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About this mod

Huge update for v4 includes better meshes, textures, fittings, and scripts, swaying lanterns and optional SMIM style lanterns. 201 stained glass lanterns, craftable, placeable, moveable, with 6 touch-activated levels of lighting. Animated candle effect visible through the glass & coloured lighting effects.

Permissions and credits
V4.0.1-WWTH hotfix available only for those using the mod "Western Watchtower Hamlet". Replaces one mesh with an incorrect texture path.

V4.0.1 hotfix now available to fix meshes of miscellaneous items that couldn't be picked up or positioned. Thanks everyone for being so patient and understanding.

V4 available now! Includes:

* nicer fixtures for hanging lanterns
* better compatibility; lanterns have been removed from signposts wherever possible
* better meshes, better glass, better transparency, corrected glow effect, texture sets (finally!)
* new animations re-purposed from Vanilla candles (for swaying lanterns only - other lanterns still use SRramrod's awesome originals)
* vast improvement in angle-dependent transparency fact, that's fixed completely now
* better textures...actually, I just figured out how to correct the aspect ratio in blender instead of fudging it in the texture
* fixed lanterns no longer ask you to touch them (oooh! Stop touching me!)
* fixed hanging lanterns now swing in the wind (except embiggened lanterns that are switched on - they kept going berserk so upscaled ON hanging lanterns do not swing...OFF ones do though, so that's cool)
* optional SMIM-style lanterns! Not a cut&paste; made from scratch in Blender to suit the stained glass
* optional dayglo fixed lanterns
* optional reduced glow levels for ENB users (like me)

* lightswitch script for fixed lanterns now uses SKSE plugin to detect non-Vanilla sunrise/sunset times. This is due to an awesome effort by LogicDragon in anticipation of a looooooong-awaited upcoming mod.
* SKSE plugin for autoswitching can be disabled in favour of Vanilla sunrise/sunset times - no SKSE required
* working texture sets means you only need to tweak one mesh to suit your lighting
* lots of patches. LOTS....OF....PATCHES....
so tired of patching...

If you need or want to use lots of the patches then I strongly suggest you use the incredible MergePlugins by MatorTheEternal. His work revolutionises Skyrim modding. My current gamebuild has over 1500 mods and 650 plugins merged down to just 180 thanks to him.

As ever, let me know of any problems or patch requests.


This is a collection of 201 designs of stained glass lantern that can be crafted in-game and placed around the home, campsite, or anywhere else you might desire.

Each lantern has 6 levels of lighting (7 if you include "off") with radii of 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and Glow. Brightness also increases with radius.

Each lantern casts light of a colour corresponding to its stained glass colour (blue glass casts blue light etc.), with low or high saturation depending on the colour density of the lantern glass.

Options are available for shadowed and unshadowed light sources, and craftable or non-craftable (for console-crafters who would prefer not to clutter their crafting menu with 201 more recipes).

If you just want the lanterns for yourself, not placed all over Skyrim, open the mnsglanterns.esp in TES5Edit and delete the entire "Cell" and "Worldspace" entries.

All 201 lanterns (and all fixtures) can be picked up in the qasmoke cell (open the console, type "coc qasmoke") in a custom-made lantern container (look around; you can't miss it once you get there).

Lighting Options

All lanterns can be set to Off - Glow - Level 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - and then Off again. By default, light sources are omnidirectional and cast no shadows.
A patch is available that makes all lanterns cast shadows. This is not recommended but is included as an option for people who are serious about home decoration and know the limitations of shadowed lights.

Texture Options and Designing Your Own Textures

NOTE: The patch for Weissadler's Hamlet uses lantern #198, so don't overwrite that if you use that mod.

Lanterns from #178-200 use marble or oil patterns that are fairly generic. I did this deliberately so that players can use these lanterns to add their own designs without losing any of the original designs. All you have to do is create a new texture with an aspect ratio of 1.6:1 (1.73:1 for SMIM lanterns) and then squash it down to the usual 256x256, 512x512, etc. to use it in your game. 

All texture options for the frames of the lanterns are now included in the FOMod.

