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Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO Changes/Fixes:

; This documents all the changes/fixes in RDO... or at least most of them.
; Occasionally, I have mental lapses and forget to document changes made.

Package Changes/Fixes:

- WIKill05RunToHideFromVictimCorpse
-- Removed the "Reaction to player actions" flag, which should stop the distressed NPC from commenting if the player knocks over objects, picks up objects, etc.

- WhiterunWarmaidensSellPackage
-- Add the flags "Allow Idle Chatter" and "World Interactions" the Ulfberth's sell package. This will allow him to greet the player upon entering the shop, and use his idle lines that he clearly was intended to use.

- The following sandbox packages have had their radius increased from 50 to 512 to prevent awkward standing:
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker2Sandbox7x2
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker2Sandbox9x3
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker1Sandbox8x3
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker1Sandbox11x2
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker1Sandbox13x3
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker2Sandbox14x4
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker2Sandbox16x4
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker1Sandbox18x4
---- SolitudeAvenuesMarker1Sandbox20x2

- SolitudeBardPlaysFlutePackage8x3/11x3/14x3/18x5
---- Packages had been changed from travel to sandbox. The bards using these packages were supposed to stand outside the Bards College and play a flute. However, due to conflicts with linked references, this would never occur. As a result, each bard that is supposed to be playing a flute would just silently stand in one spot for several hours until another package took over, which looks weird. Fixing this problem is not something that can be done easily, since it will result in each bard not playing instruments during other quests such as MS05KingOlafsFestival and MQ201Party. Changing the package to sandbox allows the bard to walk around in the small area outside the College, which is much more natural looking than just standing there silently.
---- Schedule fixes from USLEEP have been carried over.

- Gourmet (All Packages)
---- All the packages on the Gourmet (Balagrob gro-Nolob) have had the "Hellos to Player" flagged removed to prevent him from greeting the player. GourmetPondTravel package has had its preferred speed set to Fast Walk so he'll no longer run to the idle marker which looked very odd and would clearly draw attention to himself.

Script Changes/Fixes:

- SayOnHitByMagicEffectScript has had the AllowForTeammate property value changed from 1 to 0 on the InvisibilityFFActor Magic Effect.
---- This will allow for the responses to be used by anyone, instead of only followers.

Audio Changes/Fixes:

- Several FemaleEvenToned housecarl follower responses added by Hearthfires had an extra period of silence after the spoken audio had ended.
-- This ranged from 0.5 to 1.0+ seconds of silence before the action of the dialogue was applied (The one lined script fragments).
-- None of the other housecarl voice types had this extra silence for the same lines of dialogue added by Hearthfires.
-- Thus, the extra silence on these 4 lines of dialogue have been removed as they should not be there.

- Fixed a FemaleEvenToned murder response, "Murder! Murder!", in which the audio was nearly peaking and was noticeable louder than the same response for other voice types.
---- This has been edited to better match the audio of the other voice types using the same response.

- DialogueFollower
---- The default trade items response for VoicesFollowerNeutral, "What do you want me to carry?", was spoken slightly differently by the MaleEvenTonedAccented voice type. That voice type response sounded like, "So, what do you want me to carry?", which doesn't match the rest of the responses or the subtitle text. The line has been edited, removing the "So" from the beginning.

New Dialogue Added In Existing Quests:

- DialogueWhiterun
-- Saffir has an additional hello topic while she is out running errands.
-- Ysolda has an additional hello topic, similar to her original, to be used if Hulda has been killed, about buying the Bannered Mare.
-- Fralia Grey-Mane has had two additional hello and idle topics added while offering her vendor services if Eorlund is dead.

- DialogueSolitude
-- Pantea Ateia has two additional hello topics for her initial greeting which she introduces herself, for the morning and afternoon.

- DialogueGeneric
---- Added existing audio files for the Murder line "Someone do something!" for several voice types.

- MS12 "The White Phial"
---- Added an option for the player to exit conversation with Nurelion when the player is presented with the option to help him.
---- The line used is an existing line from MS12 that was never implemented. So, I'm sure exactly when it was intended to be used but it's a fitting conversation ender for Nurelion to use.

- TGLarceny
-- The responses from Delvin Mallory, when giving him an Eye of the Falmer, have been changed.
---- He no longer gives the same initial response as the other items you bring him. Instead, he starts with "By the Eight..." and when he reaches the end of the first sentence, he'll use a cut-out line that was originally intended to be used as the second sentence for this dialogue topic but was completely removed from the game. The quest stage will still advance like normal, as only the response and the starting topic have been edited.

Additional New Dialogue

- DLC1VQ08
- (Taunt)
---- Harkon has over a dozen combat lines to use during your fight with him, but they are all under attack.
---- This results in many of them never being heard.
---- To help him use these lines more, a new quest has been added will all his attack lines as taunts.

- DLC1NPCMentalModel
- (Favor)
---- In original Dawnguard, Serana has no dialogue option to ask her to do a favor like all other human followers.
---- Therefore an option to ask her to do a favor has been added to her own RDO quest.
---- He willingness to do favors depends on her willingness to trade items.

- CWCombatDialogue
- (Taunt)
---- Stormcloaks will now use the lines: "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!" and "Your kind has no place here!"

New Quests:

- "Silent Retrieval"
---- This is a misc quest for Grelka, the street vendor in Riften, so the player has a way to increase her disposition without the use of the console or other mods.
---- This was done because Grelka is a potential spouse in vanilla Skyrim, but has no means to increase her disposition towards the player to allow her to be married.
---- Completing this quest will also count towards helping the people of The Rift.

Dialogue Condition Changes/Fixes:

- BYOHHouseDialogueHousecarl
-- All follower dialogue exclusive to Hearthfire housecarls has been opened up to all housecarls of the same voice type.
-- The exception to this is the dismissal lines, as those refer to specific locations (i.e. Lakeview Manor, Winstad Manor, Heljarchen Hall, etc).
-- The dismissal lines will no longer be used if the housecarl is married to the player, or has been recruited into the blades.
-- The goodbye responses, while not waiting, have had the reset time removed and the Female Commander response has had the emotion type changed from puzzled to neutral, which matches all other dialogue responses in the quest.
---- This will prevent the follower from resorting to generic dialogue if the reset timer for the two responses had not yet been reached.
-- Any housecarl that is married to the player will stop using all "Thane" dialogue.

- BYOHRelationshipAdoptableUrchins
- (Hello)
-- Lucia will not say, "I'm so hungry..." if she just used one of the eating idle animations or is currently carrying any food.

- CWDialogueCombat
- (Taunt) && (NormalToCombat)
-- Imperial soldiers will no longer say, "For the Emperor!" if the player has killed the Emperor during the quest, "Hail Sithis!".

- DLC1DialogueVampireBase
---- Modhna would never use one of her four greetings due to a incorrect value check on the GetSitting condition.

- DLC1VQ07CombatTaunt
-- Two taunts used by Gelebor about the "valley" and "Chantry" will not be used unless he's in the Forgotten Vale.

- DLC1VQ08
- (NormalToCombat)
---- Harkon would still use the line, "Auriel's Bow will be mine!", even if the player had given it to him.

- DLC2DialogueRavenRock
- (Hello)
---- Mogrul will now give his warning once as he clearly states, instead of every half-hour for the entire game.

- DLC2DialogueTelMithryn
---- Neloth has two available responses for both of the topics, "PlayerinIronSights" and "KnockOverObject" but will only ever use the first response for those topics. Thus, all four lines of dialogue have been flagged as random.

- DLC2HirelingQuest
---- Adjusted all of Teldryn Sero's idle comments as a follower to have them work through RDO, and many of them can now be used by any follower with the DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical voice type instead of just Teldryn.

- DA01Fin
-- Aranea will stop using her dialogue referring to the player as the "guardian" if she is married to the player.
-- She will also stop using her goodbye responses if she's a follower, as they make no sense for her to say while following.

- DA16 "Waking Nightmare"
-- Skald, Jod, and Bulfrek each had a hello topic regarding the quest that should not be used if they are exiled in Windhelm and the player has not yet completed "Waking Nightmare".
---- All of their hello topics refer to "being tired" or something similar, which doesn't make sense if they're not in Dawnstar.

- DarkBrotherhood
-- Arnbjorn will no longer tell the player he thinks of him/her as a "snack" if the player is a werewolf too.

- DialogueCaravans
-- All friendly caravan dialogue (calling the player "friend", or welcoming the player to the campsite) will no longer be used if the caravan member dislikes to player.

- DialogueCombatEncounterTypes
-- Bandits will stop using dialogue that refers to the enemy as a humanoid, when fighting anything other than humanoids (i.e. Animals, Creatures, Draugr, etc).
---- Condition fixes from USLEEP have also been carried over.

