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About this mod

A fix to Myst's Dark Brotherhood gear from the Vanilla Gear redux mod! Mostly to the face coverings, justice for Argonians & Khajiits snouts! Also made them as replacements for the Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary!

Permissions and credits
Mentioned the bash tags in the ESP summary/description, in some mods I done I was told the added bash tags aren't staying, so I'm going over some mods that has ESPs & mentioning the bash tag(s) in the ESP summary. If the ESP summary somehow is gone as well, here's the bash tags for this mod ESP: Deactivate, Graphics, NoMerge

This for those got BDBS (Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary) installed I made it that the VGR Shrouded Armor to replace over the BDBS files for they can appear in-game with that mod. Also with the VGR Dark Brotherhood face covers, I made a edited variant to the leather Shrouded Hood from the Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary mod to make them also have face covers, so there's a option to have those hoods instead to go with the VGR armor. Also those familiar with BDBS probably aware of the included Listener Sanguine Shrouded Armor for it, this download also replaces that gear into the VGR armor style as well! Also includes the VGR Black Hand gear as well. Though note this also includes a ESP file, so you have to activate this in the load order, make sure to have it after the Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary esp.

(NOTE body types:Female body types are HGEC c-cup & male are Roberts)

Myst - Of creating Vanilla Gear Redux, used Shrouded Armor & Black Hand clothes meshes
Khettienna - Of creating Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, used the leather hood mesh & default Shrouded armor from it
HGEC - RAIAR, HGEC Eve Team, Robert - The meshes that Khettienna used are from them so credit to them as well.
Bethesda / Oblivion staff - For creating the game.

If I missed anyone please click the links way above to see the credits of the mentioned mods.

Special Thanks
Dispensation - For letting me know in the comment section of a error that was going on with the Listener's Sanguine Hood within my original esp plugin. Due to that I updated the esp file of it won't have that error anymore.

Same as Myst & Khettienna free to use. But it's important to check their's. If credit, please credit the original creators as well.