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About this mod

Warlock style magic systems and new factions. Magic systems offer power for a price to non-mage characters. New factions provide "quests" and gameplay hubs. Aimed at creating new character build opportunities.

Permissions and credits
Dealing with Daedra

The purpose of this mod is primarily to provide new character build or roleplay opportunities, giving a fresh spin on existing content. If you are a rollplayer instead of a roleplayer your mileage may vary. There are no floating quest markers, no prewritten log entries, no specific magnitudes listed in spell effects and an abundance of long books and notes to read. Take Notes (SE | LE) is STRONGLY recommended. In places I referenced lore that was old/ obscure or liberally expanded on vague lore, but everything is at least plausibly lore-friendly.

The mod is split up into four sections: questlines, player hubs, magic systems and miscellaneous other features. Basic overview only, check the readme for details (spoiler alert, both for quests and effects).

Some of these features have sexual content, in the form of themes and/or descriptive messages alluding to acts behind a black screen (Think "Witcher series"). All sexual content can be toggled off via an automatic prompt given upon first load after installing.

Cheers to Sinitar Gaming

Cheers to Sand Gentleman


The Dragonborn is a great hero, slaughtering entire warbands of bandits, winning the civil war and saving the world 5 seconds after escaping Helgen, but what about that lowly peasant girl who has never left the farm before? It is pretty immersion shattering for a lot of RP builds to go from nothing to a bloodthirsty killing machine or to suddenly start exploring nordic crypts. If only there was a helpful Daedra willing to trickle you knowledge and power to smooth out the early character power progression and immersively link to questing systems in exchange for worship.
These questlines are all designed to cover the transition from a level 1 peasant through their first murder and bandit den clear etc. in a roleplay friendly fashion so that you can "start a proper playthrough". Most, but not all, also integrate with one or more of the hubs to provide an ongoing "career" and/or utilise one of the new magic systems, see below. In addition to the specific starters, most questlines can also be started from one of the 2 Riften job boards, see below.

The Prophesied Return
Be inducted into the reborn Dragon Cult. Become a Draugr, and a Dragon Priest yourself. Evangelize for the Dragons across Skyrim. Fall to the temptations of heretical fallen priests. Kill your new “gods” and claim their power for your own. Started from the various slums of Skyrim. Designed to be started at level 1 and then played in two chunks, the first at level 1 and the second at about level 15.

Dealing with Daedra
Make a Daedric deal for the secret of ritual magic, discover the true cost. Mutually exclusive with Apex Predator. Started from a note on the riverwood inn or a conversation with Nelacar. Designed to be started at level 1 and played in parallel with a normal playthrough until about level 12 or 25 depending on choices.

Discover the source of the mageblight contamination, learn the purpose and decide whether to stop it or perpetuate it. Started from the witchhunters guild. Designed to be started at level 1 and then played in two chunks, the first at level 1 and the second at about level 6-8.

Become a pawn in the "game" over the Book of Curses. Linked to the book of curses. Unlikely to be a healthy career choice for werewolves. Started from an NPC in the Bee and Barb. Designed to be started at level 1 and played straight-through.

Vigilant Recruit
Have a short-lived career as a fresh vigilant recruit, until a revelation about your supervisor. Quest links to choice of two hubs. Started from the Hall of the vigilant or any Vigilant in the world. Designed to be started at level 1 and played straight-through.

Til Death Do Us Part
Find yourself accidentally trapped in a marriage after a night of too much mead. Have a dangerous widow offer you a solution. Join a cult of Mephala and become the ultimate maneater. Started from the Winking Skeever. Designed to be started at level 1 and played straight-through.

Mora's Temptations
Whispers and temptations of a quick route to power and knowledge, luring good students of Julianos into the clutches of Hermaeus Mora. Dig through the records of the past to find what happened to the last ones to listen. Started by sleeping in the bed in the School of Julianos. Designed to be started at level 1 and played straight-through.

Magic in the Dark
Become one of the last Witches of Nocturnal. Walk the path of Strife, Shadow or Subterfuge. Resolve to restore Nocturnal's influence. Locked for werewolves and mutually exclusive with Apex Predator. Started from a stranger in the Riften graveyard. Designed to be started at level 1 and played in parallel with a standard (thieves guild) playthrough.

Apex Predator
Embrace Hircine, becoming a manbeast. Earn control over your transformations, learn the secrets of witchcraft and become a true apex predator. Early stages locked for Companions members and mutually exclusive with Magic in the Dark, Dealing with Daedra and Vampirism. Started from the North-Jerall coven. Designed to be started at level 1 and played in parallel with a standard playthrough.

The Syndicate
Become a member of a criminal Syndicate. Take a favour you probably shouldn't. Complete fieldwork to further their interests. Try to pay your debt. Started by making a delivery to Gentleman's Club through either the Strange Rings or Your Hands Only questlines. Designed to be started at level 1 and played in parallel with a standard playthrough.

Strange Rings
Find a Strange Ring that whispers to you. Follow it to find ancient powerful beings promising power over death. Trade souls for power and knowledge. Started by helping the hooded stranger in the Nightgate inn/Windhelm Hall of the Dead or finding a strange ring on some warlocks, bandit mages or the dead mage in helgen. Designed to be started at level 1 and played in parallel with a standard playthrough.

