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About this mod

Highly configurable combat overhaul inspired by Skyrim combat mods and other action games. The majority of features can also be used separately. Frequently updated with new features. Includes Gamepad support for Northern UI.

Permissions and credits

  • English version of Oblivion (Chinese version available here)
  • OBSE (v0021) or xOBSE (Recommended)
  • NorthernUI (only for the NUI version)
  • EngineBugFixes (not required, but highly recommended)
  • Freeing up a couple of keys/buttons, or changing controls in the ini


This mod will add numerous new mechanics to Oblivion's combat, most of which are inspired by games such as Dark Souls, Sekiro, Nioh, and various Skyrim combat mods. Works best if playing in third person, though it is not required. Highly configurable, every feature can be tweaked and/or disabled.

The current version of the mod includes:

( x = optional/disabled by default)

  •  Dodging: with i-frames, first person dodging, timed dodges, perfect dodges, NPC dodging, etc.
  •  Backstabs: attacks made against enemies that cannot see you deal bonus damage
  •  Critical Strikes: global critical strike chance x
  •  Hitstop: on-hit time slowdown
  •  Poise: count-based stagger system with a cooldown
  •  Enemy AI/Creature AI: increased enemy reaction speed, condition-based combat styles, enemy dodging/countering, etc
  •  Enemy AI Chase Idles: greatly reduces enemy weapon swinging while running at the player
  •  Bashing: reaction-based, staggers enemies out of blocking animation and power attacks
  •  Attack Chains: allows you to cancel your current attack and immediately attack again, if timed correctly
  •  Attack Cancel: allows you to block/dodge-cancel out of your attacks
  •  Attack Cleaving: allows you to hit multiple enemies with weapon attacks
  •  Guard Counters: completely original feature, not stolen from a certain game
  •  Weapon Clash: simulates the clashing of weapons if two fighters attack at the same time
  •  Parry/Counter: staggers enemies, allows the next attack to deal more damage
  •  Lock-on: now with an animated marker!
  •  Finishers: allows executing low health enemies, works on any enemy
  •  Power Attacks: adds extra effects depending on the weapon's type
  •  Attack Commitment related options for the player x
  •  Attack Commitment for enemies
  •  Equipment Remover for killed NPC's x
  •  Equipment Requirements x
  •  Short Recoil Animations for faster paced combat
  •  Attack Animations: adds more weight to weapon attacks and increases wind-up time x
  •  Combat Rating: performing well in combat will award the player with tokens
  •  Marksman additions: Charged Shots, Power Shots, the Steady Hand perk from Skyrim, Denock, and more
  •  Consumables: two healing items are added to the world, used with a custom key, and animated
  •  Other misc. additions such as Block Sparks, a stable Purge Cell Buffers feature, a toggleable light source, etc.
  •  Some more cool stuff!

Dark Souls Stamina includes:

  •  Stamina system similar to Dark Souls (Fatigue will regen a lot faster but actions such as attacking, blocking, dodging, etc. will drain more Fatigue. Fatigue regeneration is also disabled while performing these actions.)

An in-game book will automatically be added once the mod is initialized for the first time. This book will describe the mod's features and how to take advantage of them.

The default controls for various features can be found in the spoiler below, if you do not wish to read the manual. (but you should!)


Keyboard controls:

Dodge: Left Shift
Parry: Timed Block (custom key available)
Bashing: B (Block + Attack available)
Guard Counter: LMB while blocking, after getting hit
Lock-On: F to Lock-on, F while locked on to switch target, hold RMB and press F to stop locking on
Finishers/Executions: Activate key while holding the Attack key
Consumables: N/RMB + N
Charged Shots/Power Shots toggle: H
Arrow Cancel/Denock: Sheathe/Unsheathe key while aiming with a bow
Light Toggle: J

Gamepad Controls:

Dodge: B
Parry: Timed Block (can be assigned to a button in the ini)
Bashing/Guard Counter: LT + RT (Guard Counters take priority)
Lock-on: RS to Lock-on/stop locking on, move RS left/right to change targets
Executions: Activate key while holding the Attack key (Defaults to RT + A)
Consumables: Unmapped (can be assigned to a button in the ini)
Charged Shots/Power Shots toggle: LT (hold while Blocking) + D-Pad Left
Arrow Cancel/Denock: Sheathe/Unsheathe key while aiming with a bow (Defaults to RT + X)

Controls can be changed in the ini file.

