Press Spacebar repeatedly on he/she -- until yield message appear

Greed Hilight : detection by hi-lightning various objects. Green herb symbol represent plant this will work if you install Harvest Flora, opposite is orange (Opposite = illegal looting = thief). WHITE MIST & green glow represent container, opposite is red mist & red glow. when you open CONTAINER THAT RE-SPAWN, automatically that container will mark as checked (there is a message). I don't use this thing on fixed container, because it will force green mist shader will never appear again! this is crucial. Blue plasma represent inventory items, opposite red plasma.In setting u can hide/show useless (weighed item zero value). Green plasma means: quest item, ammo, keys, ingredient, alchemy, valuable item (you can set ratio in setting). Minimum price can filter item detection and fast search pricey item near you. Purple symbol represent dead body, opposite is red. after looting it purple mist disappear. applied to plants & stuff too. Yellow symbol represent quest item. Invert off limit item (toggle), this is for thief purpose especially when snug & pilfer some npc's house. No normal book, now book that not item quest & not skill book can be turn off in detection

- Detect/Hilight Combatant : now you can detect which is which enemies allies or neutral. Color red for foes, green for allies, and blue for neutral party. By default this feature is turned off for performance reason, but if your computer can afford it Try it ! This should be pretty handy :)

- Detect/Hilight Activator : this feature is super useful to find any hidden button / handle / switch in your adventure. The hilight color is yellow just like quest item shader

Auto-loot plant feature to auto-harvest plant nearby. You can turn this ON regardless of Plant detection state in toggle setting, or you have alternative by using spell for auto harvest nearby flora/ingredients. However this will not loot any off-limits

- Greed Arena : Customize & Personalize your own Arena !! You can change arena spectator size, open close arena hour, day delay grand champion arena fight, arena battle raiment restriction, lootable combatant equipment, and many more!

- Alternate Save Load : this feature can replace vanilla buggy quicksave quickload Oblivion built-in, read Misc INI for more detail

- Greed FPS : modify a bit lightning filter so you could get more precious FPS ! or get HUGE FPS gain by clipping view distance and hide grass when player is in combat.

- Doomstone Unleashed : I'm getting tired by fame infamy and time restriction on all doomstones in Oblivion. Now you can activate the doomstone regardless time fame infamy restriction, they are free to access full 7x24 hours without rests. However for several stones you still need to fulfill the birthsign requirement though

- Forgotten Legend : have you ever wonder that in Oblivion our Hero Fame & Infamy is never go down at all? and... all NPCs disposition is stay forever ?? With this feature fame infamy disposition will decay in time, you can customize maximum decay limit and how much day for fame infamy to decay, so no more disposition exploit to all NPCs in Cyrodiil. If you want to stay friend with certain NPC make sure you talk to him/her periodically, day decay can be configured in INI setting

- Pet Creature : an ability to be more affectionate towards animal, from start you'll be given this cute spell

- Greed Extinct : got any phobia? spider or insect phobia? or something like rat phobia? USE THIS :D !! Now you could configure which creatures should go extinct in Misc INI. ATTENTION, if you exclude too much creatures it could break some quests or events !!

Greed Snatcher : The REAL THIEF PARADISE, now all off-limits items in all shops & stores will re-spawn !! Let's embrace the TRUE INFINITE JOY of stealing ! By default this feature is On. The requirement of this feature is the item must be NOT dynamic (index FF/255), NOT quest item, NOT scripted item, NOT in Player owned cell. Respawn hour is based on game setting iHoursToRespawnCell, by default is 72 (hours) means 3 days in-game. If you think some area provide you too much, use spell 'Toggle Greed Snatcher' to exclude certain interior cell from stolen item reset routine. Can exclude multiple cells ! This amazing feature also works in EXTERIOR !! You can configure it in INI included for max gold limit (to prevent certain item from respawn), and can fetch all normal item too ! (non off-limits now can respawn too). ALL containers, display cases, and doors that is lockable in off limit area will be restored during Greed Snatcher respawn process. This feature can change book loot behavior too, so thievery is more thrilling ! All NPC houses that has been robbed by player they will change his/her master key! They are way much more smarter than before !!

- Greed Estate : now You can get house Ownership by using his/her bed at least once (bed, throne, chair, etc), the owner must be dead. This feature will ALSO works on bed owned by FACTION and Finally the annoying bed bug is gone !! ATTENTION the faction must be small such as Seridur House Faction, Salomon Geonette's House Faction, etc etc. To claim that small faction property you must kill the leader and loot him then wait about several seconds, you can check the faction leader name by trying to sleep in bed owned by faction when trespassing There the notification will appear and tell you the name of the faction leader. So player can claim the house from ALL dead NPCs. From start you has spell 'Greed Estate'. You could deal house negotiation ownership with any NPCs, the client must be inside small faction group and currently inside his/her house. Well ... the spell will tell you many information anyway. You can even try cast it to door :) You know what ? be Happy ! All that CLAIMED HOUSES is labeled over your names !!~

- Wild Sleep Penalty : you need to sleep in proper bed to avoid getting wild disease from unfamiliar beds. So now you better consider rest in Inns or Taverns or player's owned house. I really hate the fact about you can sleep almost every where without any penalties or risks something like that, it's like Oblivion sleep system can be exploited easily and this feature changes that NO more safe wild sleeps !! You need to think twice before using someone else bed to sleep ! If you still prefer vanilla sleep anywhere without risk, you could turn off this feature in INI file

- Greed Timer : have you ever thought that TIME FREEZE in several menu mode like reading a book, training skills, and dialogue mode ?? Now NO more unrealistic time freeze ! When you doing such activity~ the time will flies by and if you're a former player or still playing TES Morrowind you should know this feature & may feel nostalgic already

- Simple Economy : this feature will make Oblivion economy much more simpler by disabling the haggle function and bypass all merchants gold limit. In Misc INI setting by default this value set to 0.03, means all items you sell will only worth 3% from its original value. I believe this is the reasonable value to balance out the Oblivion economy gameplay. So now you can sell ALL that magic items & daedric & elven & orchis or whatever sell-able items to YOUR HEARTS CONTENT!! This is more simple & lightweight alternative for Enhanced Economy mod.