Playing with Fire
Help an ex-college student with some flammable research. Put a little too much fuel on the fire. Started by speaking to a student in the Braidwood Inn or from a note in Fellglow keep. Designed to be started at level 1 and played straight through.

Supply Lines
Find a group of war profiteers. Help them strengthen their supply lines. Take their blood money. Started by speaking to a stranger in the Winterhold Inn. Designed to be started at level 1 and played straight through.

Caught in the Middle
Join a small group of rebellious teens promised freedom from responsibility and a taste of taboo power by an ex-member of Bashnag's Coven. Have your party interrupted by one of Bashnag's many enemies. Provides an alternative "prequest" linker to several other features, under a "forced servitude" variation. Started from a note on the Riverwood inn. Designed to be started at level "0" and played straight through.

Your Hands Only
Go looking for people, you have things you are supposed to deliver. Provides a loop around Skyrim that passes by an intro hook for almost all the features, including the other level 1 quests. Started by speaking to an NPC in the Windhelm Warehouse or from notes in the New Gnisis Cornerclub and Candlehearth Hall. Designed to be started at level "0" and played straight through.


Player hubs
Skyrim is generally built around the murderhobo experience, wandering around and just killing or exploring for the sake of killing and exploring. The companions, dark brotherhood, thieves guild, dawnguard and volkihar job systems are great for playing a specific character build, but at this point everyone has played them to death and need something new.
These hubs offer repeatable "radiant" pseudoquests, in a similar vein to the vanilla generic bandit bounty quest, suitable for a range of character builds, as well as alternative links to justifying mixing in existing content in a roleplay friendly fashion. Most hubs are found through simple roleplay-friendly 1-step starter quests appropriate for level 1s. Most of these have vendors, safe storage, trainers, beds and food supply so that you can operate out of them longer term. Most of these hubs also have longer quests associated with them, see above, or use a magic system, see below. As with the questlines, most can also be found from the Riften job boards, see below.

The Cult of the Return
Alduin is returning, the time of the Dragon is once again at hand. All those worshipping the heretical twisted Alessian pantheon or serving false kings when they return shall be cleansed from Tamriel with fire. The Cult of the Return knows of the imminent resurrection, and have begun to re-establish the Dragon Cult of old, starting by luring in those with nowhere else to go with food and shelter.

Linked to the Prophesied Return questline. Accept daily charity food and safe shelter, or strive to become a member to gain access to the inner chambers additional facilities.

Witchhunters Guild
Skyrim is not a safe place: cults of draugr waking up, vampires brazenly attacking people in the street, irresponsible elves summoning daedra in ruins and caves, half-man werebeasts and hags kidnapping and hunting. These supernatural threats are harder to deal with than the average bandit, often requiring specialised methods or means. Even if the guards and standing forces weren't engaged in a civil war and spread even thinner responding to rampant bandit activity, there is a shortage of manpower to guard against these threats. The witchhunters "guild" is a loose grouping of specialised bounty hunters and suppliers who have converged on Skyrim to take advantage of this glut on the bounty-market, and get in drunken barfights over whose exploits are more impressive.

An information broker in the guild hall sells bounty notes providing details and directions to ~40 vanilla dungeons. "Quest rewards" are done via a bounty system where you can take trophies off the corpses of vampires, warlocks, draugr etc. and turn them in for silver nuggets. Nuggets can be sold/turned into silver ingots or used in crafting new witch-hunting items such as silver-oil and bandages. Offers training in one handed, two handed, block and heavy armor. Found from a note in the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun or through dialogue with Belethor.

Eastmarch Gentleman's Club
The "respectable" public face of a criminal syndicate taking advantage of the turmoil of the civil war to corner the market on distribution and trafficking. The syndicate prioritises making friends in high places and leveraging their influence to solidify their position and protect their business interests. Guild masters, Legates, Thanes and other well-to-do characters will find themselves welcome patrons of the club, for a favour here or there. Other characters can instead find work at the ground level of the organisation, working the club or performing field work.

Split into 3 components across 2 cells: Members, Escorts and Operatives. Operatives can perform missions, collect illicit substances or wipe out rival bandits in exchange for consumables and gear. Members and Escorts involved in simple gambling, bathing and prostitution features. Player can either partake or provide, depending on which they are. Escorts can access training in speech and pickpocket. Found from a note on Adonato Leotelli's table in candlehearth-hall or in Susanna the Wicked's inventory. Escort component always available, Member component available to “high status” characters, Operative component available to couriers and Ratway denizens.

School of Julianos
The School of Julianos is on the surface a normal temple to the god of wisdom and logic, hiding a well-intentioned but questionably legal secret society. Targeted during the oblivion crisis, many of the Schools of Julianos were put to the torch with all their information lost forever. To safeguard and preserve their knowledge in times of conflict, the temples armed their Knights Mentor with Shadow magic: whose power is fed by conflict. Pilgrims can restore ruined books to serve the school, serve enough and you will be inducted into the knightly order and given tasks to complete in exchange for access to shadow magic. Those who advance high enough within the School may even be granted the knowledge required to summon the Knights Mentor Umbra'Keth.