I realize that some of these controls overlap with vanilla Oblivion's controls, this is because I've changed my own controls years ago and actually kind of... forgot what the default controls are. Here are my own controls for reference:

Activate: E
Cast: Q
Jump: Space
Ready weapon: R
Run: \ (unused)
Always Run: Z
Auto Run: X
Change View: G/MMB

I honestly don't even know if there are any conflicting gamepad controls. B isn't mapped to anything for me, so I made that the Dodge key. LT+X also does nothing so I mapped it to Bashing. If I messed up big time then I apologize, it's probably my fault because I changed the controls at some point, forgot about it, and assumed that those were the default button mappings. You can either remap the buttons themselves or change the controls in the mod's ini so I hope it's not too big of an issue!

This mod is ideally used together with high damage multipliers to shift combat towards more of a reaction/counter-based experience. It basically gives you the tools to evade or counter every attack - but also punishes the player's mistakes through player Poise, a 3 second cooldown on failed Parries, stamina management from Dark Souls Stamina, etc.

The mod is highly configurable however, and you can increase/decrease combat difficulty by tweaking/enabling/disabling the various options in the ini.

This mod has been expanded a lot since it first released and will continue to grow in features, so I would recommend not using any other combat mods alongside this one if using the full mod with all of it's features enabled, though anything that simply increases damage done is compatible and recommended.

Individual features from the mod will most likely have no compatibility issues as long as there is no overlap with other mods.

Some of the mod's controls will overlap with vanilla Oblivion's controls, this is because I've changed my own controls years ago and actually kind of... forgot what the default controls are. Here are my own controls for reference:

Activate: E
Cast: Q
Jump: Space
Ready weapon: R
Run: \ (unused)
Always Run: Z
Auto Run: X
Change View: G/MMB

I'd recommend changing the default controls to free up keys for the mod's features, but the controls for Dodging/Bashing/etc. can also be changed in the ini file.

Other than that, the (full) mod should be compatible with more popular mods such as OOO/MMM/MOO, etc, because I always test the mod with some of them active, usually OOO + Frans.

  • Mods that change stagger frequency/duration will conflict with Poise
  • Custom races/characters with extra limbs might be incompatible with the mod's animations, resulting in stretching of body parts
  • Sex mods with extra bones for visible genitals will probably only stretch if you do mod-related stuff while naked
  • Incompatible with Unidirectional Attack, updated/custom versions are included in this mod
  • This mod includes a PCB feature (Purge Cell Buffers) that will only run once in a while
  • Incompatible with Enhanced Camera for now, dodging in first person causes the camera to go crazy
  • Compatible with Vanilla Combat Enhanced - except for VCE's scripted changes, which probably won't interact well with this mod's Poise feature. If you're using VCE then you should either disable it's scripted changes in VCE's ini, or disable Poise from this mod.

The mod functions purely through scripts, so the load order should not matter. The only thing this mod changes is the default Light spell color (from green to torch-colored) and the change might get overwritten by other mods below this one. I have it loaded last personally, after the bashed patch/MOO. Dark Souls Stamina needs to be loaded below the main mod.

Most features in this mod are achieved through OBSE functions, invisible clothing, and  a couple of silent spell effects. These will only last for a few seconds and will quickly get removed from the player/enemies when they are no longer needed. Combat between NPC's will also remain unchanged from vanilla, as everything in the mod will only function if the player is involved.

The most script-intensive features in this mod are Enemy AI/Creature AI (has been reworked to improve performance though), and to a lesser extent, Poise. Try to disable them if you experience slowdowns or if the mod's performance isn't to your liking.

Just drop the files in your Data folder or install with Wrye Bash, and either check the ini to customize the mod to your liking or simply read the in-game manual to get started if you wish to play with the default settings enabled.