- Transfer Gold : use this spell to transfer gold into any containers or actors.

 Greed Ranger : NEAR MISS!! - AMAZING FEATURE - creature and actor will react accordingly of player's arrow / hostile spell projectile. Arrow speed increased along with your marksman perks level (Player only). By default maximum arrow speed is at 3000 at Marksman Lv 100 (can be configured). Also ... Have you ever wonder how many key pressed on Sneak button, and Toggle Camera, and Draw weapon out? You can simplify that 3 buttons, into Only ONE BUTTON. And help you with new Zoom ability too ! I called this Hunter Mode (Sneaking + Weapon out + 1st person view). You can cancel Hunter Mode by pressing the same button again. By default key for Hunter mode is 'V'. For Denock arrow use 'Grab' button (Vanilla grab button is 'Z'). In Vanilla Oblivion when you draw arrow, there's no going back. This feature allow you to restore arrow, the 'cancel Hunter mode' support denock arrow too. Settings & Keys can be configured in 'ini' file included.

Greed Revenge : now AI have deduction skill & smarter NPCs will try talk (inspect) to player
Lv1 a Fool INT 0-30 (deduction chance 1%)
Lv2 below average INT 31-60 (deduction chance 25 - 35%)
Lv3 normal INT 61-85 (deduction chance 40 - 70%)
Lv4 smart INT 86-95 (deduction chance 70 - 85%)
Lv5 brilliant INT >95 (deduction chance  99%)
if you're in DB assassin guild,
be sure to use Telekinesis spell to move corpses to city corner or someplace hidden~

Greed Eternal : Death no more -- Grant immortality to player. When health is drop below zero, you will automatically respawn to near last location. You'll see message when resurrected, poet by Roy Allen. Each death can cost experience points (Oblivion XP user only), or lost skill point, and amount of golds. You can set this to zero for no penalty or -1 for default penalty. Note that you can still die if player executed by Kill script. The reason I choose teleport method near last location for this respawn is for stability, some quest need to be completed in closed cell space. Imagine if you teleport back to somewhere different location that quest will go break

- Forbidden Magic : NPCs can identify which is which spell that player cast, it is hostile or not they should react accordingly. The NPC must be intelligent enough or have adequate spell mastery in that spell to dispel it. Magic spell that should be considered illegal is Open Lock if player cast to off-limit doors or containers, Command Humanoid, Calm, Charm, Demoralize, Frenzy, Rally, Reanimate (Necromancer in Public Bah! No MORE!!). Player's companion will not be affected by this feature, so... to successfully cast charm spell you must do it silently and know how your target first is he/she/it vulnerable by certain spell school or not

AoG Torch for all Exterior & Interior actors! NPCs that have night eye will not need torch. AoG Torch using performance friendly custom mesh. This torch feature is disabled on player's companion (player faction) intended for playing stealthy. You can change AoG torch color that you like : Green , Yellow(default), Mint, White, Blue, Red. Support drop lit functionvery useful feature when player is in the dark area. When torch is out press SHIFT + S to drop the AoG Torch.

- Darker Interior & Dungeon : all dungeons lightning can be reduced, now torch & light spell is your best friend!! ..also by turning this On then all lightning in interior is darker than usual become more elegant & better aesthetic feel truly suitable for Oblivion hack & slash medieval theme. This feature will be more enhanced if you install All Natural mod with Immersive Interior.

- All Natural Support : AoG modify all possible immersive interior cell to support All Natural. You can turn it ON in INI Misc setting, this will affect all vanilla house that still don't have flag 'Behave as Exterior'

- AWLS Support : manage lightning on window, door & smoke (chimney). Need AWLS mod correctly installed in your setup, by turning this on you could remove ESP from AWLS mod for more free slot. You still need that mod resource for this to works though, you should Try it!! AWLS is great mod for visual effect enhancer with very small performance cost tradeoff

- Darkness Dungeon : if you dare turn this On both with Darker Dungeon feature, ENJOY TOTAL pitch black dungeon for harder gameplay!

- Fog Remover : can disable all Fog effect for better performance fps & also you get more clearer view overall in all places especially dungeon

- Vibrant Dungeon : if you really like colorful dungeons like any other fantasy games Try this ! You can choose which color that you prefer or get random color for more diverse vibrant atmosphere. Don't run this feature with Darkness Dungeon since that feature removes all lights in all dungeons !

- Greed Loot : you know... why Oblivion world is so barren and very poor? the NPCs, the chests in dungeon and ayleid, all of it contents is too little ! Now with this feature turned On, you'll see much much more BETTER LOOT than before when you open any locked containers or chests

- Lightning Management : every lightning sources in the game will be automatically on-off. Add some more realism for your gameplay and :-) Finallly that Blazing fire in Imperial Talos Bridge gonna rest sometimes...