Where are they?

Lanterns can be bought and used by the player at most merchants. They can also be stolen from shops and houses if you are that way inclined. Due to limitations (i.e.; I don't know how to do that) if you turn on a lantern in someone's house it will cancel their ownership, so you can steal them with impunity.
They can be crafted at a forge (unless you choose the no-crafting patch) or ordered using the console (search for stainedglasslantern).

#150 is a special lantern that cannot be bought (it can be crafted) or found as loot and only exists in one instance throughout all of Skyrim. If you want to "collect" it you will have to steal it but there's no normal theft penalty so,'s your conscience. True collectors will be satisfied with making the pilgrimage to see it.

Other Notes

* It is highly recommended that you use Jaxonz Positioner to place the lanterns, because it is totally awesome. Once the lanterns have been placed, touch (Activate) them once to lock them in place. They can be moved after this, but will not respond to gravity. Touch (Activate) them again to cycle through their light settings. Press and hold your "Activate" key at any time to return a lantern to your inventory.

* If you are not using Jaxonz (or Cobb) Positioner, you MUST move and place the lanterns BEFORE locking them. This is because the lanterns will follow their own script once they are locked, which means that the normal "grab" command (hold-Activate) will pick them up and place them in your inventory.

* Whether or not you are using a Positioner, once you return a lantern to your inventory it can be dropped and placed again normally, returning to its unlocked state.

* Moving a lit lantern does not move the light source; you need to cycle through the on/off settings to put the light back on the lantern's new location.

* If you are using iActivate the "Take or Lock" interface message will be truncated to "or Lock"...unless I fixed that...I think I fixed was late...

Patches and Updates

Be careful to install patches in the same order as their Masters or you will get odd results as a few of the patches may interfere with each other (eg.; running all 3 Darkwater mods and their patches).

MANY patches are now available. Let me know if you want more.

To credit other hard-working mod authors, here is a full list of available patches:

Expanded towns and cities v14.x Complete and Modular by missjennabee. A patch for the Shiny New version will be released eventually
Dawn of Skyrim Director's Cut by BluePianoTwo
Falskaar by AlexanderJVelicky
Immersive College of Winterhold by Grantyboy050
Darkwater Crossing by Arthmoor
ClefJ's Darkwater Crossing by ClefJ
Forestway Reststop by Moirai
Gavrostead by The3 Duk3
Hunter's Cabin of Riverwood original by Okiir, V2 by Crack23extended by UV777 - patch works with any version (or none...)
Ruus Qiiv by Dave0523
Northern Bathhouses by dourdendevire
Showers in Inns by Jokerine
Solitude Public Bathhouse by Zuzmoo
Solitude Reborn by reindeer51, captainswoop and brytag
Shezrie's Old Hroldan Town Ver 2.0 by Shezrie
Weissadler's Hamlet by Spankovski
Western Watchtower Hamlet by Dhomnick
Whiterun Archery Pro Shop by Six6Star
Lyngwi - Nordic Village by skoomaface
Seapoint Settlement by LeianneG

Patches for no-crafting and shadowed lights are available.

The patch for Weissadler's Hamlet uses lantern #198 for the hamlet's symbol.

Future Plans

* I am still hoping to implement support for Wearable Lanterns but that is an extremely complex mod and Chesko is extremely busy.
* Add animated fx to the crystal lantern tree in Farengar's study.
* I still don't like the glass for archery shops - haven't been able to find a better one though.


1) Your textures suck/Can I make my own textures?

Absolutely! I'd love to see more talented people make special texture sets. Just credit this mod when you release them.

2) When Wearable Lanterns? I don't know. If you want to, you can use this mod from SRramrod to use stained glass wearable lanterns, and then use my textures as you wish. Ultimately I want to have 201 recipes for Travel Lanterns in an add-on, but that may not be feasible.

3) Why oh why 201 lanterns???

That's just what happens when you let people with OCD make mods.

Known Issues

* Sometimes after turning on a lantern you have to walk around for a minute before the flame animation becomes visible.
* If you're using the Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul or Unique Shops and Stores, both of these mods add a lot of items to Farengar's study and will clash badly with some lanterns I've placed there. A patch is available that simply disables all my changes to Farengar's room.