The 'Main Files' folder includes the .esp file along with the necessary folders to get the mod to work, along with short Recoil animations, while the 'Optional' folder includes optional stuff such as slower dodge animations, even shorter recoil, and edited attack animations that add short wind-ups while also increasing delay between attacks.

How to install with Wrye Bash:

Drag the 7zip archive into the Installers tab in Wrye Bash, click on it and you'll see a list of sub-packages on the right side of your screen. Tick the '00 Core' box (this one is required), then also tick the boxes for whichever additional features you would like to install. After that right-click the 7z archive on the left side (called MCA_1.9.999_BAIN.7z, for example) then click on Install.

The mod includes a couple of tweaks/quality of life changes that are enabled by default, such as:

- The removal of vanilla knockback when actors get hit
- Third person camera fix that forces it to always instantly rotate with the player
- Purge Cell Buffers feature that helps with stability (activates on each interior -> exterior transition)

Other tweaks to game settings such as reduced hit cone angles and movement speed changes can be enabled in the mod's ini. The above tweaks can also be disabled there.

I wouldn't recommend uninstalling mid-game, but if you wish to do so, go into an empty cell with no NPC's around, save the game, then disable the mod. If that doesn't work, just disable all features in the ini and it'll be like the mod isn't even loaded.

- Something that increases all damage done (there are disabled damage settings in this mod's ini that can be used as well)
- Attack animations from this mod if playing in third person, a couple of features are balanced around them
- Ultimate Leveling (this mod is all about not getting hit, and Ultimate Leveling will allow you to increase your Armor skills by leveling up)
- Combat Stance Reanimation (used in the mod's images/video)
- OCSS and it's English Translation
- WalkBlessed (Amazing mod for Third-Person gameplay)
- Oblivion Subtle Sprint
- Interact Animations (decent mod but the mod's author is kind of an idiot)
- Symphony of Violence (goes well with the SFX from this mod)
- Something that increases enemy numbers, to use with Attack Cleaving

And the following stability mods:

- NVAC (not an Oblivion mod but it does work)
- EngineBugFixes


- Equipment Requirements description

Equipment Requirements is based on weapon/armor tiers, so every piece of a Daedric set for example will have the same Heavy Armor requirement.

This does not fully apply to weapons if there are multiple weapon types in the same category. The order for Blade weapons, for example, goes Dagger -> Shortsword -> Longsword/Claymore, with the latter being the most demanding.

The required Blade skill to equip a Daedric Longsword is 100, so a Daedric Shortsword will require 95 skill, and a Daedric Dagger will require 90 skill.

The same goes for all weapon types with multiple kinds of weapons within them.

The weakest armor set of it's type requires at least 10 skill to wear, to make things interesting for very low level characters so that they will need to train (or level, use Ultimate Leveling - it's great) their armor skills a couple of times, otherwise even Rusty Iron/Fur armor will be unequippable.

Bound items and Quest items are excluded and should be equippable regardless of your skills.

If used together with the Equipment Remover, you will actually have to scavenge for single armor pieces - half of which you will not even be able to equip. Sounds like fun, right? maybe not, but it should make things a bit more interesting.

It's also compatible with weapon/armor mods or mods that change weapon damage/armor rating. I've tested every weapon/armor set in the testing hall with OOO active, with and without MOBS, and all I can say is I T J U S T W O R K S

- Replacing AI Chase animations

(Requires NifSkope)

The included chase animations are vanilla walk/run animations. If these are too jarring or if they differ too much from the animations mods you're using, you can do the following.

