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  1. rougeshot
    • premium
    • 2,023 kudos
    Hi Everyone,
    Immersive Smilodons Special Edition will be coming soon, just keep tracking this mod for future updates. Enjoy the mod!
  2. rougeshot
    • premium
    • 2,023 kudos
    Hi Everyone,

    Immersive Smilodons Special Edition has been released!!!

    Just click the link at the top of the mod description, ENJOY!
  3. rougeshot
    • premium
    • 2,023 kudos
    Hi Everyone,

    I'd like to announce my new mod "Immersive Dragons", it's similar to my other mods so I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I do. Look for it in my other mods section of the mod page.

  4. rougeshot
    • premium
    • 2,023 kudos
    Hi Everyone,

    Just uploaded Version 1.1 of Immersive Smilodons, it makes a few minor tweaks that I felt the previous version was lacking.

    I hope you like it as much as I do!
  5. head0nfire
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I never really noticed how un-catlike Skyrim's sabrecats looked until it was pointed out to me. But ever since then, I consider this an essential mod every time I replay Skyrim.

    I must agree with AI Cave that their body looks a bit too high off the ground, so that when they walk they seem to be kind of floating over their legs, but that's a small detail that's only really noticeable while watching a video of them, rather than fighting (or fleeing from) them.
    1. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      Enjoy the mod my friend!
  6. Illius
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    Maybe a unnecessary question but If I place this mod and the Savage Bear mod below "XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended" in MO, would this cause a problem? Both your mods would overwrite the skeleton.nif of both creatures added by XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended. Also would I have to re-scan with FNIS should I install both your mods?
    1. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      Hi Illius,
      I don't use Mod Organizer, XP32 or FNIs, so I don't think that I can help you much there. But from my experience with other mods it is probably ok. It's always good modding practice to test new mods out for a little bit before making them a permanent part of your load order.Just remember that this mod has no "esp" plugin, it just replaces the Sabrecat skeleton nif file.But let me know if you run into any issues and I will do my best to help. I hope you enjoy the mod.
    2. Illius
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Okay, I will start testing it out for a while as of tomorrow, and should I notice something wrong I will let you know. And thank you I will enjoy it.
    3. Illius
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Well it seems to be working fine with XP32, as can be seen on the screenshot I uploaded of a Snow Sabrecat. And damn are they impressive now when they charge at you.
    4. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      Hi Illius,
      There's nothing better than a satisfied customer!You're welcome to send as many Smilodon maulings as you like!

      Have fun!!!

    5. Illius
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Thank you, I will.
    6. EvilOssie
      • supporter
      • 130 kudos
      Just an FYI - TES Mod Manager also shows a conflict with v1.1 and XPMSE. Part of me half-suspects it's due to both being named 'skeleton.nif', but then again half the skeletons in the game are called that, so...dunno.
  7. Hi there love the new skeleton it makes wonders ...But there is a small problem when they die...they get half sunk into the ground, this doesn't happen with your New wolf skeleton but its what happens with the bear skeleton as well...
    1. muddyc
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      The same here unfortunately.
  8. Evgeney
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Many thanks for this of mod! It is the most realistic animation of an animal which still was. Big request: it is possible to make on the basis of this animation of ordinary cats?
    1. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      Thank you for the kind words,
      I will look into doing a realistic house cat mod one day, could be fun.
  9. distortedrealms
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Animal tweaks makes it impossible to outrun these guys on foot so watching them come at me now with this skeleton animation.....Terrifying. I love it!
    1. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      I'm glad you're enjoying the mod,
      Keep tracking this mod or my profile for updates and new mods coming in the future!
      Have fun & Enjoy!
  10. Pushkatu
    • premium
    • 455 kudos
    I simply love what you did with these wild cats. I play as a khajiit and I have another mod that makes them friendly towards my character, even allies when fights occur. This will please my khajiit very, very much! Keep up the good work!
    1. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      Glad to hear your enjoying the mod. This one is one of my favorites too.
  11. Jinotaj
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm quite sorry. Your mod is very nice and I like playing cats.
    thank you for answer.
    I do not know how the skeleton is, but could not just replace the part of the skeleton that is in the plugin behind yours? It's just a suggestion.

    Well done.

    PS: I apologize for the bad translation into English. I am from Czech
  12. Jinotaj
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I do not speak English, I used the compiler. sorry. The skeleton does not work with mods when you change into a sabrecat. Please help. This is a metamorphosis to Smilodon. See example
    thank you.
    the camera does not work from the player's point of view
    1. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      Hi Jinotaj,
      The mod "Feral Races of Skyrim" uses their own skeleton for their custom True Tiger race. Not much I can do about that, my mod is a Sabercat skeleton replacer, it was not designed for custom modded races.
  13. LegendaryDaedra
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it compatible with SABRECAT? It’s a retexture and remesh that I can’t play without cause it looks amazing.
    1. Illius
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Perfectly fine, Kajuans mod ( I use that one to. ) is only textures and Rougeshots mod is only a mesh. Take a look at the screenshot I uploaded with a Sabrecat using this mod. ( In the User section of the Images for this mod. )
    2. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      Hi LegendaryDaedra,
      This only replaces the skeleton of the Sabrecat, so you can use any texture mods you like. Enjoy the mod!
  14. Cailan33
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    such a great idea and execution! do you plan to do other animals too? like e.g. the moose? looking forward to it and keep the damn good work up! tracked!!! :)

    (oh and very glad it doesnt inflict most other mods and textures ^^)
    1. rougeshot
      • premium
      • 2,023 kudos
      Hi Calian33,
      Thank you very much for the kind words, there's nothing better than a satisfied customer. Answering your question on other animals if you look at my Other Mod section in the description, you'll see a mod called Savage Bear which is my other mod. It's very similar to this mod, so I'm sure you'll enjoy that one as well. I have another very large mod in the pipeline witch should be ready in a few weeks, so just keep an eye out. I hope you enjoy both mods.