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  • Steed Stone bugs

    The Steed Stone is supposed to make it so that armor doesn't count toward your carry weight if you're wearing it. It accomplishes this by using a perk set to the "Mod Armor Weight" entry point. However, there are two bugs with the code that calls into that entry point -- specifically, the code that actually totals up your item weights to determine your carry weight.

    The stack bug
    The game accidentally makes that entire type of item weightless instead of just the one you're wearing. If you're carrying ten Glass Armors and you equip one, then all ten of them will become weightless. The problem stems from code that looks vaguely like this:

    float item_weight = GetFormWeight(item);
    if (item->formType == kFormType_Armor) {
       if (entry->IsWorn...

  • Ability condition bug

    Reverse-engineer meh321 discovered the underlying cause of the "ability condition bug." As it turns out, the bug is less specific to abilities and to conditions, and more specific to active effects' elapsed time. It's an issue with floating-point precision, which prevents the game from properly adding small numbers (e.g. the seconds per frame, like 0.016 at 60FPS) to an active effect's elapsed time once the elapsed time has increased high enough.

    If you're not familiar with floating-point imprecision, the video below examines the topic from the perspective of Super Mario 64, and will hopefully do a good job of demonstrating the idea.


    It's widely known that spells' conditions update every second; what's less known is that this isn't a global t...

  • Archery downward aiming

    If you're crouched on a ridge and try to shoot an arrow downward off that ridge, your arrow may teleport backward and impact the ground beneath your feet. Why does this occur, and how did I fix it?

    When you attempt to fire an arrow, the game needs to know where to spawn that arrow. Skyrim is programmed to find the WEAPON node in your animation skeleton -- sort of like an invisible limb that happens to be positioned a few inches in front of the tip of your bow -- and spawn the arrow there. There's a bit of a problem, though: your animations aren't physics-based. This means that if you were to walk up to a wall and try to shoot an arrow at it, the WEAPON node would be on the other side; the arrow would spawn on the other side and you'd effectively be able to shoot through walls. ...

  • Underwater ambience cell boundary bug

    Sometimes, when you're swimming underwater, you'll hear the noises that play when the camera exits and enters water. In rare cases, you may see the screen flash, using the above-water visuals and lighting for just an instant. If you swim for long distances (shoutout to Waterbreathing), you'll experience these bugs periodically. In fact, the problem occurs whenever the camera passes a cell boundary (outdoor spaces are split into grid cells) while underwater: the game seems to think that the camera has exited the water for a single frame, or perhaps even more briefly than that.

    I don't know entirely why this bug occurs, but I've managed to improve my understanding a bit.

    Your camera has what's called a bhkRigidBody -- that is, the camera is physics-simulated, which ma...

  • Vampire feeding softlock

    Sometimes, if you play as a vampire and attempt to feed on an NPC, you may be left totally unable to move after the feeding animation completes. The only fixes are to load a previous save, or to run the SetPlayerAIDriven 0 console command. Why does this occur, and how did I fix it?

    When you attempt to feed on an NPC, the game creates an AI package at run-time, with a special type that can't be set in the Creation Kit: a "vampire feed" package. The game assigns this package to your character. (It also assigns a "do nothing" package to the person you're feeding on.) However, your character isn't an NPC, so how can they run AI packages? Well, the game flags you as "AI-driven:" it turns your character into an NPC.

    Your character can generate and send what are called "an...