1. Grab the following animations from your /data/meshes/characters/_male folder and copy them somewhere:


2. Open each one in NifSkope, double-click on the 'Value' field next to 0 NiControllerSequence, and rename it to something that has 'specialidle_' in front of it, for example:


(you can give them all the same name too, it doesn't matter as long as it has specialidle_ in front of it)

3. Click on 0 NiControllerSequence again, and find Cycle Type in the list above it. Change it from CYCLE_CLAMP to CYCLE_LOOP (double-click it then scroll your mouse wheel up a couple of times)

4. Save the files in NifSkope and close it. After that, rename the actual files you just edited:

onehandforward.kf -> MCADistantIdle1H.kf
onehandfastforward.kf -> MCADistantIdleFast1H.kf
twohandforward.kf -> MCADistantIdle2H.kf
twohandfastforward.kf -> MCADistantIdleFast2H.kf

After you've done that, paste the animations into your data/meshes/characters/_male/idleanims folder, and overwrite the existing files.

Note: you can also rename these files if you want enemies to only walk or run at you. Duplicating and renaming MCADistantIdleFast1H.kf to MCADistantIdle1H.kf for example will replace the walking animation with the run animation, which eliminates enemy walking behavior and causes them to only run at you without swinging their weapons.

5. Realize that you can do this with any idle animation and replace the Bashing animation with some sort of sexual thrust or something.

- Visible Healthbars above enemies' heads

Go to Documents/My Games/Oblivion and open Oblivion.ini, then find the following line: bHealthBarShowing=0
And change it to 1 so it reads: bHealthBarShowing=1

- An option in the ini is not working as expected

That can happen because the mod gets updated frequently and the code is constantly changing, which can sometimes break an option that depends on said code. I try to test all of the different settings as much as I can, but there's always a chance that an ini option no longer works once the mod gets updated. Just let me know about it and I'll have it fixed shortly.

- Default ini settings

The default settings have pretty much every notable feature enabled and are more of a demonstration of what the mod can do. This game can be modded in a lot of ways and the default settings might not be particularly balanced for your game, which mostly applies to overhauls that increase enemy spawn rates.

I'll include ini presets for them at some point in the future, but my advice for now, if using OOO/MMM/MOO or something similar, is to disable the Clash feature and increase player Poise to your liking in the ini file. This will allow you to cleave through hordes of enemies without recoiling from enemy weapons and getting staggered too much.

- Enemies not following outside when leaving dungeons

Disable the PCB feature of the mod, it's at the end of the ini. It should not happen anymore since there is a 7 second delay before the buffers get purged.

- Compatibility issues/Crashes/Bugs/Other issues

The lack of an audio codec/filter called 'AC3 Filter' can apparently be a reason for random crashes. Not just with this mod but in general. If random crashes occur either with or without this mod, try installing 'AC3 Filter' or 'K-Lite Codec Pack' which can easily be found with a Google search. (credits to gabrielrock19 for the information on this)

Please report mod-specific issues to me in the comments! There are so many mods out there that I've never used myself, so there's no way I would know whether they are or aren't compatible with this one. I check the Nexus every day so if you find any bugs or strange interactions with other mods and let me know about them, there's a good chance that I'll have it fixed in a couple of days max. So please report them!

- Dark Souls Stamina regen amount

The regen amount scales with both the equipped armor type (heavy or light/none) and the player's level. A high level character wearing light armor or no armor at all will have the highest stamina regen possible.

- Getting staggered a lot

Player Poise is enabled by default because I feel like it's balanced well enough for vanilla enemy spawn rates. It'll be easy for enemies to stagger you at low levels/low Endurance, but you'll be able to stagger them just as easily. All enemy attacks can be evaded or countered in duels/small encounters from my experience, but if you use a mod that adds an ungodly amount of enemies to dungeons (like OOO for example) then you're probably better off disabling/increasing player Poise in the mod's ini unless you think you can dodge or parry every attack.

Enemy AI Chase Idles should at least reduce the amount of time spent getting ganked because enemies will have a 50% chance to slowly walk towards you when chasing instead of running at you while swinging their weapons around.

Attack Cleaving should help out a bit as well, since you'll be able to hit (and stagger) multiple enemies with your attacks.

- Getting staggered for a split second

That's the Poise feature saying 'No!' to vanilla/random stagger. It won't even be noticeable if your framerate is stable, but if the engine is overloaded at that point then it might take a little while for the script to kick in, usually about a second.