Features a system to do various odd-jobs for the school in exchange for food, skill books or temple membership. Members gain a signet ring which enables collecting shadows of conflict to hand in and access to shadow magic and knightly gear. Offers training in alteration. Found through a note in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude.

Gatekeepers of Oblivion
Strange rings have recently found their way into circulation among the less reputable members of Skyrim. These rings bear such incredible enchantments that they must have been created by someone, or something, with an unimaginable level of familiarity with the manipulation of souls. Wearers have reported hearing the ring whispering to them, enticing them with greater power if they seek out the source. Individuals empowered by the strange rings circulating Skyrim have been amassing black souls gems and offering them to their mysterious patron through a portal to the Soul Cairn. A rogue ideal master, a powerful vampire/lich camping out or one of Mehrunes Dagon's underlings in the area conquered during the Battlespire event? No-one knows for sure. What is clear is that they seem to be building an army of wraiths.

Rings give a magicka buff, a magic resistance malus and increase enchanting skill while worn. Can trade soul gems and D/Aedric artifacts for staves, spells, bone weapons (of soul trapping) and armor (which increases max number of conjured wraiths). Snort soul gem dust for magicka or use it for an enchanting buff at the cost of your health. Cultists are hostile if you don't have a ring. Offers training in conjuration and enchanting. Found through the Strange Ring questline.

Cult of Flesh
The Cult of Flesh was started by a "mad" flesh mage who seeks to discover the secrets of biological immortality. He has created a colossal, amorphous creature deep in the bowels of The Reach to experiment with and a cult has formed around it. Tossing meat or man/mer brains into the pit and then dredging up and processing the refuse causes random mutagenic blessings, most of which are beneficial. The Cult is taking advantage of the Forsworn uprising both to feed the beast and collect Markarth bounty gold, they can point you in the direction of camps and redoubts.

Meat and brains can be thrown into the pit for powerful but unpredictable "potions". Help the flesh mage find superior ingredients to improve the effects. Offers training in restoration. Found through notes in the Warrens in Markarth.

North-Jerall Coven
Falkreath has always been a haven for witches due to the climate and terrain. The North-Jerall coven are (relatively) friendly witches in the south of Falkreath hold who have been known to trade medicinal herbs with the town. Howling can often be heard from their cave.

Only usable after starting the Apex Predator quest. Unlocks foraging for herbs, making new witchcraft potions and bartering alchemical supplies. Offers training in alchemy. Found through a note in Dead Man's Drink or the Falkreath alchemist.

Webspinner's Widows
A cult of Mephala worshippers have been seducing and murdering their way across Skyrim, but the Vigilant have cracked down. The last survivors are on the run and the future of the cult is bleak unless someone steps in and seizes the reigns. Root out the last hiding places of the cult and help the cult rise from the ashes, operating from behind the facade of a legitimate investment business.

Simple player house with light hearthfire elements. Manage an investment business from the office and your cultists missions from your secret basement. Offers training in speech, illusion and alchemy. Found through a note in the destroyed house west of whiterun or dropped by some vigilants. Alternative, slightly different start if found through the Til Death Do Us Part quest.

Rift Bank and Mineral Exchange
In these troubled times Jarls and peasants alike need safe, secure places to store their valuables and the means to borrow or exchange valuables in order to remain solvent. Mr. Aedwatch has brought his vast fortune from Alinor in order to provide these services to the people of Skyrim, at not-at-all predatory rates. His fortune, and his private collection, have settled into and further fortified a convenient Dwemer storehouse to ensure your accounts are dragon, bandit and civil war proof.

Teller offers several bank services: term deposits to earn interest, trade of gems/gold/silver for flat rates of septims, safe storage deposit boxes. Curator will accept donations of Dwemer gizmos, arms or armor for small honorariums or non-D/Aedric artifacts for larger honorariums. Enough donations rewards you with an attunement sphere or a high-tier armor set respectively. Found through notes on a number of important people's desks or the supply lines and/or magic in the dark questlines.

Ghost-Sea Smugglers
With the civil war, the empire's ships are no longer able to freely operate in the sea of ghosts as the stormcloaks attempt to cut supply lines and prevent reinforcements. This has left merchant vessels vulnerable, drastically reducing the number who are willing to use the shipping lanes. These two factors together have been an incredible boon for smugglers looking to charge exorbitant import fees or deal in prohibited goods. Of course, piracy is also on the rise for the same reasons and has been cutting into profit margins. The smugglers will reward anyone who disposes of said pirates.

Skyrim branch features simple treasure hunting system for valuable exports such as ancient nord amulets or dwemer puzzle boxes and bounty system for pirate captains and provides a non-thieves-guild fence. Solstheim branch features safe storage and ability to sleep free of Miraak's influence. Also houses 3 other NPCs offering various bounty quests around the island. Skyrim branch found through the supplies lines questline, Solstheim branch from notes in the Raven Rock inn.


Magic systems
Magic is probably the coolest part of the elder scrolls, but lore-wise the vast majority of individuals have little to no magical ability. Your options are basically playing either a vampire, werewolf, the top 1% or a muggle. These features provide alternative means for a character with a minimal or non-existent magicka pool and magical skills to gain access to magic. Most of these do not benefit from perks, as that would defeat the purpose. Most of the spells and effects are more powerful than their vanilla counterparts, this comes at the cost of drawbacks and penalties. Mixing and matching too many of these features will turn your character into a glass cannon build.

