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About this mod

An overhaul for Oblivion that aims to make the game more interesting, add some 'QOL' improvements, and offer some unique challenges.

Permissions and credits


I created this mod mostly for myself and to my own tastes, to give myself a more interesting world to explore and play through whenever I'm in an Oblivion mood. There are certain things I liked about other overhauls, and things I didn't like, so I cobbled all my own ideas together into this project. I decided I'd upload it for others to download and experience as well. I hope you enjoy! Below you will find a full list of all changes, additions, re-interpretations, and general overhauls. Credits for all resources used are located at the bottom.

This mod must ABSOLUTELY be at THE VERY BOTTOM of your load order, NO MATTER WHAT, or many things will not work or function as expected, i.e. merchants' gold increase.

A comaptibility edit has been made to Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini file and uploaded here under Optional Files, which prevents MOO from overwriting spawns from my mod. So this mod is now compatible with MOO. I will be working on a compatibility patch for OOO as well.

If you encounter any bugs or other issues such as glitches, other major compatibility problems, or features not working as intended, please give me a shout in the POSTS section of this file page, as I will be checking regularly. I will address any and all issues as promptly as possible. I have tested the mod extensively, but I unfortunately cannot mimic all possible playstyles and modlists/load orders.

I'm open to feedback and constructive criticism on anything here.

PATCH NOTES (v 1.6) - 10/14/2023

> Tribunal Remnants and Black Legion were fairly boring to loot as they didn't drop anything special - this has been changed!

> About 45 additional enchanted items have been created and added to the loot tables of Tribunal Remnants and Black Legion - grunts and commanders. Faction appropriate!

> Five new special enchanted rings have also been created and added to special and grand jewelry loot tables so they can potentially be found anywhere in the game.

- 07/08/2023

> Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul compatibility has been added!! Just use the optional .ini file in the downloads section for a seamless experience with both mods. Drag, drop, and replace.

>all loot in the game has been completely unleveled - meaning any item can be encountered at any level, in any chest or on any enemy or NPC. This will hopefully allow for a more unique experience each playthrough.

> All unique items and quest rewards now only appear as their most powerful versions. No longer worry about not being high enough level to get the best version of a unique item. This extends to KOTN. (Shivering Isles is mostly complete as well.)

> All previously unadjusted quest Gold rewards have been buffed to match up with CTOO's economy.

> All Daedric Artifacts have been adjusted, except for the Ohgma Infinium and Mehrunes Razor. All Daedric Artifact weapons are stronger.

> Imperial City Arena weapons have been adjusted and made more unique, since they can now be looted in CTOO. Shimmerstrike and Grey Aegis have not been adjusted any further.

> Sigil Stones are now also unleveled. You can receive any tier of Sigil Stone from an Oblivion Gate regardless of your level.

> Jyggalag has been reforged into a proper Superboss. He has been added to the list of Superbosses in the mod's main description below!

> Skill leveling speed for the vanilla leveling system has been cut in half from the original CTOO adjustment ; I had made it too fast. Skill leveling is still faster than vanilla.

misc. notes:

> Some enemy encounters have been unleveled, however, many enemy and monster encounters are still leveled to certain extents. Keep in mind all enemy weapons and equipment are still unleveled regardless of their level.



If you're using the vanilla skill-up leveling system, you'll find that leveling skills will no longer take as painfully long. All skill learn multipliers have been increased.

Wherever you can normally find gold and loot, you now have a much higher chance to find significantly more of it. No more empty boss chests at the end of dungeons, and several enemy types have much higher chances of dropping magical loot.

Certain loot, like the tier of weapons and armor you find on certain enemies, is still leveled. If you want to find cooler stuff more often, you'll have to level up to do so, just like vanilla Oblivion. The difference is now you will have a much higher chance to find even more cooler stuff. 
(All loot in the game is now unleveled. Unique items and quest rewards are always their most powerful versions.)

The amount of gold you will find in dungeon chests, and ESPECIALLY boss chests, has been greatly increased. The amount that you find will depend on your level. Never again worry about no loot at the end of a dungeon.
(All gold loot is now random and unleveled. Gold rewards from quests are now always their maximum value, and have been increased.)

The gold value of all vanilla armor and weapons has been raised, which in turn will make them more expensive at vendors, but land you some more money than usual if you have items to sell.

The gold value of several vanilla misc items, including folded and rolled cloths, gold nuggets, silver nuggets, and especially gems of varying tiers, has been greatly increased. Maybe now these items will actually be worth your time to scavenge and pick up?