This mod is a testament to the effectiveness of Cargo Cult Programming and would have been impossible without the amazing work of brilliant people.

The lantern meshes and candle animation were originally created by SrRamrod as a modder's resource. Their operation is WAY over my head and he was very supportive of my efforts to get this mod out. The first 11 lanterns use his original designs, out of respect for his work.

Mentilreq's fantastic mod "Lanterns and Candles" was a great inspiration for this mod. My sequential activation script is based on his work (but heavily modified).

Lantern #150 is based on the TARDIS meshes and textures from TwistingVortex's freely available resources. Without his work, my TARDIS would have been a blue box.

Hold symbol vector illustrations are from the artist's resources by Polykobus.

Magic school symbols are from the resource by jeclxohko.

Shadow Marks were drawn by me and are free to use. Other images were carefully sourced from public domain resources or from my own photographs collected when travelling in Europe.

Images of the Nine Divines are from the Elder Scrolls Wikia. Other factional/commercial patterns are drawn by me based on default Skyrim signs.

The image used for butchers' lanterns is "The Slaughtered Ox" by Rembrandt, in the Louvre.

Great thanks are due to MissJennaBee, the creator of Expanded Towns and Cities, for her help in creating the ETaC patches and the FOMod installer.

Thanks to kojak747 for advice and testing, and for his great mods.

Thanks to all the great modders who let me make patches for their mods, and for the support and encouragement they offered me.

Shameless Promotion of my Other Mods

Seasonally/locationally adjusted daylight hours with realistic noon-sun height: Daylight Hours

A monumental carved wooden portal for Dragonsreach: Nordic Carving - Great Portal of Dragonsreach

Ultra-high poly Nordic carved wallbaskets: My most popular mod.


I drew on the work of those listed above, but all resources from them are available for use in unpaid mods; you just need to credit them.

You don't need to ask permission to release your own textures for use with this mod, but please credit this mod as inspiration, and let me know because I'd like to see them!

Changes and Revisions

V4.0: Released with new features (see top of page).

V3.2: Fixed the bug that set any lantern to #000 when picked up whilst switched to light level 5. Added a FOMod installer with MANY new patches. Went through the main ESP and patches line-by-line to remove every undesirable or accidental edit.

V3.1: An ESP update that fixes a problem with floating items in the Windhelm market. Also fixes a few lanterns in Whiterun that were failing to activate. Adds a couple of lanterns that I missed the first time around.

V3.0: What started as a minor revision turned into a major redesign. Lanterns are now available for bards, fisheries, butchers, blacksmiths, fletchers, shops, taverns, the Nine Divines, and bath houses (3 versions - nude, clothed and Hunky). Lanterns have been placed on buildings and many signs and these will switch on/off at dusk/dawn. These switching lanterns cannot be moved or activated as normal lanterns can despite what the game interface shows when you approach them; if you don't like them you will have to disable them or edit the mod yourself.

V2.1: With sincere apologies, a hotfix has been uploaded for everyone who has already downloaded v2.0 to fix some non-working fixtures. You can either download the whole thing again in v2.1 or just download the hotfix and overwrite the meshes and default ESP that it replaces. If you were using one of the optional ESPs, download and install the hotfix, then download and install the v2.1 ESP of your choice.

V.2.0: 50 new lantern designs have been added, many of them factional and commercial (alchemist, blacksmith, etc.). Lanterns #173-200 are fairly simple and are intended to be customised by the player.
Lanterns have also been distributed across Skyrim as decorations and a large-scale treasure hunt. See the later section "Please Don't Steal the Lanterns" for more information.
I have also added craftable/buyable fixtures such as hooks, wall mounts and ropes. Just set and forget. These fittings are also available as static items in the creation kit for modders.

v.1.1: Thanks to some great input from early users, lanterns are now available in general stores and loot. They use the same leveled lists as jewelery, so they will still be rare at low levels and their value is high due to the gems required for their crafting.