Draugr are a strange type of undead, working tirelessly and giving their own necromantic energies to their priests by day and recovering their energies somehow as they sleep in their graves at night. The art of Draugrisation was a common practice under the Atmoran religions, lost after the adoption of the Alessian Pantheon. Now rediscovered.

Linked to The Prophesied Return questline. Draugr use their lifeforce as a resource, lowering their stats while depleted but recovering as they sleep. Become a priest for “self-sacrificing” means of spending your lifeforce on temporary buffs and such. Become a death knight to tap into more necromantic uses and the ability to steal lifeforce from others. Maybe even learn a “synthetic dragonborn” soultrap variant...

Attunement magic
A Thalmor agent has been experimenting with low-level mantling and attunement as part of their mission to regain their divinity. While his efforts may not have achieved their desired goal, he has discovered an effective means for the layman to gain magical power. Essentially the worst possible outcome from a Thalmor perspective.

Linked to Felglow Keep Overhaul and Witchhunters guild. This adds a warlock class style system for taking a patron to gain 3 of 18 available greater and lesser powers at the cost of magicka regeneration rate. These patrons are beings such as the Hist, Mannimarco and the Ideal Masters. Some of the patrons are invented, but following lore-established methods of apotheosis.

Book of Curses
A bored Daedra, probably with some connection to Malacath, has set up a little battle-royale between a number of promising candidates. He has distributed the pages of the Book of Curses detailing the use of powerful curses among them. If you stumble upon any of the contestants, you might find yourself interjected within this game and forced to play.

Curses reduce maximum health and stamina for a short time upon cast, this can be lethal if you are not careful. 12 curses to collect.

Ritual Magic
Individuals with talent but limited natural magicka reserves have long used soul gems, enchanted items, potions, scrolls and staves to supplement their powers. The ways of the secretive witches are less well understood, but those ritual blood sacrifices and circles of candles everywhere are speculated to fulfil a similar purpose by the members of the Synod. If only someone could gain access to their secrets.

Linked to the Dealing with Daedra and/or Syndicate questlines. If you assist the Exile she will teach you how to harvest tallow from men/mer and use it to make ritual candles, as well as pointing you to a Daedra willing to teach you dark magic in exchange for a small favour, or your soul should you fail. Ritual candles provide several minutes of enhanced magicka and magicka recovery rate. Cannot use candles in combat, must prepare in advance.

Gift of Mephala
Mephala, the lady of lies, sex and murder, is fond of unravelling the tangled web of mortal affairs. She gladly gifts willing pawns with the power necessary to unravel more effectively.

Linked to Webspinner's Widows. Offering the freshly broken heart of a betrayed lover/spouse to Mephala grants increased health and vitality. Truly becoming one of Mephala's chosen unlocks the ability to use illusion magic via conversation to raise your relationship rank with npcs or charm npcs to fight for you in combat.

Shadow Magic
Often misunderstood as the magic of light and darkness, shadow magic is actually the magic of manipulating possibilities created by forces in conflict. Light hitting a rock involves a conflict of matter against light, the result of which is a shadow in the visible spectrum. Manipulation of this possibility with shadow magic could illuminate the area. This principle also applies on a larger scale to more abstract conflicts, such as war or even fierce debate. Expert shadow mages can harness these conflicts and manifest the possibility they desire, no matter how unlikely.

Linked to the School of Julianos. Shadow magic spell tomes can be bought by members for writs of service. Shadow magic can be either "hard cast" or used with a School of Julianos signet ring. "Hard cast" shadow magic functions similar to normal alteration magic but has some unique spell effects. Using Shadow magic via the signet ring costs very litte magicka but depletes the shadows of a target on use, while depleted they are immune to further shadow magic and cannot have shadows of conflict collected from them.

Flesh magic
A poorly studied aspect of magic, flesh magic involves the underlying forces behind biological life itself. Osseous Marrow, Dermis Membrane, Essence of Breath, and Blood Liqueur can be brought together with a Daedric Vestige or Mortal Soul to create an organism. Learning to wield flesh magic grants a mage power to repair, change or destroy the mortal form, for beauty, health or death.

Flesh magic functions similarly to standard restoration magic, but also has offensive spells and the ability to change your characters appearance. Flesh magic can be upgraded in power or duration and made cheaper as you apprentice yourself to the flesh mage.

Sigils and Scrolls
Scrolls: enchanted paper that contain a sealed spell which can be released on demand. Perfect for non-mages that need things like fire or healing, specialised mages who only know a specific school themselves or any mage worried about their magicka reserves. Sigils: Objects in the shape of Daedric letters imbued with terrible power. Perfect for cultists who want to watch the world burn.

Scrollcrafting is accessed through a lesser power taught by reading a scrollcrafting manual, sold by court wizards/professors alongside reference tomes. Writing scrolls requires enchanting skill based on level of the scroll and either knowing the spell or having the reference tome for that school, but increases enchanting skill when crafting. Uses soulgems to make enchanted ink. Sigils also created through a lesser power, but one taught by the cultist from the Ambition, Revolution and Change assorted feature. Sigils require no skill to create but can only be used to make Daedrology scrolls and only for spells you know, levels conjuration when crafting. Ink created through shedding blood or from "lesser Aedric" ingredients.

