About this mod

This mod makes all original Vanilla dogs unique with different breeds and colours and adds strays, guard dogs, pub dogs, hounds and NPC companion dogs/puppies in cities, towns, villages, strongholds and other relevant locations across the land
Added ~30 individual NPC owned dogs and puppies aswell as stray puppies for you to adopt

Permissions and credits
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Check out my new survival PVP project ARMYRUST

Dogs are wonderful creatures to have in our lives. They are our workers, our guardians and best of all they are our most loyal companions
With Dogs of Skyrim, TES V is no different
This mod makes all original Vanilla dogs unique with different breeds and colours and adds strays, guard dogs, pub dogs, hounds and NPC companion dogs/puppies in cities, towns, villages, strongholds and other relevant locations across the land


  • Black Hound Puppy, Red Hound Puppy, Black and White Hound Puppy, Brown Hound Puppy, Slof Hound Puppy and Black and White Dog
    In Riften Cemetery
  • Brown Hound and Brown Dog
    Near Solitude Blue Palace Gates
  • Red Hound, Alsatian, Brown Dog Puppy, Black Dog Puppy, Snowy Alsatian Puppy and Alsatian Puppy
    Behind Solitude Market
  • Alsatian, Snowy Alsatian Puppy, Alsatian Puppy and Mongrel Puppy
    Behind Whiterun Jorrvaskr
  • Hyena
    In Riften Temple of Mara
  • Durzog and Nix Hound
    In Windhelm New Gnisis Cornerclub
  • Horker Dog
    At Dawnstar North Beach
  • Husky and Armored Husky
    In Fort Dawnguard Upstairs
  • Death and Skinned Hounds
    On Castle Volkihar Outpost Tower

This lists the locations of new, companionable dogs ONLY! Locations of the vanilla companion dogs are not listed neither are NPC owned dogs.
There are a few more scattered around that you may come across, I can't remember now. If you find one and want to leave a comment, I'll add it to the list


  • Each original unique dog is now visually unique
  • ~80 new dog instances across Skyrim in total
  • ~10 new NPC owned puppies
  • ~20 new NPC owned dogs
  • [b]All strays
can be your companion (activate them)
  • NPC owned dogs and puppies follow their owners around
  • Each breed has realistic size data which is also changed from dog to dog
  • Big dog types are more powerful in combat
  • Rare and exotic Durzog and Nix Hound companions from Morrowind
  • Hyena!
  • Slof's dog retex by AlienSlof
  • Imperials keep Rottweilers, Stormcloaks keep Snowy Alsatians
  • Orcs appear to breed large black guard dogs
  • Forsworn keep huge Rottweilers (living outdoors with barbarians makes for healthy dogs)
  • Jarl Balgruuf keeps hounds
  • Includes QuieterDogs optional, that removes idle barking and 99% of the instances of the idle barking animation (no more silent dogs constantly flapping their mouths) They will still bark aggressively, just not when stood around doing nothing
  • Remove "Good Dog!" Dialogue Mod by ZombieBobie


    The only known compatibility issue is texture mismatch bugs when using another dog mesh/texture replacer at the same time, including AV packages. Apparently adding this mod to "AV exclusion list" fixes issues caused by Automatic variants.
    Alternatively, try the fix found under Installation


    -1.3 added ~30 individual NPC owned dogs and puppies aswell as stray puppies for you to adopt
    Stray pups can be found in small litters near an adult stray in the towns of Whiterun, Solitude and Riften
    -1.6 has crudely edited meshes to portray breeds a little more realistically; Rottweilers are more musclebound and beasty, Alsatians a little thicker, Mongrels a little slimmer, Brown hounds that resembles bloodhounds also slimmer, etc
    -1.7 has added wolfdogs to Jorrvaskr basement (companions living quarters), remade 5 textures for better quality and given the puppies some puppy fat
    -1.9 has added Husky dogs from Dawnguard, found in Dawnguard HQ in an upstairs room. Removed "Stray " before all player companion dogs. All player companion dogs now have personality you would expect from their respective breeds. Rottweiler should never back down, the smallest puppies should run from anything. Other puppies should only start fights on things they can easily beat. The rest of the player dogs have varying stances. The bigger and more fearsome they seem, the braver they should be.
    ~2.0 has added Horker Dog (Dawnstar), Hyena (Temple of Mara), Death and Skinned Hounds (Castle Volkihar outpost tower) and a Nix Hound (New Gnisis Cornerclub) from user GendunDrup plus user Gamwich has kindly given his own improved textures for the original dogs


    For the addition of the Durzog from SkyMoMod
    • Mr. Sikka: Base model
    • Star-X: Retexture
    • Dogtown1: Mesh edits and rigging
    • GendunDrup: Suggesting the Durzog as an addition to this mod and acquiring permissions from the above
      For the addition of the Slof Hound from Slof's Dog Retex
    • AlienSlof
      For the addition of the Nix Hound, Skinned Hound, Hyena and Horker Dog from Nexus Creature Resource
    • GendunDrup: Textures, models and editing
    • Dogtown1: Conversion of Nix Hound base model from Witcher
      For the revision and improvement of original dog type appearances
    • Gamwich: Texture editing


    Unpack .zip contents to Data

    NOTICE: To prevent texture mismatch/glitching, you may wish to delete any files found in the following folders:
    • Datatexturesactorsdog
    • Datameshesactorscaninecharacter assets


    Real Night Eye
    Summer Skyrim 3 HD
    Summer Solstheim HD
    Cinematic Fire FX 2 HD
    Dogs Of Skyrim
    Real Animals
    Falkreath Skyscraper

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