The value of jewelry has been greatly increased, allowing one to actually turn more than a meager profit playing as a thief. This was also the thinking process for raising item values in general.

Almost all spells in the game have been renamed into a more convenient and easy to understand system. i.e. Fire I, Fire II, Fire III... etc.

Almost all spells in the game have been buffed to make them hit harder or accomplish more, without raising spell costs.

Many scrolls have been renamed, but not all, and all scrolls exist as weaker variants of their actual spell counterparts.

More loot and higher values means more stuff to sell, and if you're like me, you want to actually sell your hard-earned or ill-gotten goodies for what they're worth. To accomplish this, all vanilla General Goods merchants, Blacksmith merchants, and Fences have had their respective barter gold(s) raised to 60,000. If you own a storefront venture, shouldn't you actually have a decent amount of money for trade?

Shady Sam has also been updated to carry more lockpicks at a time, and some additional special items. You won't find this stuff in your local general store, that's for damn sure.

The prices of all vanilla player homes has been increased to accommodate all the extra gold you'll be making. The furnishings you can buy for these homes has also been made more expensive.

Fighter's Guild gold payments for jobs completed has been increased, and is level-scaled.

Thieves' Guild gold payments for special jobs completed has been increased.

The progress threshold for gold amount of stolen items fenced has been increased for the Thieves Guild questline.

Bonus gold rewards for The Dark Brotherhood contracts has been increased, as well as Dead Drop payments.

Gold rewards for The Arena, and weekly Grand Champion matches, has been increased. The rewards for weekly Grand Champion matches is level-scaled. Regular Arena battles are not.

Almost all monster spawns in the game have been unleveled, meaning you could run into any level of beast at any point. Be aware of this before you go dungeon delving or jumping into an Oblivion Gate, and prepare accordingly.

It always drove me crazy that the "Axe" skill was removed and they were lopped in with blunt weapons. If your axe is blunt, it is an ineffective weapon. My mod changes that. All vanilla waraxes and battleaxes are now considered Blade weapons, including weapons added by this mod. Maces and Warhammers are unaffected.

I love the KOTN DLC and Pelinal Whitestrake, so I had to bring this particular content "up to par" with the rest of my overhaul to keep it relevant. The Crusader's Relics have been re-worked and buffed, and Umaril now presents a much more difficult challenge. (more info below)

An optional patch for consistency with Knights of the Nine: Revelation by Lanceor is available.

The Emperor's body is now searchable after he's killed during the tutorial. Shut up, Baurus.

Imperial Palace and Imperial Watch armor are now both playable.

Mudcrabs and Rats are no longer aggressive. Walk the shores and tunnels of Cyrodiil in peace.

All vanilla arrows now weigh 0, as well as arrows I added.

Bound Armor has been given its Morrowind appearance. This does not affect regular Daedric Armor.

Minotaurs now look much better.

Dropped equipment (weapons and shields) in The Arena are now lootable. (Corpses still cannot be looted.)

The Grey Aegis shield now looks cooler.

Wayshrines for all Nine Divines have been added to the Imperial City Arboretum.

This mod, in general, also makes the game a bit more difficult. It is intended for play on Adept (difficulty slider in the middle).

New enemies!

New bosses!

New factions!

New items!


Several central enemy factions of Cyrodiil have been overhauled or replaced entirely with more interesting enemies.

All Marauders in the game have been replaced by The Black Legion faction - Imperial turncoats and outcasts, either dishonorably discharged, wanted for crime or corruption, or outright enemies of The Empire. All swear fealty to former Decorated Imperial General, High General Whitemane. The Black Legion have occupied several forts and other locations in the province.

All Conjurers in the game have been replaced by The Tribunal Temple Remnants faction. After the destruction of Dagoth Ur at the hands of the Nerevarine, and the subsequent disappearance of The Tribune, the Temple entered a period of collapse in Morrowind. A massive crusade of Dunmer fanatics still loyal to the Almsivi have banded together and abandoned Morrowind, carving their way into the Imperial heartland in search of their gods, following the guidance of Her Lady Vana Veri, a former close confidant of Almalexia.

The Necromancer faction has been completely overhauled to compose entirely of The Order of The Black Worm, who serve the Ancient Lich and King of Worms Mannimarco. Most Necromancers have been overhauled into faceless sorcerer thralls of Mannimarco, supplemented by monstrous plate-armored Worm Templars and countless undead. Most of Mannimarco's decrees to his Cult are spoken exclusively through the High Prophet of The Worm - a fanatical savant of The Revenant.