- DialogueDragonBridge
-- (For some reason, much of the Dragon Bridge dialogue have the emotion value of 100, which causes extreme facial expressions when it's not always needed.)
-- All of Faida's dialogue using emotion type "happy" with a value of 100, has had the value lowered to 50 as 100 could cause her mouth parts to clip with the rest of her face when speaking.
---- One exception is a response that had the emotion value changed to Anger - 20 as it was more appropriate with the context of her dialogue.
-- Julienne Lylvieve:
---- "Faida's teaching me the innkeeper's trade. She runs the Four Shields." Sad 100 --> Happy 50
---- "I'm hoping to run my own inn someday." Sad 100 --> Happy 50
---- "First the war and now there's talk of dragons. What's next?" Sad 100 --> Sad 50
-- Michel Lylvieve:
---- "It's no easy thing to make a living in the wilds of Skyrim." Happy 100 --> Surprise 50
---- "You hear all this talk about a war? I hope it never comes here." Anger 100 --> Anger 25
---- "You look like you've seen your share of adventure." Fear 100 --> Surprise 50
-- Horgeir:
---- "You're a well-traveled sort, I can tell just looking at you." Happy 100 --> Surprise 50
---- "Rest a spell! Can't work every minute of your life." Happy 100 --> Happy 50
---- "Working hard gives a man reason for drinking hard! Well, that and putting up with a wife like mine." Happy 100 --> Happy 50
---- "Money's been tight since the mill burned down. My wife won't let me forget it." Happy 100 --> Sad 50
---- "You been to Markarth? They've got a tavern called the Silver-Blood Inn. Best ale this side of Skyrim." Happy 100 --> Happy 50
---- "They say a strong drink, a sharp axe and a good woman are all a Nord needs to be happy. Two out of three's not bad." Happy 100 --> Happy 50
-- Varnius Junius:
---- "Mind you don't cross Tasius. He's in charge around here." Happy 100 --> Surprise 50
---- "Don't start any trouble and I think we'll get along just fine." Anger 100 --> Anger 50
---- "At least, if you're gonna cause trouble, go somewhere else, okay? Please?" Fear 100 --> Fear 50
-- Odla:
---- "Got nothing to say to strange folk." Anger 100 --> Disgust 50 (Only used if disposition is less than 1)
-- Azzada Lylvieve:
---- "Seen some mean-spirited folk pass through lately. Thought I was rid of those sorts when I left Markarth." Disgust 100 --> Disgust 50

- DialogueFalkreath
-- For some reason, nearly all hello topics in DialogueFalkreath were added twice. This is not done in any other city/town dialogue quest, and thus the duplicate hello topics will no longer be used.
-- Solaf will only offer to "get you something" if he's in his store, Gray Pine Goods, and is offering his services.
-- Solaf will no longer threaten about stealing from his shop if the player is friends with him.
-- Solaf has two goodbye topic that should not be used if he is friends with the player.
-- Siddgeir has 2 goodbye topics but the first one would always endlessly repeat as there were nothing that was stopping him from using it. Both topics now have reset timer that is the same as all other town dialogue.
-- Siddgeir's first goodbye response could also still be used if he had been exiled, which makes little sense: "Come and see me again sometime. I might have some use for you."
-- Siddgeir has two hello topics that should not be used if he's been exiled.
-- Helvard has a hello topic about Nenya that should not be used if the Stormcloaks control Falkreath.
-- Zaria has a hello topic calling the player "Someone new". She will now only say this once.
-- Bolund has three hello topics that use the Neutral - 50 emotion value despite him speaking in a very emotional manner. These have been changed to Happy - 50, Anger - 50, and Disgust - 50.
-- Runil has a hello topic with faulty condition checks causing it to never be used. This has been restored and conditions have been altered to allow him to use it when it's appropriate.
-- Runil has a hello topic referencing Siddgeir as "Jarl Siddgeir", but did not have conditions to check that Siddgeir was still the Jarl.
-- Kust has a hello topic about graves of Falkreath but would use it even when not inside the house of Arkay or in the cemetery.
-- Kust has two hello topics that are derogatory of the player and will no longer be used if he's friends of the player.
-- Narri has a hello topic, if the player is male, that uses the emotion value of Neutral - 50 despite the emotion in her voice sounding quite happy. The emotion value has been changed to Happy - 50.
-- Tekla has two hello topics that should not be used once she's been made the steward after the Stormcloaks take control of Falkreath.
-- Dengeir has two hello topics that should not be used if he's the Jarl after the Stormcloaks take control of Falkreath.

- DialogueFollower
- (Follow Me)
---- When trying to recruit a riekling from Thirsk Mead Hall, the dialogue option has a condition that was erroneously checking your human follower count instead of your animal/pet follower count.

- (Hello)
-- Followers that have been told to wait will no longer revert to generic dialogue due to reset timers put on both hello topics used while waiting. The second greeting has had the reset timer removed.
-- The standard follower hello responses were, for some incorrect reason, blocked for hirelings. This caused hirelings to use generic dialogue while following which they should not be. This has been corrected (as it was in DFD).

- (Idle)
-- All vanilla hireling idle dialogue is now handled by RDO. The topics are all still located in the DialogueFollower quest but rather than use the HirelingCommentScript to control the comment timer, each voice type will point the RDO quest that corresponds to that voice type.
-- Also, each idle comment that is not clearly unique to a specific NPC (i.e. referencing family, their past, or something specific about him/her) has been opened up to the voice type of that follower.

- DialogueGeneric && DLC2DialogueGenericDarkElf
- (Attack)
-- The line, "Die, vampire!" is now corrected to be spoken when the speaker is fighting any vampire, not just the player.
-- Several topics were restricted to only be used against the player. Some of these have been opened up to be used against any enemy NPC (ActorTypeNPC), and conditions have been added to correct certain lines.

- (Combat Taunt)
-- Erandur, as a sworn priest of Mara, will no longer use the following two lines in combat: "Azura curse you!" and "Nerevar guide me!"
-- The taunt, "Foul blood drinker!" will now be used if the target has the vampire keyword and the subject does not. Previously, this was only used when the NPC was fighting the player, and if the player was a vampire.
-- The taunt, "Sovngarde awaits you!", used by NPCs with the Female Nord voice type, will only be spoken when that NPC is fighting another Nord or a Nord vampire.
-- Two taunts used by the Male Orc voice type which refer to the speaker as an Orc, will now only be used if the speaker is an Orc or an Orc vampire instead of just having the Male Orc voice type.
-- The taunt, "You dare fight a Dunmer?", used by NPCs with the Male Dark Elf voice, will now only be used if that NPC is a Dark Elf or Dark Elf vampire instead of just having the Male Dark Elf voice type.
---- The following topics have been altered to prevent NPCs using certain lines they shouldn't (mainly followers who could say something insulting about the enemy who is the same race as the player):
------ "Your kind has no place here!"
------ "You should've stayed in your precious forests, elf!"
------ "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!"
------ "Die, you Orc filth!"
------ "I'm gonna wear that tail as a belt!"
------ "You'll make a fine rug, cat!"
------ "You remind me of my cousin's cat. Killed that, too!"

- (Hello)
-- Condescending greetings from Male/Female Nord and Male Even Toned voice type towards other races, will only be spoken if the NPC dislikes the player (The vampire race checks were also added, as they should be).
-- Gender restricted, but not gender specific, greetings have been opened to both genders.
-- A hello topic, "Good evening." had incorrect comparison operators which caused it to never be used. This has now been corrected.
--- Also, the time for the following lines: "Good afternoon." and "Good evening." have been adjusted. The former would stop being used once it hit 5pm, which really isn't "evening" yet. It will now stop at 6pm instead, then the later will start being used.

- (Hit)
-- Male Brute voice type does not have any voiced audio for the line, "It's... nothing..." and therefore will no longer use it when struck in combat.

- (Goodbye)
-- Gender restricted, but not gender specific, goodbyes have been opened to both genders.
-- Male/Female Young Eager voice types will no longer say "I'd better get going" when currently offering their vendor services.

- (Knock Over Object)
-- NPCs will now almost always correctly comment if the player knocks over objects instead of just 10% of the time previously.
-- The previous 10% chance was causing NPCs to use hello dialogue beyond the greeting distance, if the 10% chance failed on all three responses.
-- NPCs will not correctly comment only if he/she is in a player house (LocTypePlayerHouse). It's your house after all, you can do whatever you want to it.

- (Murder)
-- The entire list of topics was a complete mess. Nearly every single response had to be fixed.
---- There were no conditions to prevent voice types that did not have any voiced audio from using certain lines.
---- Also, several responses had some voice types using one audio response, while the rest using another.
---- This would result in the words not matching the text displayed on screen for some voice types when using certain lines.
---- All of this, hopefully, has been corrected. Correct conditions have been applied and two additional responses have been added.

- (Notice Corpse)
-- NPCs will stop making remarks like, "Oh... what happened" at a dead body that was killed seconds/minutes ago. A body must be dead for more than 2 hours before any remarks are made. This isn't the "best" method for this but there is no condition to determine if a NPC witnessed the death of another NPC. Also, a NPC will not comment about a dead body that he/she killed, it must have been killed by someone/something else.

- (Rent Room Branch)
-- Innkeepers will no longer offer room rental if he/she dislikes the player.

- (Services Branch)
-- Vendors will no longer offer their services if he/she dislikes the player.
-- Several fixes from USLEEP have been recreated in RDO for certain responses. (A voice type form list has been recreated and added to the needed responses)

- (Stand On Furniture)
-- The response given by children, "I'm not allowed to stand on furniture" will now use the voice type condition (GetIsVoiceType - VoicesChild) instead of using the condition just for children (IsChild).
-- This will allow any actors with a child voice type to use the line, instead of just children.
-- Another response that was restricted to children only has been opened to all default NPC voice types (DefaultNPCVoiceTypes).
-- The exception is if the NPC is in a player home (LocTypePlayerHouse). It's your house after all, you can do whatever you want to it.

- (Steal)
-- All responses referring to the thief as a particular race will now check the race of the player instead of the target.
---- Since checking the target does not actually work in this topic, and was causing NPCs to use lines such as, "You thieving little elf!" even if the player is NOT an elf. Also, the vampire racial checks have been added to the 3 lines altered as they should be.

- (TimeToGo)
-- All dialogue topics now check that the player is trespassing, which will prevent NPCs from infinitely telling other NPCs to leave the location (such as followers, even when the player is not trespassing).

- (ZKey Object - "Pick-up Object")
-- NPCs will now almost always respond correctly when you pick up and hold items, instead the 10% chance previously.
-- The exception is if the NPC is in a player home (LocTypePlayerHouse). It's your house after all, you can do whatever you want to it.

