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Simple Magic Overhaul Patches for Ordinator, Ordinator + Elemental Destruction Magic, + Dwemertech, +Spectraverse, +Forgotten Magic Redone or any Perk Overhaul.

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Patch for the Feedback portion of Simple Magic Overhaul so that Ordinator doesn't cause the Feedback effect all the time. Also adds to SMO Desperation list with more spells.

Simple Magic Overhaul

Elemental Destruction Magic
Dwemertech - Magic of the Dwarves
Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna-Ge
Forgotten Magic Redone

Mine goes after theirs.
Load Order:
Put mine after any mod which changes the spells my particular patch is for. (Like my other ED-Ord patch.) If you use a TES5Edit Merge Patch, the only thing you need to keep from this esp is the "half-cost perk".

More Detail: (with notes about SMO Desperation list)
SMO - Perk Overhaul Patch --
SMO checks each tier in vanilla skyrim, but Ordinator doesn't have comparable perks. I just removed the perk insufficient Feedback checks in the first place. This is not what ApolloDown designed. To stay the most true to his mod, use his until you have the root perks in the Ordinator magic trees, then install mine. This patch does not require any mods which means you can use it for any perk overhaul that doesn't use vanilla Skyrims Novice, Apprentice, etc perks.

SMO - Ordinator Patch --
SMO can now see what Ordinator Perks effect which spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 1 is all Novice and Apprentice spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 2 is Adept, Expert, and Master Tier.

SMO - Ordinator ED Patch --
SMO can now see what Ordinator Perks effect which vanilla Skyrim and Elemental Destruction Magic spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 1 is all Novice and Apprentice spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 2 is Adept, Expert, and Master Tier.

SMO - Ordinator Dwemertech Patch --
SMO can now see what Ordinator Perks effect which vanilla Skyrim and Dwemertech spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 1 is all Novice and Apprentice spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 2 is Adept, Expert, and Master Tier.
Dwemertech has a quest tied into how many times you cast spells from that mod. I don't anticipate any problems though. Some may think it isn't immersive to be able to desperately cast Dwemertech spells before you've even unlocked its quest. More at the end of "More Detail" if this bothers you.

SMO - Ordinator MagnaG Patch --
SMO can now see what Ordinator Perks effect which vanilla Skyrim and Spectraverse spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 1 is all Novice and Apprentice spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 2 is Adept, Expert, and Master Tier.
MagnaG has a system where it tracks which spells of each faction which is ultimately important or it's main quest, but when you are desperate those things don't matter. More at the end of "More Detail" if this bothers you.

SMO - Ordinator Forgotten Magic Redone Patch --
SMO can now see what Ordinator Perks effect which vanilla Skyrim and FMR spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 1 is all Novice and Apprentice spells. Ord **** Mastery Tier 2 is Adept, Expert, and Master Tier.

If you don't want to desperation list changed from the vanilla list you can either use TES5Edit to remove the SMODesperation Form ID list or you can load the SMO - Ordinator Patch after any of these others.

SMO - Ordinator Patch only effects the spells created by Bethesda. SMO - Ordinator ED Patch  includes the spells added by Elemental Destruction Magic. And so on.
If you have other spell pack mods they won't work with SMO and perk overhauls without a patch. My SMO - Perk Overhaul Patch will allow you to play the game, but again, that's not how ApolloDown designed his mod to work.