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About this mod

New HD animated menu video for Darnified UIs (1920x1080). Replaces the original start menu video with an animated background loop.
It comes with reworked Oblivion logos (3 versions). I also added an optional Morroblivion logo for Diana's STEP fallowers.

Permissions and credits
Title: Darnified Animated Menu Video
Author: Grim Reaper
Release v1.1


This mod changes old menu loop for new animated menu videos. It also includes new reworked Tiltle logos to fit better with new videos.

New map loop videos have been done with HD sources and sized to fullHD (1920x1080). Loop has been designed not to be visible and gives a perpetual feeling.

This is a modified version of NorthernUI Animated Menus to work with and respect mood of Darnified UI and its modded versions. Original Darnified Start menu Fonts were too dark to look good with that menu : i changed color to middle grey. OA Dark users won't have this problem as fonts are yellow.
I could  add different colors on suggestions or request.


Unlike NorthernUI Animated Menus mod, Darnified menu doesn't allow for an overlay to be loaded...Nevermind : overlays have been incrusted in menu videos.
Drawback of such method is that it makes the mod pretty big in size. This is why i had to split mod in two parts : main part with naked menus videos and an optional pack with videos + incrusted overlays.

- Added options for OA DarkUI,  based on Darnified UI (Menu Color yellow).
- Also included the usual Morroblivion stuff (Title logo) for both Darnified and OA DarkUI.
- You'll have to choose between 3 videos and 3 logos to compose your menu.
- Vanilla logo reworked and tweaked to enhanced UI (3 versions : Vanilla, Darnified, Vanilla + Darnified)

Alternatively, you can use OA Dark option for Darnified mod i you wish. It is compatible and will ONLY change Menu font color.

Music is from Adrian von Ziegler . Relaxing Nordic/Viking Music - Ótroðinn (Now included in download section).

Added (v1.1) : new main_menu.xml that adds offset to recenter Title + Menu buttons in left space between Character and screen right border.

UPDATE : DXT5 overlay textures + mip maps to fix possible purple glow around logo. Grab patch in Miscelleanous section.

Main video and Oblivion Vanilla logo are enabled by default with the CORE module. Change them by selecting another logo/video  within the option list.

Install Instructions V1.0:

Archive is BAIN ready and includes all options. It is recommended to use wrye Bash to be able to select core module + options/no options

Manual installation :     - extract CORE module to Data and overwrite existing file.
                       - select (if required) optional Logo module and extract it to Data\Textures\Menus\loading folder. Overwrite existing file.
                       - select (if required) One of the Animated video modules from Optional pack and extract it to Data\video folder. Overwrite
 existing Map Loop video.

PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT OBLIVION.INI is pointing at this video:
SMainMenuMovie=Map Loop.bik

IF YOU USE OBLIVION RELOADED (6.5)  then make sure that  ReplaceIntro = 0 in OblivionReloaded.ini inside OBSE\Plugins folder

Feel free to use this stuff for your own mod creation... we are all here to share ..aren't we? . A little credit and i'll be happy :)

~Grim Reaper~