- DialogueGenericCombatLowStamina
- (Block)
-- Fixed the 6 audio only (no text displayed) topics used in combat when blocking with low stamina. No longer will female NPCs use male grunts and vice-versa, and only NPCs of the correct voice type will now use these.
---- The condition checking the gender of the player has been replaced with checking the voice type of the speaker (Male/Female EvenToned).

- DialogueGenericUniqueVoices
-- The following topic categories have had random end flags removed from responses that were restricting the amount of dialogue certain NPCs/VoiceTypes could use:
---- CombatToNormal, NormalToCombat, Attack

- DialogueGenericVampire
- (NormalToCombat)
---- All four responses did not have any conditions requiring the speaker to be fighting a vampire. If the player was a stage 4 vampire, any of the four lines could be used. This was resulting in NPCs screaming "Vampire!" when entering combat with anyone or anything. The responses have been fixed by replacing the condition requiring the player to be a stage 4 vampire with a condition that checks to see if the combat target is a vampire. Also, an additional condition has been added to prevent the NPC from using any of these lines if he/she is a vampire.

- DialogueIvarstead
-- Gwilin will only use a greeting about it being such a "fine day" and for you to "smell the air" if he's outside, and the weather is pleasant.
-- Gwilin will only ask how you can help you on "such a fine day" if it's not raining or snowing.

- DialogueKynsgrove
-- Kjeld the Younger will no longer think he could take you once you reach level 5.

- DialogueMarkarth
-- Reburrus had a hello topic that referred to the player as "kinsman" if the player was a Nord, even though Reburrus is an Imperial.
-- Reburrus has a hello topic that referred to the player as an "outsider" if the player was not a Nord, instead of not an Imperial.
-- The two topics above also were not checking for vampire races, causing the incorrect topic to be used, even in vanilla Skyrim.
-- Hroki and Hreinn each had a hello topic ONLY referring to their father, Klepper, but required both of their parents to be alive instead of just Klepper.
-- 3 hello topics for each Hathrasil and Omlaug about working at the smelter could be used anytime while the speaker was in the Markarth city worldspace, instead of just when working.
-- Tacitus had a hello topic, if Ghorza had died, offering weapons (similar to Ghorza's) that could be used at any time, instead of when he only offers his vendor services.
-- Rondach had a hello topic about working that could be used at any time (i.e. Talking to him while he's sleeping), instead of just during his work hours.
-- Voada had a hello topic about having a hard day of cleaning that will now only be used when it's 6pm or later, instead any time of the day (like 7am).
-- Male Guard does not have any voiced audio for the line: "By Shor, you're hauling around a lot of junk. Best stop in at the Arnleif and Sons Trading Company, sell it off.", and therefore will no longer use the hello topic.

- DialogueMorthal
---- Both Alva's hello topics with flirtatious dialogue are no longer race restricted. This will allow her to use them if the player is a Khajiit, Argonian, or even a custom race.
---- Gorm, the housecarl, has four hello topics that were incorrectly checking that the Stormcloaks controlled Hjaalmarch instead of the Imperials. This would cause him to use generic dialogue after speaking to him once, as long as the Imperials were in control.

- DialogueRelationshipGeneric
-- Members of the Skaal Village will no longer use hello topics that refer to the Aedra (i.e. "Divines", "Gods", etc).
-- Erandur will no longer use the hello topic referring to Azura.
-- Female children, that are at least a friend of the player, will no longer use the hello topic: "You're the best! Can you be my father/mother?", unless the player has the dialogue option to adopt that child.
-- A FemaleCoward hello topic, used when the speaker dislikes the player, has had it's conditions changed so the speaker has to have been assaulted instead of disliking the player.
--- This is because the dialogue refers to the player previously "hurting" the speaker, and RDO adds sufficient dialogue to support Female Coward hello topics where the speaker dislikes the player.
-- All dialogue in this quest will not be used if the NPC is a follower.

- DialogueRiften
-- Mjoll had a goodbye topic that made no sense if she wasn't a follower or being recruited: "I see I still have much to learn. Lead on."
-- Svana had a goodbye topic that should not be used if the player has completed her quest, FreefromRiften11, in her favor. "Sure, leave. Not like you care anyway."
-- Snilf had a hello topic that was insulting to the player even if the player had taken pity. The topic will only be used if Snilf is an acquaintance or lower disposition rank.
-- Bolli has a hello topic greeting the player as "New in town" and can be used for the entire duration of the game. He will now stop using this once you have completed his quest.

- DialogueRiverwood_Revised
-- Nearly all of Sigrid's dialogue required the player to be male, for some reason, even though most of her dialogue does not make reference to the player's gender in any way. Thus, the gender checks on her dialogue, where it's not needed, have been removed.
-- Gerdur's initial hello topic references her husband, Hod, but did not check to see if he was still alive.
-- Faendal has a hello topic that should not be said if he's not currently in Riverwood.
-- One of Sven's hello topics about Camilla Valerius was erroneously checking that Alvor was still alive instead of Camilla.
-- Two of Sven's hello topics were using the (Disgust - 50) emotion value that doesn't fit with each line. These have now been changed to (Happy - 50) and (Sad - 50).
-- Lucan Valerius has a hello topic when offering his services that will not be used unless Camilla is in the same cell as him, and if she's not married to the player.
-- Hod, Faendal, Sven, and Hilde have hello topics about Camilla Valerius that will no longer be used if Camilla is married to the player, as they would certainly not be appropriate.

- DialogueRorikstead
-- Rorik has two hello topics that should not be used if Jouane is dead.

- DialogueSolitude
-- Illdi has a hello topic greeting the player as a "new" member of the bards college, but would still continue to use it even after the player completed "Tending the Flames" MS05 (And for the entire duration of the game).
-- Pantea Ateia's initial greeting where she says "Good evening" will now only be spoken between the hours of 6pm and 5am. Two other similar greetings for morning and afternoon have been added for the other hours of the day.
--- Also, all 3 of her lines use the GetTalkedToPC condition to ensure that she doesn't introduce herself 3 different times, but rather uses the one that is currently applicable.
-- Erikur's hello topic about returning to court will only be used when he's not currently at the court, and not heading home for the night.
-- Jawanan has a goodbye topic that makes no sense if he's not in the Solitude Fletcher.
-- Evette San has an additional idle topic while selling her Spiced Wine, but required the current weather to be a snow storm. Since it does not snow in Solitude, this topic was never used. The weather condition has been removed so she will now use the topic.
-- Bryling has a goodbye topic that should not be said unless she's currently in the Blue Palace.
-- Sayma has two goodbye topics that should not be used if she's not currently in her store, Bits and Pieces.
-- Beirand has a goodbye topic that should not be used unless he's currently offering his merchant services.
-- Beirand has four hello topics that should not be used if he's not offering his merchant services, and one that should be used if he's not offering his services.
-- Gisli will now only introduce herself once.
-- Gisli has a hello topic that should not be used if she's currently at home.
-- Jala has a hello topic that should not be used if Solitude has been taken over by the Stormcloaks.
-- Jala, Addvar, Evette San, and Beirand will now only use their call-outs to customers when currently offering their services. This will prevent them from yelling out to customers if they're far away from their working area.
-- Noster's idle comments were not checking that Roggvir's execution was finished, causing him to use them just after he walks away from the execution scene.
-- After asking Captain Aldis, "How goes the training?" his response prompts another dialogue option asking about dragons, but never checked that dragons had returned.
------ Also, the quest stages being checked (MQ106, stage 0) is too early to assume that Aldis would know the player is Dragonborn. The stage has been changed from (MQ106, stage 0) to (MQ106, stage 200). (MQ106.GetStageDone(200) == 1)
------ His first response condition changes also include a check that dragons have returned, and will allow for the second response to be used instead if applicable. (MQ106.GetStage() < 200 && MQ101.GetStageDone(900) == 1)

- DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexAdvarScene1:
---- Aliases Actor1 and Actor2 can now correctly fill with Jala instead of Addvar, which was preventing the scene from ever being used.
------ Yes, I know this scene, and many others, were intended to be used by Addvar instead of Jala. But, nearly all dialogue for Addvar was recorded in Jala's voice FemaleShrill, and will never be heard due to the aliases never being able to fill correctly.
------ This very short scene is still appropriate for Jala and Sorex.

- DialogueSolitudeWellScene3 "Noster Begging"
---- One of Noster's four topics, "Please, ma'am, I've got nowhere to go..." could be used even if the other NPC in the scene was male.