Until very recently, witch covens were evenly split between allegiance to Nocturnal and Hircine. Something happened approximately 25 years ago, after which time the influence Nocturnal had over Tamriel greatly diminished. As such, the power balance in the covens rapidly shifted towards an overwhelming worship of Hircine. There are very few such witches of Nocturnal now, but those that are left are eager to share the secrets of the Darkling ritual. If the reason behind Nocturnal's loss of power could be found and corrected, the power of her witches would in turn rebound.

Linked to magic in the dark. Max magicka and health regen rate are increased at night and decreased during the day. Choose a path, depending on your path you gain 3 illusion, destruction or alteration spells in addition to a night eye power, each geared towards a different stealth playstyle. Power of these spells increases if you finish the thieves guild questline and have the matching "Agent of" power.

Blood Magic
Blood magic, the ancient art of extracting and manipulating the life energies of blood. A fundamental component of the means by which Molag Bal created the unliving but immortal monsters that are vampires. Most often learned by vampires out of necessity, there is nothing stopping mortals from using it too. Other than the associated taboo.

Blood magic is destruction magic which focuses on health. Can drain health from one target to another, use your health as a resource to enhance combat ability or use it to recharge your weapons when they deal damage. Blood magic is unlocked as quest rewards from the Bloodcourt questline.

Elemental Powers
Atronachs: Daedra with a purity of being, in place of the scheming and plotting of a Dremora they have an almost total focus on an element, both in action and in being. The residue they shed in their wake is infused with a lingering vestige of their elemental power and can be used as a potent alchemical ingredient or for practical applications such as heating forges. But what if there was a way to use it even more effectively...

Create Elemental Infusions from elemental salts and Jazbay conserve using the Elemental Essences power learned via the Playing with Fire questline. Each temporarily increases your max magicka, increases your resistance and spell-power for the relevant element and adds an appropriate free destruction level spell, but hurts you when consumed. This comes at the cost of reducing spell-power and resistance for the other 2 elements. The atronach forge can be used to make stronger forms of these 3 infusions. Infusions can also be used to create elemental weapon oils or turned into rune scrolls. Requires Destruction skill to craft but also generates Destruction XP.Gives non-destruction mages to have new options in sticky situations, and gives destruction mages even more firepower at the cost of flexibility.

Memento Mori
Wispmothers, enigmatic ghostly women with elvish features and an affinity for shades and frost magic. Some speculate they are elemental manifestations, other that they are a form of lich. Incapable of speech, not to mention unwilling, their secrets have long been kept. Sadren Sarethi, the leading expert on the lichdom theory, has been experimenting on using a captured wispmother to possess living assistants, so that they can directly tap into her memories. Re-live her tragic history, learning some of her lost magical arts in the process.

Consent to repeated, short possessions by a captured wispmother to gain access to her memories. Over time, memories will grant you 5 new spells and can raise several of your skills. Each possession permanently increases max magicka at the cost of health and stamina, and reduces magic resistance for a time. Accessed via the Servants and Séances assorted feature.

A new Daedric disease has been sweeping across Skyrim. The spread of this disease has been traced to both person-to-person as well as widespread contamination of magicka potions, ales and wines. For individuals with little to no magical ability the initial symptoms of the disease are essentially invisible until it progresses to the point of being contagious, though mages will notice a slight loss of magicka recovery. Once it progresses afflicted individuals leech magicka from nearby sources and lose almost all their inherent magicka regeneration, but are likewise much harder to harm with magic. The source of this disease has not been found, but the limited evidence seems to indicate the involvement of great-war legion veterans witness to the Thalmor atrocities in the Imperial City.

The "null" anti-mage option, active countermagic is covered in the Mysticism assorted feature below. Consuming a contaminated potion or beverage will give you the disease, drinking another before curing it causes progression to a curse.

Wendigo Psychosis
Namira and Hircine have co-operated to create a truly monstrous curse in attempt to rival the Cyrodilic Vampyrum Order hybrids of Molag Bal and Clavicus Vile. Afflicted individuals have been kidnapping travellers in the frozen wasteland around Winterhold. Those who contract the curse develop a taste for the marrow of their own kind, becoming more bestial, savage and desperately ravenous for more, until finally devolving into a monster in human form. However, such monsters are inhumanly strong, fast and can track prey better than a bloodhound.

Consuming Marrow unlocks the ability to harvest more. As you continue to consume it you will gain max health and stamina at the cost of magicka. If your magicka drops below 10 you develop the full blown curse. Once cursed you have increased health and stamina regen as well as 4 new lesser powers, but will be perpetually hungry for more...

The ancient Akaviri were masters of blood magic and has strong cultural roots in dragon lore. At the height of their power they were known to empower some of their warriors with blood magic that caused their veins to burn with liquid fire. These Dragonknights did not possess the Thuum, but could breathe fire as well as any (6 foot tall) Dragon.

