Mod articles

  • References and Easter Eggs in Clockwork

    I was working on Clockwork for a long time, so a lot of references/Easter eggs crept into the project. If you're interested in that sort of thing - and in some of the thought that went into making Clockwork - this article is for you.

    If you haven't yet played Clockwork itself however, be aware that this article is chock-full of spoilers. I'd strongly recommend playing it before reading further.

    Jumping right into it:


    Shadow is an important character, and there are a lot of references in both her design and (some of) the encounters with her.

    Her "face-paint" (and to some extent the rest of her appearance) is heavily inspired by this 2002 music video for the song "Stained" by Android Lust. I quite like the song, but unt...

  • Museum System Object List

    The Armoury in Clockwork Castle gradually fills up with interesting objects as the player completes quests in Skyrim. I usually refer to this as the "museum system". People occasionally ask me for a list of these items and the events that trigger them, so I thought I'd write an article on it.

    These may be considered spoilers, so be sure you're okay with that before reading any further.

    Most of the items that appear as part of the museum system are presented as replicas of the typically unique, only-one-of-its-kind items they represent, as this made more sense to me. And to address a related frequently asked question; unique items (e.g. Daedric artefacts) that are also weapons or armour are not represented in the museum system because they can be di...