- DialogueWhiterun
-- Ulfberth has an idle topic when offering services that should not be used if Adrianne is dead.
-- Fralia has two idle topics while offering her merchant services that should not be used if Eorlund is dead.
-- Fralia has several hello topics that should not be used if Eorlund is dead.
-- Arcadia will now tell the player that he/she looks "pale" if the player is currently infected with a disease.
-- All hello topics used by Gerda and Fianna will only be used when they are currently located in Dragonsreach, instead of anywhere.
-- Anoriath has several hello topics that were intended to be used while hunting outside the city, but were never used because of intentionally bad condition checks. These have now been restored.
-- Anoriath has a hello topic talking about the "plains outside Whiterun" but could be used even if he was outside the city himself.
-- Hulda has a hello topic while not in the Bannered Mare calling the player "love". Now, she's not addressing the player as a spouse but just to be safe, her line has been edited and refuzed so she no longer says "love" when greeting the player.
-- Hulda has a hello topic that should not be used if Ysolda is dead.
-- Saadia has two hello topics that should not be used if Hulda is dead.
-- Saffir has several hello topics that don't make sense if she's not currently at home.
-- Saffir has two goodbye topics that don't make sense if she's not currently at home.
-- Lillith has a hello topic that should not be used if Skulvar is dead.
-- Lillith has a hello topic that could only be used inside the Whiterun Stables. She will now also use it if she's near the stables while outside.
-- Lillith has a hello topic that was never used due to faulty condition checks. This has been restored and had conditions altered to prevent her from using it when it wouldn't make sense.
-- Nazeem will no longer ask you about the Cloud District if you're currently in Dragonsreach or have become Thane of Whiterun (either through completing Dragon Rising, or taking the city for the Stormcloaks).
-- Adrianne has a hello and goodbye topic that should not be used if Ulfberth is dead.
-- Adrianne has a goodbye topic that will now be used if she's currently inside Warmaidens or not offering her services.
-- Adrianne has a goodbye topic that will be used if she's currently offering her services instead just when she's inside Warmaidens.
-- Proventus has two hello topics that should not be used if he's been exiled.
-- Jervar has two hello topics that should not be used if Skulvar is dead.
-- Jervar has a hello topic that was never used due bad condition checks. This has been restored at the cost of Lillith Maiden-Loom's reference persisting in the Whiterun Stables.
-- Ysolda has a hello topic that does not make sense if she's not currently in the Whiterun market area.
-- Skulvar has a goodbye topic that could only be used inside the Whiterun Stables. He will now use also use it if he's near the stables while outside.
-- All shop owners will stop using their idle lines if the owner dislikes the player. (Does NOT apply to street vendors)
-- Carlotta has two goodbye topics that will only be used if she's currently offering her services.
-- Carlotta has a goodbye topic that will now be used if she's out in the city and heading home, instead of inside her house which made very little sense.
-- Severio Pelagia has a goodbye topic that will only be used if he's away from his farm, instead of just not in his work package.
-- Severio Pelagia will only comment about his farm "outside the city walls" when he's walking the streets of Whiterun or in his house.
-- Eorlund has two hello topics that were never used due to faulty condition checks. These have now been restored.

- DialogueWindhelm
-- Captain Lonley-Gale's first two hello topics use extreme emotion values that did not fit the subject matter (Disgust - 100, Sad - 100). They have been changed to Neutral - 50.
---- Condition fixes from USLEEP for the first hello topic have been carried over.
-- Silda will no longer use her idle lines during the opening murder scene of "Blood on the Ice" (MS11), as it was quite distracting when talking to the guard and other witnesses.
---- Also, all her idle topics have been flagged as random as she would always use the same lines in order.
-- Rolff will no longer use his hello topic telling you he walks around the grey-quarter every night when he's currently in his drunk package.
-- Susanna will no longer use a hello topic about the "candle on the mantle" unless she's currently inside Candlehearth Hall.
-- Shop owners will no longer use idle lines if the owner dislikes the player. (Does NOT apply to street vendors)
---- One exception is Nurelion
-- Restored Calixto's idle comments while in his house, if the player is simply viewing Calixto's collection of items.
---- Calixto will not use them if he's giving his tour, or has previously done so, as all comments do not make sense for him to use at those times.

- dunHunterQST
-- Hamming will no longer think he could take you once you reach level 5.

- Favor013 "A Few Words with You"
---- All greetings used by quest givers to indicate problems they're having were only supposed to be used once (all have the SayOnce flagged ticked).
------ However, the quest is not StartGameEnabled and therefore suffers from the bug that causes say once topics to be used more than once in quests that are not StartGameEnabled.
------ To fix this (without using script variables), an additional condition has been added so the speaker will only use their line if you have not agreed to any of the potential favors in this quest (Favor013.GetStage() == 0).

- FavorJobs*ALL* (Except beggar)
-- All dialogue for selling firewood, crops, ores, and nirnroot will not be available if the NPC that would normally offer those, dislikes the player.
---- This includes hello topics to the player about mining, picking crops, etc.
---- MaleCommonerAccented has the incorrect audio when telling the player about picking crops. No audio for that line exists for the MaleCommonerAccented voice type, therefore, that voice type will be prevented from using the line.

- FollowerCommentary01/02/03
---- Changed quest conditions from only allowing those in the PotentialFollowerFaction to PotentialFollowerFaction or CurrentFollowerFaction.

- HousePurchase
- (Hello)
-- Any housecarl that is married to the player will stop using all "Thane" dialogue.
- (Thane Topic)
-- The two dialogue topics you can ask a housecarl will no longer appear if the housecarl is married to the player, or is a current follower.

- MS05KingOlafsFestival
- (Hello)
-- Sorex Vinius has two hello topics for the festival but would only ever use the first one as it could be endlessly repeated.
-- Minette Vinius has two hello topic for the festival but would only ever use the first one as it could be endlessly repeated.
- (Idle)
-- Sorex Vinius, Bendt, and Evette San all have two idle lines to use during the festival but would only use one because it could be endlessly repeated. All their idle lines have been flagged as random to fix this.
--- Corrections to the conditions have been forwarded from USLEEP.

- SolitudeOpening
-- Post-Execution blocking hello (using Goodbye flag) topics for Noster, Addvar, Evette San, Beirand, Ataf, Vivenne, Greta, Taarie, Sorex, Lisette, and Jala have all had the IsInDialogueWithPlayer condition removed.
---- This is to prevent NPCs from using their standard town dialogue when the player walks by, but then comment about the execution when the player tries enters conversation with that NPC.
---- As in vanilla Skyrim, once the SolitudeOpening quest ends, NPCs will start using their standard town dialogue again.
-- Sorex Vinius has three available comments to make during the execution scene but would only ever use the first, "Get on with it." The other two comments are appropriate to use instead, and thus can now potentially be chosen as all three responses have been flagged as random.
-- Taarie has an additional comment to make as well, but it isn't quite as appropriate as the extra comments Sorex has, if spoken first. Therefore, her responses were not altered.

- T03 "The Blessings of Nature"
-- Both of Danica's hello topics will not be used if she dislikes the player.

- TG01 "Taking Care of Business"
-- When getting the payment from Haelga, she could potentially respond as if she was your spouse even when not married to the player. This was due to a condition checking the relationship rank between Haelga and the player to be 4 (lover) instead of the marriage faction. This could only occur if payment had only been collected from one of the three targets, and if you had not taken her statue.

- TGGoodbyes
-- Sapphire will no longer tell the player she hopes you'll, "bump into each other again" until you have joined the Thieves Guild.

- WICastMagic02 (Dangerous Magic)
-- Followers/Teammates and College of Winterhold members will no longer remark about you casting "dangerous magic".
---- MaleCommonerAccented has the same shared voiced response as MaleCommoner but conditions were not correctly set up to allow MaleCommonerAccented to say the response.
---- The Bystander alias can no longer be filled by NPCs who are Blades, followers, housecarls, spouses, or teammates.

- WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing
-- The responses for Male & Female Elf Haughty were quite condescending towards the player after the player casted a healing spell on the speaker.
-- Thus two, much less condescending, topics were created using existing shared info from Skyrim.esm that will be used instead of the speaker is at least friends with the player.

- WICastMagicNonHostileWierd
-- Male Orc and Female Shrill voice types will not use their insulting comments about wizards and magic if the speaker is a member of the College of Winterhold.

- WICommentCollegeRobes
- (Hello)
-- All lines now have a 24 hour cool-down timer to prevent excessive use and annoyance. And will only be used if the speaker does not dislike the player.

- WICommentMagicColorful
- (Hello)
-- NPCs that dislike the player will no longer comment on "pretty" or "colorful" magic the player has active. (Male Nord being the one opposite exception)
-- Vigilants of Stendarr you encounter will no longer comment on colorful magic, as the comments make no sense with their serious persona.

- WICommentMagicDangerous
- (Hello)
-- NPCs will no longer comment on you having a dangerous spell if they have a dangerous spell about them.
-- Also, court wizards and spell vendors will no longer comment about dangerous magic.

- WICommentSneaking
-- 4 responses will no longer be used if the speaker dislikes the player: Male & Female Child, Male Argonian, and Male Sly Cynical.

- WIDragonKilled
-- Male/Female Child voice types will no longer say, "In all my years, I've never seen such a thing..." when gathering around a dead dragon. (They're children... need I say more?)

- WIGreeting
-- In order to better make use of the greetings, a condition on the store owner alias, requiring the owner to detect the player, has been removed.
--- This will allow for previously unused greetings to be heard as some store owners will never detect the player upon entering (Example: Bothela in the Hag's Cure).
-- Merchants will no longer greet the player when entering if the speaker dislikes the player.
-- Merchants in the Ragged Flagon have been excluded from using the WIGreeting lines.
-- Re-added a greeting for Belethor to use when you enter his shop Belethor's General Goods. The line was previously used as a hello line, but was buried beneath other lines that when spoken, it didn't make any sense.
-- Restored existing, but never implemented, store greetings for the following shops in Solitude: Bits and Pieces, Angela's Aromatics, Radiant Raiment, Solitude Fletcher.

- WITavern
-- Innkeepers will no longer greet the player upon entering if he/she dislikes the player.
-- Followers/Teammates will stop greeting you when entering an inn as if he/she was the innkeeper (*cough* *cough* Immersive Wenches).
-- Restored an existing, but never implemented, tavern greeting for the innkeeper of the Winking Skeever (Corpulus or Sorex Vinius).

v1.1 New Changes/Fixes:

Dialogue Condition Changes/Fixes:

- DialogueRiften
---- Talen-Jei uses a condescending greeting when speaking to the player if the debt has been gathered from Keerava during TG01 ("Taking Care of Business") or if Keerava is dead.
------ The problem is that if Keerava is killed by someone other than the player, Talen-Jei will still talk to the player like he/she was the one who killed Keerava.
------ An additional condition set has been added so if Keerava is dead, it makes sure the player was the one that killed her, or if the player has collected the debt from Keerava during TG01.

---- Talen-Jei would still use his very gracious and welcoming greetings just after insulting the player, which makes no sense.