Greed Watcher : any guard follow when player sneaking / threaten in town (support Open CIties mod) or any near illegal objects, by default this feature is set ON. Set this OFF then you'll see that pretty dumb AI vanilla guard again :p also you can bribe guard so they abandon post for a day, bribe gold amount can be customized. Success bribe chance is based on disposition, get friendly with them first! To get sure fire bribe you must have 100 disposition.. & money of course

- Greed Gender : a hilarious feature that can change all NPCs into male, or female, or even switch gender toggle. This feature will not affect summoned NPC. The changes happen AFTER passing one day in-game time

- Greed Wisdom : You can gain more than one skill every time you read a skill book. The more value you increase this setting, the less exp you will gain. By default this feature is off

Greed Wrath : random encounter on player outside of towns and settlements (support Open Cities mod), can be configured or turn off. This feature will increase the amusement because new element of surprise and ambush

Greed Rush : hold LeftSHIFT for faster run & swim (sprint) also slower backward running. You'll get temporary stat penalty when running backwards. RightSHIFT not supported, and if you use LeftSHIFT for run you should change it to another key to use the sprint feature. If you don't like sprinting feature, just turn it off in INI file Misc Setting

- Greed Fortitude : No recoil and no stagger on player only, makes combat in Oblivion become easier. Default is ON, if you consider yourself a hardcore realist roleplayer you should turn this feature Off

Greed Wallet : daily income for every living npc, this is good choice for player that using thief type character

- Greed Talks : Persuasion Overhaul -- you can talk to NPCs for disposition gain and evaluated by day, randomized disposition is calculated based on your Speechcraft skill and can choose an Entertaining Diverse choices of Topics. By default this feature will disable vanilla persuasion minigame so disposition Exploit NO MORE !! You can also ask NPCs personal data such as skills & statuses for later use. Example - preparation to successfully cast nasty spell to him/her or to safely pickpocket the target a.k. footprinting. When you reached Novice at Speechcraft 'Secrets' topic unlocked in 'Lets Talk' topic, also when you have Journeyman Speechcraft mastery 'Ask Personal Info' topic will be unlocked. Requirement for both topics is disposition towards target 70 or more. Now skill Speechcraft will be more useful than ever before right? If NPC disposition less than 40 there is a chance that you'll get attacked by them or get bounty when you insult them

Greed Paradise : every 'good' aligned npc (not evil) will always try make peace with other 'good' npc. So no more accidental hit between them and make the world of oblivion better filled by many nice people still alive. Greed Paradise will not support total evil faction NPCs, they will keep fighting until death.

- Greed Amulet : Featuring! Neck Seam by Alenet & Khettienna. To show the amulet you must use WB - Bashed Patch with all armors & clothing 'show amulet' enabled, say bye bye Vanilla amulet that have too much gap in neck

Greed Percept : Threaten any actors they will react accordingly (sneak or weapon out 'detected' focused on them). This makes gameplay more dynamic and fun, so you must be very careful when pickpocketing someone or when you aim target with bow and arrow

Greed Ethic : Player with invisibility or full chameleon can't initiate conversation with any npc, because it's just doesn't makes sense. It is strange when npc can't see player's face but still recognize he/she right? :D :D :D LOL also... Disposition penalty on waking up sleeping NPC + vampire compatibility. Respect the one who need rest! It's common sense. Running towards NPCs cause them to stagger and about 30-50% chance disposition 1-2 penalty (normal stagger), up to 5-7 dispo penalty for rush charge. NPC that have endurance more than 60 will never go down when player run through them.

- Greed Assault : Allow repeated attack/assault on good NPCs accumulate bounty Have you ever wonder? assault crime bounty is just 40 gold NO MORE !! ... and versus killing that is 1000 penalty gold? now every hits will count !! still speak 40 gold?? no way~

Greed Honor : The never been exist feature -- Morgue! Have you ever wonder NPCs that flagged as QUEST item never disappear in certain cell ? This annoying bug been fixed ! Now every NPC good or bad, that lying dead unattended will be managed. You can visit them in Ageless Tomb accessed via guard watcher. This is to ensure every quest that need corpse check will be fine and NOT gonna break. The corpse will be available in morgue after you meet corpse for the first time and got decayed, by default follow game setting iHoursToRespawnCell at 72 hours means 3 days in-game time. In Ageless Tomb you may see some named sarcophagus. Use the catalog (book near the enterance) to search NPC that you need to visit, also you can dig it by activating any named sarcophagus. When you exit Ageless Tomb by door, the corpses will return to sarcophagus automatically. Use spell called 'Toggle Decay' to prevent certain NPC being automatically transferred to Ageless Tomb. This is intended for roleplay such as Necromancer that wants undead army -or- something like DB assassin that wants a victim's Trophy room. Cast again to enable decay timer counting, so the corpse can return to Ageless Tomb later

All actors now have regenerative ability, its just very small amount. This is to prioritize and prolong Oblivion ecosystem and its resident especially nice NPCs. NPC health regen stop temporarily in combat

Greed Tag : hide NPC name if player never talked to that npc, except dead actors. . From start player will be given spell 'Entitle' that can rename any actors & objects in-game

- Angel Mode : grants immortality to all nice NPCs so they can't die by the hand of evil being, by turning this feature ON only player that can kill nice NPCs. This feat is needed for Greed Crisis feature, to keep all of Cyrodiil population from thining out. All nice NPCs will be resurrected even after the event if they are killed by others, take a note only player that can end life of any nice NPCs. They can still die though by script Kill on some scripts or quests or events.