- This mod has a bunch of features that can kill enemies

The kills are registered as player kills, so it won't break anything by not giving you credit for killing an enemy with backstabs, cleave damage, etc.

- No damage settings included/disabled by default

I'm not fully sure how damage is calculated in this game, because I've been simply using MOO/OOO/VCE/something else to increase all damage myself. The damage values in the ini SHOULD make fights more lethal in theory - but I can't guarantee that they're super balanced or anything. This mod is all about adding a lot of cool scripted combat-related features to the game, so that's what I focus on most of the time! If you're able to find or figure out damage multipliers that go well with this mod then feel free to let me know about them.

- No Unidirectional Attack timer configuration in the ini

The length of the directional lock is only as long as the enemy's attack animation length, so no timers needed.

- Chase Idles doesn't work on certain enemies

It only applies to melee enemies (or whatever the game considers a melee class) so that enemy archers and mages can keep doing their thing from a distance. If an enemy is displaying default chase behavior (running at you while swinging non-stop) then it's either an archer or a mage.

- Purpose of Creature AI

The current version cranks everything up to 11 which results in Creatures being much more active and chaining various attacks together. Creatures with weapons or shields will attempt to block player attack spam whenever possible.

- No first-person animations

Will try to create first person equivalents of the mod's attack animations soon. Update: nope, still can't create any because the camera just sinks into the ground whenever I attempt to add/modify first person animations. Will keep looking into it.

- Lock-on sucks

Not anymore it doesn't!

- Lock-on stutter

Not much I can do about that one unfortunately, the Lock-on script runs every frame and should be smooth in theory. The issue lies with Oblivion's frame pacing or something. You can fix it by installing Oblivion Display Tweaks with the Tick Fix enabled. Oblivion Stutter Remover should be able to fix it as well.

- Lock-on Angle Bug

Sometimes, when circling around an enemy while locked on, the game gets confused and doesn't know what to do anymore. Your compass will disappear and your attacks won't hit anything. Seems to be an engine bug that I can't do anything about script-wise, but is easily fixable by just... moving the mouse (or Right Stick) up and down.

- Animations bad

Y e s

- Colored Shaders on actors during combat

Those are basically there to let you know whenever a mod-added combat event is happening. Powerattacking enemies glow red for a second, Poise-broken actors emit an orange glow once their Poise has reset, your character will briefly glow on succesful Parries/Attack Chains, etc. I feel like they can help new users get familiar with the mod's features. You can of course disable all of them in the mod's ini.

- Consumables are named like [this]

It puts them at the top of the list when looking through a container, making them easier to find. Some mods add a lot of misc. items to NPC's and chests, and having to search through all of them every time just to find a healing item can get a bit annoying.

- Reason for all the optional stuff

It's because I don't really want to force anything on anyone with this mod - that's why pretty much everything can be configured or turned off.

- Gore/mutilation/other disgusting stuff

Besides having to add more requirements to the mod, I'm just not a fan of seeing people get decapitated or screaming in agony because their limbs have been torn off and just thinking about it makes me want to vomit so I'm gonna have to pass. Sorry!

- Only female characters in images/videos

I have this specialanims.esp that gives my character unique but feminine animations, and I'm too lazy to turn it off. That's it, that's the whole reason. This mod will work just fine with male characters.

- A couple of features don't work in the NorthernUI version

These are mainly the ones that use walk/run toggle to function - NorthernUI doesn't have this because it's replaced by joystick movement instead, so Momentum/Charged Shots slowdown are currently not functional in the NUI version.

If anything else is missing then it's because it requires free buttons on the controller of which there seems to be a lack of!

- The OBSE team
- llde for xOBSE
- DavidJCobb for NorthernUI
- documn for Double-tap Dodge
- mitzi for Unidirectional Attack and Stagger Recoil & Hitstop
- Souldemon for Better Recoil and Stagger
- Bethesda for the TES games, which are among my favorite games out there
- People in the Comments section for giving me ideas for new features and helping me improve the mod!
- Wiepman for info on the PCB command
- TheKingdomSCH for taking the time to translate this mod into Chinese
- My cat for being such a cute kitty
- Coffee