---- Vulwulf has had conditions changed on several responses.
------ He will use his condescending goodbye topic, "Imperial bastard.", if the player is an Imperial/ImperialVampire or if the Empire controls Riften and if the player is not a member of the Stormcloaks.
------ He will no longer use goodbye topic, "Support Ulfric or die trying. There's nothing in between." if the Empire has taken Windhelm, thus killing Ulfric.
------ He will a condescending greeting, "Be brief Imperial, there's only so long I can stand being downwind of your stench.", if the player is a Imperial/ImperialVampire or if the Empire controls Riften and if the player is not a member of the Stormcloaks.

---- Nura has a goodbye topic that does not appear to be used in the correct situation. It required the Stormcloaks to be in control of Riften, but was separate from the small random stack that her other goodbye topics were a part of. Thus, the condition requiring the Stormcloaks to be in control of Riften has been changed to the Imperials.

---- Eola will stop using a hello topic that makes no sense as a follower, "It's an honor to see you, the keeper of Namira's ring."
---- The last hello topic in this random stack for Eola has had additional conditions added to allow her to use the other follower dialogue added by RDO if she's a follower.

- DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene4
---- There are two responses that can be used by Vivenne Onis if the other Actor in the scene is Fihada, but she would only ever say the first one.

- DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexAdvarScene1:
---- The GetIsSex condition will now check Event Data instead of a Quest Alias. (This is to prevent Noster from calling a male NPC "ma'am")

- DialogueSolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene1
---- Two topics used in this scene (1 used by Vivenne, 1 used by Lisette) were checking to incorrect gender of the other alias in the scene.
------ The topics referring to the other actor as a female and were checking to see if she was male.

- DialogueGeneric
- (Attack)
---- Restricted the topic, "For Skyrim!" to be used by Stormcloaks only.
- (Taunt)
---- NPCs can only use the taunt, "Victory or Sovngarde!" if the NPC is a Nord/NordVampire.
---- NPCs will only use the taunt, "I'll paint the snow with your blood!" when not indoors or inside a ice-covered cave.

- DialogueWhiterun
---- Anoriath's greetings while out hunting deer have been switched. He'll now say them in this order:
------ "Oh! You startled me. I wasn't expecting company out here."
------ "Shhh. You'll scare the deer."
------ Previously, these lines were spoken in the opposite order which doesn't make any sense.

- DialogueFavorGeneric
---- Recruit responses for Female Commander, Male Brute, and Male Nord who are members of the Companions have had a reset timer of 24 hours added.
---- Talvas was not blocked from using the fall-back recruit responses.

- ThrowVoiceLine
---- All topics have been edited so they can now only be used by the player.
---- USLEEP adds and additional throw voice line that has had the same condition added in the available patches.

Quest Changes/Fixes:

- DialogueRelationshipGeneric & DLC2DialogueRelationshipGenericDarkElf
---- Moved quest dialogue conditions to the individual topics, which removed the need to edit the quest itself.

# - Meaning, the edits made to the quest record for the two quests listed above have been removed - #

Restored dialogue:

---- Restored dialogue for a wounded bandit in Irkngthand during the Thieves Guild quest "Blindsighted".
---- This was completely cut out of the original game and was restored with only the audio files remaining.

RDO Dialogue & Quest Changes/Fixes:

---- Stopped Dark Elves from screaming about burning or being on fire unless they have a weakness to fire damage.
---- Fixed bad conditions on Niranye's dialogue options during Grelka's quest which resulted in certain dialogue options not appearing, causing the quest to not advance.
---- Fixed a goodbye topic for the Female Dark Elf voice type: "Together we will vanquish an*d* foe." -> "Together we will vanquish an*y* foe."
---- Female Even Toned voiced followers should no longer get "lost in thought" when at any sort of dungeon (bandit camp, falmer hive, etc).

RDO New Dialogue:

---- Re-added the original hello topics used by potential spouses when the player is wearing an amulet of Mara and the NPC has the option to be married.
---- Added a non-spouse dismissal line for Female Shrill voice type.
---- Added a new follower greeting for Female Child voice if the speaker has been told to wait. This will only be used if the speaker has been adopted by the player, and if the player is a male character.

Other Changes/Fixes:

---- Added a global variable which controls the services for rivals instead of the MCM script variable. The variable is injected into Update.esm, which allows other mods to add it as a dialogue condition without requiring RDO as a master file.
---- Added a MCM option to allow NPCs with a a relationship rank of 4 (lover) towards the player to use refer to the player as a loved one. They won't call the player their spouse (husband or wife).
---- Non-unique NPCs can now have their relationship rank towards the player adjusted in the MCM. The changes will not be saved for templated actors, but will be active for the duration of the game session where it was changed.
---- Added LOOT metadata for the main RDO plugin to have LOOT place it after the same mods suggested on the description page.
---- LOOT metadata has been added for the patches. Hopefully, LOOT will actually abide by this and load the patches after the mods I've told it to.
---- Fixed an issue where Serana could not be recruited through iAFT without being prevented from using RDO dialogue.

; v1.2 Changes/Fixes:

Quest Changes/Fixes:

- DialogueFavorGeneric
---- Moved all non-default NPC voice recruiting lines to a RDO quest, as I should have done from the beginning.
------ Therefore, the edit to the quest record is no longer needed and has been removed.

- DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene3
---- Sven and Faendal will no longer argue about Camilla Valerius if Camilla is married to the player.
------ Alias fixes from USLEEP have been carried over, and the condition changes from ICAO have also been carried over.

- DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexAdvarScene1
---- Moved dialogue conditions that were added in v1.1 to the quest instead, since the quest record was already edited.

- DLC1DialogueGuardsGeneral
---- Increased the priority from 0 to 31. This is to allow two extra greetings for guards when the player has a husky or a deathhound as a companion to be used.
------ These were previously almost never used because all other guard dialogue are in higher priority quests, which were blocking these two lines.

- WERoad02 "Nobles Traveling with Bodyguard"
---- To allow a female noble to be used in the encounter, the noble alias (Noble01) is now created from a RDO leveled NPC list. Which contains the original male noble, and the new female noble added by RDO.
---- In order to maintain compatibility with ICAO, the package changes to the aliases in the quest have been recreated in RDO.

Dialogue Condition Changes/Fixes:

- DA01Fin
---- Added conditions to the final greeting in Aranea's small random stack that will allow her to use more greetings as a follower (both RDO and vanilla).

- DA03 "A Daedra's Best Friend"
---- Restored a greeting for Clavicus Vile that was intentionally conditioned to not be used for some reason.
------ This will be used when talking to Clavicus after you've been told to get the Rueful Axe.
---- **NOT FIXED YET** Restored the line of dialogue intended to be used by Barbas during the final scene with Clavicus but was skipped due to the Barbas being disabled.

- DLC1VQ00
---- Guards will now only tell you about "reforming the Dawnguard" once, instead of every 24 in-game hours.

- DLC2MQ02FreaTempleSceneQuest
---- Frea would never use a line of dialogue when speaking to Ysra in scene action 8 because Line 1 was not flagged as random. This prevented Line 2 from being used, even though Line 2 is flagged as random and random end.
------ All the dialogue spoken by Frea for each scene action are in small random stacks (Line 1 - Random. Line 2 - Random, Random End.), which is why Line 1 of scene action 8 is now flagged as random.

- DLC2DialogueGenericFriendlyHitDarkElf
---- Friendly fire comments (Ex: "I'm on your side!") will only be used when the player is striking the NPC. So, if you accidentally strike a follower in combat he/she will not continue to use friendly fire comments when being struck by an enemy, only the player.

- DialogueGeneric
---- Male/Female Elf Haughty voices will no longer use the condescending greetings if the speaker is friends with the player: "Speak quickly." and "You want something from me?".

- DialogueGenericFriendlyFire
---- Friendly fire comments (Ex: "I'm on your side!") will only be used when the player is striking the NPC. So, if you accidentally strike a follower in combat he/she will not continue to use friendly fire comments when being struck by an enemy, only the player.

- DialogueGenericUniqueVoices
---- Removed random end flags on several topics, to allow more dialogue to be used, for the following subtypes:
------ LostToCombat, CombatToLost, CombatToNormal, NormalToCombat, AlertToCombat, LostIdle, Attack

- DialogueMarkarthReburrusBlockingTopic
---- Adjusted the response from Reburrus to match the changes made to several other of his greetings.

- DialogueRorikstead
---- Ennis will only introduce himself once.

- DialogueRiften
---- Shadr has had multiple hello topics fixed, so he'll now use them and at appropriate times.
------ All the greetings required Shadr to not have the JobHostler keyword, despite the fact this keyword is on his actor base.
------ One greeting was checking that Hofgrir was dead instead of alive.
------ Another greeting was erroneously checking that Balimund was dead instead of Hofgrir.

---- Switched the 2 goodbye topics used by Asbjorn to make more sense when used.
------ His first goodbye topic, after switching them, will now only be used once, "It was nice to meet you."

- DialogueGuardsGeneral
---- Male Guard does not have any voiced audio for the line, "I find your wolfish grin... unsettling." and will no longer use the greeting. Logical condition fixes from USLEEP have been carried over.

- DialogueGeneric
- (Taunt)
---- Female Sultry voiced NPCs will now only say, "And you thought I was just a pretty face!" when fighting another humanoid NPC, instead of any enemy.
------ Also, the punctuation at the end of the sentence has been changed from a period (.) to an exclamation mark (!) which nearly all other combat taunts end with.

- (NormalToCombat)
---- The line "Never should have come here..." will only be used when a NPC is fighting another humanoid NPC, instead of any enemy.
------ Also, the Old Orc will not use this line when starting combat with the player, if the player has agreed to give him a "good death".

- DialogueWindhelm
---- Angrenor Once-Honored has a greeting that can only be used when he's inside the Aretino Residence, if Aventus is now at Honorhall, but is logical for him to say anywhere.
------ However, he will stop using it if the Civil War is over as it may not make sense for him to say, but that's more down to opinion instead of fact.