- Greed Crisis : choose when Oblivion gate should start appearing and how their streak should end. You can allow respawning Oblivion gate or customize percentage gate spawn rate in exterior, Choose which Oblivion gate style that suit you in Misc INI setting. This will ONLY affect random respawnable gate NOT quest related Oblivion gate

- Ayleid Well Refill : recharge current equipped player weapon to full enchantment, can be configured in INI

- Reanimate Enchantment : player can restore enchantment over time, it is affected by mysticism skill. Set your preferred value in Misc INI

Fix Container Disappear Bug, choose fix methods that suits you (see Official Container Disappear Bug here)
Mode 0 : Force all buggy items to have 100% health durability (default, recommended)
Mode 1 : Health dur not forced. Instead transfer all buggy items to Player inventory, so you can manage it manually.
Mode 2 : Health dur not forced. Drop all buggy items to Player feet, manage manually, also prevent bug Player can have disappear items too (if you are using mods which raise your maximum encumbrance)

AoG Built-in feature ~ richer gameplay ~

Greed Pledge : this feature used to prevent ransom / near miss / threaten by player on specific actor. Use spell 'Greed Pledge' given from the start. Target must be in player faction -OR- have 91 disposition at least. This is very useful to track someone you care about or people that you need to track. All pledged actor will be listed in your '!Aog List' book scroll item. To cancel pledge just recast the spell to pledged actor and choose 'Cancel the Pledge'. A tips : you may do Pledge with certain someone that give golds if you found any black bows, or certain someone that give golds if you found any vampire dust, or certain someone that offer skill training to you.

Greed Claim : can 'manually' convert stolen item in player inventory. How to convert is by hovering desired item in INVENTORY MENU then press button 'O' -> o means ownership. Don't do this in Thieving guild quest line sell to fence instead. With this feature, you not need to type command 'SetOwnership' repeatedly anymore :) right ?
Also there is feature 'mass' Greed Claim. To use it when in player's inventory press SHIFT + O, this is very useful feature that can increase inventory view speed. If you've played Oblivion long enough many items have different stacks even though it is same type (usually scripted item), mass Greed Claim will help clear any stacked items of same kind so when you enter inventory screen will be faster than before

- Companion Inventory Management : useful for trade stuff with companions. You must have disposition more than 90, currently he/she/it must be following you, and lastly at least you have one faction that is same with the target. So now you have better UI for companion item transfers !! ;-)
To activate it, simply by start sneaking and activate your companion to access his/her inventory. To learn more, read 'Advanced Reverse Pickpocket' feature.

Advanced Reverse Pickpocket : Now You can transfer item more than Zero weight to the victim ! Pickpocketing successful chance is based on your sneaking level, CAPPED at 74 % chance (at lv 1 sneak 0.5 % , lv 50 sneak min max 37.5 % ... and so on~~ ). But, if you execute pickpocket when in invisible mode you'll never get noticed / detected at all :-) much more reasonable isn't it ? Be careful though, if you pickpocket someone that have detect life ability they can notice you.
How to reverse pickpocket ? First go search any victim, then enter sneak mode (the icon will become red) and activate the victim. You'll enter pickpocket menu, in here go to your inventory menu (first tab in this menu). After that move your cursor to the desired item then Press ' T ' to transfer ONE item regardless weight to the victim. This method works on player's companion too. To transfer item that have stack more than one, while hovering the desired item Hold SHIFT then press ' T ' -> t means transfer. You can NOT transfer any quest or currently equipped items !

- Pickpocket Creature : Surprise!!! You can pickpocket any creatures ! To do this you must be in sneaking state just like normal pickpocket behavior on NPC. This feature is compatible with CM partner mod, when you try to recruit CM creatures hold LEFT Shift + press Activation button (default spacebar)

- Every Varla & Welkynd stones will re-spawn :D this make another good reason for us to come back to all Ayleid ruins right?

- Now all actors have energy at least 50 so they not as slowpoke as before

- I Can Wait : use this spell to fast forward time more than 24 hours limitation. We all know that Oblivion built-in waiting feature is limited by 24 hours wait. Surprise !! Now you can wait for Weeks ! or Months ! even Years ! :D

- Let Me Follow You : this spell will help you so much in quest called 'Paranoia' and even better !! Now you can see some scenery or panorama while get auto-walk without hitting the wall or trees ! Have you ever tried hold down your camera button ? Yeah the camera button, the button which can change your view from first person to third person. Try hold it down for several seconds when in-game and move your mouse while holding it then you'll now what I mean :) that's called vanity mode~ ...a tip : try cast this spell to enemies that really likes running around so much :D

Greed Wisdom : Book that has been read will have suffix '[R]', also when opening skill book you'll be given choices. Now you can learn skill above 100 only by books Not by trainers, also book skill read counter will go up in PC Misc stat. Maximum skill cap is 200 (which is impossible to reach in normal way since skill book is only around 5 per skill set)

Greed Law : full control of crime system. NPC split bounty based on responsibility. Player's bounty will managed very neatly and can be reduced by negotiate or kill the witnesses, you'll be given fantastic scroll item !AoG List
any creature reporting player crime action? Doesn't make sense lol :D
 now all creature, ghost, evil NPC set as irresponsible
This fix is needed, if you using WryeBash ... even WB set irresponsible feature can't validate all actors that well especially summoned actor. AoG make sure that dog, cat, horse, and other not-possible-responsible actors to have 0 Responsibility. Irresponsible summoned actor and all thieves guild member (GRAY FOX HAVE 50 responsibility ?!! WHAT THE...!!) This feature is compatible with Vanilla Gray Cowl helm. Personalized crime, now you can safely talk to guards that still don't know your crimes (not the one at the crime scene). You know... it doesn't make sense player still get bounty when stealing while in invisible mode, normally the npc can't recognize the player's face right? This bug has been fixed. Also with this feature you can prevent vanilla penalty about random skill loss when player go to jail. For more immersive gameplay you could even have real punishment such as REAL-TIME waiting to reflect upon bad deed you did or even get random disease from that dirty prison.