Gained from touching the eternal flame in Sky Haven Temple. Gives 3 fire based lesser powers that are cast with Stamina.


Assorted other features.
All are designed around the idea of character build opportunities (or linked to other features).

Alternate Start Plugin LE SE or Alternatve Perspective Version LE SE
You start Skyrim at level 1 with no perks, no real skills. An adult would have skills, a child would have relatives. Almost like your character magically appeared out of nowhere the second you created them instead of having a backstory. With the exception of alternate starts that have you arriving from another province, it's very jarring. Added 8 "orphan" style starts that link in to various features.

Character Creation overhaul LE SE
Generate your starting stats and gain additional quirks and lesser powers by reliving your character's childhood. Optionally start as a much older character to start above level 1. Simulate aging and "off-screen" level-ups.

The Brethren
Though they may have been driven from Hackdirt, the Deep Ones themselves were never destroyed and have spent the centuries multiplying and expanding. Having begun the push into Skyrim from the south, a war rages under the earth between the invading Deep Ones and the resident Falmer. The Gilded mine, thought to have dried up, is suddenly exporting large quantities of high-grade gold ore and stockpiling Dwemer arms and armour. The miners themselves have become secretive and started to look somewhat strange. (Easter egg feature, standalone mechanics)

Riften Ratway Overhaul
The Ratway, the gutter into which all the filth, human or literal, of Riften flows. Populated by wretched creatures at the end of their rope, down on their luck and desperate. Or at least, it is supposed to be. In vanilla Skyrim it is just a dungeon, why are these wretches acting like forsworn barbarians, throwing their lives away for no reason and spending what little gold they have setting up absurd traps. Now the ratway is filled with opportunists, they will not attack on sight but will take every opportunity to extort you. Bribe, steal, fight, persuade, trade or otherwise deal with a host of new NPCs in order to reach the flagon, or the surface.

Felglow Keep Overhaul
Felglow Keep is supposed to be on the level of the College of Winterhold, formed by a batch of students who were expelled for dangerously radical experimentation. However, when you go there the only experiment is a vampire autopsy. No longer, these guys have it all: magical rifts, Hist saplings, bootleg Ayleid wells, Soul Cairn micro-portals, meteor calling, Aedric essence extractors and hallucinogens. Most of these tie into the Patrons system above, but they all have secondary functions useable by anyone. The new features are all located in the areas of the dungeon which are accessible by default, you do not need to join the College.

Midden Improvements
Similarly to Felglow Keep, the Midden doesn't really live up to its reputation. The changes to the midden are less extensive for compatibility purposes, but there are still 3 new atronach forge recipes (elemental infusions), 2 new spells (dark tutor and summon servitor) and 2 new shrines (Hermaeus Mora and Mannimarco).

Servants and Séances
Sadren Sarethi, known most for his theories as presented in the book on Wispmothers written by Mathias Etienne, is infuriated by how OBVIOUSLY correct interpretations were presented with the same level of credibility as the conflicting theories of Lydette Viliane. He is looking for a research assistant (and maid) in his work to prove his theories correct, at his house south-south-east of sleeping tree camp.

Ambition, Revolution and Change
Mehrunes Dagon is the prince of Destruction, Revolution, Energy and Change. A true heroic deity, patron of slave revolts and uprisings against mad kings. Just ignore that whole Oblivion Crisis thing. One of Dagon's cultists is willing to teach you Sigil Crafting, train you and sell your conjuration spells. Started from the Playing with Fire. He is preparing for a ritual, if he finishes it there will be consequences.

College Student
In the vanilla game the college of winterhold is basically a joke, they send initiates to go dungeon crawl and hunt down rogue mages essentially "just because" and there is nothing else to actually do there. This adds a simple mechanism which provides both an option to actually stay and study at the college and an immersive reason to go dungeon crawling instead. Urag can offer you an experiment spell that players can cast with a long charge time and high chance of failure, success allowing the player to write research notes that can be sold to the professors. The chance of success increases as your magicka pool and magical skills increase. Alternatively, you can take the quicker but more dangerous path and kill unlicensed mages to steal and publish their findings yourself.

Falion's Fast Travel™
Falion is supposed to be THE conjuration master in Skyrim, but he never really does anything to suggest it in the base game. Now he will sell you a spellbook to allow you to access his old portal system, built on a tiny island in the Aetherial Slipstream like the old Battlespire. This network can access and be accessed from each of the standing stones by casting the spell near them.

Also called "The Old Way", Mysticism deals with the manipulation of magicka itself and is possibly the oldest form of magic performed by the non-Et'Ada inhabitants of Nirn. Coming to prominence through the rise of the Psijic order, it has likewise faded over the years as the Psijics become more isolationist. These days the major colleges and guilds of the Imperial provinces don't see it as a school at all, having picked it apart and merged it into the other major schools. Some non-Psijic Altmer still recognise its value though, even if the secrets of teleportation and temporal manipulation have been lost. The "counter" anti-mage option, one of the NPCs in the Witchhunters guild sells 5 new spells that mess with enemy mages in various ways.