The Vampire faction has been overhauled into a united force commanded by the ancient Vampire Lord, Zadimus. Like Lord Harkon of Volkihar, Lord Zadimus has been made aware of The Tyranny of The Sun prophecy, and has united the vampires of Cyrodiil beneath his banner of power to see it accomplished. Vampire forces in their respective dungeons have been supplemented with beastly plate-armored Knights of The Dark Sun, sworn servants of Lord Zadimus that enforce his absolute rule amongst the lesser bloodsuckers.

The Mythic Dawn claim responsibility for throwing open the Gates of Oblivion, but are never anywhere to be seen inside or around them, other than the dead idiot in a cage. This has been changed. You will now encounter Knights of The Mythic Dawn numbered alongside the innumerable Daedra of The Deadlands in Oblivion Gates and other places. The Mythic Dawn are prepared to carry out the will of their Master and God.

[ In addition, a short questline branch has been added that allows the player to join The Order of The Mythic Dawn during the Dagon Shrine Main Quest. After the short questline, you will be left to your devices to role-play as a murderous evil Daedric Cult member. If community interest is taken in this idea, I will expand upon it further and add more quests. As it stands, this would be a major project, and is not the main focus of my overhaul as a whole. Just something fun to mess with. ]

The Dremora clans of Mehrunes Dagon's Deadlands are, under normal circumstances, at constant war with one another for territory and honor, vying for Lord Dagon's favor under the banners of several factions of Kyn led by powerful Dremora Lords. In the centuries since the the founding of the Third Empire, all Dremora Lords of The Deadlands and their respective armies were conquered and united beneath a single banner by Valkynaz Yalogg-Ur, right-hand of Mehrunes Dagon and close ally of Mankar Camoran. Yalogg-Ur declared himself Emperor of The Realm following his victory, and organized his armies by Dagon's command for The Cleansing of Tamriel. The forces of Oblivion have been supplemented not only with Knights of The Mythic Dawn as mentioned before, but also powerful Dremora Lords which are often found in Sigil Chambers, where they command the forces for their respective assigned Gates.


Several superbosses have been added to the game, to give the player new challenges with grand loot rewards should they overcome them. Most of them are optional, some of them are overhauls of existing bosses. Most superbosses are level 100-150, and boast between 3000-5000 HP, with the exception of Mehrunes Dagon, who has 10,000 HP,  and  Umbra Ultimate, who is level 200 with 50,000 HP.

Jyggalag was and is so supremely powerful, that the other Daedric Princes desperately feared his ambition and capability. He was cursed by his deific peers many ages ago, to exist as the one thing he hates most - chaos and madness. Thus, Sheogorath was born.

At the end of every era, the Daedric Prince is allowed to shed the false handicap of insanity that is Sheogorath, and reconquer his plane of Oblivion in the name of Order. However, sure as his curse, he is returned to the form of the Madgod as soon as his conquest is complete.

With you poised to mantle the Daedric Prince of Madness and face the most feared of all Princes in an unprecedented bout to save the Shivering Isles, Jyggalag may yet be set free from his prison.

Jyggalag is now a terrifying opponent that will test your abilities likely beyond their maximum.
Do you have what it takes to transcend, and overcome the full might of Order to become a god?

Merciless slaver, powerful sorcerer, undisputed monarch and Champion of Meridia - Umaril. The Ayleid Sorcerer-King was defeated in single combat by Pelinal Whitestrake within the citadel of White-Gold Tower thousands of years ago, toppling the heart of Ayleid power in Tamriel and freeing mankind from their yoke.

His soul preserved by the Daedric Prince of Infinite Energies, Umaril has returned in the present day with every intention to restore his dominion over the Heartland. He's a disappointing encounter in the original DLC, and I hope to have changed that - he is now a much more fearsome opponent. Can you destroy this fiend utterly, where the Divine Crusader Pelin-El could not?

Mannimarco is a push-over whiny baby in the vanilla game. This mod changes that.

The King of Worms has been given a fearsome visual and audio overhaul (audio courtesy of Miltiades over at Mannimarco Revisited), and a set of powerful spells to complement his station. He is completely invulnerable to physical damage, so you will need to use your Magic to defeat him. Prove yourself worthy to inherit Vanus Galerion's legacy, and slay his ancient foe.

When Mannimarco is slain, he has a 100% chance to drop one of his four powerful spells through an item in his inventory. Once picked up, you will learn a random powerful spell.