- PC Sleep Anywhere, now you can sleep anytime anywhere you want without bed use spell 'Sleep Right Now'. Sleep penalty will be applied to player when using this spell, so now player should consider spend the night in city inn or some taverns

Greed Ethic : from start you have spell called 'Make Way Please', moving through NPC feature so npc can be moved by player in crowded corridor. No need to kill the innocent just to open path or something like 'tcl' command

- Is Anybody Home : we all have problem when in quest player must wait indefinitely if the npc house is locked, so ... can we do something like ~ knock knock.. Is Anybody Home ? YES ! Oh YESS! Of course you can, now with this feature you can cast spell to knock the door so they will greet the player like they should in the first place (No need to do some illegal lockpicking!!). Beware if you call them in their sleep hour they will be angered, so now let's try cast it to off-limit door shall we :) this should be pretty useful for thief character roleplay

- Call Last Mount, use this spell to make your last horse or dragon or anything teleport to your current location, cast again near last mounted actor to make them follow you.

- Greed Ranger : Are you tired that you must hold rightmouse button all the time for Vanilla arrow zooming system? For Sniper Zoom use mousewheel when in 1st person view (your Marksman Lv must high). Level requirement can be configured in 'ini' file included. This new Zoom not replace the vanilla one so you can still hold rightmouse to zoom when hi-Lv marksman, IMHO this new Zoom paradigm is better than vanilla arrow zoom system

- AoG support Kaizits New Animations mod by stesha, so NPC in far away will looks more interactive than before

- AoG support Redecoration mod by uberspeedo, so 'Locked items' by Redecoration mod will be excluded from Dynamic Object Purger feature. This is for interesting roleplay such as outlaw / brigand / assassin / lone-witch etc etc ... that tend to lives outside the city (in caves, forts, camps, sewer, etc). With Redecoration mod you can place your own personal stuff in very neat order and well organized.

- You can reset all settings in-game to file .ini, by press Z in menu Greed Setting.

- AoG support custom icon for all of its spells, if you have 'Custom Spell Icon' obse plugin correctly installed and its resources (icon pack)

AoG Fix many vanilla Oblivion built-in issue !!

- Clean Up : have you ever wonder that we can't restore world object to its original location by that annoying-hard-to-control-infamous vanilla GRABBING feature? HA! Now you can use spell 'Clean Up!' to recover all that placed REFs in-game to its respective original position!!.

Dynamic Actor Purger support even those added by other mods, to prevent savegame bloat (see PlaceAtMe issue here). This feature can keep track cell-reset-hour no matter where are you going. This will restore last cell reset hour (interior ONLY) so it can keep going on and get usual reset routine following its first schedule, this important task will make savegame more cleaner than before. However if player is moved by some scripts or events its cell reset hour will not gonna get hour restore

- Dynamic Object Purger AoG can TOTALLY declare your savegame is FREE from BLOAT !!! I've created the code from scratch, I could say this is the next generation of the great Clean Up mod. Info about bloat >>> (see PlaceAtMe issue here)
Cell owned by Player will be excluded, because sometimes user like to keep personal stuff

Smart Purger : this feature is really needed to prevent unwanted ctd because of out of memory problem. The purge happens when auto-save, fast traveling, and exploring exterior (especially THIS!!). If you use any auto purge mod something like that you should turn it off to prevent any conflict.

ATTENTION : magic effect FRDG and SHDG is harmful to your games. I implore you to use ESP 'AoG Patch No Bolt FRDG and SHDG' which already included in main bundle. This ESP can be merged into Bashed Patch if you using WryeBash so no esp slot loss. THIS is IMPORTANT for all user to prevent CTD because of 'bolt projectile' and 'spray effect'. For user that get CTD every time when bolt or frost magic projectile appear. This is crucial, because Oblivion tend to crash for that 'built-in effect' easily get bottleneck ctd nearly for all shader mod related (not just AoG). Anyway ... if your game is stable as it is just ignore this message. Oblivion Expert Tiawar the creator of EngineBugFix said "...magic projectiles with an invalid projectile type (Spray). They cause CTD because the game does not know how to create a form for these. The magic projectile type uses two bits in the magic effect flags. Together they define the projectile type: non checked: -> 0 (Ball), first flag checked: -> 1 (Bolt), second flag checked: -> 2 (Spray) (NOT IMPLEMENTED, DO NOT USE), both flags checked: -> 3 (Fog)"

- There is important esp in bundle called 'AoG Overhaul Greed Empire.esp'. This esp SHOULD loaded LAST in your load order, why? it is my RECOMMENDATION to AVOID conflicts from other mods, again I repeat -- this esp must be the LAST in your modlist- just after Bashed Patch- even after MOO- just go past everything. So this esp could work as it should as intended in your setup~

- AoG help fix floating weapon bug when NPC is murdered. Support all NIF skeleton type

- Illegal Faction Loot : this will prevent the player to take all guild belongings until You get the HIGHEST RANK such as Arch Mage, Master Knight, Gray Cowl, etc etc. I think this is essential, so no more hold back about thief guild not joining any factions like before.

