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Lena Wolf

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About this mod

A merge of my Morroblivion patches and extensions for various towns in Morrowind. Made for Morroblivion v66.

Permissions and credits
This is a merge of my various town patches for Morroblivion, with additions. All future work will continue on this mod. It is a giant patch to reconcile these mods:

- More outdoor cafes and modified NPC AI to walk around more and eat at the cafes.
- A passage between the entrance square and the market.
- More houses in Balmora East, some rough sleepers and generally more NPCs.
- 5 new traders at the market (extending from 2), clutter and goods. They mostly moved in with existing citizens - spouses, siblings, lovers, who can tell!
- NPCs that are not used in quests are set to respawn - necessary because of certain violent tendencies due to... you know - stuff! This prevents the town from getting empty.
- The Balmora Riverside House is now integrated in this mod.
- Added a Morag Tong Crypt behind the Guild Hall - the door had already been added by the Hlaalu Project but there was no interior. Now there is. Mind the Ancestor Guardians now.

You can now see the people walk around the whole of the town, including going into side alleys and back streets.

Gnaar Mok
This patch restores a lot of content in Gnaar Mok that is present in the CS but not in game, and I thought it was a pity because it was really nice. By "content" I mean trees, shrubs and clutter all around the village.

Path grids are all rebuilt, and all huts added by Gnaar Mok Expanded mod are now fully path grid (there was none), all doors and door markers fixed (no more ending up five foot in the air), all furniture made accessible (no more getting off the bed into the wall and fall out of the hut). All huts made owned by their respective owners (with a few exceptions) - no more squatting anywhere! All NPCs are given simple but effective AIs - they now sleep in their houses, eat, walk around the village and sit down for a drink outdoors (no more pottering around in a small circle). The traders are still trading, but not 24 hours a day, and they actually stand at their stalls rather than walk around the village as soon as you lay eyes on them. All NPCs now go about their schedules also when you are NOT looking (except the guards).

There's also an Easter Egg - there's a player house that you can claim there somewhere. Find it and claim it. And no, I don't mean the Abandoned Shack (that one is still not yours and not safe to store your stuff).

- There is a way to sleep in Desele's bedroom. Look around.
- There's also a place to sleep outdoors. You will need to get rid of mudcrabs and slaughterfish first though.
- New tower and a bridge linking with the other side of the river at the Eastern gate.

In future I might add more NPCs, it is very empty there at the moment.

I always thought that Gnisis should have a sea connection and a road connection which didn't take you sightseeing around the entire West Gash. Since it is the only Imperial Legion garrison that hires new recruits, it must be important enough to be better connected. And it needed more people.

This mod first of all patches up existing Gnisis so that furniture in all dwellings is turned the right way around (who likes ending up inside a wall?) and path grids are sufficiently detailed so that NPCs walk more like people and less like robots. Secondly, it randomises faces of Legionnaires a bit so that they don't all look like quantuplets. I also beefed up their stats because I thought they were all too low level (level 4? really?), and now they level up with the player and are rather stronger than the player. Legionnaires inside the fort and the tradehouse are still staying indoors, but they now have schedules rather than just standing still like statues. General Darius is allowed to sleep too, imagine that.

I thought it was strange that Gnisis was so poorly connected to the road and sea network, given its importance (it's important for the player, so then it's important). I gave it a small port in the mouth of the river, it's just a short stretch away. There's a road on either bank, and two bridges to cross the river - a high bridge near the port and a low bridge right behind the tradehouse. This bridge connects to the road network going South and is low enough for the silt strider to step over it. You can see the sailors walking between the port and the town all day, supposedly working. I added a bunkhouse for them to sleep in.

The Imperial ship in the port - The Reliant - sails to the Imperial City, and if you ask the Captain nicely, she might let you tug along. For a fee, of course. She will also be happy to take you back to Gnisis. The journey takes around 5 days - you have to sail all around Morrowind and Black Marsh, and the weather can be unpredictable.

Vivec is supposed to be such a busy city, yet it is completely devoid of people, at least outdoors. This is of course a limitation of computer hardware, but computers have much improved since the year when Morrowind TES3 came out.

This mod adds tourists to Vivec City exteriors. They walk around, chat and don't do much of anything else, other than making the place feel less empty.There are three levels of crowds configurable in the INI file - the number of people walking around. Too many NPCs will overload your system, so try and see what works for you. If a lot of them just stand there without movement, you've got too many. Level 0 is the default, tested on a low end rig (Intel i5), so should work on most systems.