- DialogueWhiterun
---- Carlotta has a goodbye topic that has had the previously added package condition checks removed in-place of current time condition checks.
---- Carlotta has a hello topic that should only be used while offering her merchant services.
---- Fralia Gray-Mane has a goodbye topic that should not be used if she's currently not offering her merchant services.
---- Olfrid Battle-Born has a goodbye topic that should not be used if the Stormcloaks control Whiterun.
---- Balgruuf has a hello topic that should not be used if he's been exiled.
---- Commander Caius will now only introduce himself once.

- DialogueWildernessNPCs
---- Prevented the MaleCommonerAccented voice type from using dialogue that would be unvoiced.

- FavorJobsChopWood
---- Hroggar will no longer give the lumberjack dialogue while enthralled by Alva.
------ If Hroggar is still alive after MS14 completes, he will then start using lumberjack dialogue.

- MS01 "The Forsworn Conspiracy"
---- Margret has a goodbye topic that is incorrectly checking that she, Margret, is dead instead of Weylin, which caused her to never use it.

---- Lucan and Camilla will no longer thank you for bringing back the claw every 30 in-game minutes.
------ They're responses will be used once every 24 in-game hours, if they're not a follower or spouse, and if they're in Riverwood.

- TG01 "Taking Care of Business"
-- When getting the payment from Bersi, he could potentially respond as if he was your spouse even when not married to the player. This was due to a condition checking the relationship rank between Bersi and the player to be 4 (lover) instead of the marriage faction. This could only occur if payment had only been collected from one of the three targets, and if you had not smashed his urn.

- WICastMagicNonHostileSpellHealing
---- Surprised or condescending responses from followers when casting healing spells on them will no longer be used. Instead, they'll just give a simple thanks in reply.
---- Added a response for both Serana and Frea when casting healing spells on them.

Dialogue Branch Changes/Fixes:

- DialogueWhiterunBrillTopicsDragons
---- Commenting to Brill about the "threat of a dragon attack" has been changed from Top-Level to a Normal Branch, and is linked from Brill's dialogue branch that available when he's the steward.
---- The branch about dragons makes much more sense when used after Brill's response he gives when asked about his steward duties. It may have originally been intended to be this way, who knows?
---- Just to make sure, conditions have been added to Brill's response about dragons that ensure dragons have actually returned.

RDO New Dialogue:

- Added some dialogue for Frea as a follower.

- If you decide(d) to kill Madanach during MS02 "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine", you'll now be met by someone who is less than pleased with your actions.
---- This person, who I will refer to as X, won't appear until several days after Madanach's death, as word of this has to travel.
---- After several days have passed, you'll find X somewhere near the place where you witnessed the first Forsworn assault, but only when it's night (between 8pm and 5am).

---- Ingjard has no quest dialogue during the siege of Castle Volikhar like all of the other Dawnguard members.
---- Therefore, an additional hello topic (with goodbye flag) has been added to DLC1VQ08 for Ingjard to use during the siege.

Restored Dialogue/Content:

---- Argis, Calder, Iona, and Jordis will now greet the player upon first meeting them just like Lydia and the Hearthfire housecarls do.

---- Added to NPCs to the WEAdventurerSpellswordSubChar leveled actors list. These are the WE mercenaries who inform you that there's, "been word of some trouble nearby".
------ The two NPCs added use the FemaleCommander and FemaleSultry voices. Both of these voices have fully voiced responses for being a mercenary but were never used in the original game.

---- Merchants using the MaleNordCommander voice type have been given a voiced response for the barter line: "Take a look."

---- In vanilla Skyrim, you may randomly encounter a noble on horseback with a bodyguard (Imperial Soldier). The noble is always male and uses the Male Coward voice type.
------ However, completely voiced dialogue exists for a female noble with the Female Commander voice type. But, the original female noble created by Bethesda, that was never used, has the Female Condescending voice type.
------ That voice type does not have the dialogue intended to be used by the noble in this encounter.
------ Therefore, another female noble has been created in RDO using the Female Commander voice type that may be encountered instead of the male noble. (Sometimes it will be the male noble, other times the female noble)

---- Kerah, Hogni Red-Arm, and Eltrys each have a line dialogue intended to be used when Margret is killed, but never did due to their dialogue being under the wrong topic.
------ The dialogue has been restored for all three (Re-created and added into RDO quests) but will only work for Kerah and Hogni as an alias attached to Eltrys has override packages, which prevent him from using the dialogue.

Story Manager Quest Node Changes/Fixes:

- GenericScenesSpecial
---- This node handles the three quests: DialogueGenericSceneSpecial01, DialogueGenericScene04, and DialogueGenericSceneDog01
---- To fix these scenes from constantly repeating, a reset time has been added to each:
------ DialogueGenericSceneSpecial01 = 2 hours ----- (The "Good morning" - "Bah. What's so good about it, hmm?" scene)
------ DialogueGenericScene04 = 24 hours ----------- (The "Hello, ladies. Is there anything a big strong man..." scene)
------ DialogueGenericSceneDog01 = 12 hours --------- (The "Stupid dog." scene)
------ Conditions have also been added to DialogueGenericSceneSpecial01 so it'll only be used in the morning (Starting a 7am and ending before 12pm), instead of any time of day.

- SolitudeWinkingSkeeverScenes
---- Several scenes would never play due to a editor location condition. This has been changed from GetIsEditorLocation to GetInCurrentLoc.
------ This will also allow Jawanan and Fihada to use their dialogue for the "Romance" scene (i.e. "Can I buy you a drink?") with Erdi and Vivenne Onis.

- PawnedPrawnConversations
---- A scene between Drifa and Nivenor would never play as it required the conversation to take place in the Pawned Prawn, which Nivenor never visits.
---- This condition on the Node, GetInCurrentLoc, has been removed, allowing the scene between Nivenor and Drifa to play when they're in the market area.

RDO Dialogue & Quest Changes/Fixes:

---- Potential spouses were still commenting if the player was wearing an Amulet of Mara even after the player was married.

---- The fuz files for one of the silent lines of dialogue was accidentally left out of v1.0 and v1.1. This would cause NPCs mouth to continuously move during certain player actions if using Fuz-Ro-Doh.

---- Followers will no longer comments on certain player actions (Knock Over Object, Pick Up Object, etc)

Package Changes/Fixes:

- Shadr, the Riften stable-hand, will now visit the marketplace for 4 hours starting a 9am while Hofgrir is still alive. (Only if you've agreed to help pay off his debt to Sapphire)
---- In vanilla, he would only visit the city if Hofgrir was dead, even though some of his conversations with other NPCs imply that Hofgrir is alive.

Scene Changes/Fixes:

- Restored 16 Scenes in Riften, and few other scenes in other locations, that would never play due the scene not having the correct flags set in order to be called by the Event.
---- Restored scenes are indicated below with the * symbol.

- The following scenes have either been restored, or had fixes applied (such as the NPCs not head-tracking each other, and being used at inappropriate times):
---- BardsLunch
---- FletcherScene*
---- FletcherScene2*
---- CommanderScene1
---- CommanderScene2*
---- JailScene1*
---- JailerScene2*
---- ErikurFamilyScene*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene05
---- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene15*
---- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene16*
---- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene17*
---- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene18*
---- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene19*
---- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene20*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene13*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene15*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene16*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene17
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene18*
---- DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene019*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene21*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene22*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene25*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene28
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene29
---- RiftenPawnedPrawnScene03*
---- DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthEldaLonelyGaleScene06*
---- RiftenGrandPlazaScene10
---- SolitudeMarketplaceSorexAdvarScene1*
---- SolitudeMarketplaceAiaEvetteScene1*

- RiftenGrandPlazaScene05
---- The scene between Madesi and Drifa had the dialogue set to head-track themselves instead of the other person. (Meaning: Drifa was set to head-track Drifa, and Madesi was set to head-track Madesi)
------ This would cause them to aimlessly stare off somewhere instead of look at each other.

Compatibility Changes/Fixes:

- The patch for Invisibility Glitch - Eyes Fix is no longer needed.
---- RDO now includes this fix for the previously conflicting InvisibilityFFActor magic effect record.

; v1.3 Changes/Fixes:

Undocumented Changes/Fixes From v1.2

{A number of changes in v1.2 were accidentally deleted from the documentation, hopefully this is all of them.}

- There is a new page available in the MCM
---- This page has several options:
- Control the minimum greeting distance for NPCs (Making "No NPC Greetings" obsolete).
- Control the distance NPCs start head-tracking other NPCs and the player.
- Adjust the value of items friends, confidants, allies, and lovers let you take for free.
- Option for those using Skyrim Unbound and don't want to hear any Dragonborn dialogue added by RDO until meeting the Greybeards.
(This option will enabled automatically if Skyrim Unbound is detected upon loading)

- Fixed the relationship rank option in the MCM to be used on any Actor instead only those using RDO voices.

- Non-unique NPCs can be recruited as followers and/or married. The will be a warning message every time you want to make a non-unique NPC into a follower or spouse to inform you of the potential problems.
---- I will not be providing support for issues with non-unique NPCs.

- Two idle markers in-front of the fishmongers market stand (Addvar or Greta) in Solitude were marked as owned by Jala's merchant faction causing NPCs to not use them.
---- The ownership has been removed from these markers so NPCs can use them just like the other idle markers in the market area.

- Valerica has had spell tweaks to match her status as a powerful vampire.
- (I found that when having Serana and Valerica fight against each other, Serana was usually the winner, even though Valerica is supposed to more powerful)
---- Her Conjure Dremora Lord spell exchanged for a Conjure Gargoyle Sentinel.
---- This is to help with the notion that Valerica is fascinated with Gargoyles. And so she's not stuck a level 13 Gargoyle to summon for the entire game.
---- The Gargoyle Sentinel starts out at level 25 and maxes out at 100. She will begin using it once her conjuration skill reaches level 50.
---- She also has a new Vampiric Drain spell that behaves very similarly to the same spell used as a Vampire Lord.