- Fix Oblivion Torch lag issue, now the torch is fps friendly for sure. AoG is using fps friendly custom mesh and smart algorithm for torch distribution that works like collision, so when NPCs near light source they will unequip torch. AFAIK until today there is NO fps friendly torch beside AoG Torch, all of them cost you 3 - 4 FPS per torch !!! ... imagine if there is 20 NPCs near you ... Boom ! But rest assured AoG solved this issue :)

- Fix NPC Stuck In-combat sometimes spawn point for leveled list can mess up NPC location and make them stuck in stone or walls ... and now all of THAT been fixed !!

- Trespass Bug Fix : This will correct buggy Oblivion trespass system, now trespassing will be more realistic than before. Because you know, if there is burglar broke into your house & watch the thief right in front of you how will you react? You tell me... here's several new scenarios player entering room in invisible mode the npc that have detect life ability will fight rather than report it because they don't know who the heck is the intruder, player entering room detected by npc & get warning then cast invisible spell in front of npc the npc will report it, fix vanilla bug when house owner choose fight with player rather than reporting the crime to the authorities now they should play safe & will report player's crime

- Display Case Bug Fix : WHY all display case owned by faction is FREE lockpick-able?? AoG will make sure ALL of THAT DISPLAY CASES should be off limit (except if you join that faction)

- Aggression & Disposition Tweak, correct all pure evil actors that should be hostile as intended. This will fix so many mods that have incorrect aggression. Merchant actors will be excluded from this fix, because some actor can go break if I modify his/her aggression. This conclude that I target only NPCs in the BIG FIVE EVIL factions in vast Oblivion and that is Bandits, Marauders, Conjurers, Vampires, Necromancers. They are hostile, they SHOULD BE hostile, unless you're same faction as them... in case you use mod that can make you join that five Evils like guild or something. ALL creatures that have health 25 or below will be DOCILE, so no more mudcrabs beating...rats killing...aggresive weak slaughterfish.

Fix Vanilla strange combat behavior when sometimes AI barehanded even though they have weapons in inventory :p

NPC Free Loot : now player can loot from unconscious essential NPC without restriction

- NPC will pick up any weapons or shield nearby in combat, so disarmed opponents will be more challenging in all times (since high level player disarm foe too frequent !! right ? )

NPC will patrol rather than standing doing nothing like stone (ex:3 vilverin bandit that just stand on chair, now will patrol)
of ALL overhaul mod that I have encountered still there is no one that touch hang-up standing NPC, I think AoG is the first
rest assured this feature will not conflict with any mods
TEST A, test without AoG ; 1. start new game, go to Vilverin ; 2. you must be in invisible mode, type this in console Player.AddSpell 1EEF4 ; 3. search three NPCs that only stand in front of chair and table, inspect it !! remember it !! (location of standing hang-up NPCs : the one before the boulder trap, the one in balcony, the one near next teleport door)
TEST B, with AoG loaded ; 1. start new game, go to Vilverin ; 2. you must be in invisible mode, type this in console Player.AddSpell 1EEF4 ; 3. check again that three NPCs in TEST A (the one before the boulder trap, the one in balcony, the one near next teleport door) :-D I believe three of them now is moving around freely

- NPC will always repair their own equipment after combat, I think this is essential, make your companions realize & care about maintaining their own gears. Also you'll NEVER ever encounter fool enemies with broken equipment

- Fix NPC Endless Flee Bug, I am pretty sure if you play Oblivion long enough sometimes your encounter NPC fleeing endlessly, now all of that been fixed and cut the flee crap short into just 60 seconds

- Have you ever wonder when you still in invisible mode, ALL the NPCs looking at you ? Nonsense ! NOW all of THAT will change ! They will not head track you when you're in invisible mode !

Fix alarm bug actors. NPCs alarmed trespass still follow player even in invisible mode ! Nonsense !

- Fix bug detection corpse. No more annoying bug NPCs Dead/Knockout/Disabled can still detect player. This is crucial fix, because some mods out there may using syntax IsActorDetected for detection validation. AoG correct this behavior so detection script related in whatever mod that loaded in your load order should be fine

Fix Container Disappear Bug, never ever again miss any of your precious items in storage (see Official bug here)

- ... still more features to come :)

[  What's New ?  ]
New Greed Extinct !!
Changelog (for older log see file AoG changelog.txt in bundle)
AoG v136.07
- Wild Sleep Penalty : disease percentage setting in Misc INI not working bug fixed (report from Grogrokl.Thx!)
- Greed Ethic : new setting in Misc INI for toggleable Staggering Effect (suggest by Grogrokl.Thx!)
- Wild Sleep Penalty : double settings in Misc INI bug fixed, and configuration changed into percentage rather than 100% disease chance (suggest by Grogrokl.Thx!)
- Greed Effect : fire disappear bug fixed, esp Greed Empire updated, contain compatibility for street light script (report from 1Mac.Thx!)
- Greed Watcher : surveillance distance reduced into 2500 radius (suggest by Darklocq.Thx!)
- Greed Torch : added new setting in Misc INI for companion torch compatibility (suggest by Darklocq.Thx!)