Fort Moonmoth
There are now enough beds for everyone, beds that actually work, and that you, as a member of the Legion, can also sleep in, with safe storage chests by the beds. There is also a new dining room with restocking food containers where everyone takes their meals - food is free for all Legionnaires, including yourself. There is also a change to one particular Legionnaire.

Solea Nuccusius is an Imperial battlemage guarding the prison cells at Fort Moonmoth - hardly an exciting post! She will gladly join you on your adventures instead.

Solea's rank in the Imperial Legion is a Trooper. If you are a member of the Legion too, you have to wear your uniform around her as long as your rank is below hers, or she may refuse to speak with you. This is a standard behaviour of all members of the Legion, and Solea is no exception.

As a battlemage, Solea is skilled in Blade, Blunt and Heavy Armour, as well as several schools of magic. Although marksmanship is not her speciality, she will on occasion use a bow. Born under the Lady, she has increased Willpower and Endurance. As a potential companion, she still sells the same spells as the original character, but you may have to dismiss her and let her return to her post to be able to purchase them. Technically, this is a different character that replaces the original. There may be other perks too, if she likes you enough...

Fort Frostmoth
The main and only fort on Solstheim was very static - everyone was standing around like statues. I gave the fort actual beds and gave all inhabitants daily schedules. Both priests at the Imperial Cult shrine now also offer services. They have received lodgings in an extension to the interior - they didn't even have a place to sleep! No wonder they just stood there 24 hours a day. But now don't be surprised not to find them at the shrine in the middle of the night.

There is also a guest room on the top floor of the armoury. Since there is no inn on the island, the Legion is good enough to offer travelers a place to sleep.

Oh, and we've cut the grass in the courtyard. It's an Imperial fort, after all.

Ald’ruhn and Odibaal
A patch to correct landscape in and around Ald’ruhn correcting minor land tears here and there and straight lines in landscape colouring. There are a few changes in Ald’ruhn and Fort Buckmoth however, where NPCs cannot climb stairs because the first step is too high.

In Ald’ruhn some interior path grids are also fixed – they are generally very coarse leaving NPCs walk into walls or unable to find a way out of a corner. I’ve only looked at the interiors that I’m likely to use, such
as the inn and the guild halls, I didn’t bother with everything else.

All interior cell names have been changed from “Ald-ruhn” to “Ald’ruhn”.

Odibaal is a cave near Ald’ruhn that makes for a comfortable home, once the inhabitants have been dispatched. I fixed up the cave slightly making upper level platform accessible (the same problem as in Ald’ruhn – the first step was too high and impossible to climb for NPCs). I also added a few cushions and a safe storage chest.

Sadrith Mora
A bit of patching correcting small land tears, landscape colouring, unclimbable stairs and path grids.

Converting from individual mods to this merge
When you switch to this merge, remove all individual mods and their corresponding BSAs. Transfer your settings for Vivec Crowds and Solea Nucussius into the new INI file for this merge.

If you have been using Companion Solea Nucussius, you will need to take whatever items you gave her and then remove her mod. Otherwise you'll have two Soleas and a duplication in Fort Moonmoth... I don't think it's a good idea.

If you've been using any of the player homes or safe storage places from the above mods, you will lose all items when you replace them with the merge. To prevent this unfortunate occurrence, I made a transition mod Morroblivion Towns Transfer.esp - get it in the Miscellaneous Files section. Then do this:
  • In your existing game with all the previously used mods, add Morroblivion Towns Transfer and activate it.
  • You will find safe transfer containers next to player storage from the above mods: in Balmora it is outside the Riverside house, in Gnisis it is next to the safe storage container (if you haven't found it yet, then you don't need to transfer anything I guess), in Gnaar Mok it is inside the player house.
  • Take all your items from the house containers and put them into the transfer containers.
  • Disable all the old mods and enable the merge - keep the transfer mod enabled!
  • Transfer all your stuff from the transfer containers to the new house containers.
  • Remove the transfer mod.

The following old individual mods have been merged here:
  • Morroblivion - Caldera Patch.esp
  • Suran MDP - Hlaalu Patch.esp
  • Balmora MDP - Hlaalu Patch Extended.esp
  • Gnisis Port.esp
  • Vivec Crowds.esp
  • Gnaar Mok Patch.esp
  • Companion Solea Nuccusius.esp

Here is a complete list of masters with the links to mod pages where you can get them. This is also the load order. Requires OBSE.

If you are using Skyrim transport with Gnaar Mok - Skyrim Transport Patch, load the patch after this mod. The patch only has Morrowind_ob.esm as master, so you can keep using the same version as before.

And before you ask: I have considered merging the four Morroblivion master mods together with this mod. It seems to be a politically difficult undertaking, so I give up before I even started.