- Isran has had a new Alteration spell added that has the effects of Stoneflesh and Grand Healing.

- Gelebor has had a new spell added that is a more powerful version of his custom Sun Fire spell to make it more viable against high-level enemies.
---- But, without any increased magicka points from his actor base, casting this spell once will drain almost all his magicka.

- Isran, Gelebor, and Valerica now have an option to change their follower distance when recruited through RDO. They can follow you at close, medium, and far distances. The distance can be changed through a new dialogue option while they're following you.

- The following unique voices types: Vex, Serana, Bryjolf, and Karliah now provide the necessary follower dialogue for any NPC with that voice type with out condition limitations, which made much more difficult for NPCs that weren't those 4 specific characters to use the dialogue.

- Terek, an existing but never implemented NPC, has been restored and can be found in Breezehome. He'll only appear if you have not been to Breezehome home after purchasing it, or if you haven't even purchased Breezehome.
---- He has his own lines of dialogue like the other citizens of Whiterun.

- You can now complete Grelka's quest by paying her off, but you won't get all the rewards available. This method of completing her quest can only be done if you've not agreed to help her.
---- Added a additional reward for both ways of completing her favor. A cuirass with its own unique enchantment.

- The encounter (WEDL12 "Bitten by a vampire") would never use a hunter with the MaleCommonerAccented voice type, despite this voice type having fully voiced responses for this encounter, because none existed in the leveled list used for the alias.
---- A hunter using the MaleCommonerAccented voice type has been created and will added to the hunters leveled list upon launch.

- Added 5 new followers to world, that use non-vanilla follower voices.
- (To avoid overwriting additional cell records, which happens by default when you place NPCs into a vanilla cell, all of these followers will start out inside the Winking Skeever in Solitude)
- (Their packages will be processed and they'll start dispersing to their package locations. But if you start a new game with a mod like Alterate Start, and begin in the Winking Skeever, you'll see all of these followers there until they exit to go to their correct package locations).
- All start at level 2 and have no level cap.
- All have the Light Foot perk, for those not using another mod to prevent followers from setting off traps.
---- Female Followers:
- Nubaree (Argonian) -> Found in Riften
- Voice Type: FemaleArgonian
- Class: Custom Class
- Primary Skills: Restoration, Alteration, Light Armor
- Secondary Skills: One Handed, Sneak, Conjuration, Destruction
- Combat Style: csSpellsword (Vanilla)
- Aggression: Unaggressive
- Confidence: Foolhardy
- Crime: Any Crime:
- Assistance: Helps Friends and Allies
- Razita (Khajiit) -> A member of the caravan lead by Ri'saad. (Warning!: She will not be happy if you attack other members of the caravan)
- Voice Type: FemaleKhajiit
- Class: Custom Class
- Primary Skills: Sneak, Light Armor, One Handed, Archery
- Secondary Skills: Block
- Combat Style: Custom (Will use Melee and Ranged weapons, but will use her fists if you take away all her weapons. She can dual-wield one handed weapons.)
- Aggression: Unaggressive
- Confidence: Foolhardy
- Crime: Any Crime
- Assistance: Helps Friends and Allies
---- Male Followers:
- Lorion (High Elf) -> Found in Solitude
- Voice Type: MaleElfHaughty
- Class: Custom Class
- Primary Skills: Destruction, Conjuration
- Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alteration, Sneak, One Handed, Light Armor
- Combat Style: csHumanMagic (Vanilla)
- Aggression: Unaggressive
- Confidence: Foolhardy
- Crime: Any Crime
- Assistance: Helps Friends and Allies
- Saryn (Dark Elf) -> Found in Windhelm/Hlaalu Farm
- Voice Type: MaleDarkElfCynical
- Class: Custom Class
- Primary Skills: Conjuration, Destruction
- Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alteration, Sneak, One Handed, Light Armor
- Combat Style: csHumanMagic (Vanilla)
- Aggression: Unaggressive
- Confidence: Foolhardy
- Crime: Any Crime
- Assistance: Help Friends and Allies
- Dunore (Breton) -> Found in Markarth
- Voice Type: MaleCondescending
- Class: Custom Class
- Primary Skills: Conjuration, Alteration
- Secondary Skills: Sneak, Restoration, Destruction, Light Armor, One Handed
- Combat Style: Custom (Will use Melee weapons and Magic. Can dual-wield one handed weapons.)
- Aggression: Unaggressive
- Confidence: Foolhardy
- Crime: Any Crime
- Assistance: Helps Allies

- Tweaked the overall use of follower idle comments
---- The average time between comments has been lowered.
---- The chance that comments are said has been increased.

- When detecting an enemy, followers will no longer comment about you "hearing something" if the player is looking at the enemy they're detecting.

- Tweaked Serana's combat lines during the final fight against Harkon so they'll, hopefully, work a little more efficiently.

- Tweaked some of Serana's dialogue.

- All dialogue added by RDO calling the player "friend" will not be used by lover NPCs if you have the Non-Spouse Lover Dialogue option enabled.

- Added silent dialogue that will sometimes be used for certain player actions that could have constantly annoying responses.

- Fixed NPCs using greetings during certain player actions when inside a player home.

Compatibility Changes/Fixes:

- Improved compatibility with Open Cities

RDO Changes/Fixes/New Dialogue

- Fixed some follower idle comments that were being used incorrectly after attempting to make them more compatible with Open Cities.

- Added a few new follower lines for Vex or other NPCs with her voice type (FemaleUniqueVex).

Restored Dialogue

- Restored detection dialogue for Neloth that would never be used due to conditions trying to run on a (combat)target when this subtype, CombatToNormal, cannot be run on a (combat)target. (It can, but will always fail)
---- It was intended to be used when he's fighting Dwemer machines. Therefore, the conditions have been altered so he'll now use them when inside of Nchardak.

- Restored two lines of dialogue for the Windhelm steward to use when the player is investigating the murders "Blood on the Ice".

Other Changes/Fixes/Additions

- Due to the request of users, some features of the "Hunters Not Bandits" mod has been included in RDO.
---- Currently this only applies to detection dialogue, and works by simply having NPCs use silent dialogue when fighting animals.
---- This does not conflict with any mod all the records for this are found in RDO.

- The annoying "Never should have come here..." detection line will not be used by NPCs the player has spoken to, unless the enemy he/she is fighting is not the player.

- Added a method to remove Terek from Breezehome.
---- To remove him, simply go talk to the Whiterun steward (Proventus - Imperials, Brill - Stormcloaks) in Dragonsreach and he'll personally take care of this problem for you.
---- The dialogue option will only appear if the steward in the Dragonsreach main hall, Terek is in Breezehome, and Terek is not dead or disabled.
---- I recommend following the steward to Breezehome and watch the scene play out.

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Dialogue Condition Changes/Fixes:

- DialogueGeneric
---- (Subtype - Murder) *Ugh... Getting tired of having to fix this. In fact, the entire Subtype was messed up. Not a single vanilla topic had the correct conditions and many had audio-text mismatches.
---- The dialogue topic: "Ysmir's beard!" did not match the audio used by some of the voices (They would say, "By Ysmir! What have you done?!").
---- Therefore, additional restrictions have been placed to prevent incorrect voices from using the dialogue topic.
---- And a new dialogue topic was created and added for those prevented voices.

---- (Subtype - Taunt)
---- The topic: "This is what I've trained for!" used by those with the MaleSoldier voice type, will now only be used by Guards, Soldiers, or members of the Penitus Oculatus.
---- This was brought to my attention when the MaleSoldier voiced necromancer in Wolfskull Cave decided to yell this at me...

- DialogueWhiterun
---- Added some additional conditions to several dialogue topics used by Severio Pelagia to prevent him from using them when he's near his farm, as they don't make much sense for him to say when he's near there.

- Dialogue Solitude
---- Jala's negative comment about the Stormcloaks will no longer be used if the player has Stormcloak armor equipped.

- DialogueSolitudeGuardIntro
---- The two guards outside Solitude prior to Roggvir's execution have two greetings available but would ever use one. Both greetings are now flagged as random, allowing both of them to be used.

- DialogueFalkreath
---- Zaria has a hello topic talking about the civil war implying that it was still going on. She would continue to use it even after the war was over. This has been fixed.

- DA11DialogueReachcliff
---- Lisbet would refer to the player as the "sellsword" who retrieved her statue even if the player had not done so, as the condition merely required the player to be friends with her. An additional condition check ensuring the player has completed her misc quest (FreefromMarkarthE) has been added.

- CompanionsBrawlingQuest
---- (Subtype - Hit)
---- Like the friendly fire dialogue used by followers, the topics have been corrected so they'll only be used when struck by the player.
---- Example: So now Farkas won't constantly yell "Watch it there, brother/sister!" for an entire fight duration with draugr just because you accidentally hit him.
---- To confirm, the dialogue will only be used when a Companion is struck by the player, not enemies.

- MQ00
---- (Subtype - Taunt)
---- Delphine has half a dozen taunts meant to be used when fighting dragons but a condition check to see if the dragon was flying was running on an none alias, causing these lines to never be used (MQ00 contains no aliases).

- WICastMagic02 (Dangerous Magic)
---- MaleEvenTonedAccented has the same shared voiced response as MaleEvenToned but conditions were not correctly set up to allow MaleEvenTonedAccented to say the response.

- WIKill05
---- MaleEvenTonedAccented has the same shared voiced response as MaleEvenToned but conditions were not correctly set up to allow MaleEvenTonedAccented to say the response.
---- MaleCommonerAccented has the same shared voiced response as MaleCommoner but conditions were not correctly set up to allow MaleCommonerAccented to say the response.

