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M aiq the Lazy - Segolia - hazardross

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About this mod

Compatibility patch for Requiem and Sacrosanct, available in Russian and English.

Permissions and credits

The patch re-balances (again)) some aspects of Requiem & Sacrosanct so they meld together nicely.

I also made a Russian translation. Патч также доступен на русском!


v1.6 by M'aiq the Lazy & VASYAN

Fixed bug for perk "Court's Chef".
Fixed bug for imperial racial ability "Cult of Shadows".

In English version: removed (hopefully the rest of) leftover Russian text lines.

Исправлен баг в перке "Придворный повар".
Исправлен баг для имперской расовой способности "Культ теней".

В английской версии: убраны (надеюсь что последние) остатки от русского перевода.

v1.5.1 by M'aiq the Lazy

Hotfix for Russian translation for Blue Blood quest, only few text lines were affected. No changes for English version.

Мелкие правки русского перевода для квеста Голубая Кровь, поправлены несколько текстовых сообщений. Английская версия без изменений.

v1.5 by M'aiq the Lazy & VASYAN

Fixed some flaws in Russian translation.

Fixed frost resistance in different vampire stages.

Re-introduced drop of "blood" from fresh humanoid kills.

Fixed few bugs in "Searing Sun" that broke argonian racial vampiric trait and few other acquired powers.

Fixed crafting recipes - in previous version due to confusion with versions the output accidentaly was specified as filled Blood Elixirs, now it crafts empty blood conserving phials as advertised.

Re-introduced empty phials drop from slain vampires as seen in Requiem.

v1.5 but in Russian, by M'aiq the Lazy & VASYAN

Поправлены некоторые огрехи русского перевода.

Поправлено сопротивление холоду в зависимости от стадий вампиризма.

Возвращён реквиемовский дроп крови со свежеубитых людей.

Поправлены несколько багов в "Жгучем Солнце", из-за которых ломалась расовая вампирская способность аргониан и ещё несколько приобретаемых способностей.

Поправлены рецепты на крафт - в предыдущей версии из-за путаницы с версиями случайно готовились уже полные флаконы, теперь готовятся пустые фиалы как и было обещано.

Возвращён случайно перезаписанный дроп пустых флаконов с вампиров как было в Реквиеме.

v1.4 by M'aiq the Lazy

Fortify Health and Stamina from becoming a vampire changed to +100
(Requiem gave +300, previous version of patch changed to +50)

Fire and frost resistances adjusted approx. between Requeim and Sacrosanct/Vanilla values.

Curfew (when you shouldn't go outside because of sunlight) switched to 6 am from 5 am.
Personal edit, it was silly for me to get sunlight penalty while I was literally walking with Nightvision because of how dark it is outside.

Crafting recipes changed:

Empty Blood Conserving Phial
3 salts + 1 gold ingot + 1 malachite ingot + 3 posion spit = 2 phials
1 gold ingot + 1 malachite ingot + black filled soulgem = 4 phials

Court Chef perk recipes:
clean Sacrosanct:
human flesh or heart = Blood Elixir (so you get bottles out of thin air? And how much blood is there in a piece of meat?)
previous patch:
added Frost salts into the recipes (so archers ain't getting any elemental arrows)
1 grand filled soulgem + 1 gold ingot + 1 malachite ingot = 4 empty phials

It's possible to use septims instead of a gold ingot.

Notice that for creating any phials you need a basic understanding of Smithing and Alchemy (one starting perk).

v1.4 but in Russian, by M'aiq the Lazy

Усиление стамины и здоровья от становления вампиром передвинуты на +100.
(Реквием давал +300, предыдущая версия патча изменяла на +50)

Сопротивление огню и морозу поправлены примерно посередине между Реквиемом и Сакросанктом (где были указаны ванилльные значения).

