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FireStorm974 aka Spit

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About this mod

A dark but natural ENB preset, based on the beautiful work of Dragens, the Ruvaak Dahmaan.

Permissions and credits


Showcase Fire and Storm ENB par FireStorm974/Spitfire97, sur Flickr

Video by PirateGamARRR

First of all, i'm french, my english can not be the perfect.


Welcome to Skyrim, the game with awesome black and white graphics !

This need to change, so to do this, here comes MY ENB PRESET !

It is very simple:
-No Sweet FX
-No weather list

It offers natural, but dark colors and great effects. The night are...dark. You will need a torch, and if a wolf try to bite you, you may have a shout of fear, and cry like a little girl.

But when it's a beautiful day, with sun and so on, you may have a lot of colors, natural colors, and sun beams in the trees, your hair in the wind... ^_^

-Stop talkin', Spit... we want the requirements...

Here they are !

For this ENB, you will need:
-A sack of flour,
-three apples,
-an Intel Core i5 or i7, (@ 8.1 Ghz)
-a QUAD SLI of GTX 690 or a Double Crossfire of HD 7990,
-and obviously, a screen. And a mouse, with a head.

-wat ? say Jean-Kévin
-dafuq ? whispers Kikoolol

-Ah yes sorry, a bit of love.

Just kiddin'...

You will need the last d3d9.dll of Boris Vorontsov on this page:

When you have it, install it in your game folder, where there is TESV.exe.
Then, drop all the files of my preset in the same place.

Now, you should edit your enblocal.ini like that:
ReservedMemorySizeMb=512 ( or 256, don't know what that do lol)
VideoMemorySizeMb=2048 (If you have under 2048, buy a powerful, just type your VRAM size.)

You can play now. Enjoy a real Skyrim, but not too much, you have a life, I think... o_O

Oh ? You don't have the same look as my screenshots ? "That's good man, that's reaaal good."

You need Climates of Tamriel and the Weather Patch (Fog Edition).
Climates of Tamriel

And here:
Weather Patch

If you want really dark nights, and little lights everywhere, try Claralux:

Anyway, if you EXACTLY my game, here's my mods...



(SoSP is awesome !)

I think that's all...

Oh yes, one last might not please you, but, if you don't like my preset, say it to yourself, I DON'T CARE. RIGHT ?

You do whatever the f. you want ! Okay, fine.

But, you can upload your screenshots, and endors...

Now play, little child of Kynareth.


Version 0.1- First release, original.


Dragens for his AWESOME preset, just the better preset on the Nexus, he deserve a LOT more.

Kyokushinoyama, for his Depth of Field, his palette, his sunsprites and being an awesome GOD.

ZeroKing for the effect.txt he had share.

Amobae for her wonderful lens textures she also had share.

The ENTIRE jeuxvidé Skyrim community, especially:
Desert632, Kobalk, Yoman, TDAssassino, Monobloc "LE LAURE FREINE LIT", thorum, Myloween... i have obviously forgot someone, but f**k it.

The Flickr community, with Kyo, Etaineleanor, Finwel, kaldaar...