Summon Servitor (aka yandere familiar)
An advanced form of the familiar spell, the servitor spell has 5 tiers and the servitor levels with you. Repeated casting will slowly cause it to transition to higher tiers which further increases the effectiveness of the servitor relative to the player's level. A tier 1 servitor has essentially no health and cannot attack, but at tier 5 it can tear through crowds. To compensate, as the servitor increases in tier it will start to have side effects, both while summoned and not. Your servitor loves you very, very, VERY much and is prone to jealousy and possessiveness.

Captain Haldyn: "Our secret ingredient, if you will. A battle-mage of fearsome cunning. Runs the Blood Horkers, and makes sure the battles end right-side up." When you raid his compound you can now find some of the devastating weather magic he has been using to rule the Sea of Ghosts. Gives master destruction spell alternatives to the clear skies and storm call shouts.

Bring me that (Black) Book
An old apprentice of the flesh-mage has found her way to Solstheim in search of more of Hermaeus Mora's knowledge. She will take those finished black-books out of your inventory for you, and provide you buffing service in exchange.

One of the old schools, long since carved up and split between Illusion and Alteration. Thaumaturgy involves a subtle mix of illusion and alteration principles to convince even the caster their spell is reality, such as with the waterbreathing spell. Wylandriah still thinks it deserves recognition, if you take the time to help her find all her misplaced tools she might be able to spare some time to help give you an "accelerated training course". Secondary consequence of providing a "lore friendly and immersive" reason for why the player character is so "important".

The quintessential expression of mind over matter, the magical power to control and manipulate any object at a distance. Only useful for picking up 2 keys. Adept telekinetics can now converse with Neloth about how he managed to get his elevator working, leading to a quest for 2 new useful telekinesis spells.

Daedric Crafting
Daedric items, the most powerful items you could hope for but created through complex rituals which few understand. If you prove yourself to Phinis, he might share the secrets of creating Daedric items with you.

That Secret Magic
"Hmph, wizards... now that's power.. bet they got that secret magic.. turn wood into gold.. yeah, wish I could turn wood into gold..." Said the bandit in Halted Stream Camp standing right next to the transmutation spell tome. These tomes have been moved to a more reasonable place. Adds a quest to get a simple lore textbook for aspiring alchemists from Arcadia that then leads into a short treasure hunt for the transmute spelltome's new home.

Elixir of “Life”
Even normal Elves life a long life relative to a human, but eventually age does catch up with them. Elynea, Neloth’s resident alchemist, has begun to feel the pull of the grave and has been desperately working on anti-aging concoctions. She has found a solution, but the terrible price...

The Reach Belongs to the Forsworn!
"You did it, you joined the Forsworn and broke our king out of Jail, killing the Silver-Blood puppeteers in the process! Now fuck off." There are no quests or anything and all the other Forsworn are still hostile. This adds a simple mechanism to help king Druadach in his campaign of terror and control of the Reach. The other Forsworn are still hostile but now at least there is a lore dialogue explaining it.

Altar of Molag Bal
An ancient and primitive shrine to Molag Bal once used to offer living sacrifices, recently unearthed near Rorikstead. Those with the curse of thin-blooded vampirism can make a blood sacrifice at the altar to summon an avatar of their god, then offer themselves in exchange for a temporary enhancement of their vampiric powers. Of course, offering your body to the god of rape and domination will likely cause severe physiological and psychological harm.

Blade of the Ravener
A powerful Daedric sword associated with Molag Bal. Wielders can tap into the daedric energy flowing from the blade to greatly enhance their abilities in combat for a short time. Previous wielders have reported feeling cold and empty after repeated uses and all have been found dead, covered in huge claw marks.

Rorikstead's Dark Secret, Clavicus' Tricks Part A
Why was Rorikstead destroyed in the second era and rebuilt in the 4th? Why did the soil suddenly go from worthless to the most fertile in Skyrim? Why are there Daedra books and soulgems hidden all over? What are the secretive magic lessons that Jouane is teaching Sissel? Why is the only adult woman in Rorikstead barren? What is the dead with Lund? Discover Rorikstead's Dark Secret and choose whether to save the town or empower yourself. Started from Mralki.

Clavicus Vile's Wishing Well, Clavicus' Tricks Part B
Particularly brave, or foolish, individuals can throw a coin (or several hundred) into the well at the base of Clavicus Vile's shrine and make a wish. Some of these wishes will essentially just give you nothing, while others will give you a powerful buff with an equally powerful malus. Jack-of-all-trades characters will probably find this useless, but specialist characters will be able to min-max further.

The Tragedy of Stauf, Clavicus' Tricks Part C
A new play has recently been published in Skyrim which tells the tale of the court wizard Stauf, who sold his soul to a Skaafin in exchange for 1 year of power, vigour, intellect and charisma. It has been distributed into the levelled lists, if you can find a copy of the dramatised version you might be able to track down the original notes. Do you see a precautionary tale or an instruction manual?

Dark Tutor
Learning magic yourself is so time consuming and tedious, why not just use a memory trace spell to immediately gain someone else's knowledge and understanding? By summoning one of Hermaeus Mora's dark tutors you can instantly gain access to 2 adept level spells per school for several days and the cost of several days of your own memories. Of course, adept level spells are much harder to cast without a high level in the relevant school and while your memories being stolen increasing those skills will be much harder.