"Комендатский час" (время, когда не стоит выходить на улицу из-за припекания солнышком) передвинут на 6 утра вместо 5 утра.
Личная правка, т.к. довольно странно одновременно получать штрафы за солнечные лучи и при этом ходить с ночным зрением, поточу что ещё тёмно на улице.

Изменены рецепты:

Пустой флакон для крови
3 соли + 1 золотой слиток + 1 малахитовый слиток + 3 ядовитых слюны = 2 флакона
1 золотой слиток + 1 малахитовый слиток + 1 черный заполненный камень душ = 4 флакона

Рецепты с перком лорда-вампира "Придворный повар" изменены:
было в чистом Сакросанкте:
человеческое мясо или сердце = эликсир крови (а флакон брался из воздуха? И много ли крови в куске мяса?)
было в предыдущей версии патча:
добавили морозные соли в рецепт (лукари плачут и остаются без стихийных стрел)
1 великий заполненный камень душ + 1 золотой слиток + 1 малахитовый слиток = 4 пустых фиала для крови

Возможно заменить золотой слиток на септимы.

Заметьте, что для создания флаконов нужно иметь базовые познания в Кузнечном деле и Алхимии (по одному стартовому перку).

(Previous versions were taken from here)

v1.3 by hazardross

Huge thanks to hazardross for providing the patch while I've been MIA!

- Fixed a bug in Vampiric Drain spell where the spell magnitude did not scale properly with hunger stages, i.e. it stayed at a constant 5 HP/sec at every stage. Now the drain spell has correct magnitude of 5/10/15/20 HP/sec (stages 1-4). This is half as strong as the Requiem spell, with reversed progression. If you want the spell to be strongest at stage 1 and weakest at stage 4 as it is in Requiem, enable "Reverse Progression" in the Sacrosanct MCM.
- Fixed a condition error in Vampiric Drain stage 3 (Seg's patch).
- Tweak: Weakness to Fire is brought back to Sacrosanct levels: -20%/-30%/-40%/-50% (stages 1-4), instead of Requiem levels (-75%/-85%/-100%/-150%). This seems appropriate since the vampire character no longer receives the insanely strong +300 HP/SP buff from Requiem, but instead only +50 HP/SP buff.
- Frost Resistance remains unchanged: +50%/+40%/+30%/+20% (stages 1-4)

v1.2 by Segolia

Patch renamed to Requiem - Sacrosanct Patch.
No longer incompatible with mods that edit the Destruction & Silver Damage perks.
Lowered the damage and increased the cost of Vampiric Drain. Vampire NPCs now deal the same damage with this spell as you do.
Hemomancy no longer has a dramatic increase in cost unless you have respective perks. Instead many of the spells have increased magicka cost as well as power.
Nightwalk: Lowered duration from 20 to 10 seconds, to prevent it from lingering too long since you can no longer manually turn it off due to the 24 hour cooldown.
Fixed Blood from a Stone not working.
Decreased effect of Starving Artist from 25% to 10%.
Lowered bonus Health and Stamina from 150 to 50.

v1.1 by Segolia

Fixed Vampires Command not being granted to the player.

Edited load screen and player message text for immersion.
Disables Requiem's Blood Conserving Vial recipe.
Disables Requiem's traits of being a Vampire, which allows enemies to drop an instantly consumable blood item, and various resistances to physical damage.
Removed Blood Conserving Phials from leveled lists, only Elixirs of Blood drop now.
Disabled Dawnguard from immediately being hostile to you so you can progress the Dawnguard Quest to Harkon's Court... or hide yourself from the Dawnguard as you help them. (Seriously though why can't we just walk up to Harkon's Court Bethesda?)
Reduced bonus Health & Stamina from Vampirism from 300 -> 150.
Vampires have 50% resistance to Frost, -75% to -150% Weakness to Fire (Stages 1-4), 100% resistance to Poison.
Sun Damage no longer instantly kills you, but instead greatly weakens your Magicka & Stamina, as well as more difficulty in healing.
You are unable to heal as a vampire with potions unless a Surpassing Potion is used.