- NEW! Greed Extinct : got any phobia? spider or insect phobia? or something like rat phobia? USE THIS :D !! Now you could configure which creatures should go extinct in Misc INI. ATTENTION, if you exclude too much creatures it could break some quests or events !! (suggest by Shoin2.Thx!)
- Greed Vision : better validation for actors that should have detect life ability

- Greed Quest : added more items in deeper level of leveled list
- esp Greed Empire updated, contain name fixes for misc items (Greed Quest compatible)
- Angel Mode : resurrect on certain actor can cause ctd bug fixed
- Greed Hilight : change possible minimum detection range from 30 to 5 feet (suggest by Darklocq.Thx!)
- Greed Law : witness tracking causing conflict with my own BSS mod bug fixed
- Greed Law : locate witnesses by quest marker up to 10 person (suggest by sunhawken.Thx!)
- wrong initial var initialization bug fixed
- Greed Pledge : scale down disposition for Greed Pledge from 100 to >90 (suggest by Darklocq.Thx!)
- script improved better valdiation on companion, sheat unsheat bug fixed... I hope.. (report from Darklocq.Thx!)
- added new setting in Misc INI 'Reload Greed INI setting', by default Greed INI will always loaded every game session (report from Darklocq.Thx!)
- faster event initialization and some important components
- Pet Creature : now this feature compatible with Greed Percept, custom icon changed
- Greed Loot : small tweak on actors loot
- NEW! Clean Up : have you ever wonder that we can't restore world object to its original location by that annoying-hard-to-control-infamous vanilla GRABBING feature? HA! Now you can use spell 'Tidy Up!' to recover all that placed REFs in-game to its respective original position!!
- NEW! Pet Creature : an ability to be more affectionate towards animal, from start you'll be given this cute spell (permission from T3alrose.Thx!)
- NEW! Greed Loot : you know... why Oblivion world is so barren and very poor? the NPCs, the chests in dungeon and ayleid, all of its content is too little ! Now with this feature turned On, you'll see much much more better loots than before when you open any locked containers or chests
- bsa file updated, added new mesh animation for Pet Creature

[  What's Next ?  ]
if I have the 'right' motivation AoG may get update... this list of features is super difficult like hell
need 10 kilograms of logic + 5 liters OBSE scripting ability + 1 tea spoon of creativity + a ton of perseverence

- Greed Quest : NPCs get random repeatable quest per day. Such as request specific item(s), escort jobs, dungeon loot & crawl, delivery request to their relations etc etc --> created on 13 Nov 2017

- Greed Estate : all houses in cities can be owned by player. The owner must be registered in morgue / Ageless Tomb (Greed Honor) --> created on 27 Nov 2017

- Greed Spawn : now enemies spawn every where like MMORPG

- Greed Emblem : complete Arena overhaul. Adoring fan now is your arena manager, try talk to him to get some more info regarding arena

- Greed Mercy : every NPCs may yield / forfeit if their health is critical or have low confidence

- Greed Rumble : player can duel with any NPC in town

- Greed Riot : BAR FIGHT ! LOL

- Greed Empire : *secret*

You have some new fresh idea or opinion ? and want to brainstorm ??
Let's talk !! I've opened several threads in here :
• Discussion about Greed Quest
• Discussion about Real Singing Bard

- Teaser, video showcase by bevilex -
for more AoG Video showcase click here

[  FAQ  ]
1. Between upgrading versions, clean save suggested ?
No need to start new game to implement new features, if you do update --- AoG will notify version upgrade in your last session. This mod works on loaded savegame.
2. Should AoG always be built into the bashed patch ?
No, this mod is standalone can still run well even without Shivering Isle. But Yes --- for the best stability I implore you to use Wrye Bash - Bashed Patch for Oblivion, Trust me you won't regret it. For native/former AoG users that using WB, I will try to slip message something like 'PLEASE REBUILD your Bashed Patch' in changelog
3. Is AoG compatible with other overhaul mod such as MOO , SDR , FCOM , Frans , OOO ?
Yes, it is compatible. Several users reported to me (I analyzed it by their submitted load order)
4. Why sometimes my Oblivion crash when looting arrow ?
Probably this issue caused by 2 things. First is because EquipmentMode in OR mod (Oblivion Reloaded ---> from this thread) you should turn that feature off. The Second is, because Heap algorithm from OSR mod (Oblivion Sutter Remover) some user report that Heap algorithm can cause their game become unstable. This issue is global not just affect AoG, that two great mods OR + OSR have this issue since long and somehow not all user have this issue.
5. Why NOT ALL AoG features toggled on/off ready ?
So far AoG users is all Jolly Happy Merry with current, you can see that evidence by reading AoG comments history. BUT if you think some features should be toggleable just tell me. Then I can make that patch ready. IMHO the current AoG built-in features that non-toggleable is the most crucial one and non-negotiable, because it is NEEDED for every Oblivion user.

[  Incompatibilities  ]
... Please, don't stack AoG with :
- Reeners Guard Overhaul, will conflict with Greed Watcher
- SM Combat Hide, will conflict with Combat Timeout feature
- Duke Patricks Near Miss, will conflict with Greed Ranger. But it will be fine with SDR near miss or MOO near miss feature
- Dungeon Actors Have Torches / Exterior Actors Have Torches, will conflict with AoG Torch
- Neck Seam Fixer / Neck Seam Concealers / Luchaires Neck Seam, will conflict with Greed Amulet
- Daily Income Revised by RogueMage, will conflict with Greed Wallet
- Book Tracker, will conflict with Greed Wisdom
- Save Skill Books For Later, will conflict with Greed Wisdom
- Duke Patricks Fresh Kills Alert NPCs, will conflict with AoG built-in corpse alert when pc murder actors
- Random Encounters, will conflict with Greed Wrath
- Crime has witnesses by kuertee, will conflict with Greed Law
- Running Revised Sprinting Fatigue, will conflict with AoG Greed Rush
- Clean up by kuertee, will confcilt with Dynamic Object Purger
- NO PSYCHIC GUARDS 12, AoG already contains game setting that make guards more reasonable
- Enchantment Restore Over Time OBSE, will conflict with Reanimate Enchantment & Ayleid Well Refill

