PapyrusDataTransfer can be used not only to clean your save or to transfer the variables, but for diagnostic purposes too.

For example, it can help you to uninstall mods in more accurate way.

0) Make a backup of your last save
1) Download the latest version of PapyrusDataTransfer. Download BSA Unpacker:

2) Unpack the .bsa from the mod you want to uninstall. Write out the names of .pex files (this is the scripts related to this mod)
3) First, you have to check your current state. Make a save inside some quiet cell.
4) Rename it to dirtysave.ess and place to the tool's folder.
5) Run "show.bat". If you don't have one, you can make it with Notepad:
PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -show dirtysave.ess >> ContentReport.txt

6) Search for any of the script names related to the mod (you wrote them at the step 2). If the mod is intalled, there should be instances with such names. If the mod is uninstalled, NO instances should persist. Otherwise, the mod was uninstalled in a wrong way.

7) Write out the binders count, you'll need this to continue investigation
Current position = 10010104, Instance binders count = 59662, Parsing binders..

8) Check the active script field, write them or remember
Current position = 10856648, Active scripts = 14

(Active scripts < 100) - means ok
(Active scripts > 100) - you should start to worry
(Active scripts > 1000) - can cause heavy lags
(Active scripts > 10000) - your save is in very bad shape, you should start to panic

"Active scripts" usually includes active script threads that were working at the moment of making the save and delayed calls.

9) Check the delayed calls in the end of the content report. If some object is calling the method of some script which is already doing some job, the call will be stored to queue. If the script is hanged for some reason, the calls will continue to be stored to this container. This is one of the factors that cause save game bloat.

You should have few delayed calls or none at all (the reports ends at string table). Example of the delayed call:

Active function call: 13358524
Position in declaration: 33174366
Script: fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT
Function: OnUpdate

10) Try to uninstall the mod with respect to notes of the developer. Usually, you need to stop some quest via console or select some dialogue option.

11) Wait some real time in the same cell (few minutes). Make another save and rename it to "dirtysave.ess"

12) Go to step 5, make another ContentReport and check do you see any change in the values? Please, note that we can't rely on the values, we should focus on the dynamics.

If binders count or active calls are continue to increase even in quiet place, this means that you uninstalled the mod in a wrong way. Pay attention to the delayed calls as well.

13) Play several hours as usual, go to some quiet cell and make another measurement. Binders count can change - it's ok. Focus on the active calls this time. Make sure that the value is stable and you have good dynamics.

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1 comment

  1. Gaias
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Nice tutorial. I wonder if their could be some automatic functions like BOSS has in place. Something in the lines of a program that checks an online database for known mod scripts that need to be removed from a save and have it remove it automatically.
