About this mod

Adds 400+ items to leveled lists from trollf's 2009 mod "Artifacts." Superior FPS, performance-friendly Collector's Society, and a massive spread of 19 amulets, 50 sets of armor, 9 sets of clothes, 3 potions, 33 robes, 6 staffs, 6 lights, and over 300+ weapons. Original mod NOT required!

Go find them on NPCs, in containers, and vendors.

Permissions and credits

This can be used as an alternative to using the massive "Armamentaruim Complete," which already includes a fraction of the "Artifacts 1-1" weapons & armor in its' leveled lists. However, Armamentarium does not include the 19 amulets, 9 sets of clothes, 3 potions, 6 lights, and 33 robes available in this mod! Adds over 400 items in total.

Original "Artifacts 1-1" is not required. The entire installation is included here.
If you already have it installed, install the OVERWRITE version.

Artifacts Remastered will diversify your game. Adding these items to the leveled lists used by townspeople, noblemen, enemiesvendors, and containers creates an environment where all of these beautiful 'Artifacts' items can be displayed naturally as you level up. I plan to make other leveled list mods... any suggestions are greatly welcome. No one gets tired of variety!







This mod includes:

  • 400+ Leveled items
  • Complete balancing
  • FPS-friendly install of "Artifacts 1-1" with little to no lag*
  • Lore-friendly changes to Artifacts.











+ Add new quests to the Collector's Society. These quests will be treasure hunting goose-chases with many immersive choices.
+ Add new items from other projects to leveled lists.
+ Replace meshes/textures of certain items with more unique ones.
+ Replace icons of certain items with more unique ones.
+ Create compatibility patches for ANY AND ALL conflicting mods. Please leave suggestions!





ENJOY! Oblivion never dies.


*Lag was tested on an insane build of ~240+ mods. The interior clutter of the Collector's Society has been
cut down drastically, resulting in consistent frame rates that are normal for other interiors and will last well
on massive, cobbled-together Oblivion builds. Fantastic lag reduction.

Report any and all bugs. All suggestions will be considered, no matter how small.