Build My House For Me
Hearthfire houses are great. The opportunity to build and furnish a house yourself is a great gameplay and roleplay aspect. However, not all characters would be willing to personally build a house. You have the ability to pay your steward to acquire the resources and furnish it on your behalf, but you are forced to build it yourself and make the materials yourself. With this, you can pay blacksmiths to do the crafting for you, and hire a construction crew to do the heavy lifting while you supervise.

House Dres may not be what they once were and slavery is technically illegal in Morrowind, but neither of those things have stopped them from maintaining certain underground establishments. Unlucky individuals may find themselves preyed upon by Syndicate traffickers and wind up in such an establishment, forced into degrading work to earn their freedom. Alternatively, certain followers of Mephala may arrange for intentional enslavement as a means to recruit a large number of bitter, powerless individuals skilled in sensual arts.

The Legendary Sword-Singers of Yokuda were once able to manifest Shehai, spirit-swords, from their soul. These Anseis and their arts were lost to the destruction of Yokuda and ravages of time. To this day some Redguards attempt to revive the lost magic of the Shehai with varying levels of success, though none have been able to replicate its true power. One such Redguard has recently travelled to Skyrim in the hopes of using the tonal principles of the Thuum to improve his attempt.

Conjure Nightmare Courser
Fast travel is immersion breaking, running is tedious and Skyrim horses are buggy and unpredictable. That is why Arvak is the best summon and companion in the game. Unfortunately he is locked behind a long portion of the Dawnguard questline. There are plenty of horse-like Daedra, now you can purchase spell tomes from Talvas and Phinis which allow you to conjure one.

Have you heard about Bruma?
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is pretty great but doesn't really integrate with anything in Skyrim, so there often isn't really a roleplay reason to go there for a lot of builds. As it borders Skyrim, it is reasonable to assume the average resident of Skyrim at least knows where Bruma is, but doesn't necessarily know anything about it. Simple throw-away lines of dialogue or notes have been added to all of the vanilla guilds and most of the new hubs. If Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is not installed these are just little lore tidbits, if it is installed they give an RP friendly hook for the character to cross the border.

Hunting Experts
Skyrim's Angi and Froki hunting quests are some of the coolest in skyrim with an incredible amount of special backend to make them work. You know, those ones started from little cabins way up in the mountains with absolutely nothing pointing to them and no reason to ever go there. Faendal, Elrindir and Anoriath now have dialogue pointing to angi's camp and, after finishing her training, angi now has dialogue pointing to froki's shack.

Enchanted amulets used by the cultists of Vaermina, the dreamcatchers are capable of low level memory tracing on nearby individuals. This is used to generate nightmare fuel by capturing the memories of dying moments from the cultist's victims. This is then used to incapacitate other prospective victims by forcing them to experience the terror of another's death.

Gargoyle Crafting
In Valerica's gargoyle crafting room there is a new spell tome which teaches you how to craft gargoyles at the forge. These gargoyles last until killed and their health/damage/armor/resistance increase with your smithing/alteration/enchanting skills.

The Cup of Plenty
Can you really call Sanguine the god of hedonism, debauchery and alcoholics if he doesn't give his champion a bottomless barrel of mead? The Cup of Plenty is found in the Misty Grove and will fill 1 bottle of mead every 12 hours.

No Demonstrations
Skip the Faralda test to enter the college if you have at least 1 magic skill, including enchanting above 50. Skip the ward lesson with toldfir by scolding him. Included as a separate optional file.



NOTE: if you find an incompatibility don't just sit on it or bitch about it in your private discords. IF YOU DON'T REPORT IT, IT WON'T GET FIXED

Magic mods: Should be fully compatible (No direct interaction with any existing spells/keywords etc.) 
Perk overhauls: Should be fully compatible (No direct interaction with any vanilla perks other than the basic "Novice Destruction" etc. New perks are not placed in the trees)
Exterior world edits: Highly compatible (No edits to exterior navmeshing, most buildings added out of the way. small conflicts have been reported with mods such as solitude skyways, mods that use yorgrim overlook etc.)
Vanilla quest/faction replacers/edits: Should be compatible (mod points to and checks for completion of vanilla quests but does not actually edit any)
Religion mods: independently compatible (they will not interact with each other at all, no integration and no conflicts)
Food mods: independently compatible (DwD's food will not be recognised as food by most food mods)
CACO: mostly compatible, incompatibilities DwD-side (CACO breaks DwD's ground soulhusk recipe)
Spell learning mods: mostly compatible, incompatibilities DwD-side (some DwD perks are learned via "manuals" (spelltomes), varied reports of whether they break. DwD spell-spell-tomes should work normally)
Open cities: mostly compatible, incompatibilities DwD-side (the magic in the dark questline will be impossible to start)
Loot, Npc and vendor mods: you will need to rebuild your bashed patch. There is a guide pinned in the comments on the SE version page


Installation and Dependencies
No other mods are required, but Take Notes is recommended and you will need to rebuild your bashed patch. If you are trying to update to on an existing save from a version not specifically noted to be safe to update from, first save in a vanilla interior cell, uninstall DwD, load the save, save again, install DwD again then load your save.


Feel free to do whatever you want with this mod as long as you aren't making money or donation points off of it.