Scene Changes/Fixes:

- DialogueRiftenRaggedFlagonScene05
---- A scene between Dirge and Delvin had the dialogue set to head-track themselves instead of the other person. (Meaning: Dirge was set to head-track Dirge, and Delvin was set to head-track Delvin)
---- This would cause them aimlessly stare off somewhere instead of look at each other.
---- The required flags have also been enabled for the scene to be called when the quest starts.

- DialogueRiftenBeeAndBarbScene14
---- A scene between Maven and Vulwulf had the dialogue set to head-track themselves instead of the other person. (Meaning: Maven was set to head-track Maven, and Vulwulf was set to head-track Vulwulf)
---- This would cause them to aimlessly stare off somewhere instead of look at each other.

- DialogueRiftenBlackBriarMeaderyScene01
---- A scene between Indaryn and Ungrien was incorrectly filling Indaryns alias with Brand-Shei.

- DialogueWindhelmPalaceScene4/5
---- Both scenes were not playing for the same reasons.
---- A bad dialogue condition that was intentionally placed on the quests, preventing them from playing, has been removed.
---- An alias filling with Captain Lonley-Gale needed to be changed to Jorlief (credit to USLEEP for finding this - or whoever directed them to it).
---- The Actor aliases (Actor1, Actor2) was also filling with Captain Lonley-Gale instead of Jorlief (not fixed in USLEEP - hopefully will be included in a future update).
---- Also, additional conditions have been placed on both nodes. This is to prevent the scenes from playing when it no longer makes sense.
---- NOTE: Without USLEEP, Ulfric will refer to Jorlief as Captain Lonley-Gale. Since USLEEP has already included a fix for the audio, there's no reason to include it in RDO.

RDO Changes/Fixes/New Dialogue/New Features:

- Several Exit Favor State comments were missing a condition to make sure the follower wasn't currently at the Shrine of Boethiah.

- With the time between follower idle comments now reduced, the chance that each comment will be used has also been reduced.
---- Not enough to make followers silent, but just enough to take the edge off of the inevitable (and unavoidable) repetitiveness.

- Certain detection lines that are shared across multiple voices have had longer reset timers added to prevent constant repetition.

- Additional dialogue shared by multiple voices have had longer reset timers added to try and prevent constant repetition. Until v3.0, I won't be able to make this work exactly like I want due to reset timers on topics in the sharedinfo subtype not working.

- Adjusted the scene where Terek gets kicked out of Breezehome so the NPC headtracking looks more natural.

- A Female Condescending idle comment about mining needed additional condition checks to prevent it from being used inside of Redbelly Mine before clearing the spiders.

- Moved the wounded bandit in Irkngthand to the corner of the wall he was sitting against to make him easier to notice. Also changed his facegen so he doesn't look like the generic Nord anymore.

- Corrected dialogue conditions of several topic infos that were the OR operator when it needed to be AND.

- A Female Commander follower goodbye topic needed to be conditioned so that spouses wouldn't use it.

- Accidentally left perks on the 5 followers added by RDO that were intended to be removed.

- The armor reward from Grelka did not have a temper recipe, and therefore could not improved at the workbench.

- The armor can now also be disenchanted.

- Several locations in Skyrim are flagged as stores (LocTypeStore keyword) even though they don't offer anything for you to buy or sell. This was causing some follower idle lines about stores to be used when in these locations. Additional conditions have been added preventing comments on stores from being used when in those certain locations.

- In some situations, NPCs that had a goodbye topic queued but started combat before they could say it and would end up using that goodbye topic in combat, which sounds really weird. This will no longer occur.

- If the player is dead, NPCs would still use greetings when walking by (If the greet distance value was high enough to allow greetings to be used). This will no longer occur.

- Even with the USLEEP conditions, enemies would still make remarks like "Hey, watch it!" when killing them with a sprint attack. This will no longer occur.

- Terek arrest scene was set to have combat end the scene when it needed to be pause. This is in-case one or more actors in the scene entered combat, which would prevent the scene from ever being played again without reloading a previous save.

- Added a few follower idle comments for the Male Condescending voice type.

- Added marriage dialogue for Male and Female Khajiit voices.

- Using the MCM to make the Actor selected through the console a follower would attempt to display the name of the Actor selected in the crosshair instead, as the wrong variable was being checked.

- Non-Spouse Lover dialogue was, inadvertently, only added for female voices. Male voices have now been included.

- If you pickpocket Grelka's Satchel from Niranye, the quest will now correctly update.

- It was possible for Harkon to use the re-added final boss fight taunts before then, if you attacked him at any point while he's in the cathedral. A check to make sure that the final Dawnguard quest is running has been added to prevent this.

- You can now tell Valerica, Isran, and Gelebor to relax at any location while following you. They'll stay at that location for as long as you leave them.

- A Female Nord NormalToCombat topic, "Get him!" was missing a condition checking to ensure the target was male.

- A substantial number of detection topics were not correctly being used as intended, due to a misunderstanding of a certain condition. This has now been corrected.

- Added some new MCM options to toggle detection dialogue for followers. As well as added the option to have non-followers use the same settings.

- The MCM now provides the option for you to remove NPCs as potential followers/spouses.

- You can now make NPCs with a voice type not recognized by RDO into a potential follower/spouse. You'll be notified of this if it ever happens and it will be your choice to continue or not.

- MCM translations no longer require editing the script itself. Everything is included in the translation text file.

- The two restored lines of dialogue for the Windhelm steward during MS11 (Blood on the Ice) now includes better condition checks.

- Added a MCM option that will prevent non-follower dialogue for children from being used when following you through Make Any Child Your Follower.

- Increased the favor item value max from 1000 to 100000.

- The voice type Male EvenToned Accented has (nearly) fully voiced dialogue for WERoad09 ("Skooma Dealer") but there was never a NPC created with this voice that was added to the Leveled Actors list. Therefore a new NPC was created (using the same template flags as the other NPCs in this encounter) with the Male EvenToned Accented voice type and will added to the Leveled Actors list when the game loads (Leveled List record is not altered).
---- Two lines of dialogue are missing, and so I to create a replacement ones.
---- Several re-named original audio have also been included, as the existing ones were for topics that no longer exist (which would result in no audio being heard).

- Follower dialogue can now be toggled for the Dawnguard followers (Isran, Gelebor, and Valerica), the Thieves Guild followers (Brynjolf, Delvin Mallory, Karliah, and Vex), and just Brynjolf.

- The stop combat page has new options to stop combat. There's now a spell that you can cast by selecting an option in the MCM that will force everyone nearby to stop combat. There is also a hot-key option that you can set, allowing you to cast this spell by just simply pressing a key. There is also an option to pacify all targets in the area when casting the spell (same effect as the vanilla Calm or Pacify spells).

- The 5 followers added by RDO, Terek, and the Markarth encounter can now be toggled in the MCM.

- Removed some unused records.

- NPCs commenting on the Players actions have been changed. Unless a NPC is in their own house (or place owned by their faction), the chance they'll comment on the player bumping into objects, standing on furniture, and picking-up objects has been significantly reduced. And when in places like dungeons, they'll never comment.

- The added housecarl forcegreet package for Jordis, Iona, Argis, and Calder could have them comment about the player wearing the Amulet of Mara instead of their dialogue about being assigned as the housecarl (if the player was wearing the Amulet and wasn't married). This has been corrected.

- Added a MCM option to toggle the extra guard dialogue for non-guard NPCs from Guard Dialogue Overhaul. If Guard Dialogue Overhaul is not installed, the option will not appear in the MCM.

- Assassins sent to kill the player will no longer use detection dialogue when engaging in combat. As it makes little sense for a stealthy assassin to say things like "What was that?" and "There you are!". NOTE! This only works for vanilla assassins, as there are no unique records all assassins use that can be checked.

- In order to ensure correct load order with EFF patches, the dialogue plugin from EFF has been made a master file for each patch (XFLDialogue.esp, EFFDialogue.esp). This will force the patch to be loaded after the dialogue plugin, otherwise your game will CTD.

- A Female Elf Haughty spouse goodbye topic mentions dragons but was missing a condition to ensure that dragons had returned.

- Updated the Follower Live Package Patch to reflect changes and the new dialogue added. Also added responses for FLP followers when commanding them to wait and follow.

- Vendor sale delay gone patches have had the Dragonborn DLC merchant barter options patched. And the trade items responses for Isran, Gelebor, and Valerica.

- Reverted USLEEP text change on a follower response used by Erik when told to wait. After carefully listening to the audio, the original text is actually correct.
- Also, the same spoken audio used by the MaleNord voice (that Erik was going to have at some point before it changed to MaleYoungEager) is very clear that the original text is correct.
---- Original: "You sure? All right. I'll keep guard here." <--- Correct
---- USLEEP: "Are you sure? All right. I'll keep guard here."

- Restored some dialogue for Barbas during DA03.

- Added MCM options that allows you toggle certain comments (Mage Robes, Diseases, Colorful Magic, Dangerous Magic, Fire Magic, Naked, and Sneaking).

- The vanilla Conjure Gargoyle spell given to Valerica while she's following you could potentially summon an additional gargoyle at the player if the gargoyle amulet was equipped. To avoid this, records used for the summon were duplicated and the additional summoning script attached to the gargoyle, that would cause an additional one to spawn, was removed.
---- The Gargoyle has been given a level min and max (8-15) instead of the static level of 13.

- Added death sounds for the Male Warlock voice.

- Other tweaks and small changes.

Package Changes/Fixes:

- RiftenUngrienWorkMeadery0x0
---- Ungrien did not have Allow Word Interactions flag enabled on his work package. This would cause him to never greet the player when entering the Black-Briar Meadery, despite Ungrien having unique dialogue to use when the player enters the Meadery.