Blood Potions created with the 'Court's Shef' perk now require 1-2 Frost Salts to create. This is done due to Teleport Vitals allowing you to swim in gallons of blood due to the massive amount of hearts you can acquire.
Various abilities no longer work on Undead or specific enemies. Blood From a Stone still enables you to damage Daedra & Dwemer Machines.
Disabled Imperial's racial ability to gain different bonuses from Shrines, instead replaced with a Speechcraft bonus due to bugs.
Halved the effectiveness of Starving Artist to compensate for Requiem's high spell scaling.
NPC Unarmed damage set to 25 damage.
Night Stalker's Footsteps no longer works while under the effects of the sun.
Increases the effect of Trespasser's Curse from 10->25.


Hemomancy spells are nearly impossible to cast until you have appropriate cost reduction perks from the Destruction tree. This was done because it is easy to get a large pool of magicka in Requiem, resulting you in being able to cast spells that you wouldn't be able to otherwise.
Vampiric Drain: Costs 20-37 Magicka & Absorbs 18-30 Health from Rank 1-4.
NPC Vampiric Drain: Absorbs 10-15 Heath, or 35 Health Magicka & Stamina for high level vampires.
Dread Cloak: Grants 10% Fire Resist.
Blood Seed: 5 damage per second for 18 seconds. Absorbs 0.75 Health per second for 18 seconds with Starving Artist.
Blood Brand (Damage Overtime): 4 Damage per second for 10 seconds. Absorbs 0.6125 Health per second for 10 seconds with Starving Artist.
Blood Brand (Explosion): 150 damage. Absorbs 12.5 Health with Starving Artist.
Blood Scourge: Absorbs 2.5 Health per second for 15 seconds with Starving Artist.
Profaned Sun: Absorbs 3.125 Health per second with Starving Artist.
Blood Ankh: Deals 185 damage in an area of 20. Absorbs 25 Health with Starving Artist.
Blood Garden: Deals 5 damage per second for 20 seconds (Halved damage but double duration!) Absorbs 0.6125 health per second.
Borrowed Time: 8.75 Damage per second for 20 seconds. Absorbs 0.625 Health per second.
Vampire's Command now has a 24 hour cooldown.


Working for me on Requiem v2.0.2
Reported to work with Requiem v3.x
Uses latest Sacrosanct v5.15

About compatibility with Requiem (personal opinion):

Sacrosanct Hemomancy (a.k.a. Blood Magic) perks and spells are waaay overpowered compared to Requiem vampirism.
However, balancing the whole Sacrosanct for Requiem is out of scope of a simple compatibility/translation patch.
You might want to install something to "coarsen" your gameplay or to tweak existing options in MCM.

Installation & Loadoder

Priority: Requiem, then Sacrosanct, then this patch. Mod Organizer is recommended.

Requiem x Sacrosanct patch
(this file)

Known issues

None so far, feel free to report.


I've made a Russian translation. Only text strings have been translated, there is no difference from English version.
Также доступен перевод на русском. Только текст был изменен, в остальном нет отличий от английской версии.

If you find any mistakes in translations, do let me know, (simple screenshot is enough). Just make sure your Sacrosanct is in Russian first.
Если наткнётесь на ошибки в переводе - дайте мне знать (достаточно скриншота). Только убедитесь, что у вас сам Сакросанкт на русском.


Based on the original patch by Segolia here
further tweaked by hazardoss here
Made with permission expressed here, thank you.

Bugfixes were reported by Russians and fixed by my friend VASYAN, thank you!

Thanks to Bethesda for creation of a mod platform (also known as TES V).
Thanks to creators of Requiem and Sacrosanct mods.
Thanks to creators of xEdit, Notepad++ and GoldenDict tools.
Thanks for Nexusmods team.

Any donations are gratefully received.
Most of all remember - have fun!

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