Architect of the Oblivion Crisis and mastermind behind the plot to overthrow the Septim Dynasty, Mankar Camoran typically dies extremely easily in the vanilla game. His stats have been greatly boosted to better fit his power and ability. Avenge Emperor Uriel Septim VII, and save Nirn from the Dawn of the Mythic Era reborn. Prepare before you challenge him!

Awaiting you on his throne in the Sigil Chamber of The World Breaker is Emperor Yalogg-Ur, master warrior and chief strategist of Mehrunes Dagon's invasion of Tamriel. By his power and battle-won honor alone are the warring factions of The Deadlands united. It is up to you to put an end to him.

He is completely invunerable to magic, and his powerful sword will damage your attributes with each swing. Beware this fearsome foe.

At the end of the Main Quest, guarding the Temple of The One, is Mehrunes Dagon himself. If you can defeat him in combat, he will drop an incredibly powerful weapon as a reward. He is optional, however - you can still run past him if you so desire. In the end, regardless of your choice, it will be up to Martin Septim to banish this vile fiend back into the Deadlands once and for all.

Discharged from his station on charges of treason and an attempted coup against The Emperor, Whitemane has rallied the enemies of The Empire to his cause of overthrowing the current government and 'restoring order'. Within one of the Black Legion forts he awaits your challenge.

Whitemane has no special resistances, but his incredible speed and powerful frost-enchanted blade will kill you quickly without a strategy.

Vana marched her followers into Cyrodiil based on a 'vision' - the Tribune was hiding here, somewhere. They had to find them, and prove their worth to the Almsivi by destroying all heretics and naysayers. Vana awaits your challenge within one of the Tribunal-occupied forts.

Vana has no special resistances, but her ancient enchanted armor boosts her stats considerably, and her powerful blade is not one to be reckoned with.

Lord and Master of The Order of The Dark Sun, Zadimus is a powerful and fearsome foe, awaiting your challenge within one of the vampire Ayleid dungeons. He is an ancient Vampire from the Second Era, turned to a full-blooded Vampire sometime after the fall of The Second Empire, and beginning of the Interregnum.

Fire resistance is strongly recommended. The Sun may be this Vampire's enemy, but he will not hesitate to turn its power on his foes instead.

Speaker for Mannimarco, she preaches the Word of The Revenant to the devout followers of The Black Worm. Her name and history prior to this lofty station is lost to time.

She is a powerful mage, awaiting your challenge within one of the Necromancer-occupied forts of the province. Beware her withering Staff of Plague.

Umbra has been overhauled to present the player with the most incredibly difficult (but possible) boss I could conceive. Umbra is now the ultimate warrior, and awaits your challenge within the dark, ruined halls of Vindasel. The Masque of Clavicus Vile has been buffed, should you choose to trade her powerful blade over to the covetous Daedric Prince Clavicus Vile.

Could this ultimate boss have a weakness?

shademe - Construction Set Extender
cultbrain - Sauron Armor
J3X - Daedric Gear Hammer
hammerhorde - LSB Steel Hammer Resource
jojjo - Drake Knight Armor and Weapons
McMuffin - Daedric Lord Armor
JDFan - Ghost Rider Helmet
Petrovich - TFF_RM Dreadweave Armor
ThePostalDude/robertneville777 - Her Hands Armor Fix
MaxBlackwell/BlueDestiny/Leon1986 - Ancient Silver Armor Reloaded
Zenith92/Cryo/Nicoroshi - Her Hands Armor
Rambo119644 - The Ordinator Armors v2
Ra)/Dume - Black Plate Armor
Petrovich - UFF_RM Black Templar Armor
NewberL337 - Newbs Armored Robes
Zman - Armor of The Dark Lord
navinavi - Knight Plate Armor
davidcho - Knight of Skeleton Armor
LHammonds/Ulath - Noble Plate Armory
nateneurotic - Chaos Eater Modders Resource
tiny lampe - Armored Skeletons
Madcat221 - Ayleid Meteoric Iron Weapons Mod Resource Pack
Lazarus89 - Undead Knight and Medieval Weapons
"Anonymous" - Mehrunes Dagon Walking Animation
Miltiades - Mannimarco Revisited
DagothBalls - Ethereal: Armor Imperial Legion
someone1074 - Capes and Cloaks
mr_siika - Mr_Siika's Minotaur Resources
heavywaters - Staff of Saruman by AC
Kafeid - Vermillion and Silverthorn Robes by Kafei