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Created by

kcaz25 GamerDude092

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About this mod

Whiterun is at the center of Skyrim making it the trading capital. Whiterun is also the first city the player is likely to visit. Therefore we should be treated to a much larger city to begin our journey. Whiterun will almost double in size by expanding the northeastern region of the city.

Permissions and credits
  • Hungarian

We now support BOTH Open Cities and vanilla WITHOUT Open Cities. Make sure to get the correct file. SSE will come soon. 

Whiterun is at the center of Skyrim making it the trading capital. Whiterun is also the first city the player is likely to visit. Therefore we should be treated to a much larger city to begin our journey. Whiterun will almost double in size by expanding the northeastern region of the city. All additions have been added outside of Whiterun in an area normally overlooked by other modders to preserve as much compatibility as possible. You'll find this newly added area next to the Battle-Born farm outside of Whiterun. The new area of the city is connected near Jorrvaskr.



I find this mod by GamerDude092 to be outstanding. The creativity to build such an expansion in such a fashion is remarkable. To get an idea for the creative power start a walk through at Jorrvaskr and don't stop until you get out and down to "The Enchanters Forge". Enter the amalgamation that is part blacksmith part enchanting wonder. I know where I will be enchanting my weapons. 


-This mod adds 16 new buildings to Whiterun. Are you bored with your Whiterun? Remember getting lost in cities from other games? This mod makes that possible with Whiterun. All the buildings are complete with interiors. They are navmeshed and the NPCs have AI packages.

-26 new NPCs

-Several new houses.

-New shops

-AN alternate Whiterun entrance. 

-A mine

-Two new spells sold by a merchant Propel and Mass Frenzy

-Immersion of course


-Compatibility concerns

It's highly compatible. 

The NON-Open Cities version simply needs be near the bottom of your load order. Loot might get this wrong.

These instructions below apply to the Open Cities version.

My particular load order as it concerns this mod (of course other mods can come between)

Provincial Courier Service

Immersive Whiterun

Open Cities

BFU_OpenCities_Patch (Breezehomefullyupgradable Open Cities patch)

OCS+CLwhiterun patch

WhiterunAddtion(that is the name of this ESP)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

If you have all these mods you will only need to move WhiterunAddition to the bottom of this list above all your ASIS, Skyproc, Batch Patch, Scarcity, DynDOLOD type mods. 

If you DON'T have OCS+CLWhiterun then LOOT will probably get it right. In this case it just needs to be loaded after Open Cities which LOOT will always do. If you do have OCS+CLWhiterun then you will need to move WhiterunAddition below it otherwise you will have Navmesh conflicts.

-Known Compatible mods (these are all great mods)
Open Cities
The Notice Board
Breezehomefullyupgradable with OCS patch available from Breehomefullyupgradeable 
CL Cities with OCS patch available from Open Cities
Immersive whiterun from ETAC no patch needed
Provincial Courier Service no patch needed.

Loot is recommended but you should be aware of where mod authors want you to place their mod in your load order. You should be able to customize your load order manually as needed. 

-Permission Notes

Standard Nexus rules apply. I plan on maintaining this mod for a long time. If I stop responding for months you can do what you will. 



All the credit goes to GamerDude092. You must endorse the original mod. As for me I did slave for many hours resolving navmesh problems and fixing other bugs. I learned a great deal about modding in the process. I ran into other problems along the way and received help from Arthmoor. He is a legend. If you are still playing Skyrim it is probably because of him. Open Cities features heavily in my reasoning for taking up this project. Make sure you endorse Open Cities if you use it. There is a version without Open Cities aswell.

Thanks Bethesda for a great game 


I plan on overhauling this mod page in the coming days.