[  Known issue  ]
- please don't use AoG with mod stated above (see green text above) AoG is containing that many feature itself so don't worry. I think incompatible mod list is more than that, because I really need some feedback & report from you if you find any conflicting mods
- Conflict with any mod that >> change all good NPC into evil faction. The example I found is mod "Duke Patricks Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPC" this great mod have bug that modify all nice actors to evil faction so many things become mess up
- if you have Add Actor Value mod installed in your load order, sometimes there is little conflict with that mod. So far is just minor with Greed Snatcher causing infinite stolen item can be picked up repeatedly
- feature Camera Mode in Oblivion Reloaded will conflict with Hunter mode. Just turn off Camera Mode from OR INI file and you should good to go

You will NOT find this mod elsewhere, if you found this mod in other sites THAT file is unauthorized & PLEASE tell me ASAP
This is just my little contribution for Nexus & the community hope you like it. Oblivion is my first best custom personal game

Thanks to Master Forli my modding skill is improved
Thank you Bethesda! Thx Nexus! Thanks creative modders all of you give many great inspirations!

Nice feedback from : (sorted by timeline, newest grace is last line)
asteriasennall (pict + suggestion + bug reporting + DONATION)
Tsuroshi (pict + AoG vocab help + suggestion + bug reporting)
motarx (suggestion + bug reporting)
Grogrokl (suggestion + bug reporting)
forli (EXPERT script consultant, my teacher)
Oblivionaddicted (suggestion)
ElderScrollsFan001 (suggestion)
Dennai (suggestion + bug reporting)
dzzjj (suggestion)
wroma74 (bug reporting)
fienyx (suggestion)
Maskar (torch light source)
Elbethien (AoG torch mesh help)
forumid (suggestion + bug reporting)
FireTehVahu (suggestion + bug reporting + DONATION)
Susaphone (suggestion + bug reporting)
Fafnir01 (pict + suggestion + bug reporting)
zdswulyx (suggestion)
TheOxrox (bug reporting)
scythiss (bug reporting + DONATION)
Tiawar (suggestion)
llde (OBSE bug ticketing help)
HagenTronje (crypt design help)
cheechaedo1 (suggestion)
CarlosS4444 (suggestion + bug reporting)
bevilex (bug reporting + Video)
monkeyangie (bug reporting)
Mercer Meka (suggestion)
kadzooks (bug reporting)
monshael (suggestion + bug reporting)
Aariez (bug reporting)
thelegg77 (suggestion)
roblesstevena (suggestion + bug reporting + mesh editing help)
NudasPriest (bug reporting)
LostJak (suggestion)
Seferoth (AoG vocab help + suggestion + bug reporting + DONATION)
DylanXX2 (bug reporting)
Karmus15 (suggestion + bug reporting)
Mat1024 (suggestion)
escaspain (suggestion)
zeroCoo1 (bug reporting)
Gonzales320 (bug reporting)
sunhawken (bug reporting)
T3alrose (suggestion)
(if your name is not listed here & had contributed PLEASE tell me)

Detect Item by Wyzard - for idea of item detection, so I can expand this idea to be more
Detect Goods by Pepsi - for great effect shader that I applied it to container, dead body & plant
Life Detected by tejon - for effect shader collection, especially the good plasma effect
Neck Seam Fixer by Alenet - for making amulet to be better eye candy and fit to the neck, Vanilla amulet is too much gap

Neck Seam Concealers Expanded by Khettienna - for many beautiful amulet mesh for neck seam
DZ Auto Harvest by DZ - for example get mass plant script
Reneers Guard Overhaul by Reneer - for guard follow and bribe script, so player greed using AoG can be suppressed
Crime has witnesses by kuertee - for make great mod to player crime detection
Loot To Gold by Zephalos - for container transaction code, this give me idea so stolen item ownership can be overridden
Crowded Roads Advanced by Shakh - for making great npc on the road of Oblivion!
SM Combat Hide by Strategy Master - for example aggression confidence actor value and hide combat logic
Duke Patricks Near Miss by Duke Patrick - for great idea for archer realism and npc behaviour
Dungeon Actors Have Torches by nenina - for idea that make oblivion not too creepy so there's is a light in the darkness...
Daily Income Revised by RogueMage - for payday idea allowance makes player using thief character can be more cheer up
Book Tracker by wavion - for his idea about tracking player book read history
Save Skill Books For Later OBSE by showler - for making skill upgrade from skill book can be used later
Duke Patricks Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs - for idea about npc consciousness, care about fresh corpse nearby
Random Encounters by b3w4r3 - for example leveled list that can be used to generate simple random spawn
Crime has witnesses by kuertee - for great mod that prevent psychic crime detection in Oblvion and more realism
Dynamic Torches by Malonn - for example Drop Lit script so torch can be more useful in combat
DA Sprint by Deathless Aphrodite - for sprint running script and backwards penalty add much realism
Clean Up by kuertee - for give us modder the idea of cleaning up the unwanted object
Enchantment Restore Over Time OBSE by flyfightflea - for great alternative enchantment recharge
Diverse Magic Effects Resource by CookiesMonster - for its amazing magic effect variant
Pet your animals by T3alrose - for cute animal petting animation

My other mod
Click this link for more info and downloads,